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MARCH 2025

SDF To Gain Control Over Eastern Bank Of Euphrates As Result Of Unprecedented Deal With ISIS – SOHR

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SDF To Gain Control Over Eastern Bank Of Euphrates As Result Of Unprecedented Deal With ISIS - SOHR

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On Sunday, ISIS and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) begin negotiations to hand over the eastern bank of the Euphrates river to the SDF, according to a report of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The SOHR added that the negotiations are sponsored by local tribal leaders from Deir Ezzor governorate. The area that might be handed over to the SDF is over 110km along the Euphrates river, according to the report.

The SOHR added that the area include all the villages between Khsham town in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside, and Hajin town in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside.

Hajin town is located 20km north of the last ISIS stronghold in Syria, al-Bukamal city. If ISIS hands over the town to the SDF, the US-backed force will likely cross the Euphrates and effectively cut off the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) from al-Bukamal.

Earlier on Sunday, reports appeared that the SDF captured the Omar oil fields as a result of the agreement with local ISIS members. The Syrian pro-government blog al-Masdar News even said that the local ISIS fighters defected to the SDF.

The tension between the SAA and the SDF reached a new level after the recent SDF advance in Deir Ezzor governorate and the supposed SDF-ISIS negotiations. According to some pro-government activists an armed conflict between the SDF and the SAA looks closer than ever. On the other hands, the US military support is an important issue that prevents the SAA from hostile actions against the SDF.

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Yep the Kurds are now officially terrorist collaborating theives, like everyone said they would be.


They’ve now allied themselves with Terrorists making them terrorists and fair game for Russian and Syrian aviation. Time to activate the S-400s and Pantsir systems to cover the Euphrates valley. Last I heard, Russia doesn’t accept terrorism. I guess we’ll see now if that is truly the case.


Actually they have always been PKK so they were terrorists right from the begin.


Looks like Turkey always had it right.

Jens Holm

Haha – And You are CIA and support USA because You have internet and computer.

Deo Cass

Russia is a toothless charlatan. It will never attack them. Let Syria, Iran and Hezbollah deal with the US/Zionist invaders and occupiers of Syrian sovereign land. The US and Israel fear them because they know that they are not cowards like the Russians and they got a good taste of them in Lebanon. Iran knows pretty well that the Zio/Nazis want Syria to target Iran. So to begin with, Iran needs a large military base in Syria to counter the US and Zionist illegal bases on Syrian sovereign land. Second, Iranian troops need to be sent to Syria in their thousands to prevent it being taken over by the illegal Zionist/US colonial imperialist terror coalition. Third, the Syrian government forces and its allies need to reclaim the Omar fields first and then all of the territory on the Eastern banks of the Euphrates river, starting from now. Russia has to be left out of the equation. It failed to meet its commitment to protect the Syrian state and its people from US/Zionist aggression, invasion and occupation.


Without Russia, the Syrian state would’ve been destroyed already. It was almost there when Russia entered the fray.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Russia comes to save its Syrian ally from sponsored terrorists but not from their sponsors, unlike Iran and Hezbollah. One must be blind enough objectively, to not see and acknowledge that fact, my friend.



Gary Sellars

Oh pls just STFU…. toothless charlatan…. how the F do like idiots you remember to breath?


The Iraqis have retaken Kirkuk and the Nineva plain, corruption and greed never win in the end and it seems the winds of change are begining to blow in the face of the Kurds, serves them right for choosing Shizrael as their only ally.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

With my heart broken and sad to die, I must recognize each of the words of your comment as truth and quite analytically correct my friend. All the enemies of Syria, including Israel, are much more afraid of Iran and Hezbollah than of Syria’s greatest nuclear power ally, my beloved Russia, without mentioning the obvious reasons and causes of it. Russia comes to save its Syrian ally from sponsored terrorists in Syria but not from their sponsors, unlike Iran and Hezbollah.

Jens Holm

Cheep conclusions with no realism.Go back to Your second class videogame or at least ud´se the danish hitman.


No intelligent retort I see. Consider an education by enrolling with a group of toddlers so that you don’t miss anything

Solomon Krupacek

sure not. it is similar, like nazist gave up in western front.

Valery Grigoryev

Agree absolutely. Good example.

El Mashi

The ZioUS puppet masters were always behind Al Qaeda. Now, we have the proof.

Jens Holm

First its SDF, which is half arabs and some come from there. Next handing overto isnt collaboration but surrender.


So you are admitting SDF = ISIS

Jens Holm

Go back to the childcarecenter

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

IS will shave off their beards, change their uniforms and, hey presto, we have the SDF. We all know that game the US plays! Guess the barbers will soon be doing a roaring business!


You will know it is all over, when they change outfits/uniforms again, and come out with their lippy and heels in situ.

Syria: Isis terrorists caught trying to escape Manbij city in burka [VIDEO] A video shows the militants, who had tried to sneak past Syrian soldiers dressed as women, but had been caught and being interrogated… http://www.ibtimes.co.in/syria-isis-terrorists-caught-trying-escape-manbij-city-burka-video-688102

Wagner schmit

Look 41 hypocrites who now believe in SOHR after calling them names wow.

andy l

Yep no need to defeat Isis just let them defect & join you!

Stephen Lambert


Wagner schmit


juan carlos ayala

ok. then tomorrow Syria and Turkey make an alliance and the party ends to the slaves of the Yankees

Jasminko Grdic

I hope that when Iraq is done that PMU will transform to SAA like IS to SDF and that they start from Sinjar und push to Hasakah and down to Al Bakamul

Robert Duran

Remember Turkey is one of the root causes of the Syrian conflict..Never forget that

Behold a Pale Horse

……according to a report of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

Stopped reading at this point.

Amirul Farhan

No wonder why their neighbors really hate those backstabbing bastard


if confirmed, wtf was saa doing they suffered heavy losses while liberating Almaydin city and around it, many patriots sacrificed themselves for the unity of Syria and now they are getting all the oil for free. or is there an un-advertised agreement that we dont know of. hope the reports to be wrong.

Solomon Krupacek

was saa doing they suffered heavy losses while liberating Almaydin city

light losses, isis abandoned the city. the whole sf-bounded fascist commenters opened champanier, whow fast and easy was to take this city


You are correct.

Imo IS is trying to steer their defeat and to sow dissent between SDF and Assad. Having said that, SDF could hardly avoid a deal if their allies want one.


Can’t fight magnetic attraction of US democratic system that is able to convert staunch head choppers into democrats in a blink of an eye. I am surprised that “beacon of democracy” needs armed forces at all, with their political system being so attractive?


Democracy is the best system of the world, after trials of all other systems have failed.


Except that we do not have democracies in the West. They are all kleptocracy’s where the financial and political elite utilise debt to enslave the ordinary citizens. Even a person with no personal debt is obliged to pay the government debt via penal taxation.

Much of the government debt is then used in rapacious wars, massive arms expenditure and private prisons where those that resort to crime to live are locked up in ever increasing numbers.

The Elite owned corporations then use offshore accounts to avoid paying tax in the countries that they loot.


Since the days of Cromwell and the “You know who’s” re-infesting England – Interestingly the German former finance minister and leader of the Bundestag Schaeuble said – “The financial system as its been since the days of cromwell is about to change forever”. Interesting moves afoot against the jew world order and possibly indicative of a German/Russian/Chinese axis developing.


I hope you are correct and that the cure forecast by the German Finance Minister is not worse than the Zionist system we are afflicted by now .


So where exactly is that democracy you speak of, definitely not in europe or usa


I said yesterday that “SAA was so fast, ISIS didn’t have time to convert to SDF” in Omar fields. They proved me wrong. Looks like the path from IS fighter to a Syrian “Democratic” Force fighter is just a phone call long. Please give a warm welcome to newly instated “democratic” members of the US coalition forces.


Perhaps their garbs weren’t ready for them to change. Tailors these days…

Stephen Lambert

The US has no right to be in Syria at all. They were only ever there as ISIS agents, now that the SDF is the new ISIS…… let them get whatever comes to them!

Solomon Krupacek

kick them out. this is war, boy. putin invited them, as partners against isis.


No he didn’t …………………. liar, liar, pants on fire !


Aww… Don’t tease Solomon… He’s the cutest thing ever! ;)

Solomon Krupacek

just after garga :))


Solomon, Tudor generously invited me to Russia. I arranged for you to come too and he agreed. I can’t guarantee your return though, as I intend to sell you to him.

Come, it’ll be fun. At least for me. ;)

Solomon Krupacek

tudor is not russian citizen.

i have no fear, i was several times in both, ussr and russia.


Good for you. Then it’s easier if you’re not afraid. Until it’s too late, of course!

Shall we?

Solomon Krupacek

Yes, you both shall fuck yourself. Aplenty. :DDDD


What an answer! What does sex have to do here, sexually ill?


Aw… Cutie pie curses again. I wove you!

Now my conscience is clear to leave you in Siberian winter with Tudor.


How old are you?

Solomon Krupacek

he did. listen again putins speeches.


You forgot to tell us about this on the Shizraeli F-35 getting blown out of the sky thread – are you avoiding me? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/88785059580bfede8c656dc4917cc3d85e6f884cfb4255d8d0fef2ec8f76d96d.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

until i will not hear from my official sources about thus, a keep it as fake news. and i dont comment.

Solomon Krupacek

i never bbet with morons. but i could bet 100000 usd and win. unfortunately, you are poor drunker. :(


…………….and you are a pieceofshit…………….. dickwad.

Solomon Krupacek

you should not use such words, when you communicate with your mirror picture :DDD

Solomon Krupacek

everybody, who attacks sdf (which is really terrorist organization), should think about saa abilities. that shitty T2 station is still in isis hands! pzivj and his halo daily onanize about fact, that saa shpuld not take abu kamal.

but! saa was not able to free latajia (shitty 5-6 villages remain!), take dael. take daraa (allegedly fsa – beginners only!), to take back al eis, south ghouta, east ghouta (tha main pain in ass is jobar), saa was able to lose palmyra in 1, single one day. this is not caused by kurds. this is caused by shitty assad and his impotent generals and coward syrians.


Ahhhhh………………….. Yawn,……………………Wanker.

DJ Double D

If SAA with the help of allies are struggling to take back cities and towns and the Kurds are doing it faster with the help of it’s allies, then is it safe to say that Russia will struggle with NATO as Russia will basically be fighting by itself against a coalition of countries some of them dangerous and technologically advanced foes?

El Mashi

Those countries who are ‘dangerous and technologically advanced’ whom you say will fight Russia. They are already fighting Russia, and they are losing. The US, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia already tried to overthrow Assad, and failed.

DJ Double D

As far as I’m concerned, Russia is loosing this North-eastern Syria fight. We can’t pretend that everything Russia does or doesn’t do is always right.

DJ Double D

I understand what you are saying, but that Assad remains in power is no more less actual as the resources to keep Syria moving. If Russia is unable to secure Syria the oil resources being captured now by the US/Kurds, then (as Solomon Krupacek wrote), without resources to keep the population living happily, another uprising will eventually happen again. And if they succeed, Russia is gone from Syria. So, in effect, not doing the right thing now will come back to haunt them.

Solomon Krupacek

i would not to transfer syrian agenda linearly on russia. but we see, russia makes mistakes.and needs good friends. strong friends.


Solomon, I know you have a good head for things like this so, what do you think? Is it possible that the SAA and Family was in the Al Omar facilities, saw how banged up it is and decided to do something more constructive? Just a thought.

Solomon Krupacek

Hm, i really dont know, what want the generals of SAA. Everything is dependent upon secreat deals betwen us army and russia. IF americans are rigid and will atatck saa troops east of euphrates, i am sure, saa has no chance to make any advances. al bukamal is important assad had to focus on this border town already weeks earlier. the hasitation shows for me, there is puzzledom in syrian high command. one day would like go east, the next south. they do everything so hurry-skurry. i hope, you are right and finally saa saves at least al bukamal. there are 3 important border towns west from euphratus: daraa, an tanf and bukamal. until today none of them is in government hands. so, again, yes, in this situation would be more constructive to take the whole west bank and eradicate isis. and we will see, what will bring the future.


Thank you Solomon.


Im also wondering what the deal with T-2 is and why hasnt it been taken yet?? Russian MOD reported it taken on their map a month or so ago.


Well, it does explain certain things. LIke how the SAA has not deployed the Tigers east of the Euphrates twice now, first after crossing south of Deir Ezzor, now near Mayadin. Instead each time the Tigers were sent elsewhere, even though the Kurds were making a landgrab for the oil fields. So it would appear that those oil fields are just not a priority to Damascus. Maybe Assad is planning to invest in solar energy?

Or, as I said before, Assad and the SDF have already reached a deal regarding those oil fields, similar to the one in Hasaka. As I’ve said before again (and again and again), without a port the Kurds can’t export anything. So it doesn’t matter that much who controls them, only how it gets exported. And if the Kurds control the oil fields the US can’t really place this oil under embargo, as that would hurt their own allies. Something the US could have done if Damascus had managed to bag the oil fields instead.

Which leads me to suspect that the SAA will now focus on driving on to Bukamal. Getting the oil fields is now a lost cause. The main focus will now be on making sure the US can’t stop the Shia crescent from being finalized and keeping the Kurds bottled up in a landlocked enclave, surrounded by hostile neighbors.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Until someone comments with some wisdom. It’s a real good analysis and very objective point of view. I totally agree with you my friend, and I congratulate you for your comments.

Solomon Krupacek

barba papa usually writes good comments, this is shit. he told nothing, only ried to say, the bad sthing is good thing. so, lied.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Solomon Krupacek, not everyone can agree with everyone here, I think, but you also, usually get used to making many solid and objective comments here, and the true, I would love to know your personal point of view about this news that we are all commenting here, my friend. I’ll be waiting.

Solomon Krupacek

Dear Terence, check my answer for John.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

OK my friend, I’ll check it.

You can call me Al

If you don’t mind, I shall just add to the previous commentator, with my view.

You will remember Palmyra, the good guys retook it, only to go gung-ho onto another operation, without properly consolidating the area – low and behold it was retaken by the vile US manufactured puppets.

If the SAA + allies crossed to the East of the Euphrates whilst leaving vast sways belong to ISIS South and South West of DZ, the same would happen again.

We must remember that the manpower is limited and the worse thing the SAA and allies can do in this situation is to open up multiple fronts.

Whilst I am emotionally split on the decision, I think we may find out that it is the right one in the end. Liberate the whole of the West of the Euphrates and contemplate what the hell to do next.

The oil output is rather negligible at the moment and not the priority.

As posted above, you maybe interested in this – https://www.eia.gov/beta/international/analysis.cfm?iso=SYR

Also please read this and have a laugh after you stop banging your head at the shear hypocrisy and lunacy.

“The Syria sanctions program implemented by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) began in 2004 when Executive Order (“E.O.”) 13338 was issued to deal with the Government of Syria’s policies in supporting terrorism, continuing its occupation of Lebanon, pursuing weapons of mass destruction and missile programs, and undermining U.S. and international efforts to stabilize Iraq. Following events in Syria beginning in March 2011, subsequent Executive orders have been issued in response to the ongoing violence and human rights abuses taking place in Syria. The Syria sanctions program is one of the most comprehensive sanctions programs currently implemented by OFAC. Most recently, additional actions have been taken to ease certain aspects of the sanctions program to support the Syrian opposition and the people of Syria.”

I repeat “Government of Syria’s policies in supporting terrorism, continuing its occupation of Lebanon, pursuing weapons of mass destruction and missile programs, and undermining U.S. and international efforts to stabilize Iraq. ”

You really could not make up their stupidity.


According to Al-Masdar, production of the Omar is below 15K barrels/day, which is size of junior Oil company in US/Canada, so it has minuscule economic meaning for Syria. Strategically it is indeed important to establish connection all the way from Iran to Lebanon to keep Israel in check.


I think it is more about the capacity of the oilfield than about its present production rate.

However, there are older reports that the field was not handeled properly in the past and its capacity, though substantial, is only of secondary importance.


1. You may be right about the old oilfields being in bad shape after years of neglect.

2. OTOH, provoking Israel by threatening to attack Israel or moving Iranian troops to Syria is Guaranteed to cause Israel to attack. It would just be quicker to commit suicide because result is the same.


Yeah that Boomer Bob yay israel guy here a while ago mentioned this and that all that was left is heavy tar oils hard to process.


Dont know what kind of oil is there. But as a general rule: It’s highly likely that almost any field that goes years without being properly managed will have suffered from the neglect. These were older fields to begin with, so they would have been declining even without mismanagement by ISIS etc.

You can call me Al

Regards your no 1.

The reason “Syria’s energy sector has encountered a number of challenges as a result of conflict and subsequent sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union. Damage to energy infrastructure—including oil and natural gas pipelines and electricity transmission networks—hindered the exploration, development, production, and transport of the country’s energy resources.”



Unmentioned is the gas production . Oil production not impressive at 15 k/barrels per day ( see Anti_globalista above), the gas production is substantial . Overall the field brought in 25% of Syrian oil revenue . The positive is that “”ISIS”” did not blow the fields, and following the example of the other gas field , may be turned over to SAA .


CAN’T rule out the civil war and head choppers looking to grab oil field workers as having some effect. Doubt we will be seeing Halliburton & Schlumberger in Syria any time soon.

Andre Lopes

There are some points that are important to this: 1. Turks and Turkey are the main enemies from both Shia Syrians and Kurd Syrians, so much so that i dont´see why Kurds and Shia coudn´t get an agreement. 2. Isis is dead, defeated and everyone knows that. So, Syria and Kurds must decide what to do with the Syrians that were forced to be ISIS from the Real Isis terrorists. The depuration from that captured ISIS fighters can wait until the rest of Syria is cleared from Foreing Isis fighters. 3. Once foreing ISIS fighters are decimated from Syria. Shias and Kurds have a common enemy from Turk rebels Hayat Tahir al Sham and other Al-qaeda TUrk-alliances. 4. Syria will have to deal with HTS once ISIS is defeated and the Kurds could be friends instead of enemies and that is the strategie i see Syria high command taking.

El Mashi

Syria will never allow any Syrian vassal population. Syrian Turkomans must pledge allegiance to Syrian government and break all ties to Turkey or suffer consequences which is normal in time of war. The same goes to the Kurds.

Tudor Miron

This is interesting proposition. But that requires that those that are funding SDF share the same agenda. Without US funding Kurds will not worth much as mil. force.


…………This is not a bad prognosis, bottle up you foe so that he can’t move any further, and then come back and deal with them later……………… What lends credence to this action is the lack of value of the assets which are not worth the effort of capture………………… move along now, nothing to see………….. yes this is a tactic that works for me.

Langaniso Mhlobo

I support your analysis. Right from the beginning SDF and ISIS were both control by USA.This could have been seen when SDF march to Raqqa how USA could suppress and backstab SDF. Russia, USA and Israel have a deal.But in the same process both SAA and Russia were got off guard by USA strategy while their were about to claim the last 8% of Syrian territory.Slow movement and planning by SAA and Russia cause them a huge price.Unnecessary redeployment of lightening fast Tigers force with good planning were interrupt by SAA and Russia. Blocking and pushing back SAA from Jordan border to garrison 198 simply indicates USA creation for Israel air corridor to Iraq Kurdistan.Huge weapons abandons also made SAA and Russia belief that their are now in full control. But this was a signal that USA has a quick meeting for ISIS reintegration in SDF.USA blocking was having a physicallegical effecton SAA troops movement for the Last 8km with great cautions.Russia knew this as their are always informed about their colleagues in crimes agenda.

Jens Holm

Actually it started by Assad letting Jihadists out just before FSA became real. Those were meant to fight FSA(+Qaida). But ISIS turned against Assads.

By that USA came in and supported them hard with Saudi, Qatar and Turkey.

But ISIS went out of hand of USA(fx stealing from the part of FSA which rapidly declined).

So thats why Kurds came in. Before that, they were just a primitive and small milisia(having a professionel big brother in Turkey)..

Telling thats ISIS jihadist can work with sekular marxist is far out.I wonder why You cant see how skizzo that is.


You people just can’t help yourself and must accuse Syria of whatever your beloved does. Projecting much? How about saying Assad brought ISIS into Syria? It mustn’t that hard, as you already accuse him of bombing his people and killing his political opponent by thousands (nice trick counting Salafi terrorists as political opponent by the way).

Let’s call things by what they really are, in this case PKK.

PKK in Syria came in when the US and co were sure ISIS can’t do what they expected it to do. So they started to arm and fund PKK which was nothing before that.

SDF and ISIS will cooperate whenever their master tells them to. You can’t decide for yourself if somebody else is paying your salary.

Deo Cass

Leaving the Syrian people’s oil fields in the hands of the US/Zionist colonial imperialist invaders and occupiers of Syrian sovereign land is commiting suicide. No, this was not a Syrian plot, this was a Russian back stabbing. Syria would be an impoverished third world country without its oil and gas resources. That is why the US and the Zionists want to steal it from the Syrian people’s mouth. Syria, Iran and Hezbollah need to confront their arch enemy and defeat the beast with its Kurdish slaves cost what it cost, and it takes as long as it takes.


Hysteria much? Don’t be so emotional, dude. Have a little faith that Uncle Putin knows what he’s doing. The guy is dominating the world stage and has turned the Syrian civil war around with a tiny military presence and shrewd negotiating, despite the Russian economy and military only being a fraction of the size of the US. In 2015 the Syrian government was about to collapse, controlling only a tiny amount of territory in the West. Now it controls almost 2/3rds, with more in sight. In 2015 the West dreamed of instigating regime change, now that dream has been given up and the only dream left is damage limitation. Even Tel Aviv’s best hope nowadays is a tiny buffer strip along the Golan where no Iranian backed forces would be allowed.

The fact remains that the Kurds can’s export a single drop of that oil as they are completely surrounded on all sides. They have a working deal to split oil profits in Northern Syria, chances are they will work one out for East Syria as well. What else are they going to do with it? Drink it?


You are not thinking clearly, and way too emotionally. This situation cannot remain as such for the Kurds/SDF simply because they are surrounded. Where are they going to send the oil ? And how ? Without the SAA’s approval , they are not going anywhere.


Expect that the SDF will most likely turn the oil fulls over to SAA after they are taken. Syria is the only market for the oil, and no oil men are jumping at the chance to get their heads cut off in Syria by insurgents.

Jens Holm

Yes, share.


Ever heard the term “Giving someone enough rope to hang themselves with”? I suspect thats whats happening here re Russia and the Kurds. Wont be long and we will see a Kirkuk/Nineva plain type operation and the Kurds disgraced in the eyes of the world.

You can call me Al

I agree, the SAA were 10Km from the Omar field but chose to consolidate the West of Euphrates, which part of ma agrees with, part not.


Yeah I think Abu Karmel is the strategic priority, if israel succeeds in blocking the Shia crescent the whole war they started will be considered a success, this can not be allowed to happen, if they get their Shia crescent then many more things are possible inclueding rolling back the kurds to their hills. Still puzzels me why they havent taken T-2 yet.


How are the SDF going to get the oil out? Aren’t they surrounded? Look how far they have come in the last 3 years, focusing on priorities and allowing cauldrons to fill up, before being sorted.


I imagine the SDF will get the oil out like they do in Northern Syria, around Hasaka, via tanker trucks into the Syrian regime territory to the ports in Latakia . With the Kurds getting 30% of the profit. Something like that.


Don’t they have a mega problem, owing to be surrounded by those that have no wish to see that happen? Cauldron with assets you cannot move, so comes to mind. Making sure they all flock to the same destination, for when the time is ready to deal with them.


…………….my thoughts exactly, it is the only reason one doesn’t see the SAA/RF and allies racing to grab the oil fields……………. such conclusions can only be reached if you have a modicum of common sense.


Hallelujah, thought I was going insane.

DJ Double D

Somebody has stated that the fact that SAA is loosing it’s oilfields to the Kurds might be as a result of a deal between the US and Russia. I say if that is to be the case – it is an awful deal. A country can’t make deals with it’s lifeblood.

Keep it Real

I love russia, they are quiet and working on the next war! After ISIS is official defeated they will push against the kurds and the USA has to expose to the world why they are in Syria! o more chance to hide! Turkey iraq will push uncle sam out if they lift a finger for the kurds!


Well; considering the debacle or Iraqi Kurd separatist clan advised and led by B. Levy, Israel must have doubled down on the krdish cause (Persan spring), and must have ordered US to start spending large sums of money to buy off tribal elders, promise them profit sharing from the oil fields, and issue a complete amnesty for all dash. This must have been easy to achieve, considering that many of those tribes supported dash and committed atrocities against other Syrians. Most likely, RF was given concessions in some other way, most likely future concessions, that will be easy to revoke. It is very likely that saa never crossed the river for the second time, and even if they did, it may have been an insignificant bridge head. Some maps showed them a few kms from the main Saban field.

Another interesting issue is the 70,000 strong Shaitat tribe, whose lands are on the east side of Euphrates, right next to Tanak oil field. Shaitat tribe suffered grievously at the hands of dash, with at least 1,000 of their men, women, and children slaughtered by Dash in one mass murder alone. Shaitat has been fighting on the side of the army for years, and are one of the key reasons for why DZ was able to withstand. I somehow doubt that they would be easily bought off, which may point to the reality on the ground being different from what is being reported.

Gene Mosher

Where I live, and probably anywhere, it’s a crime to knowingly receive stolen property. Then again, if you can’t ship the oil anywhere you won’t need to even bother drilling it out of the ground.

Jens Holm

Before ISIS came poor people hardly got a drop of oil. All went to Damaskus and was given to friends.Thats where the theft is.

Im sure it counts as minus for Assads as well as the conditions are exact the same in Iraq.

Gene Mosher

So you’re telling me that after ISIS came poor people got lots of drops of oil. Tell us about that, won’t you?

Jens Holm

I havnt. Thats hostile reading of worst manipulated level.

Gene Mosher

Well then, won’t you tell us about how ISIS made things better for the people of Syria? You certainly imply this.

Jens Holm

I have never written that.

USA hoped those could be the final push for Assads as well as Assad hoped ISIS could fight his enemies. He armed them too when they started.

I imply none of ISIS are any good for something.

Gene Mosher

Ask your dad what it means to write something which implies things you don’t actually write.


It difficult to see exactly what is next on the plate of the SAA and Co. But, I will offer a couple of points.

As much as I wanted to see the SAA and Co. roll into Al Omar, it is not as strategically important as securing the south bank of the Euphrates. The road network is there and so is the major border crossing. The oil fields may or may not be there in 100 years but, those towns and crossings will.

Secondly, any deal struck with the local tribes, means nothing to the Syrian government. Eventually the locals will play ball the the Syrian government.

Lastly, if the SDF wants to see how the land grabbing strategy works out in the end, the example has been set just a bit north and east of them. Does the SDF/YPG/PKK in Syria, really want to get blown apart like the KRD is over in Iraq. There is no future in it.

The local tribes that sided with ISIS in the first place, are not candidates for trustworthiness from the SDF. How are they going to react when 5 times, 10 times the firepower that the SDF possesses, winds up on their doorstep after the SAA and Co is done with other things of greater importance. Looking at this situation with the distance of a bit of perspective, it has all the fury of a body twisting in the breeze, after the hanging. But, I think things will stay interesting for a while. I wish well to all.

william serrahn

Amen. The SAA and Ruskies will have to be content to let the Kurds and their U.S. sponsors play in the Euphrates valley and Eastern Syria for a while as they have other more important fish to fry. The Syrian government will strike a deal with them in the future to move back into their northern cantons and be happy there with semi-autonomy. If not, then it will be war and they might not be offered a deal as sweet after they get hammered a bit.


Mississippi wind chimes


According to Al-Masdar News, the Kurds-SDF have simply made deal with local tribal leaders to turn over the oil field. The Kurds have not yet taken possession of the Omar oil field. Keep in mind, this is a huge 40 mile long oil field. It is obvious that these tribal leaders did this to save their ass, because if the SAA had captured the area these guys would be sent to jail or executed for having supported ISIS. The Kurds obviously offered them a way to avoid this.

But, what happens when other ISIS affiliates further East, and not part of the deal, decide to fight their turncoats? Keep in mind that the Kurds could not even defend the al-Jafra oil field East of Deir Ez Zor City. The Kurds will be looking for help to defend these new “captured” oil fields. That is where the SAA will step in.

And, I think that the SAA knew in advance that this deal was in the works. They probably figured that this was the only way to keep the entire oil field from being set on fire, as was the case with the oil fields of Kuwait during the Gulf war in 1991. Those fires took a year to put out and were an environmental disaster.

Here is an excerpt from the Al-masdar News report:

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:40 P.M.) – Tribal fighters linked to the Islamic State (ISIS) defected from the terrorist group to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) at the Al-‘Omar Oil Fields in Deir Ezzor, a military source in Damascus told Al-Masdar News this afternoon.

According to the source, the SDF has not reached the Al-‘Omar Oil Fields, but announced they captured this imperative site in Deir Ezzor after the tribal fighters joined the Arab Liberation Council.



Cheryl Brandon

SOHR is a discredited one man led organzation run from somebody’s bedroom in the UK. This is a pro terrorists/pro White Helmets supporter a rabbid pro american supporting Syrian. Dishonest/dangerous./ despotic/despicable SOHR;Ignore their LIES.

Ahmed K Hurmizyar

very wise


There are going to be more and more deals made as ISIS collapses. For example: Much of ISIS support in Iraq was not because Isis was great; it was because the IraqI government persecuted the Sunni tribes. Now that Isis is weak, the Sunni tribes are trying to make deals. In both Iraq & Syria.

John Brown

Once ISIS is eliminated then the SAA Syria, Turkey, Russia, Iraq, Iran and China will deal with the kurds and those USA bases. Expect the USA economy and the Jewish federal reserve dollar to plummet soon once the golden Yuan and rouble come out which will force the racist, supremacist, global Jewish slave confederate empire and its USSA slaves to close down all their foreign military bases as they won’t even have money for food.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Russian best weapons and missile defence systems are reserved for Syrian,Iranian and allies enemies.Both Russia and his colleagues USA doesnt have weapons testing grounds.This useless support was for weapons testing.Too many ceasefires to prolong this humiliating war which end in begging back or partitioning countries resources and share.


What kind of piece of s**t negotiates with ISIS just to spite another faction. Al Bukmal and those oil fields belong to the Syrian state, not some militia faction fighting a proxy war for the U.S. and Israel.

This latest dirty move by the SDF has lost all remaining respect I had for them. Every time the SAA get ahead of them, they resort to collaborating with ISIS.

Bobby Twoshoes

The kind of pieces of shit that bow to the same US master as ISIS. The US doesn’t care about their pawns’ ideology, because it will ultimately be a pro-US ideology or they will be overthrown themselves. Yanks will find a way to rationalise for whoever buys their guns to steal oil from the locals. ISIS and SDF are both the same entity, the US anti-Syrian coalition of cunts, the only difference is how they are presented in media coverage.


If someone , dutchnational maybe, knows how to contact the SDF , I have a bridge for sale , actually , a good number of them .


So really , the SOHR , I doubt everything they say , and would not bet a dollar on it .


Dutchguy may be busy checking SDF tweets for “real” news. :D The bridges on the Euphrates go for half price (considering they all have gaps in them). I wonder if the Mayadin bridge has been repaired by the SAA, this could be a game changer. :)


Yeah i wouldnt be surprissed, they have had a while to look at the satelite pics and knock up a span or two that could be carted in and bolted on.


Interesting turn of events, the Fog of war surely has plenty of surprises. Already see the multitudes of bashing going in both Directions here….. Russians are traitors, Assad and SAA sucks, U.S/SDF sucks, Turkey….etc.All valid observations… However, at this point all, we as observers in this conflict will have to wait and see where the chips fall. At the end of the day when the dust settles, the question that remains is this. 1.Will Syria remain whole in one form or another 2. Will all none invited powers causing chaos and mayhem leave Syria? Time will tell.

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