The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have formally rejected the proposals put forth by the new Syrian government regarding negotiations and dispute resolution.
The government’s proposals included several key points aimed at fostering cooperation, such as recognizing the cultural rights of the Kurdish population, incorporating these rights into the forthcoming constitution, facilitating the integration of SDF personnel into national military and security institutions, and establishing a decentralized administrative framework to govern Syria’s provinces.
In response, the SDF reiterated their own conditions for negotiation, which consist of the integration of their forces into the new Syrian army as an independent unit, the retention of military positions in the regions they currently control, and the allocation of a share of revenue from oil fields.
The SDF cited the potential threat of a large-scale military operation by the Turkish army and affiliated militants in northern Syria as a significant factor in their decision. Additionally, uncertainty regarding the future of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) has further influenced their insistence on these conditions.
The new Syrian government, led by former rebels who toppled President Bashar al-Assad, has been trying to integrate various anti-Assad factions into a unified command structure. However, integrating the SDF has proven challenging due to their semi-autonomous status and the differing views of regional players like the US and Turkey.
so you chose death! instead of making concessions, saving lives and building a stronger syria with all ethnicities together, the kurds think they are unique… a second israel will never be allowed to see the light of day.
and who wants a strong wahhabi state? netanyahu or an old acquaintance of al qaeda (sharaa knows him from abu ghraib). the esteemed gentleman is a member of gop, even though he once worked horroriest with prisoners than al nusra and all the dictators combined.
it is bad if you change your name back to a previous name that has a worse numerological position. but if an old acquaintance you once spat on recognizes you after changing your name… and he wonders if it’s possible that al sharaa recognizes him, a respected christian zionist and prominent gop member.and mr. al qaeda once told him that he would find him when he got out of abu ghraib.
successful government requires the some level of consent and trust in the powers that be. what syrian person would trust the cia and mossad as defacto rulers.
former rebels? you mean former terrorists!
it seems like too many regional powers were promised a piece of syria in order to mobilize them against the assad regime. saudi arabia and turkey were probably backing their horses with the (false) hopes of getting a chunk of syria. hence the disharmony and disagreement between the rebels forces. that is also why they seek to retain autonomy from the newly formed government. ultimately, like the kurds: they seek their own state.
similar to how ukraine was promised west russia, and poland was promised ukraine, etc. that is how the cia and mossad uses these dumb countries as proxies. in the end, it’s all deception and lies. countries also get promised full military and financial support. but that too is a lie…
the zionists just built a helicopter base on the top of the syrian mountain! jewlany is a kosher crypto-jew takfiri terrorist.
yet more psy ops. good cop bad cop routine from the amateur theatrics of the takfiris in suits.
the kurds are next on the chopping block. they are the whores of the middle east, proxies of the jewsa and mossad. they always whore themselves out to foreign interests who dump them and leave them to face the music. they deserve everything they get. they stole syrian oil and grain to destroy the syrian economy. they are quisling scum.