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SDF Commander Says They Rejected Terms Of Russian-Turkish Agreement On Northeast Syria

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The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have not accepted the terms of the Russian-Turkish agreement on northeast Syria, the Kurdish group’s commander-in-chief told reporters on October 25.

“Some of the terms, which were agreed upon by Russia and Turkey, don’t serve the interests of our people … Our opnion was not taken ahead and we were not a part of the agreement,” the North Press Agency (NPA) quoted Ferhat Abdi Şahin as saying.

The Kurdish commander, who is known by his nom de guerre “Mazlum Abdi,” added that the SDF had expressed its reservation on some of the agreement’s terms, thanking Russia for its efforts.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan reached the agreement following a long face-to-face meeting in the Russian city of Sochi earlier this week.

Under the agreement, SDF fighters should withdraw 30km away from the border line with Turkey, where units of the Russian Military Police will conduct patrols. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will also establish 15 observation post along the border line.

Despite Abdi’s statement, the Russian Military Police has already begun to conduct patrols along Turkey’s border. The Kurdish-led group is likely unpleased with the term forcing its fighters to withdraw from the region.

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I wonder if the Kurdish Commander has just found that a million US dollars have magically appeared in his offshore bank account :)


Together with a green card.


Of course, yes. Plus a job in Walmart :)


In Langley, VA?


I would have though he would joined the Trump cabinet, in the state dept. lavatory section.


Is that the one with the solid gold toilet for really rich arseholes, Zman? :)


None other.


This is off-topic, but I found this recently and thought you might appreciate seeing this: https://graphcommons.com/graphs/0a79deca-46a2-48e9-9d90-326b20aa6e9e Someone did a lot of work putting this together. It kinda puts a kink in the armor of those who believe in Trump. What it really shows is just how fucked we really are and just how integrated these criminals are. I read ‘none dare call it conspiracy’ 49 years ago, so I shouldn’t have been surprised…but it floored me none the less.

AM Hants

Cheers Zman, and assume this is the link you were talking about. Just going to check it out.


It floored me, and I am a cynic. A full blown pogrom is the only way to eradicate all of this.




Gee, thanks…and I thought we were fucked before. When Huff Post agrees with someone like Barr, you know you’ve been had. That is some scary shit and I just have to wonder how Trumps supporters are going to color this…as it is deep state on steroids. Deep State creates the mass shooters with SSRIs, then creates a bureau to pre-identify them. Great scam. Of course, there are those pesky rights issues to bulldoze first.


its the glory hole section and they want variety since its all staffed by poles right now.

AM Hants

Wasn’t there a rumour, a few years ago, when they were sorting out Jade Helm, with regards all the secret tunnels that fed into Walmart? Or led out of Walmart. No doubt, they come in handy when US military cargo planes return from Syria.


Yes, it was near an airport I think. Was it Dulles airport?

AM Hants

Dulles Airport, explains a lot. However, you saying that, more memories are coming back. Didn’t something strange happen there, that was allegedly linked into some dodgy behaviour?

AUGUST 17, 2015 FAA: software update may be responsible for malfunction… https://phys.org/news/2015-08-faa-software-responsible-malfunction.html

Jade Helm, Wal-Mart Underground Tunnels Conspiracy Theory: Footage Inside ‘Closed Walmart’ — What Are Cops Trying To Hide?… https://www.inquisitr.com/2024232/jade-helm-wal-mart-underground-tunnels-conspiracy-theory-footage-inside-closed-walmart-what-are-cops-trying-to-hide/


Yes, I recall the chatter about a vast underground complex. It makes sense as well.


lol manager Mazlum at a walmart near you! I can picture this happening

AM Hants

Thought they misplaced the funds and Hunter Biden wondered where this month’s bonus came from.



S Melanson

With Hunter Biden an increasing problem for Biden’s campaign, do you think Hunter will meet with tragedy – a pre-planned accidental suicide?

AM Hants

Would not surprise me if Biden had some form of Arkansas style heart attack, together with a few other old Dems.

S Melanson

Arkansas Style Heart Attack! Is that the heart attack famous for being preceded by the appearance of 5 bullet holes in the back of the head? Or have I confused Arkansas Style Heart Attack with Arkansas Style Suicide?

AM Hants

Do believe they use more than one style of Arkansas Death Script. Over in the UK, they also manage the suitcase suicide, there you lock yourself in the suitcase, post suicide.


You would be right on Arkanicide. I lived near the park where Vince Foster was found and that’s when I truly started to change AM. I guess it’s just as bad in the UK. I worry about Tommy Robinson (thanks for reminding me of his last name) and of course Julian Assange who knows many truths I do believe.


‘zman’ sent me this,AM. It will give us hours of interest and disgust. The interactive graph is excellent.


AM Hants

I have seen it and so needs sharing. Would like to get around to working on it, but, no doubt I will think about it and do nought haha. Just to put it into some type of table, that will make it easier to see just who is involved and who they link into.

Not sure if I can watch ‘Toy Story’ with my grandson, owing to the Tom Hanks connection. It seriously changes the script of Woody and god knows what Buzz Lightyear got upto in the toybox. How could I let a 2 year old support all that haha? Guess he will be better off with the ‘Wizard of Oz’.

Zmen, asked me to check out the link that he sent you and so glad he did.


The web of Zionist criminality is mind boggling , AM.

AM Hants

Yet, when you see what they are involved in, there are not that many. I used to have so much respect for Richard Branson, back in the 80s and 90s, when he kept out of politics. Now he seems one of the biggest chearleaders for the crowd.


I have a solution for the problem, AM :)

AM Hants

Tell me more.

AM Hants

Just went to play with the graph and started off with the Epstein Foundation. What I never realised were his connections to the good old Tavistock Institute Programme, concering ‘thought control’.

‘…Jeffrey Epstein is a former member of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee at Harvard, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science and a former Rockefeller University Board Member. Mr. Epstein is also an active member of the Edge Organization…’


Arguably we are now witnessing the manipulation of the minds that has always been the modus operandi of all cults in a global situation where the internet has replaced the story teller and the printed word.

Mind control of selected social groups are now being triggered by social media with the organisational leadership of those who pull the strings of discord.

This will get very nasty indeed in my opinion AM and the contagion has already spread to Europe.

Are the Western demonstrations deliberately being orchestrated in order to ‘move on’ from the elite paedophilia abomination.

The strategy of ‘ Creating a problem that creates violent unrest and then magically finding a solution to the problem. For example, increasing the price of Metro fares, Increasing green fuel taxes and Increasing immigration etc. All of which greatly impact the less well off in society who traditionally have taken their grievances to the streets as there is nothing else they can do.

AM Hants

With you there, with regards believing it is being manipulated for pure anarchy and has been the plan since Common Purpose started controlling events. Although, no doubt before that.

Hate and divide, everywhere you turn. The PC crowd, who tell us how we have to think, behave, etc, etc, etc, yet, the same crowd are heavily involved in human trafficking and bringing in the economic migrants, whose view on life and their culture is completely the opposite to the nations they flock to. Not every migrant/refugee, but, a high percentage that the human traffickers target. Then you have the antifascist protests, wherever the nationalists are protesting. I wonder how many of the nationalists are also funded by the same crowd funding the anti-fascists, to get the crowds on the streets? What is the easiest way of getting rid of the 90% of the population, the ‘mind control’ mob don’t want around?

What seriously freaks me out, is the fact that it all comes from publishers/advertisers and the media community.

Lord Rothermere and Lord Northcliffe – associated press. The Bell brothers – publishing and advertising. Jeffrey Epstein, and his links into the Rockefeller aka Tavistock Institute interests. Hollywood, the greatest weapon the US ever created. As I ramble, I seriously never thought, whilst growing up, that the greatest threat to our freedom and way of life, would come from those that control the media. Rothermere, Northcliffe, Maxwell, Murdoch and how many media moguls are also Mossad Agents? Or am I being cynical?


You are sadly very correct, AM, and I completely agree with you. In my opinion the UK leadership has always been corrupt, yet now it is easier to see, due to the combination of comprehensive ‘citizen communication’ that is akin to a national Public House, and the rather amateur narratives from ALL of the propaganda organs of the state.

Just a look at parliament and its institutions is a step into the surreal world of ‘unemployable’ charlatans and clowns who give is their diktat’s.

AM Hants

Perfectly said Florian. I wonder when or how we will eventually clean it all up and return critical thought to the education system?


It would take a generation I suspect at least . This is due to the fact that all new teachers are obliged to sing from the same common purpose zio-marxist durge. They would need to be culled of course and the class sizes would increase. Any increase though might be mitigated by a radical change in contemporary schooling with the partial use of artificial intelligence.

AM Hants

I have just seen this over on RT. Roger Waters sums it up perfectly, talking about the political assassination attempt on Julian Assange.

‘…The world described by George Orwell in ‘1984’ was one of mass surveillance and paranoia, where anyone could be snatched off the street by the state and made disappear for ‘wrongthink’. In ‘Brave New World’ Aldous Huxley, on the other hand, described a future where mass entertainment and the easy availability of pleasure-giving drugs made dissent virtually impossible.

“You only have to look out in the street and see the people, the walking dead going by… and taking absolutely no notice of the fact that this journalist is being murdered by our government,” Waters said, referring to the treatment of Assange in Belmarsh Prison, said by the UN to amount to torture…

…“And we walk by with our earbuds in… clicking away on our iPhones as we walk unthinking, unfeeling, uncaring through our lives, and allow this bullshit to take place in our names, in our courts,” Waters concluded…’



If the BBC was an honest and open news outlet this interview would have been a news headline.

AM Hants

Common Purpose BBC, or is it the media wing of the Rothschild/Rockefeller family business?


The BBC is disgracefully part of the Zionist melange of disinformation in my opinion, AM, and we all have to fund their licence fee just to own a TV.

Its just more government extortion for a crap service.

AM Hants

What I cannot get my head around, besides the fact you go to prison if you do not have a TV licence, but, murder a child and you get a slap on the wrist, thanks to our Common Purpose legal system. Sorry, I am rambling, what I seriously cannot get my head around, is the fact that those who donate to the Clinton Foundation and White Helmets also donate to the BBC. Despite the fact they have nought to do with Britain. Then check out how many Common Purpose Members have positions of authority in the BBC.

Ralph London

bbc is for indoctrination. If you have a tv, you do NOT need a licence, UNLESS you watch LIVE broadcasts (from anywhere in the world).


I would think that all of them do by now,AM. Covert and the obvious.

AM Hants

Off topic, but, this might make you laugh. Must admit, I did find myself giggling, as I read the article.

Ukraine’s PACE Representatives Were Thrown Out of All Committees… https://www.stalkerzone.org/ukraines-pace-representatives-were-thrown-out-of-all-committees/


Monkeys do what monkeys do, AM. Talking about monkeys, an ever increasing number of the UK population are shocked at the imbecility being displayed in parliament.

The future general election results will be fascinating IF it is only a few months away.

If is a year or more away the majority general public will be back to looking at their navels or inane TV quiz garbage, I suppose

AM Hants

I think I will be voting BREXIT, if I bother to vote. Boris, never delivered on getting us out for his Halloween ‘trick or treat’, plus, he was more than happy to sign a deal that kept the EU happy. May, allegedly was handing over the Forces, weapons and systems to Brussels, whether we are in or out of the EU and nothing saying that Boris has not done the same. The only thing I could see, was our security would work closely with the EU and you can interpret that many ways.

Plus, I seriously do not trust him or his attitude with regards Russia. Do believe he will have no problems making Israel Great Again, at the expense of the UK.

Jimi Thompson 2

I may be late to the game on these guys but I thought I would get this over to you anyway… I just came across them.

Definitely a CIA – NED / MI6 – SIS / GCHQ propaganda mill – EU version of Bellingcat / Atlantic Council churn… definitely under the Highlands Forum umbrella.

> https://twitter.com/EUvsDisinfo

AM Hants

Cheers. Just been over to the site of those obsessed with Russia, as I laugh at their rantings. Funny how they are so positive, where Ukraine is concerned. I am seriously cracked up laughing, and that is just the headlines. The languages the site uses are English, Russian and Dutch. Is it an official EU site, coming out of Brussels? I am answering the questions, whilst asking them.



‘…If you want to subscribe to the Russian Disinformation Survey newsletter, please fill out the form below. Indication of an email address is a prerequisite, but you can also provide additional information. To receive Disinformation Overview in your main mailbox, add disinforeview@euvsdisinfo.eu to your address book. Disinformation Survey is distributed via Mailchimp.com. Read the Mailchimp privacy policy here . In order to learn more about how EEAS protects your personal data, follow this link …’


Who are the EEAS?

European External Action Service eeas.europa.eu

The European External Action Service is the diplomatic service and combined foreign and defence ministry of the European Union.


Bill Browder – Integrity Initiative – Statecraft, Common Purpose and they all receive funding by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office or/and the EU. Funny that.

Jimi Thompson 2

This is why I continue to say that if “we” (Americans / Europeans / et al) are going to have any chance at fighting / breaking down “the machine”, it’s going to take a very organized effort of 15MM – 25MM people, and the assistance of a 3rd party state actor.

It is too big, too global, has unlimited assets, and unlimited human resources.

Anyone / mist everyone involved would have to be committed to doing things they could have never imagined themselves doing before, if necessary… 10’s of millions will have to fall…there is no other way.

Of course population thinning is one of “their” end-game objectives, so, I guess it’s down to “organize and go offensive”, or, “wait until you are forced to play defense”!!


AM Hants

Must admit, I am keeping my fingers crossed some form of miracle arrives, to take them out. I like the saying ‘from tiny acorns, mighty oak trees grow (as whispers turn to roars)’.

Jimi Thompson 2

I love imaging it all miraculously working itself also… I love Utopia… I think we all do… but, at some point practicality must factor in, and in many instances, completely override, emotion.

Considering the magnitude and breadth of “the issue” we are facing, I honestly cannot even imagine what could possibly manifest that would “get us there”.

What, if anything other than the a scenario similar (latitude given) to what I mentioned, can you imagine that could possibly bring about the “desired outcome”?

AM Hants

Must admit, I have no idea, other than for the masses to wake up and understand what is happening. The only problem, is how long that will take.

I have just read an article over on RI, which may or may not interest you and does lend itself to this conversation. Wish them well.

Charlottesville Lawsuit: City Officials, Police Deliberately Caused a Riot to Shut Down Free Speech Alt-Right organizer Matt Parrott is suing Charlottesville and its police department for ordering demonstrators to run an antifa gauntlet… https://russia-insider.com/en/politics/charlottesville-lawsuit-city-officials-police-deliberately-caused-riot-shut-down-free

Jimi Thompson 2

I saw a similar story / the same story on a different site… I hope the Matt cleans house on them all!

AM Hants

Just seen an article that they arrested Max Blumenthal. Do like his work and no doubt he upset his colleagues, when he went to Syria and happily reported on what he found. Not what he was told to find.

‘Political persecution’: Max Blumenthal arrested in DC police raid, held for 2 days on phony charges over Venezuela embassy siege… https://www.rt.com/news/472083-max-blumenthal-arrested-venezuela-embassy/

Wish him well.

Jimi Thompson 2

I am not a fan of his in any way… our politics are near polar opposite.

However, having said that, I openly admit that there are a lot of “Max Blumenthal’s” out there for me… all useful, and even respected at times, for some of the things they are working or have worked on.

There is no love lost from me in regards to Palestine, so, his work there doesn’t appeal to me.

He is at the very minimum an Antifa apologist, so, that gets him real close to being a pure enemy. I think he is a coward… I know that he would consider me a “White Nationalist / NAZI” or whatever the current term of the week is the psychotic Leftists… and I could go on.

However, he is on the right side of the Syria genocide, so, I give him credit for that… the same can be said for his position on Yemen, and by what I recall off hand, Donbass as well.

And finally, we do have common enemies within the U.S. intelligence community and State Department, at the very minimum, so, for me, he is somewhat useful, or at least has the potential to be when / if “the time” comes!

AM Hants

What I liked about him, was the fact that he called out the Pro-Israel America Lobby, with regards their support of the Ukraine Nazis and the had no hesitation in holding the US to account for their support of the Ukraine Nazis. Plus, he went to Syria, to report for himself, when Russia asked forr US journalists to go over and check things out for themselves, with Russia and Syria providing safety, with no strings attached. They could talk to whoever they wished. That is where he gets my respect and must admit, I do not follow him, but, like how he speaks up for the things he believes in.

Jimi Thompson 2

For sure… I have talked to Eva Bartlett several times in the past, and stay in the loop as best I can, in regards to Syria, through others like Vanessa Beeley, Fares Shehabi, Bassem, Maytham, etc, etc.

The two gals – Vanessa & Eva – have both been to Syria many times, know the people I just mentioned personally, and obviously many more, and were two of the first people on the ground exposing the White Helmets… between them, they literally blew the lid off the whole thing and shortly after, somebody dropped the dime on Timber Sycamore.

I agree with what you said 100% about him going to Syria and reporting the reality of what he is seeing there, as well as him putting the government on blast for backing the NAZIs in Ukraine, and commenting on Israel’s support of that.

The more that know / hear about these things, the better… which is why he can be useful!

AM Hants

I so respect the work of Vanessa Beeley, Whitney Webb, Eva Bartlett and all those that put their lives on the line, to provide us with the other side of the story. Respect for their courage and professionalism, plus the quality of their articles.

Many of the images that I use, with regards the White Helmets and who funds them, have come from Vanessa Beeley articles. With regards Max Blumenthal, I do respect him for his work highlighting the supporters of the Ukraine Nazis and also for him going over to Syria. Although, I also realise that Altaire Net, whom has published some of his work, is what I assume to be controlled opposition, owing to who funds them. Saying that, I do like the Mark Ames article on the Media Blacklist, courtesy of AlterNet.

Jimi Thompson 2

No doubt… my politics are more or less the polar oppositeof all those Iisted / mentioned, and by and large, each of them are also supporters of Blumenthal, but, I do respect, and appreciate, all of the work they have done, individually and collectively, in regards to Syria, Yemen, and Donbass / Ukraine.

I am finding more and more that I fully trust far less people than I used to (media, politics, government, etc.), so my “top end” is getting much smaller… at the same time, my “base” is getting wider because I am not completely dismissing everyone who I know would otherwise be my “enemy”, because I am finding that now and again, there is some “value” there… at least where learning / discovery is concerned!

If it weren’t for those previously mentioned, my knowledge base of what has transpired in Syria would be significantly less than what it is, and I would not have run down some of the rabbit holes I have in regards to the CIA, et al, without a lot of that initial information that they provided.

Heck, I bet I wouldn’t have ever come across AM Hants!!


AM Hants

Haha, and similar with regards me and what you say. I bet I would never have come across Jimi Thomson, if I had not woken from my media induced, zombie diet post 2014. Prior to 2014, I used to vote Conservative, but, they are all the same, over here in the UK. Personally, I have always been Centre, liking the best of both sides and detesting the worst of both sides. Back in the 70s, whilst at school, I remember reading ‘Animal Farm’ and the quote ‘all animals are equal, but, some are more equal than others’ so comes to mind, plus, reading 1984, back in those days. What I remember from Orwell, was thinking that politicians are all the same, but, at least the Conservatives admit to being after all they could get. Owing to hating hypocrisy, that was the basis of my political views. ‘All politicians are b*stards, but, some are honest about it’.

Over in the UK, there was a politician George Galloway, who I used to despise and would switch off if even he came on the TV or radio. Then along came the Iraq War, and still I believed what the MSM spewed out. Including missing out on listening to him address a Senate Hearing (wow I was so wrong).

Then when I started waking up from my media induced, zombie coma, I actually started listening to the words of George Galloway. He is now, one of the few UK politicians/ex-politicians who, for me, is actually worthy of repect.

Here is a link to him addressing the Senate Hearing and is as relevant today, as back in 2003, even thought the Senate Committee was not till years later.

George Galloway Senate Testimony (FULL)… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5u1skEoqLs

Jimi Thompson 2

I will listen to him now!

And just for notes… I am extremely Conservative across the board, except when it comes to my own personal money… then all bets are off as I am a fairly hardcore startup junkie, as well as being willing to roll the dice on projects – mostly construction or real estate related – that most wouldn’t venture!

For me, my “awakening” was when I realized that Republican does not = Conservative… that realization enabled me to think differently (obviously), which subsequently gave me the freedom to bash people that were previously “off limits”.

I don’t ever remember being a fan of anything I have ever heard coming from the Left, so, I can never remember being anywhere close to center!

That said, I hate to see poverty and homelessness, and would love to be able to “fix the machine” in a way that would eliminate those very unfortunate realities, without taking things away from those who have managed to do well.

Quite interesting times we are living in, regardless where one stands I believe!

AM Hants

With regards centre for me, it was owing to old style conservative values, being low taxation, minimal government and helping those in need, not those who made it a career choice, should they need a hand.

‘…That said, I hate to see poverty and homelessness, and would love to be able to “fix the machine” in a way that would eliminate those very unfortunate realities, without taking things away from those who have managed to do well…’ – ditto.

Must admit though, Russia has opened me up to state involvement, when you look at the fact they provide free healthcare for their people, together with free education, including university level. Plus, their infrastructure programme. I remember commuting to work, using British Rail, when I first started working, and going from Tring to Euston (London). I despised British Rail and never thought we could ever find a worse service. Then living in London and the Central Line commute in rush hour. Remember, sending a letter to the Transport Minister saying that if I wished to have a hysterectomy, without anaesthetics, then I would go to a medical centre and not expect London Transport to provide me with the procedure, whilst attempting to get to work. Anyway, they privatised the railways, using tax payer funding, where we pick up the bill for the running costs and the privatised railway companies pick up the profits. Compare Russian rail transport, financed by the State, to UK privatised rail transport or US privatised rail system.

Jimi Thompson 2

Understood on your “past” Conservative lean… that’s more or less where I am now /have almost always been… I also know that “that” definition no longer applies to many Republicans, and zero Democrats / Leftists.

As far as the rest / “state thing”… I can see your point, and am sure there are valid arguments that can be made.

I don’t know how Russia does it with a 13% income tax rate… I need to make this a center of focus for a couple of weeks just so I will have some sort of reasonable knowledge base to work from.

AM Hants

I think Russia manages it, owing to the fact everybody pays 13% flat rate, even the oligarchs. Brings in more income than the tax dodging incentives for the oligarchs. Plus, having no debt, or none they cannot afford, helps the money in the Russian Treasury go further.

Jimi Thompson 2

Very true!!

Jimi Thompson 2

Oooo Ooo Ooo… check this!!!

Perhaps this can be used to publicly, and loudly ($$), start trying to take down everyone that was involved in the genocide on Syria… that would literally be 100’s upon 100’s of extremely high ranking people, throughout many agencies, within many different governments… not to mention all the Congressional & Parliamentary members, which would collectively number into the hundreds.



AM Hants

Interesting that it was over a hundred years ago and before the Ottoman Empire disappeared, back in 1919. I wonder if they will also go after the Kurds, who were allegedly also involved in the genocide of the people of Armenia.

Have you noticed that those that have written the bill, seem to spend all there time writing bills, in order to keep their sponsors happy:


Trump Impeachment Bill:

Schiff, Nadler, Engel To Figure Prominently In Impeachment Three Jewish lawmakers head House committees that would take the lead on an impeachment inquiry.,,

‘ … Three of the House committees that would have a central role in impeachment proceedings are headed by Jewish lawmakers: Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Mass.), heads Intelligence; Jerry Nadler (D-Manhattan/Brooklyn), Judiciary; and Eliot Engel (D-Bronx), Foreign Affairs…’



“Many American politicians, diplomats and institutions have rightly recognized these atrocities as a genocide, including America’s ambassador to the Ottoman Empire at the time, Henry Morgenthau, and Ronald Reagan,” House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (D-NY) said on the floor ahead of the vote… https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/just-in-house-passes-resolution-to-officially-recognize-armenian-genocide/

Engels and Royce, who wrote the ~HR 1644 bill

The US Bill H.R. 1644 to kill Russian food export and Chinese trade… PART II: The H.R. 1466 and its authors…

‘…Authors of the Bill Edward Randall “Ed” Royce, a member of the United States House of Representatives for California’s 39th congressional district, is listed as the main author of this bill.

Edward R. Royce is listed by the non-government political watchdogs as the top second US representative that received pro-Israel campaign contributions – $233,943

Total Campaign Contributions Received by Ed Royce: $4,041,553

NORPAC is a bipartisan, multi-candidate political action committee working to strengthen the United States–Israel relationship – $114,243…

…Eliot L. Engel Democrat (Elected 1988), NY House district 16

I wrote in details about the Representative Eliot Lance Engel in connection to his anti-Russia activities in authoring STAND for Ukraine Act H.R. 5094 in May 2016

Eliot Lance Engel has been reported as being a recipient of the pro-Israel campaign contributions $191,150

Total Campaign Contributions Received by Eliot L. Engel: $1,596,646…’


Jimi Thompson 2

Spot on as usual… DC / Congress is little more than a clearinghouse for payments to be made and processed, from major corporate and other heavily monetized interests, to the respective people in Congress who can facilitate the demands of the former, through law in necessary… ugh.

A little back history on this new “Armenian Bill” – there has been an agreed upon gag order between the United States & Turkey, in regards to the Armenian genocide, since the late 1,800’s!


I will be doing the same,AM.

As for EU intelligence, it has not done us much good in the last 20 years. Britain has been invaded by millions of illegals :)

AM Hants

With regards EU intelligence, has there ever been any? Not meaning the people of the nations, just those on the Brussels gravy train.


The silly anti Assad,Russia,Iran, et al, stories that NATO nations promote are always a pack of lies spewed out in great haste with little attention being paid to detail.

The devil , as always, is in the detail :)

Ralph London

‘Hate and divide’ – satan at work.

Joseph Scott

I think what he found was that the agreement gives the Turks a huge space from Tal Abyad to Ras el-Ain to rampage to their hearts content with their jihadi cannon-fodder. Which, if you’ve followed the news, they have been, stealing grain, mutilating and killing medical personnel, etc. While the deal seems great within the faraway view of realpolitik, it’s a pretty terrible one for the people on the ground inside the Peace Springs zone.


How long will Erdogan be able to feed his Wahabi beasts on other people ‘grain’, I wonder. What then ?

Joseph Scott

Well, I’m not sure what Russia has in mind, but Erdogan wants to move all his Syrian refugees in there, because they are killing his re-election chances. That’s a big piece of what this is all about for him. Now, judging by the sorts of Syrians he seems to like to consort with, that would likely involving him colonising the place with jihadists and their families.

I’m not entirely sure Russia intends this to be an actual ceasefire, so much as a limit on the fighting arena. It you read the agreement a certain way, and based on events on the ground, what the Russians have sort of said is: “Inside this designated Peace Spring zone and the Euphrates Shield zone, we won’t interfere with anyone who wants to show up and fight, be they TAF and TFSA or SDF. We won’t tolerate any operations outside that by any party. So go ahead and fight it out in your designated rooms until someone gives up.”

Meanwhile, the rest of Northeast Syria is secure…although TFSA have violate that too, several times now, so we’ll see how that goes. The Russians may find trying to be on everyone’s side a bit difficult.


IF the cleansed Safe Zone is indeed to be the future home for circa, 3 million displaced Syrians, the big question will be , ‘ What sort of economy can support those who eschew the elected Syrian government, and who are de-facto terrorists and their families ?

It appears to me that the main products within the zone are agricultural.

Joseph Scott

I agree, it’s not a very well-thought out plan, but Erdogan’s only care is that they become someone else’s problem and he gets re-elected. That was why he wanted Manbij, and the whole 32km border strip, but now he is stuck with this piece, so I expect he will try to stuff as many there as he can. I am curious to see how Syria reacts to this when he starts.

S Melanson

I am pasting my comment I posted above, it shows the Kurds got a place to call home courtesy of the CIA:

Grand Sultan Erdogan: Kurds cannot live in Northeastern Syria.

Emperor Trump, Father of Dragons and Bad Hair, High Priest of the Pantheon of Twitter Gods, Breaker of Chains, contracts, treaties, alliances and Justin Trudeau’s balls (he is still pre-op) tweets: The Kurds can live in the Syrian oil fields so they can make themselves useful by guarding them against any Isis attack – Mexico and Syria can pay the Kurds salaries. On our end, we will continue to pay ISIS salaries…

Evil Dictator Putin, True Elector of the Emperor of Mystery Babylon: No, the Kurds cannot stay in the land of oil and money, and neither can the US. I will have to consult with Darth Netanyahoo for further instructions as soon as he is finished giving orders to his recently disobedient apprentice Emperor Trump.

Kurds ask in dismay: We have not been consulted, we have not agreed to the terms worked out in Sochi. We also are confused that one of the terms stipulate we are required to author a best practices handbook titled “How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: a Step by Step Guide by the ones that do it best”. This book has already been written I am pretty sure as the title sounds really familiar..

Kurds continue: So, no one wants us. What else is new. Is there anyplace we can call home?

CIA: Yes, under a bus.


Lol. Very droll :)


I don’t like the idea of roasted kurds but this guy really wanna see his people die.


Lovely. Fight till the last drop of your blood.


Than die… Especially because you don’t have to reject anything, because Syria has a government.


Don’t trust the Kurds, betrayal runs in their blood. they will stab you in the back when the opportunity arises. they are like Israel, want other countries to help them steal other people’s land to build an illegal state.

Wolfgang Wolf

that just a clan-business there… selling their asses to those who pay the most bribes… and dont care about normal ppl

Prince Teutonic

I don’t think they have anything to bargain with. Even oil fields were taken by Trampus…

Jens Holm

Most SDF oil is in Jizira up in north east. Same thing for gas.


I think that he dosent know with ho is playing, He thinks Russia is the Scumbags USA


he’s like the great unhinged states of A in afghanistan where the defeat is written all over the place but they stubbornly refuse to surrender and go back home since they want a honourable truce which can’t be described as a defeat and thus they persevere and more civilians and women and children are killed every day since the talibans says – sure stay as long as you like but it will cost and there is nothing you can do to change the end result – you lost, you were defeated vietnam style – go home and pentagon is just stubborn since it ain’t american white trash blown to pieces.

Jens Holm

And Victory is Taleban, ISIS and Qaida killing bunches of muslims at marketsplaces and in busses.


Last week they were begging for help from Assad to stop the Turks.


Why would they sign on to the Russian/Turk plan when they already knew that Trump was going to provide them with a place and armor in the oil fields, where they will have an income? Just more theater from the duplicitous and suicidal Kurds. When the Kurds are being slaughtered once again and they vow to join with Syria, don SAA uniforms and disband their political system, then maybe they’ll have a real future. Otherwise, F them…before they F you.

Jens Holm

Hard work to remain in the dark for Assads.


Why wait untill after winter. For a Guerilla army winter is an advantage, one or a few persons can easier hide and operate as an army. The chain us as strong as the weakest link: any big groupe of people is vulnareble.


Gen Mazlum Abdi was invited to US, by senator, who provided for Mazlum the entrance visa. I am wonder, if he will stay i US. Turkey request Mazlum Abdi extradiction to US, as PKK criminal person. In Turkey is Mazlum wanted…


If they tray to take everything, look for what makes them tick, hide your assets and hurt them everywhere anytime with whatever until they flee or recognise your rights. If they make you lose everything you only can win by fighting them.

Wolfgang Wolf

there wont be any choice, my kurdish puppet friends)

Jim Bim

orders from uncle Sam to the traitors.

Jens Holm

You not even know where the oildfields are bimmelim.





Hanny Benny

turkey = REAL ISIS !!! (500 years of devsirme)

Mustafa Mehmet

ananin amci

Hanny Benny

ananas ikim

kiwi ikim :)

Mustafa Mehmet

Ananın amini eşekler siksin ?

Hanny Benny

calipHell loves you too :)

Hanny Benny

genius slavehoreson :)


“Our op(i)nion was not taken ahead” that should be a clue to you on where you stand in the pecking order.

fayez chergui

That guy is a candidate for suicide.

AM Hants

Why do nomadic tribes, always believe they are entitled to the natural resources of the nations they squat in? No doubt they will go with the Trump offer, to go and protect the oil fields????? Trump, who believes that the world’s natural resources belong to the US.


Hi AM…You always do good research and many here appreciate it, including me. Take a look at the reply I made to Florian and check out the link.

AM Hants

Thanks Zman and just going to check the link. Take care.

AM Hants

Found it and so needs sharing. You just don’t know where to start, with regards all the links. Although, must admit I would like to spend the time working through them all and seeing just where it all goes. Murdoch and Maxwell, for some reason reminds me of Trump and Soros, theatre for the masses, as they no doubt get together for Sunday lunch on a regular basis.


Masloum Abdi: “We do not trust Turkey & it’s promises”. Yeah, and you on the other hand are completely trustworthy, right? Look up ‘duplicity’ and you’ll see the Kurdish flag. These morons deserve whatever they get.

S Melanson

Grand Sultan Erdogan: Kurds cannot live in Northeastern Syria.

Emperor Trump, Father of Dragons and Bad Hair, High Priest of the Pantheon of Twitter Gods, Breaker of Chains, contracts, treaties, alliances and Justin Trudeau’s balls (he is still pre-op) tweets: The Kurds can live in the Syrian oil fields so they can make themselves useful by guarding them against any Isis attack – Mexico and Syria can pay the Kurds salaries. On our end, we will continue to pay ISIS salaries…

Evil Dictator Putin, True Elector of the Emperor of Mystery Babylon: No, the Kurds cannot stay in the land of oil and money, and neither can the US. I will have to consult with Darth Netanyahoo for further instructions as soon as he is finished giving orders to his recently disobedient apprentice Emperor Trump.

Kurds ask in dismay: We have not been consulted, we have not agreed to the terms worked out in Sochi. We also are confused that one of the terms stipulate we are required to author a best practices handbook titled “How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: a Step by Step Guide by the ones that do it best”. This book has already been written I am pretty sure as the title sounds really familiar..

Kurds continue: So, no one wants us. What else is new. Is there anyplace we can call home?

CIA: Yes, under a bus.

I am Jaziel

Syrian President Why did not anyone consulted us before they gave away our land to Turkey Continiue Taking it away from our Syrian brothers “the Kurds of Syria. And gave it away to the headchoppers of Syrians, supported from Turkey to settle there instead.

S Melanson

Yes, insightful comment. Historical poetry. The land is Syrian but treated as a mandatory territory under a magnanimous and caring Turkey – analogous to mandatory Palestine under the enlightened guidance of the UK… we know how that turned out.

Xoli Xoli

Kurds must be abandoned by Syrian government for selfish statements while seeking Syrian government protection after betraying Syrians with USA, France, Britain and Israel. No more special treatment for one ethnic group who is behind national resources for self enrichment on other ethnic groups expense.

Xoli Xoli

USA, France ,Britain, Israel and Germany will never impose sanctions on Turkey. Their are scared Turkey will permanently confiscate nuclear bombs and weapons of NATO which were stored at Incirlic and other bases in Turkey.


Hah stupid Kurd, he believes that he is in a position to negotiate. You will be squashed. Go go to Trump the one who screwed you, run to protect you in the oil fields.

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