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SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

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SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

On September 30, security forces of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced in an official statement that it had neutralized a dangerous ISIS cell in a special security operation inside the northeastern city of Raqqa.

“The targets [terrorist elements] were located in the street of Basil near the neighborhood of Diriyah inside two houses used by the terrorist cell as a hideout to prepare its missions and command its elements. Later, the special forces raided the hideout and clashed with the cell, as a result two elements were killed and five others were arrested,” the SDF’s security forces said in their official statement.

During the operation, which was carried out on September 29, security forces seized two AK-47 assault rifles, a hand gun, seven hand grenades, three explosive belts, eleven anti-tank mines, artillery rounds, and large amount of C4 explosives. A ready to use vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) was also found near the terrorist cell hideout.

The city of Raqqa witnessed a series of attacks by ISIS cells in the last few months. The attackers mainly used IEDs and mines to target vehicles and personnel of the SDF. However, many civilians were injured and killed.

Weapons seized by the SDF’s security forces:

SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

SDF Security Forces Neutralize Terrorist Cell In Raqqa City (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, by the Hawar News Agency

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AM Hants

Seriously hope this area gets the clean up process going, which the people, left, so desperately need.

Bill Wilson

The people have been moving back to Raqqa as the Kurds & US get the water and electrical lines running again. A good amount of rebuilding is going on, enough to draw in tradesmen from Aleppo who say the folks over there are too broke to have anything done.


Raqqa was destroyed by the US coalition, WP was also used against civ areas. Why no money for rebuilding? Hmm

Bill Wilson

The folks in Raqqa got money to repair buildings and reopen shops. Those in Aleppo don’t and can’t get any assistance out of Damascus. Assad and Russia destroyed Aleppo to rid the city of rebels and extremists. SAA helicopters dropped barrel bombs on crowded food markets inside Aleppo. The Kurd enclave inside Aleppo helped the SAA recapture the city.


Sound like a lot of Bill BS to me. This is pix of Aleppo after kicking out US backed killers. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a2ce1fecebe0660e5e257fbab8a40a0e6d14736467767fa5ec7c2cad8ec23e37.jpg I know what Raqqa looks like, total destruction and death.

Jens Holm

Ruins are well known. they di´o bring news. They have told they now can give water and electricity for all few livig there. They also have told about the new Eufrat bridge.

They have shown pictures and we are given messages about demonstrations for better conditions as well as some attacks at SDFs(YPGs of them) from – ot seemes – mainly ISÍS and som FSA semis thibnking they should take´over parts of the town in stead of the Counsil and SDFs.

If they and others got more help, there would be more articles and more smiling. Its hard times.

Jens Holm

Yes, investments are needed making own food again as well.

I dont know, why we dont. We could give many kinds of equipments as well.

AM Hants

Poor things, you cannot imagine the nightmare they are going through, or wish it on your worst enemy. Hope they get peace soon.


Hopefully many of the scum of the ‘Democratic’ forces died too.

Ahmed K Hurmizyar

fuck you


Fuck you, Al Qaeada supporter (or a Kurd, even worse).

Bill Wilson

The Kurds are cool. They and the Druze probably will wind up ruling Syria in the near future!

Mustafa Mehmet

sweet dreams ha


Get rekt, cuckservative. Your Kurds and you scum will die together.

Jens Holm

You must be very censured.

Zo Fu

I don’t get the point. SDF = pro US militia = bad guys. IS = US backed proxy in Russian sphere of influence AND IS = US enemy in US sphere of influence

SO IMHO one bad guys are fighting other bad guys killing few civilians left, who survived infamous US bomb raids on Raqqa. The real question is WHY RUSSIA let US scum bomb the hell out of Raqqa and kill nearly all civilians there

And by the way. Rebuilding city is out of question if USA are still present. If USA is involved, it means it is a war zone and terrorist training camp to overthrow Assad regime. Syria must first kill all West mercenaries and terrorist and repel USA and THEN can start rebuilding what left. You don’t want to live in the house full of robbers, gangsters, rapists and murderers nor invest in it


Don’t worry, the Turks want to do the job, but first some training (with the Russians) in Idlib

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