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MARCH 2025

SDF Vows To Fight Against Russians If It’s Needed (Video)

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SDF Vows To Fight Against Russians If It's Needed (Video)

A screenshot from the video

A press office of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) has released an interesting video about plans of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) over

The video shows an SDF commander claiming that the SDF “reached the industrial area” as well as “taken the electricity company and sugar factory”. According to the commander, the SDF was in about 6km from the Euphrates and was going to reach the river despite “airstrikes” from Syrian or Russian forces.

“It’s true, Russia targeted our forces, but this isn’t something that will scare or stop us. We are a military force and however much the state targets us we will reply in kind. The regime wants to intervent and stop us from progressing here. Whomever targets us we will target them. Whether it’s the Syrian regime or Russia, it doesn’t matter,” he said.

According to YPG Press Office, the video was recorded on September 17 following the alleged Russian airstrike on some position north of Deir Ezzor, near SDF units. [The Russian military rejected the claims that it had bombed the SDF]

However, by September 19, the SDF still has not reached the Euphrates.

It’s also interesting to note that a major part of video statements of the SDF is released via YPG Press Office. This fact shows that the YPG and YPG-linked bodies remain a key powerbroker in the SDF.

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Pathetic SDF, how are you going to respond to a Russian, Syrian and allies effort with your ragtag militia? You are going to be outmaneuvered by superior forces and systematically driven back to your homeland.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Right back to that land of the Turks where they will give you Nothingstan!

John Mason

Assad should give the go ahead to Turkey who would love to inflict major harm onto the SDF.


Unfortunately, where the Turks go, they are loath to leave. Just ask Cyprus.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The only problem Assad hates terrorists of any ilk and the Turks are on that list but after ISIS,Al Qaeda, Daesh/FSA, US/Israel/SDF group and then here are the Turks ,FSA. Lets hope Egypt becomes a stronger voice for Syria which means more ISIS coordinated Attacks from Israel.

Tudor Miron

Kurds… when you were mass killing Armenians for your Turkish mastrers (that promised you thick and thin) how did it end for you? After you were done with your bloody crimes Turkey pressed down on you even more! History doesn’t teach those who are unwilling to learn. USA is very well known for being “reliable ally”. Don’t be surprised when treated as “used condom” – that was your own choice.

Trustin Judeau

SDF looks more pathetic every day


Hmm, maybe russians should pull out their military police out of northern Syria, let’s see how they will like that :).


Nowhere to hide then…. + Sheikh Maqsoud residents in Aleppo, all hostages…

Toni Liu

Even with they still there kurds already shitting their selves by got attacked from turks fsa, so that means it will be bloody carnage if russian pull their force and syria blocked the area, they will be nothing but forgotten history in the north that teach any party in the future about there are people who betrayed their country that already give them anything from food to protection but they still kill their countryman

Don't read butthurt replies

Lying piece of sh.. SDF/Kurds.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Iluminati secret society oreplan war of 23 September 2017 is coming.But Jesus is in control. After delivery of S- 400 to Turkey it will be force to joining NATO war according to article 5.USA Israel base which build to take over Syria is operational. False flag attack and the big show will start.Pray for your soul’s people. Time is up.

George King

Lets get something straight here the word “Illuminati” means light and truth, what you are attributing to the dark forces under the word Illuminati is Orwellian and completely false and lies.

Just how do you propose this force will be applied to Turkey under Article 5? NUTS!

Langaniso Mhlobo

There is a difference between illuminati which is American secret society and illumination which is enlightening . You sounds like either British or American moderate terrorist Muslim.Please don’t rape English.Because i have notice that you are chopping of meanings to hide the secret society.

George King

The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious, people claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge of something. The Free Masons’ 33rd degree (secret) deals with this. Example, noun; “some mysterious standard known only to the illuminati of the organization”.

I believe in natural law, inalienable rights that all world citizens are born with despite those who would usurp them for any personal gain over another under the guise of goverment, religion or other manufactured cause.

It maybe that your comprehension for what ever is choppy maybe due to lack of proper english grammar, sentence structuring and tenses but that is not an impediment to understanding just confusing for transfer of thoughts and meaning.

I sound like? “You sounds like either British or American moderate terrorist Muslim”? You lost me here as to why you would think this but I assure you it is wrong on all accounts.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Not several groups it is USA and Britain imperialist which is illuminati.Plus small illuminati puppets who came in Africa camouflage behind the Bible and blunder Africa and kill millions of blacks inflate and rape.Now the same imperialist supremacists are blundering Arab world of oil and gas and imposing stupid regime changes for personal interest and imperialist greedy gains.You racist white puppets forced your language on us yet we passed all exams created in you English colonial languages.If the terrorist does things in your favour you call them moderates, friends of NATO,Democratic forces.Free Armies but when it’s against you imperialist you called them insurgents,saboteurs and rebels.Most insane stupid Rotchilds.Full of hate go and rectify Israel’s that their are the one’s who killed the Messiah Jesus the King of kings and the only door to Eternity. Stop promoting gay marriage it is sodomy.Stop satanism it promotes the will of Satan and demons.Stop making vampires and Draculas it is Satan’s tools.Stop promoting wars it cause bloodshed.Stop worrying of other countries success.

George King

You are confusing psychopaths for normal enslaved citizens of Empire which has happened through out mans history even before current nation states existed. It appears that this conversation has reached a point where both trains of thought are being derailed and there is no point to continue.

Best regards

Langaniso Mhlobo

Don’t blame the pass you British and USA are totally confused physchos by human depopulation throughout pass and present.You are just like Trump who speak rubbish in the biggest world assembly.Your head is full of American dollar.Have nice day my best friend.

Langaniso Mhlobo

This guy will dry up quickly in Syrian hot desert.The Russians are coming.It’s show time watch the bright fireworks of Russians.

Behold a Pale Horse

Fight the Russians. HAHAHAHAHA. Good luck with that.


No shit. It would be their last adventure.


It’s already their last adventure, that is if the Syrian government is smart enough to realize Kurds must not remain in Syria after the war is over.

Kambyses Kyros


Floyd Hazzard

I expect that sooner or later the SDF will come face to face with T72 and T90’s and come to their senses in their Humvees. If the SAA is smart they will push all the way up the Syria Iraqi border to cut the Iraqi and Syrian Kurds links. Give them a sealed open air Rojava……ja ja ja ja.


The first American advisors equipped them with javelin missiles. No, they can’t win, but they could make things very ugly for any armor.

George King

That’s what Kaliber missiles are for, soften’em up. If Kurds don’t do a quick retreat and Maya Cupa what is forming from Iraq and Syria through N7 & N4 producing cauldrons and block to the oil fields from the west we may see a movement up and across through M7 as a dagger through the heart.

Toni Liu

Even with that they just make saa just tickle a bit cause RUAF and SAF just bombed them to death and send some buratinos to clean what left


They are not scared because RUAF did not bomb them. If there were truely 6 wounded SDF, they would not speak in that confident way. Crying and shouting the wounded would narate the facts looking at their body’s part on a table in the hospital room. The other would be scared and understand that they are not anymore facing Psycopaths in black but the WWII winners on 5th generation planes and satellite guided missiles.


I actually thought this was fake news. SDF going up against Russia? I thought Daeshbags were suicidal enough but it seems SDF is eager to be the first to go through the Gates of Hell.

George King

It appears that ISIS is willing to share their Captagon pills with kurdish daesh

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Who do you think sells it to them and why these Kurdish dwarves think they are invincible, can tell from the drug usage on this one.


Look what i just found ; Kurdish in Northern Irak celebrating their new abortion ! http://www.alalam.ir/news/2017119

Manuel Flores Escobar

He wants to receive some cruise missile gifts!…..


Poor idiot, he does not what is saying, he just repeat what USA tell him to say. SDF (USA) is not fighting terrorists !! They are having party whenever the go.

eric zweistein

Fake News.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This was reported by others elsewhere and by “Khalifa OIR “so thanks for the admitting they are fake and continue to be the real terrorist Leadership in Syria .

Toni Liu

So what kind real news you want to expect? kurds wins raqqa battle just in one week and share their wins to other party, isis qonquer syria and make freedom life in syria , alqaeda won in syria and make democratic election, or what?

Dod Grile

Murder Inc sock puppet, soon to be dead cannon fodder. When will they ever learn?



Gary Sellars

It must be hell to have to parade in high heels…. poor ladz.

Gary Sellars

Stupid Dumb Fuckers can go jump off a cliff… they will get NOTHING.

Gary Sellars

Yeah sure, you Kurdish idiot…

Tell us again how you won’t allow the SAA or Russians to cross the Euphrates?

Sam Culpak

I actually think there was a bombing and artillery barrage coming from the SAA/Russia. However it struck before the lines of the SDF and was just telling them “Up to here and no further”. I guess it did the trick.

The SDF now crying about casualties is just some smokescreen. In my opinion the SDF asked the US troops if they can go ahead and march to the Euphrates. The reply must have been “hell no” and now they rattle their chains a bit.




their heads are filled with air. who do they think they are?Russia can crush them in a matter of minutes and noone will come to the rescue.


joke of the century?

MD Ranix

wow such blatany arrogance from zio satanic terrorists …. he forgot to mention fighting the rest of the syrian allies plus iraq and turkey .

Langaniso Mhlobo

Don’t play with the Russians their will dig you out with kaliber cruise missiles from the tunnels.Terrorist there is no way how you can play rat and tunnel game with the Russians.Even the ice or river can’t block the Russians.Before you say wakbar you are gone your suicide bombs will kill you for the second time while you are dead.

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