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MARCH 2025

Second IED Found In Attacked College Facility In Russia’s Kerch

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Second IED Found In Attacked College Facility In Russia's Kerch

Vladislav Roslyakov

A second IED was found in the personal belongings of 19-yo Vladislav Roslyakov, an attacker involved in the October 17 incident in a college facility in the city of Kerch, the Russian Republic of Crimea.

Earlier on Wednesday, 9 people were killed and about 37 people were notably injured (according to an updated data) in an explosion and the following shooting in the college facility in Kerch. The explosion was caused was by a first IED, which targeted a second flor of the facility. Following the attack, Roslyakov commited a suicide, according to Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov.

When the incident happened authorities initially described it as a possible terrorist attack, but later when the Interior Ministry reclassified it to a “murder of two and more persons”.

According to some experts in Crimea, the attack may have been instigated by the Ukrainian special services. The reason behind this version is that over the past few years Russian security services have repeatedly detained persons, who were preparing terrorist attacks or acts of sabotage in the republic upon orders and with assistance from the Ukrainian intelligence.

If this version is at least partly confirmed and evidence confirming links of the Ukrainian special services to the incident appears, this will cause a further deterioration in the Russian-Ukrainian relations. In this case, Moscow will likely toughen its stance on the conflict in eastern Ukraine and the so-called Ukrainain issue in general. So far, the Kremlin has had a wide variety of economic and diplomatic options to punish the Kiev regime, which have never been implemented. The confirmation of the Ukrainian involvement in the October 17 incident will change this.

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Nicola Facciolini

The face of Devil


Which one, Trump, Wolfowitz, Cheney or the she devil Clinton?

Empire's Frontiers

High level demonic possession seems capable of animating several dolls at once.

Black Waters

The ukrops are behaving like ISIS… that’s why U.S went to ukraine, to traine ukrops as extremists.


I was aware that Trump and benjanyahu will take revenge. I think Trump and Benjanyahu are very upset and had planned this for Russia after supply of S-300 to Syria.


The Americans are afraid that the entire world will see that the Russian S-300 system is the best in the world. And we also have the S-400, S-500, S-600 and S-700! We can cover the entire planet, and not a single warplane will be able to take off.

Tommy Jensen

North Korea and Russia´s worst nightmare is that USA will deploy THAAD-800 near their borders to intercept all their attacking ICBM´s. This will isolate N-Korea and Russia completely on the planet………………………….LOL. Russia´s and N.Korea´s daily nightmares will deepen further when US deploy THAAD-900 in 2019. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/north-koreas-worst-nightmare-south-korea-wants-its-very-own-22691

Nick Sobkowiak

Who wants to bet he had “help” building those bombs


What makes anyone think Kiev was behind this? It might be straight up spree killing and I don’t see why Kiev would target a college campus unless there was a very specific person they wanted removed from there. Also, it is clearly implied he that the attacker was one of the students, which actually supports the spree killer theory.

Potato Potato

Finally someone on here with some sense. The others on this message board are worse than Russian bots…


Most of these guys aren’t bots, they’re conspiracy theorists and neo-Nazis. I don’t think South Front realizes they’re driving away readers.

Potato Potato

I know they aren’t bots. I said they’re worse than them.


Well they certainly have had no success getting rid of you.

Empire's Frontiers

It’s a bit different than the environment over that the live map though.

It’s nice to see some people here that visit both sites.

But Smaug up there, polite as he is, is probably one of the most obtuse posters around. What you’ve witnessed here is a broken clock in his special minute.


You’re a real detective, like Trump who says that with Kasoggj, Bin Salman the ripper has nothing to do with it.


Kiev is just another vassal, obviously the order would have come from Washington.

Ray Visino

You saying he was an agent of Kiev or a terrorist rather than a twisted teenager aping his American contemporaries.


Did you have the ability to make an IED at the age of 19 ? I know I did not and I was in military uniform then as well.

Empire's Frontiers

Did you have youtube at 19?


I was lucky to have a bicycle inner tube then :)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Question revolves around the IED’s… Where did the murderer get the technical know-how to make two anti-personnel explosives devices and the materials to do so, was there external assistance/tutoring?


US AID perhaps ?


100% as the CIA and other puppet western intelligence agencies are poisoning the young Ukrainians with anti-Russia propaganda 24/7. More than a dozen vehemently anti-Russia “media” outlets broadcasting fake news have sprung up in Kiev and other cities. Their immediate aim is to destabilize Russian Crimea and sabotage the Kerch straits bridge. Russia needs to beef up intelligence and military presence in Crimea and border areas and create a wider buffer zone in Donetsk.

Tommy Jensen

Wide Open Society?

Empire's Frontiers

So the first question is, how exactly are the ‘IED’s constructed.

And to that point, before we ask where the technical know-how was gained, we will learn what exactly was the ‘technical know-how’ required.

Then where he gained this knowledge might be a matter of importance.


You could probably find out how to make a bomb on the internet, it’s not rocket science. More importantly, where did he get the explosives and detonators? Somebody must have smuggled them in, maybe in a diplomatic pouch? Obviously the US/UK/Israel are the prime suspects.

Empire's Frontiers

I know.

I’m pointing out his jumping ahead.


stupid brit, everything is possible to create at home. i was 15 and made my 1st flame bomb, which did not contain metal and had perfect timer. detonators are important for very sofisticated bombs.

Empire's Frontiers


A threaded pipe with caps filled with gunpowder can be outfitted with mechanical fuse powered by a small battery.

Or a christmas light missing its glass, connected to parts stripped from an RC car can be used to remote detonate the aforementioned device.

I see no one has replied to my question, who benefits? I’d like that explanation for my own understanding.

It’s as though many here forgot suddenly what ‘improvised’ means.


Indeed, Russia needs to take the US/NATO and Zionist threat from terror central Ukraine seriously. There is constant anti-Russian propaganda emanating from CIA sponsored “media” propaganda outlets based in Kiev, Odessa and other cities. They are also causing splits in the Orthodox religion. Russia needs to increase support for the Donetsk freedom fighters and create a wider buffer zone. As an accurate Southfront report yesterday described the training and recruitment of Salafist headchoppers in Ukraine which is now the clearing house of Zionist intrigues and terrorism in the region. Russia can not and should not remain passive anymore as this is the just opening phase of the US and Zionist agenda aimed at Balkanizing Russia and getting hold of its immense wealth and land.


It is only by plundering the wealth of the Russian people that the US Empire can hope to survive.


i was abkle to do this at that age, too. and that time was no internet.

btw., thgis svhool was partially specialized for chemistry. and already in ussr was supported the chemical dvelopment of citizens :D i also bought the kit yuniy khimik (the young chemist). there were such chemicals, which are in the western civilization on blacklist.

Empire's Frontiers

This guy is well old enough to have an opinion on his peers and their treatment of him, and well able to reason for himself. Mass murder, and frustrated males are neither new things.

We might start off asking, who benefits from such an act? And that’s a question asking for opinions here.


It will be interesting to see if the autopsy finds drugs in his blood.

Empire's Frontiers

What findings might raise your eyebrow?


Novochok :)


America, who else?

J Roderet

The Banderite terrorists responsible for this terrorist attack need to be bombed into oblivion just like al-Queda in Syria.

Zo Fu

Pump action shotgun – weapon of choice for such crime. You needn’t aim to much, just open door, three shot anywhere and all inside the room are terribly injured by shotgun pellets.

And making IED in 19 years ? Anybody can do this with basic chemistry materials. It is not a rocket science.

As I said before. Russia has very strict gun law which is virtually protecting attackers with ILLEGAL weapons as they are not afraid of armed resistance in such places like secondary schools.

In Israel, shooting like that would not be possible, the attacker would be shot by armed civilians on spot.


russia must have strict law for weapons. if everybody could have, in the first year the ruskies would realize overkill of themselves :D their mentlity does not allow to keep shotguns.


americanization of russia. interestingm, that for russian youth the yanks are the idols and not russians.

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