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MARCH 2025

SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos)

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ISIS fighters launched a counter-attack on the positions of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Al-Mashlab and Al-Romania districts in Raqqa city and in Qusra Juma village in the southern Raqqa countryside.

SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos)

SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos)

ISIS targeted SDF positions in Al-Romania district with VBIED.

SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos)

ISIS claimed that 53 SDF fighters were killed during the assaults. Kurdish sources argued that the SDF didn’t lose any point to ISIS.

From its side, the SDF officially announced it controls only 60% of Hittin district, while pro-Kurdish had argued last week that the entire district was under the full control of the SDF.

It became clear that ISIS improved its defense and increased its counter-attacks on SDF positions inside the city.

The US-led coalition announced that it carried out 26 airstrikes in the past 48 hours, most of them in Raqqa City to support the SDF.

It also confirmed that the Marines were working 24/24 providing a fire support for the SDF in the Battle of Raqqa.

SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos) SDF Supported By US-led Coalition Repels Large ISIS Counter-Attacks In Raqqa (Many Photos)

According to opposition sources, 16 civilians including four children lost their life in Raqqa City during the past 24 hours because of the bombing of the US-led coalition.

Moreover, according to Turkish officials, the US have told Turkey that it will take back weapons supplied to the Kurdish YPG militia in northern Syria after the defeat of ISIS.

This Turkish claim is yet to be confirmed, but if true this is something that the SDF may worry about, especially after burning almost all the bridges with all other sides of the conflict.

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I wonder if ISIS will use some of its better trained units to infiltrate the US Marines artillery lines ? That would be well worth a bag of popcorn. :)


This must be the unit that supplies all the pretty WP fireworks over Raqqa. So they do put on quite a show all ready.


Why can’t ISIS drones drop some bomblets on the US marine artilery unit? Also, the 17th division command center was retaken by ISIS….I think it is the third time when ISIS recaptured the same base.


They don’t have the range.

Gleni Polus

Wtf is wrong with you? You fucking isis lover


No, I am not an ISIS lover, I want to see them bite the hand that feeds them.

Gleni Polus

Why would us feed them if there fighting isis? Btw i am not saying this as a us lover.


Because ISIS is a proxy of US, and was created by US to destabilize Middle East.

Gleni Polus

And why are they fighting isis now ??

Bill Wilson

The dumbass Arabs, Persians and Turks don’t need any assistance from anyone to destabilize the region.


They sure do not need dumb ass neocons to stir the pot in the Middle East.


June 19/2017 , on Israeli News Live , it was reported that the SyAAF plane shot down was bombing ISIS units that had US embedded forces , 3 killed and seven wounded .


The U TUBE reporter never stated that US was embedded with ISUS. He just added on another report on the end of statement (which is probably false). Thanks for wasting my time :/


Excuse me , he implied they were a couple of times , going on to say , the three US dead and seven wounded have not been reported in the US .


Sorry, but you should check your sources before posting fake news. :(


I do stand corrected , I did think it was Israeli news , not a Christian / Israel support site .

Drew Andrews

The SDF have already commandeered a whole load more gear from IS. There position in terms of ordinance is better and will continue to improve compared to what it was before they received US gear. The kurds will give any Turk a bloody nose as did Cypriots. Only better.


It will take them long time until they are finished with Raqqa and US-americans intend to depopulate Raqqa.


VBIED pics are from baryd not romaniah, i geolocated them on wikimapia

Bill Wilson

LOL! Counter-attack? Looks more like stills taken from a training film.

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