Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) female fighters gather east of Raqqa city, Syria March 26, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said
On September 13, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) repelled an attack of ISIS near the national hospital and the al-Rashed garden in the center of Raqqa city according, to Kurdish sources.
The SDF killed 33 ISIS fighters and destroyed a VBIED of ISIS during the clashes. Meanwhile, Kurdish sources confirmed that al-Thuknah district in the center of Raqqa city is now under the SDF control.
جانب من معارك #قوات_سوريا_الديمقراطية ضد تنظيم #داعش الإرهابي في محيط المستشفى الوطني في #الرقة pic.twitter.com/IPHNIi2inP
— قوات سوريا من الجبهة (@QSD_Jabha) 12 September 2017
SDF officials claimed that 70% of Raqqa city is now under SDF control. However, US Army Colonel Ryan Dillon spokesman for the US-led collation said on September 12 that 60% of Raqqa city is under the SDF control. Moreover, Colonel Ryan revealed that the SDF captured 35 building blocks in Raqqa in the last week.
The US-led coalition announced that its warplanes carried out more than 31 airstrikes against ISIS in Raqqa city.
6 civilians including women and children were killed in the US-led coalition airstrikes, according to Syrian opposition sources.
Last week SDF officials claimed that the operation in Raqqa was in its last month. However, it’s likely that the battle will go on for another month as ISIS resistance is still high in the city.
Why always show female fighters whereas fighters are 99% men ? XD
PR stunt. They are still riding the Survivalist state mentality. Look at them they are so distressed that their women are fighting. Nothing wrong with women fighting, there was plenty of women defenders in SAA, just majority probably are not interested in Front line combat unless its a last stand
War brain propagenda. They try to show SDF as nice people so they keep showing female fighters wereas the female never fight. They just help controling invaded areas.
rathher in the middle of the target. I know very well the US regime propagenda and how it works.
Idiot , he’s an Murican .
YPJ is somewhere between 30 to 40% of the YPG strength. Both the Syriacs and the JAT and MMC now have all female units and there are now full arab units within the YPJ.
The commander of the assault on Raqqah is an YPJ member.
You are creating fake news my friend. You are either stupid or a troll. I suspect the latter.
You are creating fake news. All you say is supporting USA propagenda and terrorist . We all know for who you are working.
So please stop taklking to me. I don’t talk with terrorists.
Imo you do all the time.
I support USA terrorism ? XD. Well, go talk about your propagenda to a sheep. XD
Zionist conspiracy theory is bullshit. Start living a life in the real world instead of fleeing into your imagination.
“Conspiracy theory” expression has been created by the west pravda. ^^
Why should they, if they were as powerfull as you all call them then they could easily mute people like you, but instead we have a internet community who thinks the world is flat or an egg or got a hole inside and all other shit about reptile humans and aliens. And this community is totaly resistant against facts, logic and the real life.
Then why are you trying to spout the words “Conspiracy theory” seems you are more the theorist providing to no proof to refute the ideas. So then by your own admission this is something you can’t refute and you choose words of deflection as your argument, seems weak theorist nonsense to me. The you are the one claiming a conspiracy , you are in need of doing your homework and researching on this subject.
I’m using this word because my english sucks and that’s the word that comes out when I type the german word of it into google translate. The german word for stuff like this is “Verschwörungstheorie”. If you can’t proof something it is not automatically total bs that’s right. (like in science) But 99% of these theorys are proofen wrong and a real argument is also not the thinking of some people about jews. They are just humans as all. Just another religion and Zionists may have a own ideology but that’s just like left or right wing in a political system. There is no evil zionist power behind everything bad in the world. Russia and USA are the same shit as China, Germany and all the other stats in the world and all the other people in the world. Only some have higher standarts about democracy than others. (What is also related to their history and culture)
The 99% is a very disingenuous number since many have been proven right and not all are theory. Zionism has as bad an ideology just as like Wahhabi/Salafi none of them are in compliance with secularism. Zionists control Israel just a fact and they are the most racist people on the face of the planet. There are different forms of republics as they all have voting just to different degrees. Honestly there are no true democracies they are very fragile systems that are not infallible to elitist attitudes and corruption. The US seems to be going to an oligarchy since many of the elite see themselves as better then others. (Which is also tied to world history and culture as society collapses.)
I do not agree with you. First I would say there are more racist ideologies like the special form of fascism … the German form “Nationalsozialismus”. Really there is nothing worse than this. Even if they “control” one country and even if it is a very influent country. This does not mean they want to destroy or rule the world. Also, I do not agree with your point about culture and society collapses during history. (But I would glad to hear some examples and then give my opinion^^) I think (and that’s for me the biggest problem in western democracies) that republics go into some kind of lobbyism and oligarchy because people are not interested in vote or vote for “easy answers” (for example a wall (from a very famous politician)). But this is something that is caused by human history. Humans always liked “strong men” in today’s world oligarchs (so rich man(or woman)) (so on the point of who we vote) and also we liked a relaxed life (so easy answers) . This system worked for thousands of years of evolution. (also an example why conspiracy theory are so common for some people(easy answers)). To sum up I think we have created that not oligarch society’s by ourselves and we can only destroy them (without violence) by voting for people who do not act like the strongest man who does not give you the blue of the sky but people who know what they doing who got real facts, facts you can read about in every media not just in a right wing or left wing one. God damn writing quite to long monologs ^^
Bullshit. I know this tactic that consist of talking about the “reptile humans” to weaken other arguments !!!! I have never talk about that. So keep your shit for your momma.
I’m just going with this argument because most people believing in stuff like flat earth belief this aswell (don’t know why but anyway these guys are stupid). So what is your argument why are they all bad Zionists? Because Hitler wanted to do something good with the biggest genocide in human history?! Because the USA had a massivly better economic system than the UdSSR? What is your reason to belief one part of the world is good and the other is bad? What makes you think the world is black and white?
Bullshit. Keep your shit for your momma.
Come on guy just give me a real argument instead of saying “Bullshit”. Now you are doing the thing that you said I would do xD
I gave one million arguments. Stop talking to me terrorists. Go behead your familiy. XD.
That’s what I’m talking about. Thank you
“YPJ is somewhere between 30 to 40% of the YPG strength.”
No, they are not. That number is propaganda given by kurdish sources to wikipedia and western journalists, in order to create sympathy in world publics. They also often show the same women several times to create an impression that there are more of them, or put them in the front of units, with the men behind them, etc.
I watched at least 100 SDF videos and women are no more than 15 – 17 percent of all fighters. In many cases you will see no woman in sight.
Don’t disparage Jimmy”Bomis Babe’s” Wales aka”Porn King” and wikipedia is site full of paid tro.. mean “volunteers” whom are dedicated in dealing with any opposing opinion and fact.
Soon the SDF will be able to deploy some of its reserves near Raqqah to DeZ. As they have now some 50k fighters in, around and near Raqqah, those reserves will number at least several thousands. It could greatly enhance SDF capabilities near DeZ.
That’s what the paper says but I find this hard to believe. The wiki entry even gives them another 25K Arab fighters on top of the 50K YPG / YPJ fighters putting them on a par with the Al Qaeda coalition at the height of its power. But the Kurds are between 5-10% of the population while the Jihadis are closer to 15% and had more foreign fighters. I also doubt the size and ability of the Arab contingent. With a force of this size they could practically take over Syria with a little help from the usual suspects.
I suggest you search a little more.
YPG was 60k ult 2016, with the aim of 100k ult 2017. With the flocks of new recuits in 2017, they number now over 70k to 75 k.
Arab fighters is a little unsure as there are also arab fighters directly member of YPG and YPJ.
Sanaadid some 6 to 9k, MFS some 3k, MMC/JAT some 5 to 10k, DMC some 5k, so indeed, in my reckoning some 25k fighters in wholly arab/syriac units. SDF therefore, at present, app 100k+.
This is excluding the HPX, the conscript army, numbers unknowm (to me) but at least some 20k. If conscription is to be enforced all over and consistently, they would number a max of 60 to 70k.
Trying to feed disinformation again , what is known there are 15,000+ Arab fighters in Raqqa and there are 30,000-40,000 throughout Northern Syria and many are like the Kurds are security units.
My numbers above are guestimates for the whole federation.
Given numbers around Raqqah are some 50k, of which a part is holding the rural areas, part is reserves, part is recuparating from fighting, logistics etc. Likely the actual force on or near the frontlines is beneath 40%, so max 20k.
Security forces are the Asayish, not part of the SDF, and the HXP, the conscript army. This leaves the YPG free to be a flexible force that can be deployed within the whole of Northern Syria (except to and from Afrin of course).
Raqqa has less than 20,000 and those are known numbers , the US which makes up a huge number with it’s forces in any advance or Siege in any area ,the YPG/YPJ are not as flexible as would expect. The whole entire north doesn’t have many people in it can call on very few as most are conscripts to the YPG/YPJ. Then you have the Anarcho Communist brigades from many countries, the Europeans are usually kept to the background in fighting. The Arab Anarchy groups will be up front with the fighting and embedded as YPG/PKK forces. The PKK and Kurds which have been supported for over a century by the west, which have been using them to commit terrorism and other acts of Mayhem towards Arabs.
The US being it’s most recent and biggest handler and supporter for half that time , they have been using all Kurds for the past 60 years in the region to destabilize it.
Those numbers seem inflated somewhat , most of the fighters in the SDF are Arabs at Raqqa 15,000+ SDF and much of the old ISIS now wear SDF uniforms . Trouble for is finding the correct numbers as you are either at news propaganda site or the CIA wikipedia site.
So ISIS still has enough manpower to waste on counter-attacks? I wonder how many ISIS fighters were in Raqqa, I thought the total was about 2,000.
They lied about the number apparently that was apparently there to make them sound larger around 1200-1500 was the known number by other sources. There could be about 600-800 or more now, some of the numbers include civilians killed by intentional targeting who were fleeing. Most people who are civilians have an ingrained flight mentality and rarely fight unless provoked.
A female terrorist is a terrorist. A female invader is an invader.
These 2 females are foreign members of the Anarchy Brigades you can see they support the PKK and not actually Syrian Kurds by the colored bits of cloth. The US seems to have had their lot with the PKK Turds further back than one could imagine as they seem to be strong supporters of them killing Arabs for over a century.
Coloured bits of cloth = Anarchy Brigade! lol…admit it Field Marshall Terra Cotta Woolpuller you just made that up! Just like the photos of the infamous ISIS artillery piece you claimed came from Albania.
Qasiun, a pro rebel news agency, reports SDF as either having reached the Euphrates bank or within a km from the bank (map a bit unclear.)
If fake news, talk to Qasiun.
Typical spiel to cover up a CIA group(Qasiun) not really anything but pro-paganda news agency , they even repeated the US air Force numbers wow this is big time pro-paganda BS.
Exactly the opposite is true. Field Marshal Terra Cotta Woolpuller would argue day was night if it suited his argument.
Qasiun, a pro terrorist agency held by CIA. And I don’t know why everyone is obsessed with SDF reaching DZ as DZ city is mostly in west euphrates when SDF stole hundred of thousands of Syrian lands.
I chose mentioning the Qasiun map as they are not pro SDF, so as to avoid quoting only SDF minded sites. It seems you consider everybody anti Assad as CIA held, which is not correct and to be honest, just a little stupid.
You are completely correct in the middle part of your comment. You overestinate the SDF as they hold a little under 50k kms2 and you overestimate Syria too as the surface of the whole country is less then 200k kms2.
But in general, I agree that the north/east side of the city is much less important then the south/west part of the city.
SDF entered Humaniyah on the north side wich lies directly on the north river bank, which means they are soon on the river bank.
At the same time, the north / east bank is a long stretch so SAA and SDF might still be in a position where they have to choose : shake or shoot.
I hope for everybodies sake they will choose shake.
They very pro US government talking points have you bothered to check the sight out, the called the latest terrorist leader assassinated “The death of the legitimate leader of HTS” and seems to report the exact same nonsense of an anti Syrian Government news. Try to find something credible,not something like wikipedia either, from Jimmy “Bomi Babes” Wales don’t like the sleazeball as he does provide child porn through his parent company.
Those are just the best known things there are lesser known things , like the alleged volunteers are paid trolls,thing is people can research these things ,but be careful don’t slander him.
The usual shallow analysis from Field Marshall Woolpuller. Based on the use of the word “legitimate” he dismisses this Syrian web site out of hand.
I have found the ‘Woolpuller’ to be intelligent and honest. We don’t always agree but so what ? I am here to learn , NOT teach.
SDF news and u flock to it like a moth to a bright light!
Dude u are literally a paid troll or u want to have gay sex with Kurdish men! Don’t try and flip the gay shit, this is on you! U LITERALLY war game for terrorists against the SAA (u never don’t it against the SDF) and u LITERALLY comment on anything SDF! So its settled, you are a paid troll or u wanna have gay sex with Kurdish men! This is where its at! Both accusations means YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL!
PKG: Oh no, our men are cowards on the battle field and fight like pussies, we need more firepower!
U.S: Did you cap up on the forceful conscriptions?
PKG: Yes, and we are making non-willing 15 year olds boys fight the war too!
U.S: Then put more pussies on the battlefield if that is all we got.
Thus the PKJ was born
Says the clown using a mask and a fake name.
What makes you say that?