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MARCH 2025

SDF Creates First Female Arab Battalion To Fight ISIS (Photos)

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The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have established of the first female Arab battalion within the US-backed group. The recently created battalion was named the Battalion of Martyr Amara for Arab Women. The declared aim of the move is to fight ISIS terrorists in eastern Syria and to protect women rights.

The creation of the Battalion of Martyr Amara for Arab Women was officially announced by Rojda Seyar, an SDF field commander, on Monday.

“After our numbers increased and our organization grew, we saw it would be better to form a military battalion within the Syrian Democratic Forces, for women. The Battalion of Martyr Amara for Arab women is the first group of Arab women that is fighting in the Deir ez-Zor province,” the pro-Kurdish ARA NEWS webiste quoted the statement on the issue. “We are confident that this will be the beginning of the formation of women’s battalions in all areas in Syria to fight terrorism and strive for the liberation of women and society, and build a system based on democracy, justice and freedom.”

SDF Creates First Female Arab Battalion To Fight ISIS (Photos) SDF Creates First Female Arab Battalion To Fight ISIS (Photos) SDF Creates First Female Arab Battalion To Fight ISIS (Photos) SDF Creates First Female Arab Battalion To Fight ISIS (Photos)

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Gonçalo Pena

what are the tiger forces doing? This is bullshit US public relations…


Do not worry. The mascotte of the tiger forces seems to be a female. Soon they will be known as the tigeress forces.

Btw, the MMC also has a female batallion, which should be majority arab.

Jens Holm

Of course it is, and its not USA. Its main parts of the world, which are sekular like that. Getting the same education, having talent and hard work added, they are equal in almost all matters.

If You have one, even Your Grandmother can fire an AK47.


The forces of the Tiger are stationed in Resafa, I do not know that they will be waiting, because the Kurds are gaining ground and occupying more Arab territory. Have they run out of ammunition?


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our roomate’s ex-wife makes $68 per hour on the internet, she has been out of work for 10 months… last month her pay-check was $12979 just working on the internet for four hours a day… ➤look at➤ this➤ site ➜➜➜http://www.GoogleFinancialCashJobs357GroupLight/Home/Wage…. ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤::::am77….


Must be a manpower issue going on…

Because this is absolutely scraping the bottom of the barrel…

Jens Holm

Much better then seeing hijabs and children crawling on the ground being socalled protedted after being sold.

hard to see fysical force so easy can be replaced and improved by brains. It should be all over M.E. and the BNP would be almost doubled as well.

Justin Ryan

100% agree!

Kim Jong

S.D.F = Sexy Dumb Fucks. Btw why they have pictures of Ocalan when they are “arab” and who is this Adriano Celentano wannabe on the last picture?

G Dean VanGaya

I’m not German but I’m still a Marxist. Good philosophy has no ethnicity… You patriarchal dumb fuck.

Kim Jong

“but I’m still a Marxist” Yes and what has this to do with this? btw there are female units in the syrian army. Why they didnt join them?

G Dean VanGaya

i am a white Canadian who follows Ocalan. Advanced thought such as from a philosopher like Occalan, has no ethnicity.

Kim Jong

I dont know so much about Ocalan but i heard he opposes a “Kurdish State” in Syria, recognizing it as the zionist project it is.

G Dean VanGaya

ya, the kurds in Syria don’t want their own state!

Weldon Cheek

These women are brave and they can fire a rifle etc but i cant believe this is anything more than propaganda,they have been shown firing ak’s and sitting on back of pick ups etc but on the frontline?blood and guts and getting taken prisoner of war etc? Come on,it beggars belief,i dont need to draw a picture of it for you all to imagine a squad of these women running out of ammo and getting taken prisoner by some radical islamist group,it would be beyond horrific and if it was shown on video it would end the recruitment of women as frontline troops the world over,so no,this is propaganda and we will see the best looking and most photogenic ones in pickups with big guns and crouching in buildings heroicly shooting their ak’s as before, this is a non starter.


Actually, this has happened in Kobane. One of the heroines of the then rather new YPJ took a handgranate and jumped in a cluster of IS taking more then a dozen IS with her and saving her squad. Afterwards, YPJ always saved a few bullets in order to be able to commit suicide to prevent capture.

Weldon Cheek

All stories,and yes there are’snipers’ in ypg who are women but snipers is not the type of snipers in regular army,its someone taking potshots from a distance even with an ak47! So whilst yes there are women firing guns at isis i still dont see them kicking in doors or storming buildings etc,guard duty?no probs,”sniper”?in the very lose sense certainly ,drivers?of course, but maybe here in this brutal place we may see such a thing as i described earlier,but theres been how long of fighting so far and we can actually recal the events where these women died a “warriors” death! Seems to me that they cant be quite as involved in the “shit” as you are all describing.


You have not the hint of a clue about fighting women.

Weldon Cheek

Educate me enlightened one,about the frontline squads of fighting women in history,direct me to videos and photos of bodies of them like we see constantly of men. The russians had women fighters in ww2 snipers etc,but hell they supposedly sent men in 2 men to 1 rifle! So id say that puts them out of the running. As i said its propaganda making them out to be more than they are.

Jens Holm

Well, if You look names and rapports, You will see many woman drove T34 tanks because both were small. You saw the same with the airforce. Small cocpits.

None says woman should be all over, but parts of them are better then men in many positions of today, so why hire men by they can lift a donkey.

We have snow here. In the old days my Grandfather removed snow in groups of 20. Today all is mechanized and one woman can handle for 20 men.

We also have helicopterpilots as woman both in the airforce and the big rescue helicopters. They are chosen among many having same conditions. Thats facts.

Politics is same thing. You dont like Clinton, because she is good at her job. You dont like Merkel, because she is the best to the job. You didnt like Thatcher in UK because she was good at the job.



Weldon Cheek

I already mentioned the russians,they also sent men in 2men 1 rifle so id say the fact they used women is a moot point! .

Weldon Cheek

I did like thatcher just so you know,and merkel has destroyed the concept of freind and neighbor in europe by opening the floodgates so shes the number one advert AGAINST women in power as she FELT rather than THOUGHT about her decision,yes there are strong women but they in general are more emotional than men so become a liability as has frau merkel! Christ shes done what hitler couldnt and instigated an invasion of europe!!!

Weldon Cheek

CLINTON! Are you insane?shes evil personified,her husband is a pedophile and shes just a power hungry monster!

Weldon Cheek

Are you one of those antifa folk we keep hearing about?? Im starting to get a picture of you!

Jens Holm

You are against facts. Its in many armies in the world, so dont serve that primitive macho here. YPJ has many good snipers.


BS Kurds posing as Arabs like the bodies of ISIS youth littering Palmyra


So what BS to assign them ” If you die by the hands of these women” it means

A. You got no C*ock B. You not go to Heaven C.disgrace your family D. means Nothing

Jens Holm

Yes, thats a matter of, what you believe and not connected to facts.

Weldon Cheek

I grudgingly agree with you for onceJens!

Weldon Cheek

Thats all more Koran bashing my friend,the terrorists dont really care one way or the other,all that 72 virgins etc is just like parting of the red sea and noahs ark etc,dead is dead,they may be portrayed as cavemen but they are sane! They just have a different kind of value on human life is all.

Peter Moy

Nothing but a cheap public relations advertising campaign by some moron, chicken hawk worm at the Pentagon. What’s next? How about a transgender battalion commanded by Chelsea Manning or a mad as hell lesbian unit that only goes into combat during menstrual cycles? That will put the fear of Allah (inshallah, allah akbhar, mamma mia, etc.) into the enemy. This social experiment reminds of the time I saw, with disbelief, some of our brigade’s soldiers (of our infantry division) doing aerobics instead of normal PT (physical training) back in the 80s. You can only shake your head and laugh at this lunacy. Do these girls really want to be like the US Army? Hopefully they don’t fall into the hands of the enemy.


Why do you spred this stupid lies? Everyone with a bit of political education knows that a lot of women fights in the PKK for more than 20 Years now. Even in Rojava they fight for some years now. All of it a “”a cheap public relations advertising campaign by some moron””? Ridiculous!

Jens Holm

What you see as social experiments are social facts for many years in many armies in the world as well in the civile parts. Educated woman are the reason for our BNP`s.




Weldon Cheek

Again BNP’s? British national party?


In fact, YPJ was created before the US started to aid the YPG and YPJ end of 2014. Like Jens said, many of the PKK fighters were already females 30 years ago, just like in the IDF.

Weldon Cheek

Yes we kniw that,its not being denied that the ypj exists,we not blind or stupid! But women DO NOT fight as the front line troops,yes they SUPPORT the frontline troops with covering fire and “sniper”fire,use AAguns on pickups and load mortars,but you show me women at the thick end,going through doors into occupied buildings etc,and heaven forbid;as is being stated in this video,all women battalions and ill eat my phone.


PKK is terrorist.

G Dean VanGaya

Kobane was saved by 320 fighers, dozens of whom were women, they are the heroes of the world and will defeat your macho, patriarchal bs while they’re at it. We decent men will help them.

Weldon Cheek



All your helping is your own Genocide.

Weldon Cheek

At last!! Sanity! Honesty,TRUTH!you are bang on the money there.


Yes the kurds have been cursed with Marxism/Feminism, done by the Israelis to ensure a time bomb of demographic self genocide just in time for the implementation of greater Israel. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4e3fe6248be777479f0f789bb46215d7fcb45e0d7cb52ee724c12471b4139369.jpg


I would pay to watch a manning battalion lolol!

Volker Burkert

I wish the SAA will do something similar. Why should women not also fight for the liberation of their country from terrorists. Russian women were flying combat missions in WWII against Nazi Germany.

Weldon Cheek

There are women serving in syrian uniform same as most armys in the world,its just thet for some reason “read PROPAGANDA” the US want to portray the “brave” kurdish women as something different when they slmply are not!.


It is incorrect that a pseudo-government of occupation recruits for the personal army among the occupied population, for that is what they are, occupying forces and sponsored by a foreign government that wishes to seize the wealth of Syria. Forming US militias to use them as a fighting force against their own people. Will be influenced and paid for by the USA and will become mercenaries like the Kurds. In addition, the Kurds sexually abused Arab women. No one notices the joy that if seen in photos of Arab women in the army of Al Assad. It seems that they were forced to pose for the photo in front of the Kurdish flag and symbols, some women are disoriented and embarrassed.

G Dean VanGaya

The YPG and the people’s assemblies they set up in each town are more the Syrian people than the Ba’athists, by a long mile.

Jonathan Cohen



Abortion is murder. It is unnatural. No animal in the wild commits abortion. Abortion causes psychological damage in women.


That’s great. How about a battalion of little children?


And why do you compare Women with little children? If you think there is no difference, you could join daesch…


Traditionally, it was the men in most cultures who went to war to protect women and children, hearth and home. Today hearth and home, women’s natural birthright has been swept away by the anti-family crowd. If you are living in a depraved culture perhaps the only way women can gain respect and equal status is to put on combat boots and start killing people, obviously the US ploy to bring the Sunni proxies up to date and more politically correct. The problem is women cannot last for extended periods in combat as the too quickly succumb to battle fatigue. The only remedy are drugs like speed or meth and then they are generally really screwed anyway.

Weldon Cheek

Oh and not to forget the ‘plan’to drasticaly reduce the birthrate and thus population of the world! Id say making these women into ‘warriors’is taking them out of the picture as future mothers and wives as they either die or turn against men due to their experiences on the battlefield Ie the carnage and brutality in a male dominated and led sphere of existence.

Weldon Cheek

It takes a twisted mind to equate one with the other in such a way,id get help if i was you,your a suspect!




Antifa are making their presence felt in this war. Their brand of cultural Marxism (“abortion rights for all”) is emerging in this war. The US uses human rights issue as a weapon. The US does not believe in democracy. If a nation democratically elects its government and president, this is not good enough for the US in the case of targeted nations. (Remember the USA focuses on “human rights issues” in Syria only, not in Gulf Arab nations that are ruled by non-democratic monarchies and follow sharia law, and not secular law.) if the country does not follow cultural Marxism, and not many countries do – even many so-called liberalized western democracies have not fully embraced cultural Marxism – the USA will use that as an excuse to denounce the government and consider it legitimate to topple the government and support “insurgencies” against the government. The quotes around insurgencies are there because these insurgencies are all manufactured by outsiders (CIA, Mossad). See Orange Revolution in Ukraine, violent rightwing protests in Venezuela, Syria’s Arab Spring, and so on.


These insurgencies are fashioned after the communist uprisings in Russia in the first two decades of the last century. The communist insurgencies, like the ones going on now, are based on imagined or exaggerated grievances, and the leaders promise a solution so long as the people support the change of government.

In Russia’s case, it turned out to be a change for the worse. Following the revolution, a civil war took place, fought by the general population and not the ruling class. The government changed hands from a native Russian family, the Romanovs, and their partners in government, who were Russian nationals, to a Jewish ruling class. Because the head of the government was a gentile, the fact that the government was dominated by Jews could be masked.


The communist revolution was a takeover of the Russian government by the Jews, who used the class dialectic of Marx to create a totalitarian government – a new monarchy system – in Russia. https://archive.org/details/holodomor_201707 Holodomor – man-made famine/genocide in Ukraine that killed 7 million people in the early 1930s.

in truth the working classes did not have much power. The Jews ruled with an iron fist. Bloody purges happened. The Holodomor was an extreme form of such purges – it involved almost half the population of Ukraine being starved to death or exiled. Stalin was supposed to be a gentile puppet. The Russians would not accept a Jew (eg. Lenin) as leader of the nation. Stalin did act as a puppet for the most part. However, he turned on the Jews in the 1940s and 1950s. Jews themselves became the victims of bloody purges in the latter part of his reign. By then, he was too strong to overthrow. He had the support of the people.


You can say Hitler saved Stalin. Because of the German invasion, Stalin was able to whip up nationalism in the people – he didn’t have to rely on other methods as much to control the people.

The same thing is happening today in the US (and other western liberal democracies). As cultural Marxism asserts itself in these countries, today’s Bolsheviks are the liberals – and antifas (short for antifascists) are the vanguard of these “revolutionaries”. They seek to enshrine certain cultural values into law (cultural Marxism). This is a form of “sharia”, but by the cultural Marxists. They, like the communist revolutionaries, seek to overthrow governments that are resistant to their rule, and they, the Jews, want to take over the government. This is the purpose of the push for “human rights”. Atrocity propaganda (“Assad is the butcher of Damascus” and now gasser of Idlib children) is an important part of that. Hence manufactured atrocities are done by these people and pushed by their media, which they control in the West.

Weldon Cheek

Thumbs up!

Weldon Cheek

100% on the money.

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