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MARCH 2025

Second In Last 24 Hours: Russian Drone Shot Down In Syria (Photos)

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Second In Last 24 Hours: Russian Drone Shot Down In Syria (Photos)

Illustrative image

On February 7, a Russian Orlan-10 drone was shot down while it was on a mission over the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

The drone was conducting a reconnaissance sortie over the al-Zawiya Mont in the southern Idlib countryside when it was targeted by militants from the al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room. A photo of the downed drone was shared by opposition activists.

Second In Last 24 Hours: Russian Drone Shot Down In Syria (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, Source: the internet

The Orlan-10 has a flight duration of up to 16 hours and an operational range of 140km. The UAV can be equipped with different types of sensors to carry out several missions, including reconnaissance, 3D-mapping, electronic warfare and communication relay.

This was the second Russian drone to be shot down over Syria in the last 24 hours. A day earlier, a drone of the exact same type was downed by Kurdish forces over northern Raqqa for no clear reasons.

Second In Last 24 Hours: Russian Drone Shot Down In Syria (Photos)

Click to see full-size image.

Al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room, which shot down the drone, is a coalition of Greater Idlib factions led by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

A new report by the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria accused HTS of violating the ceasefire in Greater Idlib at least 23 times in the last 24 hours.

Earlier today, one of HTS allies, Ansar al-Tawhid, fried heavy rockets at a joint Syrian-Russian headquarters in southern Idlib. The group claimed that eleven Syrian and Russian service members were allegedly killed.

The situation in Greater Idlib is slowly spinning out of control. The ceasefire brokered by Russia and Turkey on March 5 of last year seems to be collapsing.


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Diana Cornwell


What a charade you are.

Even Turkish/NATO drones are centuries ahead of this nonsense. My grand-children’s toys are more dangerous than those sorry apparatuses.

Servet Köseoğlu

Bravo sierra… Russians also started to gain experience(real time-field) experience in Syria and n-karabagh now.Eventually we will see increasing role of orion uavs in the field.

Diana Cornwell

Well, apparently Russian-made aircraft had scored a couple of air-to-air successes against our combined air forces. I was wrong in assuming that all were due to flak or SAM hits. Alright, less than half-a-dozen NATO aircraft downed in air combat in half a century, it is then.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı was talking about drones,in aircraft you are right.


Do some research arsehole,the Americans lost thousands of aircraft in Vietnam.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Yes, I’ve noticed how the S-70 Okhotnik-B is so behind the Nato drone curve.

Diana Cornwell

Did anything Russian shoot down anything NATO, like, in the past half century or so? Right…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well old Russian tech shot down a pair of F-117’s over Serbia. Bit embarrassing for Nato really. And of course the MiG-31 effectively retired the SR-71.

Diana Cornwell

Right. Then the Russians screwed and betrayed the Serbs just like they did to the Armenians recently. You don’t want to have friends like the Russians. The West stand behind their products.


No Yeltsin screwed the Serbs,now the Putin roadshow is in town,different ball game clown.


almost there…. Serb president Milosevich “screwed the Serbs” by directly supporting some ex-Soviet – generals in pouch against Yeltsin. as result Yeltsin hated Milosevich. So he didn’t even offer little help ( that he could ) at the time. That was one of the many reasons why he had to resign. Separatism in Chechnya, catastrophic situation in the economy and bombing of the Yugoslavia were the major reasons why the Russians (and Jew oligarchs ) wanted him to leave.(Jew’s didn’t want total collapse of Russia yet, becuse Russia was their “golden geese”) So Boris Berezovsky (the gray eminence of the Kremlin and boss of Yeltsin ordered to Yeltsin to declare “illness” and choose Putin as successor) P.S. Old hag as usual haven’t got the clue about anything. Puking usual Western propaganda bullshit.


“Cray Brand” is Iranian bot account

Diana Cornwell

Wasn’t Putin one of Yeltsin’s lieutenants even then? Anyway, Putin outdid Yeltsin in Syria and Armenia. Syria and Armenia are destroyed forever, to be partitioned between NATO, Turkey and Israel.

cechas vodobenikov

cornhole alzheimers —florid symptoms need more Seroquel

itibi ra

Yes, they stand waaaaay behind their products, lest they kill themselves.


Yeah they sure do,besides drones don’t finish wars,never did (period)

try this gimp,learn proper english:


Diana Cornwell

The ones that are designed to kill, that is.


yeltsin/imf governance fkn drr!


“shot down a pair of F-117’s” has nothing to do with Russian-Serb relations (Russia was bankrupted in 1999 anyways).

Diana Cornwell

No more bankrupt than the US at the time, and the Russians were still a major nuclear power commanding thousands of aircraft and tanks. All they had to do was, say ‘nyet’! They simply chose to comply with the wishes of their masters residing in the City of London and the District of Columbia.


in 1999 Russia was totally bankrupted and 100% dependent on the Western loans from IMF and World bank! Repeating ignorant comments is all you know to do

Diana Cornwell

I didn’t observe the IMF knocking on either Yeltsin’s or Putin’s door trying to repossess ICBMs or even SU-27s. Ignorant creature, There is no such thing as bankruptcy for a sovereign nation.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I thought the main problem Armenia had was a leadership that was rimming both Brussels and Washington and sending untrained conscripts off to die in order to have less protests at home, for it’s own political ends?

Diana Cornwell

Nothing happens in Armenia or Azerbaijan without Putin’s consent, and direct instructions to both countries’ administrations as to what they are to do.

You are trying to change the subject.

Rhodium 10

Ask to Capt Scott Speicher a US Navy F-18 Top Gun pilot who was shot down and killed by a MIG 25 January 17 of 1991…

Diana Cornwell

I stand corrected. Apparently the Iranians went after the Iraqi pilot who had achieved the kill: https://warisboring.com/who-shot-down-u-s-navy-pilot-scott-speicher/

Rhodium 10

The same night January 17 that it was the first US airstrikes..2 more jets were shot down…an F-15E and A-6 by MiG 25 Foxbat….accord US sources it was by AAA and SAM..but again lied like in the case of Scott Speicher when told that it was an “accident”.. years after Investigation of CIA determined that it was Shot down by MIG 25 as many US Navy pilots had told!


How to spin the truth as per fkn usual from 100 losses to 100 victorys,

this is the type of crap cia and other historians try to spin the truth,too easy!



Then cia had to fake they got the mig,but no factual evidence to substantiate the truth,typical lame assed cia bullsht,seens they couldnt dazzle with brilliance,baffle on with bullsht,mig 25 ate it through its turbines! Who cannot be more creative than baloney coward cia chicken kweer sht?


Korean war mig 15s had over 100 kills,nothing more to add,you cia cats atre only just that,never admit reality,thats your cia kweer problem,not the royals:

Diana Cornwell

Yes, Russian stuff was more effective in the ’50s and ’60s. After 1973, it was all downhill from there. The Israelis pretty much figured out (and learned from the Russian collaborators themselves) all that we needed to render Russian assets ineffective against NATO systems. Blame your Putin and the like. You turned over your S-400s to NATO just recently for our engineers to have a good long look at their innards. But you’re in love with the Turks. You can’t help it: it’s literally in your genes.

Russian = Turk

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I think you shall that it is the British that are whoring themselves out for the Turks. MI6 is the gateway the whoredom.

Diana Cornwell

Well, You certainly have a point there. Britain is currently administered from the City of London…same as Russia.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Certainly agree that the city state that is The City of London rules over the union country that is UK. The Russian bit s obviously nonsense otherwise you would not have the Rothschild family attempting to remove the Russian govt from running the Russian Federation.


Diana, you are one dangerous granny… That is so hot!

Not my cup of tea, but still so hot.

Diana Cornwell

Don’t hide your feelings ?


Being a gentleman, I leave that to granpa Cornwell.

cechas vodobenikov

sexually repressed old lady shriveled and desperate for attention, from decayed impoverished island, upset that abandoned by family

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Nice copy.


Wow this drone can operate in space with a ceiling max of 5000km! Lol

Rhodium 10

Nothing special Kurds shot down that drone because they thought that it was a Turkish one who came from north….and there are dozens of them flying over Idlib…even a hit vs flock of birds can damage a drone!…sometimes Russian drone operators put this kind of drones to fly low to provoke enemy AAA fire and spot their positions.

Fog of War

Strangely they never shoot down ZioWestern drones by mistake.

Assad must stay

hhahahaha i know right?


If true let’s hope its GPS is still working…


… and so it begins. Russia is about to get squeezed, hard, by this unholy alliance of Turks, Jews, the West and their usual terrorist / jihadi types on the ground. This is the exact same situation the USSR found itself in, in Afghanistan, back in the 80’s. I hope Putin calls their bluff and reacts asymmetrically. He can’t play by the usual rules and still hope to win this coming round of hostilities with the west and it’s lackeys.

John Mason

Tend to agree with you; Russia should have finished the job instead of pulling out when they had the terrorists on the run and prior to the US/Turkey setting up their bases in Syria. What does that tell you?

cechas vodobenikov

incompetent anglo pilots have crashed 300+ planes in past 25 years in training exercises—these self loathing narcissists do not to be defeated—they defeat themselves

Fog of War

Hows this relate to two Russian drones being shut down ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So who really shot down the Russian drone, the first photo looks like they’re HTS terrorists but the caption under the photo says ‘Illustrative image’, the second photo seems to depict one of the guilty culprits with a credible link, but is he really a HTS terrorist or is he actually one of the moderate opposition fighters.

“Al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room, which shot down the drone, is a coalition of Greater Idlib factions led by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham”.

So members of the Al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room shot down the drone, and the Al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room is led by HTS, but most of the members of the Al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room aren’t terrorists at all, they’re mostly moderate opposition forces, at least they are according to the Astana agreements that Russia and Turkey both signed.

This is what Russia doesn’t tell you, all the member groups I’ve marked as moderate opposition are only designated that way because of Russia’s agreement to Erdogan’s demands, so Russia’s actually being attacked by the very same people they call moderate opposition, but HTS always gets the blame in some way or other, even if it’s only insinuated as this article does now.

Al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room member groups,

HTS – [designated terrorists] National Front for liberation – [moderate opposition] Jaysh al-Izza – member of the Free Syrian Army [moderate opposition]

Al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room allies,

Turkey Syrian National Army – [moderate opposition] Turkistan Islamic Party – [designated terrorists] Rouse the believers Operation Room

Rouse the believers Operation Room member groups,

Ansar al-Tawhid [left] – [designated terrorists] Ansar al-Din Front – [designated terrorists] Ansar al-Islam – [designated terrorists] Guardians of Religion Organization – [all member groups designated terrorists]

And as for Ansar al-Tawhid, they used to be a part of HTS but had to split from HTS because of their affiliations to Isis, and since HTS is opposed to Isis and actively arrests and kills them, Ansar al-Tawhid had to leave and form it’s own organization, which was the Rouse the believers Operation Room. But now they’ve left that too and are claiming to be totally independent of any affiliations with any other factions, but they still cooperate with both HTS and the moderate opposition factions, especially the anti Russian factions who don’t want to reconcile and join the political process. HTS hasn’t attacked the Syrian Government since march last year [they defended positions twice], so I doubt very much they’ve just started again, especially in light of yesterdays enlightening article on SF, this is when you’d expect them to be on their very best behavior, not starting up hostilities. But shooting down a prying drone would be something I’d expect from them if they felt threatened, but as yet it’s still unknown who the guilty culprit from the Al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room is, HTS terrorist or so called moderate NFL or FSA. And as I said there are more moderate opposition fighters belonging to the HTS led Al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operation Room than there are HTS terrorist fighters.

HTS = 15,000 fighters NFL = 70,000 claimed, [pure BS, more like 25,000 to 30,000] Jaysh al-Izza = 500 to 2,000 [I think at least 2,000 and probably double that]

The Astana agreements stated the terrorist and moderate opposition forces had to be separated, LOL 2 years and waiting.


Drones never ended wars,no big deal.


ISIS No Fly Zone declared over Syria. :D

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