A screenshot from the video
The Kurdish media outlet “AHNA” has released a video describing the alleged preparations of the so-called Raqqah Civil Council (RCC) for the expected liberation of Raqqah city from ISIS terrorists.
The RCC is a civili body controlled and run by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and their Kurdish political leadership from the Democratic Union Party.
The RCC has been created in order to keep political control over the city of Raqqah after the Kurdish-dominated SDF seizes it from ISIS.
According to the AHNA video, the RCC is actively preparing to run the city. It will reportedly launch the health, social and educiational services and already have some plans for this. It also hires people, including rezidents of Raqqah, for this work.
The RCC will also be allegedly repsonsible for resotration of the city, including administrative buildings, the water pumping stations and the water supplies network.
The RCC is also going to involve more locals to it after the expected liberation of Raqqah. The RCC hopes it will allow to legitimize the body in eyes of the locals. The RCC is acitvely coordinating its efforts with the Kurdish authorities in other SDF-held areas.
If the RCC succeeds in these goals, it will become a useful tool of the political influence in the area for the PYD and its leadership.
Will this council ask for destruction of US military bases ? XD.
Just a puppet council made to control Syria politically and to control the ressources.
Did Syrians authorized USA to build military bases in Syria ?? Oh yes, USA doesn’t respect democracy for others.
USA is worst than the Nazis.
Enter the american “private contractors” Mark my words, the us will never leave northern Syria. And they will push for a separate Kurdistan. I saw this and been saying it since the us built that airstrip in northern Syria just days after kerry said its time for plan B. And that, my friends, is that plan.
Thank the useful idiots sunnies and the traitors kurds that allowed this. If you dont solve your problems, USA will use it to steal you.
First they say “we want elections in Syria”. After, they create dictator groups to prevent elections.
Keep trusting the stupids, the traitors and the nazis americans.
The children who have been brainwashed by ISIS will be a problem.
“Alledged preparations of the so called RCC of the expected liberation”.
Partiality can hardly be clearer. Pity. You do not seem to have the same problem when writing about FSA, HTS, SAA or whomever, just when SDF is involved.
Do you have any problem with the SDF?
If not, why don’t you write normally? If so, why don’t you just state your problem?
Yes we have a problem with the dictators and traitors SDF. So what’s up ?
Shut up kike
Make a council and put SDF guilty of high treachery and national security threat until they destroy USA military bases and US troops get out of north Syria.
That’s what Syrians have to do.
Better yet, kick out every last Kurd from Syria to prevent another treason from happening ever again.
Give them their fake land in northem syria and get rid of them before they give more military bases to USA. They will give the oil, the ressources, …. A big big treath.
They were already given autonomy for the original piece of land they used to inhabit, but they rejected it and instead decided to become American/Israeli useful idiots. Giving them another chance is beyond insanity, they are not even indigenous to the Syrian lands, they are former refugees from Turkey, they need to be kicked back to where they came from even if it means war.
Take the leaders of SDF and make 1 million on each head to be captured or killed.
That’s how it works.
And will they do the same on Assad and his corrupt cronies?
SDF is corrupted. Assad is a nationalist and proud syrian. Make 1 million on the head on each SDF leaders. There will be someone that will do the job for sure. There are a lot of mercenaries in that region.
(((dutchnational))) = Zio rodent
Sourpissers always have problems when the subject is SDF. Liberate an area and have no preparations for after the liberation, they are “ill prepared, neglicent, racists that ignore the needs of arabs” etc etc.
When they do prepare, there are comments too.
By liberating Raqqah, the SDF has some responsability to help those liberated to resume a life as normal as possible or at the least help create a system that will start reconstruction and resumption of normal life.
SDF takes that responsability serious and is to be commended for that. That they have councils of local people is a the proper thing to do. That they will not turn the city over to the SAA is to be expected and quite normal.
Let the sourpissers start whining about the Azaz enclave that will never be returned to Syria again, that is unless Turkey collapses.
Assad was doing it way before SDF. Nobody needs the corrupted and traitors of SDF unless the nazis americans.