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MARCH 2025

Seattle Protesters Storm City Hall After Running Cops Out Of Precinct, Establishing “Autonomous Zone”

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Update (1140ET): Protesters broke into Seattle City Hall Tuesday night to demand the resignation of Mayor Jenny Durkan.

The protesters were aided by Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, who was seen alongside the protesters inside City Hall, according to Fox News.

After protesting inside for over an hour, the group left City Hall, chanting “Defund SPD” as they left.

*  *  *

What began as an attempt by Seattle Police to ease tensions after a week of protests by retreating from the Capitol Hill neighborhood has resulted in the establishment of the so-calledCapitol Hill Autonomous Zone” – a six-block section of town which Antifa and other activists have occupied, setting up barricades and claiming the area near the Seattle PD East Precinct as theirs.

Seattle Protesters Storm City Hall After Running Cops Out Of Precinct, Establishing "Autonomous Zone"

Click to see the full-size image

According to Capitol Hill Seattle Blog, the pullback by the police and National Guard come after police used flash bangs, pepper spray and clouds of gas just after midnight – a standoff which followed a warning from Mayor Jenny Durkan that the city had “specific information from the FBI about threats to the East Precincts and buildings in Seattle.”

On Monday night, seven hours after Police Chief Carmen Best announced held an impromptu press conference, Durkan tweeted that law enforcement would retreat in “an effort to proactively de-escalate interactions between protesters and law enforcement outside the East Precinct.”

Before the pullout, Seattle Fire removed “many personal effects of the officers normally stationed in the East Precinct” as part of a “proactive effort to guard against potential damage or fire,” according to CHS, while a mobile shredding unit was seen at the precinct – ostensibly destroying sensitive files ahead of the pullout.

The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, meanwhile, sent an ominous sounding message to area businesses and organizations that warns of a “credible threat” to burn the precinct building down, notifying them that the building and nearby apartment buildings were to be assessed for possible treatment with “a biodegradable foam fire suppressant” by the Seattle Fire Department as a preventative measure. –CHS

Local rep. Kshama Sawant – a longtime critic of Durkan, said on Monday to a crowd of protesters: “What we are seeing now is an uprising. A rebellion of young people. Not just nationwide but globally.”

Seattle Protesters Storm City Hall After Running Cops Out Of Precinct, Establishing "Autonomous Zone"

By Tuesday morning, protesters repurposed police barricades into a zig-zag maze to block traffic, while tent shelters were set up to help keep volunteers dry.

Seattle Protesters Storm City Hall After Running Cops Out Of Precinct, Establishing "Autonomous Zone"

Photos via CHS

Seattle Protesters Storm City Hall After Running Cops Out Of Precinct, Establishing "Autonomous Zone"

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Very nice! Capitol next.


Mmmmm, I suppose that the new Antifa/BLM gated community will be extorting protection ‘fees’ from all those with assets to pillage as I write this. Its mimicking the US Democratic Values that the CIA and US Military have been forcing on target countries for years :)

The US Freak show is now on Prime Time TV for all of the world to see.


This Autonomous Zone is a bit too small Florian. If they expanded a bit they could set up tool gates on heavily used highway I-5 to collect more revenue. Also would be cool to have the Seattle Space Needle in your zone. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/94d9fb2a8a0f7ac1a7f687985359bc427eddcd543e131628bb0338ce35302af6.jpg


The chain of events in the US has long been a subversion in the making and part of this has been the almost total sycophantic Hollywood output since the 1930’s. Most Americans from all persuasions are all members of varying factions of the same US cult worship, to the exclusion of the rest of the world, in my opinion.

In other nations where this psychosis has occured the results have always been very destructive for all concerned.

I hope that people such as you have a plan to mitigate the forthcoming tsunami of tribal infighting, PZIVJ. Its a worrying time, especially for those with families.


YES! Hollywood has been pushing all forms of lies and deviance and is the number one cause, through it’s propaganda, of all the retarded thinking and hatred in the U.S. (And the world).




What assets?


Some humanoid named Raz Simone is apparently the self-declared warlord of the Seattle communards and has already been hard at work extorting local businesses for protection…








Thank you

Luther Blissett

In Canada we’ve been able to watch that show since the 1950s! Are you just tuning in now?


I am fortunate to be able to avoid the ‘enriched’ areas of the UK, but that being said, we do have de facto ‘no go zones where certain minority groups who prey on young and often underage white girls largely go unpunished .

Kenny Jones ™

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_Autonomous_Zone It even got a wikipedia page lmao xD


LOL. That was quick.

Ivan Freely

A good start; burning down small businesses wasn’t the way to go. But, they still need to march towards the Nation’s Capital.

Tommy Jensen

The Uswimps elect their wife as Mayor, Spokeswoman, Police Boss’s, Sergeants and Truck drivers.

Luther Blissett

Miss Donaldia Trump? Yikes!

Tommy Jensen

Thats what they want. Fragmented small units are easier and cheaper to dominate and suck dry.

Ivan Freely

I highly doubt soldiers would defect to these Antifa types. Most of them would sit this one out; only a handful would defect to the side that counters Antifa. I’m still taking the wait and see regarding the US splitting up.

Bill Wilson

The soldiers will do as ordered since they’ll face court marshals with disciplinary actions of they don’t. The vast majority of Americans are dismayed that so many mayors ordered their police to stand down to the “protesters”, rioters and looters instead of wading in with billy clubs swing, kicking butt and taking names.


These disgusting leftist shitholes are beyond salvation. At this point I say just let them fall into anarchy so everyone can see how useless their ideology is.


That’s what happens actually.

Concrete Mike

To equate anarchy with the true left is intellectually dishonest.

Socialism is not as bad as we have been brainwashed to beleive.

I dont agree with the anarchists, but i view the anarchists as a symptom of runaway capitalism. Until we adress runaway capitalism, until we recognize that its become corporate facsim, no positive changes will.occur, just window dressing, to keep the capitalists on top.

Its not a zero sum game sir.


The fact that these communards are allowed to occupy government buildings in a major city and enforce an ‘autonomous district’ without being crushed by security forces is prima facie evidence that theyre no threat to the system.

Luther Blissett

Shhh, Phoror.

Go back to your blacks are ‘humanoid’ propaganda. Rationality queers the deal.

Lazy Gamer

Imagining a full subversion, where would be the EU denouncements? Where are the sleeper cells to snipe both protesters and police? Where are the diplomatic personell giving aid to protesters? Where are the busloads of people coming from the South to join the protests? Where are the media who will inflame the situation? Where are all the NGOs which received money, and which will be joining the protests? And where are the online uploads showing more police brutality? Where are the African nations to establish a no fly zone? lol I must have confused some ME country for the US. lol Seriously though, America is oceans away and any further deterioration will see the active deployment of soldiers. They will just drag away all these people to jail. What they can also do is study the chain of networks in the internet and follow the trail of money.


A complete carpet bombing in that six block section should do the trick.

Luther Blissett

The message from NATO HQ


There will not be a civil war. It is impossible.

Tommy Jensen

There already is. Just not in the traditional way. We also have a WW going on. People are just not aware of it.

Ivan Freely

WW? No. A Cold War? Yes.

Ivan Freely

A war between the citizenry and government would be considered a civil war.


That wont happen.

Luther Blissett

A ‘cold war’ between the citizenry and government has been most forms of government….


This was the no go area Sunday night after the mob attacked a driver there and one of them who was grabbing the steering wheel and punching the driver in the face got shot. The area wasn’t barricaded at that time, now it is. Private investigator Douglas Hagmann on his news show says that there are CIA regime change, color revolution, Arab Spring type escalations planned between now and the presidential election. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c3a850ad38ac2011e74d4fef418f1d56c9f45c317d79f513b858193c459d549e.jpg




You are very naive to think that for all the wars and deaths this is a fair payment


What does your reply have to do with my comment?

Bobby Twoshoes

I think he just recently learned what naive means so he’s looking for excuses to use the word, he called me naive for some nonsense he made up a couple of days ago too.


And what does your comment have to do with the article?


Why do you ask stupid questions?


Because I don’t address to a smart person.


You’re the one writing stupidity not me. Quote one thing that I’ve written that isn’t smart. You can’t, so you won’t, because you’re the idiot spamming these threads with stupidity.


I can’t quote something that you’ve written that isn’t smart because ‘not smart’ is for someone that can also be smart but he failed at some point, so don’t flatter yourself with ‘not smart’.


That’s a dodge. You’re the one posting stupidity, not me.


Tha’s why I’m here :) unlike you that are here to show brilliant wisdom.


In other words you’re a liar and a moron.

Luther Blissett

How much real leftist anger?

instragram model hired for COINTELPRO?

good old NED-style coups coming home? empire coming home?

boogaloo bois? opportunistic org crime? biden re-election? trump provocateurs? black americans as the golems for ersatz israel?

That’s what I’m here for!

Most comments on this site are just low-energy variations on “Soros did it” And if you think soros(NED)=”the left” — you didn’t get ‘pilled’, you swallowed a tide-pod.


This is from the shooting by a security guard on his way to work who was attacked by a protest mob and shot one who was grabbing the steering wheel and punching him in the face that led to the mob barricading off a section of the city:

“From the official Seattle Police report

“Fernandez was driving around the area of the protest/demonstration and came onto 11th Ave. He thought he could get through so he continued driving but encountered a crowd that was yelling at him. They started kicking his car and people were trying to grab him through his open driver’s side door window. He said the person he shot was grabbing him through the window and was grabbing his steering wheel.”

“Officer Keating asked Fernandez why he shot the man and he said he was getting barricaded by everybody and he was fearing for his life. He said he exited the car with his gun in his hand yelling at people to get back away from him. He said he ran through the crowd and encountered the police line, and immediately surrendered to police.”

“Fernandez repeatedly asserted that he was in fear for his life, and he had no way to escape, and he was going to be seriously harmed if he did not take the action he did.””

– The Niko Innocence Fund –



The city and county officials are fueling the insurrection and unrest by aiding the protesters victimising the citizens and charging the victims of the protester’s crimes engaging in self defense, and not prosecuting the protesters who are indisputably breaking many laws. The driver was entirely within his rights to be driving on a public street below the speed limit. The protesters deliberately blocking traffic and attacking vehicle and motorists are indisputably engaged in criminal activity.

These are excerpts from the charging documents. The entire case against the driver is based on the premise that he provoked the attack by driving aggressively, and that the protesters breaking the law against blocking traffic were justified in attacking the car and driver. When the police affidavit makes it clear that he was driving well below the speed limit at all times and it’s questionable if he was even driving to fast for the conditions.

It’s really very shoddy and prejudicial prosecutorial work based on extremely weak evidence that the driver was provoking having his vehicle and person being attacked. When it’s clear that the protesters were in open violation of numerous laws and behaving extremely aggressively against the vehicle and driver. And none of them, including the man who was assaulting the driver, were charged with a single crime. Though the evidence is clear that numerous crimes were committed by the protestors.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e95df87c86e85b36cd114f1ec7198f2edce3f576ea9100e64f25916c33123b1.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e964cf76cd5df414699c289c78232d3c54af5d83b102179e9534acaa3a4af37.png https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mZDMj0TeN92Ez7Cb9gxp7Y7fvPZv67Al/view


The prosecutor who didn’t charge a single rioter with a crime in this incident is incompetent and malevolent, and is collaborating with the rioters to jeopardize public safety.

The driver obviously acted in self defense. The police and the prosecutor have provided zero evidence that the driver provoked the attack by driving at half the speed limit or less down a public street that he had every right to be on without hitting a single pedestrian. And making efforts to avoid pedestrians. While being chased and attacked by a crowd of crazed rioters. Or by any other evidence that they’ve provided.

“The prosecutor’s office released the following statement Wednesday:

“Although Mr. Fernandez claims to have acted in self-defense, our laws distinguish a person protecting himself from an attack from a person who provoked the attack in the first place. Given the evidence uncovered in the past three days, there is probable cause to believe Mr. Fernandez falls in the latter category.””

– Felony assault charge for Seattle man accused of shooting protester after driving into crowd –


Luther Blissett

Justice for Security Guard driving their cars into crowds at reasonable speeds


And what is the speed limit when trying to drive through a protest? Perhaps when you drive a ride share in Washington State you have a weapon by your side, how is this not aggressive driving !


Are you still under house arrest and medical martial law?

The driver was clearly driving far below the posted speed limit and was never issued a ticket for driving to fast for the conditions. The police report makes it clear that it’s questionable if he was driving to fast for conditions. And that he was driving in a manner to avoid hitting protesters.

What is the speed limit for driving when your car is being attacked, you’re being punched in the face by some insane rioter grabbing the steering wheel, and you’re in imminent danger of serious injury or death?

How is driving with a weapon to protect yourself from being victimised by criminals aggressive driving? There is no law against having a loaded gun in the car for protection. That’s what they issue licenses for. And the driver has one.


Was he driving 15 mph or under? Gov Newsom says it’s OK to go out now, even though LA county has the most new cases now. I will be the San Gabriels this weekend looking for big pines and perhaps a brown bear. :)


The speed limit is 25.


When they’re attacking vehicles and assaulting drivers it’s a riot, not a protest. Maybe you should drive through some unarmed to demonstrate how you think that it should be done and see how that works out for you.

I’m sure that Gavin Newsom would be happy to make sure that you don’t have a gun to insure that you don’t risk injuring any peaceful democracy protesters punching you in the face and trying to drag you out of your vehicle to be kick the sh– out of you.


4 DAYS AND COUNTING:times not on nwo/nazi/fake commys side and it will hit the fan wrong or right! Like a no win,no win situation,Trump too well knew it,doing something about it too,hey sorosbot:looters: This is why china did what they had to do in 89,seems god rewarded real commys after and ever since!


Is China fake commie or real commie?

Ivan Freely

Fake. LOL Seriously, a Communist society wouldn’t have Millionaires / Billionaires.

Porc Halal

Or would it?!…let’s do not foget who financed the french or the judeo-bolshevik revolution…the goal of these extra reach individuals (less then 1% of the entire world’s population) is to impose communism worldwide, abolish private property, which is tricky, because they will own everything which means that the entire private property will be concentrated in their hands…everyone else will own shit…will be just their slaves…

Ivan Freely

You’ve described feudalism, not communism.

Porc Halal

ahahaha … oh, so you’re a commie…that explains everything, given the content of your comments…I feel sorry for you…

Luther Blissett

>>I feel sorry for you<< Typical libtard empathy.

Ivan Freely doesn feel sorry for you 'Porc'. Freely is a communist, he doesn't feel human emotions, but you start blubbering in empathy and sympathy and compassion…Time to man-up and stop weeping, Porc-y!

Porc Halal


Porc Halal

I know what communists are capable of … I lived under communism and I know them very well … but thanks for the advice…

Porc Halal

BTW, how is your communist revolution going so far in Amerika?…

Porc Halal

I’m glad you portrayed the real face of communism … you described it perfectly !! … coming from a supporter of communism, it’s even more convincing …


In better news, some communard Mobster got his skull crushed by a falling Confederate statue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcJNFdhVoVk


Sad when someone dies so young they didn’t even have time to chose their gender yet

Luther Blissett

What every gender your pretending to be … it ain’t male!


Yeah, male is the king of all genders even in the wokers book


I don’t think militias will come in solidarity with the looters :)

Luther Blissett

Yeah! Militas don’t need ‘people power’ to start looting – they got guns and grifts – and they don’t like to share (except for their wives and opinions….)


Don’t cry little girl, you still have time to chose your gender identity few times until they shot your balls.


It’s appalling that the police and prosecutor haven’t arrested or charged a single rioter with the attack on the security guard legally driving on a city street on his way to work. Who were damaging his vehicle and physically assaulting him. And are charging him with felony assault for acting in self defense when he was in imminent danger of being seriously injured or killed in a mob attack.

Luther Blissett

Not a day goes by and I don’t think of that security guard….

What has America come too when security guard cannot legally driving on a city street without MOB killing them.

USA = s**thole country = Iraq = hanging Mercs’ burnt bodies = Romania = Police attacked


This is a pre-planned nationwide organised event, a kind of regime change operation. Antifa is openly marxist, BLM is secretly marxist, but they seem to work hand in hand most of the time.

Luther Blissett

Damn that specter keeps haunting

j. jaxson

its called old style american revolution protests. no big deal. I love our country-left-right-upside down whatever. All the police need to do is get rid of the bad apples and marshall dillion can take over. also we just love to fight-thats how we out did every other country in the world.England is run by muslims.

j. jaxson

We gotta keep that heroin flowing out of Afghanistan.

Luther Blissett

Southfront – I’m out of bière de gardes and commentators to humiliate…

Send more of each!

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