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Sea Grain Caravans Continue Sail From Ukraine To Turkey Ignoring All Russian Warnings

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Sea Grain Caravans Continue Sail From Ukraine To Turkey Ignoring All Russian Warnings

On October 31, 2022, at least 12 sea transports began moving along the previously established corridor for the transportation of grain from Odessa in the direction towards Turkey.

Earlier, the Russian authorities announced that they were suspending their participation in the “grain” deal after the attack of the Russian Black Sea Fleet ships on the roads of Sevastopol.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation informed that the movement of dry cargoes along the transport corridor of the “grain deal” is unacceptable. No security guarantees are valid for dry cargoes passing through this corridor any more.

On October 29 Russian ships were attacked by British-made unmanned sea and air combat systems. At least one maritime drone was launched from a cargo vessel following a previously agreed secure maritime corridor to transport grain from Ukrainian ports.

As a result of the attack, the “Ivan Golubets” minesweeper was badly damaged. A naval drone jumped onto the deck through the trawl discharge hatch and exploded on the upper deck.

Sea Grain Caravans Continue Sail From Ukraine To Turkey Ignoring All Russian Warnings

The tiller compartment was badly damaged. The frigate “Admiral Makarov” also sustained minor damage.

The events of October 31 showed that the warnings of the Russian side were ignored by the other participants of the “grain deal”.  Another large caravan of vessels passed from Odessa towards Turkey. The animated video below clearly demonstrates the formation and passage of the caravan.

In the case of the October 31 caravan, there is the suspicious vessel “Ocean Legend”. This vessel first went toward the caravan, then turned around and went together with the ships of the caravan, and then sailed westward. It is likely that this vessel took on board some cargo secretly transported from the territory of Ukraine.

Sea Grain Caravans Continue Sail From Ukraine To Turkey Ignoring All Russian Warnings

“Ocean Legend”

Another oddity is that from the section of the UN website dedicated to the Black Sea Grain Initiative, the agreed list of ships involved in the transportation of grain has disappeared – https://www.un.org/en/black-sea-grain-initiative/vessel-movements 

The Russian side will have to respond in some way to this situation. It is unlikely that Moscow will directly attack vessels carrying grain. However, it is possible that the water area will be mined in order to hamper or prevent further passage of ships through this corridor.


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Sink them all

Bigg Chungus

Sinking them is a waste of food. They should be boarded, the crews arrested, and both the ship and cargo becoming Russian state property.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bigg Chungus

Too dangerous. It would put the Russian crews in danger. It’s better to mine everything and torpedo the freighters just to send a warning. A couple of freighters blown to bits in a couple of minutes are more than enough to send a warning and put the Western MSM and propaganda machine into a frenzy, bitching and whining about Putin and his “evildoing”.


Nobody gives a shit about russian warnings. Russia has become a joke.

my patient need another injection

in kiev they need a candle for writting a comment…


Not really… but it is true in most of russia outside moscow


That’s the moment when they lose all fear of you whatsoever. You can now sink these ships and be the villian for the entire world or let them pass and have a open line of arms shipmens through this same lane from now on.

Odessa might become a misurata of ukraine. The place where all the arms and mercs land.

Last edited 2 years ago by kotromanic
my patient need another injection

they ‘ll let them pass but to return is another question…plus what is the entire world? russia dont care about west now and definitivly,replus odessa soon or later will be russian


If they sink ships with grain then the entire world is the entire world not just the “world community” = nato and friends,

Michel LeBlanc

That grain is going mostly to uk, i say sink em and let the brits starve.

jens holm

Thats right. Its partly the same for oil and gas. Its the poor which cant decline to a lower level. West can even we have problems for years to find Our lowered level well.

jens holm

UN is alaway censured away in the comments even Russia only got support in UN by Assad, Lukashenko, Eritrea, Notrth Korea and Cuba.

China as well as India was neutral.

So thats how Your real intere world is.

Its the same for the nazis in ukriane. They are 2,15% and not even in their PM.

No matter they are and must be they do defend their own country. You even telll we support nazis. So what about UK, USA in WW2. They even gave USSR for 27 bio. dollar help when Russia for a period was out of almost anything.

Soon we will see the many leftover jeeps and bedford fuel trucks for russian supply to the new museum army and Tjerneko and Andropov in front in T34s.

Ypu have no idea for how isolated Odessa is seen from Kherson. To take it Russians has to go up north and arou d the big flat very wet terrain.

Marshal Antonescu

Agree. An Akulla drifting ‘mine’ hitting one of this CIA CovertOps ‘grain ship’ will change theirs minds for good.


I would like to ask everyone who knows what the hell I am talking about to remember who it was that pushed very hard for the ‘grain deal’ and who did not, in the first place. Please remember also who was, to put it lightly, very reluctant.

jens holm

Not everyone has the same kind of memorylack as You.


I think most ships just want to leave Ukrainian harbor and not get stuck there for an uncertain amount of time. Since they can’t insure the ship or cargo anymore i don’t expect grain transportation from Ukraine to continue.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anyone
jens holm

We will see. Russia do infantile revenge.

They bombarde almost every energy source in Ukriane and random too. Next the Ukras fight back. And the he poor countries becomes hostages – again.

Very much as UNICEF should take over and Russia soon and next time should be inspired by Harpo Marx.

How can any just as Putin, Medvedev and Lavrov make thrats about nukes, dirty bombs and whatever and be insane or a bad raised psycopatic child.


How many years did it take for you to perfect the art of talking out of your a**?


What warning? You want to starve millions of people in Africa?


The grain doesn’t go to Africa, CIA girl.

jens holm

You are nuts. Everyone know it is and can look it up.

Fx “North African dependence on Russian and Ukrainian wheat. Egypt is the largest importer of wheat globally, with a combined 85 percent of its supply provided by Russia and Ukraine”


Russia and Ukraine are major wheat producers and exporters, and supply about 44% of Africa’s consumption, according to the United Nations. Sudden spikes in wheat and bread prices are a particular problem on the continent because food insecurity is critical at the best of times and often fuels instability.10. jun. 2022

You and Bunnie show Your credibility well. Its minus.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm

Well the EU could use all those ships, trucks and trains to pull the grain out of ukraine and bring it to a EU port to load it on grain ships to go to africa.

But no they are loading thos with holy himars and saint stinger. So their prioritys are not on africa either.

jens holm

EU as well as USA in princip is totally independent in grain and products from Russia well as Ukraine.

We export a lot of upgraded food but by that has to buy from Ukriane and russia. We also import a lot of other products in Europe because they only can grow in the tropics and subtropics.

Thats a succesfull number one for EU. No more starvation as in WW1 an WW2.


Aren’t you busy fighting off azeris/turks/ al quaida after your leaders told the russians you do not want their help?

Michel LeBlanc

The grain goes to europe, go virtue signal somewhere else bitch.

USA is a shithole, Europe becomes one

The ships should go to Russia as war reparations. The families of Donbass victims of Ukrainian terror should get the benefit.

Bigg Chungus

Russia is actually giving free grain to African countries now. Most of the sales from the “humanitarian” grain deal were going to the EU, anyway.


Out of 203 shipments, 99 went to Europe and 4 to Africa. The same Africa that was shafted by the EU and US with Covid, when the EU and US hoarded all vaccines. The same Africa that is being shafted by a strong USD, result of the interest rates, consequence of loose monetary policies by the FED. And the same Africa that is suffering the consequences of disrupted supply chains and inflation, as well as the consequences of unilateral sanctions imposed by the US and EU outside the jurisdiction of the UN and WTO, which are the only international organizations with legal standing to do so. Now, you were saying something about starving millions in Africa?


The UK has made and not honored agreements throughout history and appears to consider this sort of thing to be a fair deception. They also tend to test the limits of everything .They would also consider feeding starving people a weakness to be exploited. This has been their history and their slow demise.

Beast of Omaha

May be a few surface suicide drones similar to the ones that showed up in and around Sevastopol will come out of nowhere and will not hit any grain caravan.

Dick Von D'Astard

My understanding is that the Russian position is that the shipping can sail but they can’t guarantee safety to that shipping in the event of Russian military action in the area.

Dick Von D'Astard

Look to be escaping Dodge at high noon for the Kyiv-Nato Axis grain deal.

Tommy Jensen

Next time Britain badly damage a Russian minesweeper and kill Russian officers, we will give Assad the S-300 and suspend our chatting with our equal partners if Britain do it again. Next time they do it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Jensen

es hora de ser duros con la escoria nazi judia anglosajona

emanuel fernandez

The weak military reaction to the cowardly attacks of its enemies, coupled with its always gentlemanly and passive attitude of my beloved Russia, is transforming it more and more into a not feared and not respected giant and harmless Teddy Bear in the eyes of the international community, whom every time dare to harm and humiliate Russia without even the slightest concern for the consequences of their actions.

Beloved Russia, please don’t delay in defending yourself and making yourself respected with all your might and means. Because the later you do that, worse will be the consequences of your inaction and indecision over time as it is happening just now.

Moreover, why do you care about international opinion for your actions if they don’t care in the slightest about Russia’s well-being?

Sgt. Based

Capture the ships then

Free Ukrainian grain

You can even sell it to the original customers for double the price


The Russian leadership is increasingly ridiculous. NATO does what it wants. It gives thousands of weapons, mercenaries and money to Kiev. It organises terrorist attacks on Russian soil. Russia’s response is always empty threats that it cannot carry out anyway.


Mine the routes. You can even blame Ukraine for that. Sure the West will blame Russia, but the West would always blame Russia anyway. Since Russia already has the reputation, it might as well reap the rewards and send a message.

Marshal Antonescu

Correct. Russia will bleed even more, you will see this, until they finally will eliminate that fucking idiotic ‘humanism’. Anyway, a lot of those ‘humans’ from West cheers every time Russia suffers. Not to mention a big proportion of brainwashed galicien neo-nazi lovers.

Vlad The Cuck from Rumania

Hey, sissy shitskin. Go back to fucking goats in your gypsy village.

Marshal Antonescu

Suck dick motha fucker nazi shit.

Gerry Bell

The sooner Russia takes Odessa the better.

Marshal Antonescu

I told before that deal to be signed that it will be the perfect screen for CIA covert operation especially when ships returns ’empty’. Now that’s a fact. I bet they will continue till some random ship will get a mine from an Akulla russian sub. I strongly suggest russians to let one of those ukronazi drifting mine to accidentally get one ‘grain’ ship returning with CIA goodies. Of course, let intels to point what and how !

Vald The Cuck from Rumania

Hey, sissy. Go nack to fucking goats 😃😃😃🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Time to destroy the port facilities they are traveling from and confiscate the tankers are they return.

USA is a shithole, Europe becomes one

Russia should arrest the ships and take the merchendise as war reparations.


Putin genocida, vai ser julgado por crime de guerra, mortes de bebês, crianças, grávidas, velhos. O sangue dos inocentes clama por justiça. Putin é mentiroso, falso, traiçoeiro. Os russos tem inveja e ciúmes dos ucranianos, por que eles são mais inteligentes do que os russos. A Rússia não consegue vencer a guerra, os próprios soldados russos não querem lutar, não querem morrer na Ucrânia. Putin está destruindo a Rússia. Na cabeça do ditador paranoico deseja destruir a Ucrânia, um país intrego, soberano que não deseja ficar debaixo do julgo dos russos, todo povo tem direito de ser livre. Se tem russos na Ucrânia insatisfeito volte pra Rússia que seu país, não queira usurpar territórios ucranianos. Os ucranianos são corajosos, valentes, heróis defendendo sua pátria. Viva a Ucrânia que está vencendo os mentirosos russos.

Marshal Antonescu

I told before that deal to be signed that it will be the perfect screen for CIA covert operation especially when ships returns ’empty’. Now that’s a fact. I bet they will continue till some random ship will get a mine from an Akulla russian sub. I strongly suggest russians to let one of those ukronazi drifting mine to accidentally get one ‘grain’ ship returning with CIA goodies. Of course, let intels to point what and how !

Putin is sad

Turkey rules the waves

EuroTrash PinkPig Zionist Pedophile

In EuroTrash land we need all the grain we can steal so my pink pig pedophile obsessed inbred people can fatten our ugly faces some more. It’s okay we have been stealing from the rest of the world for so long that’s why we are as ugly inside as outside 🐽 now I’m going to suck zionist cock like the wonderful white westerner I am 💩


Russia is a terrorist state. And too weak vs Turkey.

Tiny man is being taught a lesson.

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