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SDF Hands Over Kobane Border Crossing To Syrian Army (Photos)

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The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have handed over Kobane border crossing with Turkey to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), al-Mayadeen reported on October 17.

“Ayn al-Arab –Kobane- crossing on the Syrian-Turkish border was handed over to the Syrian Arab Army,” the Lebanese news channel reported.

Minutes after the al-Mayadeen report, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) released photos showing SAA soldiers raising the Syrian flag over the crossing and deploying inside of it.

SDF Hands Over Kobane Border Crossing To Syrian Army (Photos)

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SDF Hands Over Kobane Border Crossing To Syrian Army (Photos)

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SDF Hands Over Kobane Border Crossing To Syrian Army (Photos)

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The crossing is one of the main routes on the Syrian-Turkish border. Due to the unrest in Syria, the crossing remained closed for most of the conflict.

Several units of the SAA, escorted by Russian forces, entered the border town of Kobane late on October 16 under the recent agreement between the Damascus and the SDF. The deployment reportedly stopped a Turkish-led attack on the town.

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SAA must stop Turkey (NATO member) and to make the Kurds (ex-USA-Israel puppets) to accept Syria government.


That’s the plan.


My prediction is that the Turks will stop at the agreed upon contactline. As in agreed upon with Russia. My prediction is also that the Turks will try to grab more if they can get away with it. As in the SAA not being there to greet them. And then they will not halt and not give back what they took until they finally do meet the SAA. Akin to how things unfolded in 2017 when the SAA and the YPG were racing towards the East Syrian oil fields. Neither side actually fought one another, but where the two sides did meet up, that’s where the current divide between the two sides still stands.


Erdogan is a wild card and greedy, and I doubt that he will stop at the agreed upon line, if there indeed is one.

time will tell, as it always does.

The SAA has been moving incredibly rapidly on three fronts to take back the north east and I wish them well


Yeah, that has surprised me quite a bit. The last time, during the Afrin battle the Kurds were very slow and quite coy, which end up costing the region. Maybe they did learn their lessons this time?

Albert Pike

It was so decided on the 16.of September in Ankara during Talks between Erdogan, Rouhani and Putin and naturally remotely the orange man in Washington. Syria will be united under a new federal constitution. Price for this to happen were the loss of the Golan Heights.

That’s the deal, and everthing else is just theater…

Rhodium 10

Erdogan wanted to take control of all Syria/Turkey border( buffer zone)…nothing else!..it was the Russians and Syria who went there ( under RUAF support) to take Manjib, Kobane and advance towars other places!…Syria/Russia as well as kudish know that a buffer zone is just another Idlib..which can be refill of ISIS/HTS among others terrorist group!…

Albert Pike

Yes Turkey like the rest, or even more like rest of Nato is ISIS dirty. But the move has reunited Syria, which will lead to another war – united Syria against ISIS HTS which are under Turkeys protection – which is in Erdogans interest. keeps the Turks busy, keeps the Kurds/Syrians busy – will make good arms sales for his son in law…

Douglas Houck

Why do you say Syia gave up on the Golan Heights. All the major players are still talking about the need to preserve the entire sovereign borders of Syria, which included the Golan.

Albert Pike

Because the new constitution was written by Russia and it forces the State of Syria to keep good relations with all its neighbors, including Israel, making it impossible to take back the Golan Heights by force ever…

Douglas Houck

Hmmm. Last I knew there is no new constitution, just a UN backed committee of 150 to review and rewrite the existing one, which was new in 2012. Russia wrote a draft constitution (not a bad one at that) a couple years back, but it was to be used as a starting point in the Astana peace process which currently is not moving forward.

Albert Pike

The information comes from Meyssan and he lives in Damascus. https://www.voltairenet.org/en https://www.voltairenet.org/article207651.html https://www.voltairenet.org/article207820.html

On the other hand was there ever a realistic scenario that Syria could have gotten back the Gollan Heights – I don’t see one..

Douglas Houck

Thanks for the reply. From the middle link: From the Tripartite Summit of Sep. 16, 2019.

“3. Reaffirmed in this regard the necessity to respect universally recognized international legal decisions, including those provisions of the relevant UN resolutions rejecting the occupation of Syrian Golan, first and foremost UN Security Council Resolution 497 and thus condemned the decision of the US Administration on the occupied Syrian Golan, which constitutes a grave violation of international law and threatens regional peace and security. They consider Israeli military attacks in Syria as destabilizing and violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of this country and intensifying the tension in the region.”

I don’t see anyone saying they are giving up the Golan to the Israelis. Supposedly, Israel was close to returning the Golan just before the uprising started in 2011. The Golan as a physical buffer between Syria and Israel has outlived its usefulness due to changes in technology (i.e., rockets and drones).

Saddam Hussein

Cmon Southfront crew, its called Ain Al-arab by the Syrian Govt. Stop using the kurdish and turkish name of Syrian land.

Cronos Sin Apellidos

Stll, some said the agreement include the takeover fo Afrin by SSA. That`s in Turkish control. I wonder what will happen, if the kurds comply their part of the agreement…


excellente news! bravo SAA https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b970b03a5b49656a7511226b9a071ebea2b2be4a06b7eee5f27946b2aafca6b.gif

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