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MARCH 2025

SDF Steals 140,000 Barrels Of Syrian Oil Per Day Under U.S. Order: Al-Hasakah Governor

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SDF Steals 140,000 Barrels Of Syrian Oil Per Day Under U.S. Order: Al-Hasakah Governor

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The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) steal 140,000 barrels of crude oil on a daily basis from oil fields in Syria’s northeastern province of al-Hasakah.

This was claimed by Ghassan Halim Khalil, governor of Hasakah in an interview with Lebanese al-Akhbar newspaper.

He said that the Kurdish SDF is plundering Syrian oil in various ways, all with the participation and support of American forces deployed to the region.

He said that precise intelligence that was collected indicated that the SDF use tanker trucks from the Taramish area in Tigris and al-Malikiyah to smuggle the Syrian oil to neighboring Iraq.

The governor said that many trucks pass through the illegal al-Mahmoudiyah crossing into Iraq every day, adding that the SDF also regularly sends mounts of stolen oil to their controlled areas in Syria.

Khalil also said that the US ordered the SDF not to allow areas under the control of the Damascus government to receive any of Syria’s oil.

he Iranian agency Fars, citing sources in Damascus, reported on the scale of the theft of Americans and their subordinate forces in Syria on February 22nd.

“Last year [2020], oil production in Syria reached 89 thousand barrels per day. Of these, about 80 thousand barrels were stolen,” said the Syrian Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources Bassam Tuome in early February 2021.

That is, the US military and its allies in the person of the Kurds are stealing virtually all the oil in eastern Syria. This is not surprising, since the largest deposit of “black gold” in the Al-Omar SAR in the province of Deir Ezzor is under the control of the Americans.

Earlier, the Russian military department also pointed to the large scale of the plunder of the natural resources of Syria by the Americans in the territories of the country that they occupied. The hydrocarbons extracted from Syria were sent for processing outside the republic.


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still, no Arab tribes resistance, to the occupational force…


guess you can compare kurds with jews, thievery is part of their dna. and the disunited states of exceptional morons are used to steal and murder and abrogate any agreement they’ve tricked someone to enter into. the value of the stolen oil is about 7 million us$ per day. guess it’s about time to finish the kurds the hard way, before finishing the jews the harder way.


OK, but… How exactly to “finish the kurds the hard way”, who is suppose to do that?


the kurds are as per usual in bed with the wrong parties, the disunited states of idiots and the parasitic jews in palestine which has given them some sense of entitlement which obviously is misplaced (due to their inbred stupidity) and once Turkey and Syria and Iraq and Iran are ready the kurds will be returned to be the tenants they used to be under the aforementioned landlords. there is no way neither of those countries will allow the kurds any kind of sovereignty, except maybe Iraq which has more or less been forced to grant the kurds a limited sovereignty which they will try to change once the yankee-twats are out of their hair.

anything else needs to be clarified?


I have asked you VERY simple , direct question expecting back, the same kind of answer…. Instead of simple direct answer you are lecturing about things that EVERYBODY KNOWS ! I didn’t need to be “clarified” about anything..I just need simple direct answer which you can’t obviously give.


as if the disunited states of A is going to hang around north east syria forever and ever or what will happen when turkey is ready to deal with the turks, hard for the yankee-twats, jews or turks and given turkey’s linchpin role the morons will be more or less forced to abandon the kurds since turkey is far more important than a bunch of stupid kurds – and at that time syria will deal with the kurds in syria so they are back to th tenancy as well. and how iraq deals with the semi-sovereign kurds remains to be seen but I would think that iraq will deal with the kurds and take back the oilfields in the east of the country with some help from Iran, a country that indeed has a kurdish population but a population kept well in hand.

otherwise, your comments are as per usual beside the point and shortsighted and just plain ill-informed. do not reply!


I still don’t have simple answer on my question! You also “do not reply” ! Since you can’t give simple answer on simple question… You are just shoving lots of arrogance with lots of presumptions in your silly theories. Lecturing lot on common banalities…

johnny rotten

It’s no longer a coincidence, when someone declares himself a Democrat he usually turns out to be a thief.

Hasbara Hunter

Perhaps Bomb this Pipeline on Wheels?


chris chuba

A good use for Iran’s new drone. The only two countries that have the range to get to the border crossing are Russia (which does nothing) and now maybe Iran. The SAA does not have the capability.


“(which does nothing) and now maybe Iran” which ALSO does nothing… arab tribe leaders love their bribes too much also and they prefer occupation…

So why would Russia give flying fuck is Syrian’s don’t?


Well those Arab tribes need sending to hell along with the oil criminals.


They are Syrians, natives of that region, Sunni Arabs… Tribal leaders are the traitors deserving punishment, manipulated people are not guilty.


The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed now America needs a new fighter to solve that F-35 problem, officials said.With a sticker price of around $100 million per plane, including the engine, the F-35 is expensive. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2021/02/23/the-us-air-force-just-admitted-the-f-35-stealth-fighter-has-failed/?sh=22a9975d1b16

Lone Ranger

Hear hear. I was telling this for 10years. Reality finally caught up with them.


……and another year or two for die hard “US is the best” lunatics, to digest that news….

“F-21” is the name of the latest project (on the paper only) upgraded F-16 (offered to India) which differs from latest F-16 “Viper” Block 70 in the (my lucky guess) being stealthier (more compost materials built in) and software option for all the newest missiles upgrades (like F-35 has). So they will not need newer hardware upgrades (changes) to accept new generations of the missiles in the future since it is just new software change for each new missile (just like F35)


steal from Syria !!! since when Syria was a country, if not Russia half of the Alawite would have been wiped out and the rest would have been refuges in Europe

chris chuba

At least ISIS would sell some of their oil to Syrians. The crooked U.S. vassals don’t even do that.


Turd’s don’t do that because it is forbidden by U.S….but they would if they could..

Lone Ranger



Do not insult pirates. Please.


It is bizarre to see the US be such an enthusiastic participant in death, destruction, privation, and theft in Syria. Syria is no threat to the US and we have no reason to be wasting billions there. Or anywhere. Let the Europeans be the saints of the rule-based international order.

“We’ve” been fighting”terror” for 20 years and here we are paying, training, arming, and supplying ISIS/al Nusraqaida/White Helmet scum in Syria. “We” are arrogant, dishonest, hypocritical, interfering, petty enemies of the government that is actually fighting the jihadi filth.

The UK government is just as bad, spending millions to run a massive propaganda campaign to undermine the SAG.

All to please Bibi.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikan morality on display now that oil is 67$ per barrel Russia economy improving, amerikans living in frozen BLM/antifa pre-electric society


And nothing is being done about it,at least someof the Turd convoys have been incinerated from the air.

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