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Secret Bundeswehr Report Says EU May Collapse In Next 20 Years

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Secret Bundeswehr Report Says EU May Collapse In Next 20 Years

German Der Spiegel outlet has come across a secret Bundeswehr report titled “Strategic Report — 2040”, which theorizes that a possible collapse of the European Union may happen in 20 years.

The 102 page long report features various likely scenarios that may transpire in the next 20 years. The German experts claim that the worst possible outcome for Germany and the EU consists of “multiple conflicts” and several decades of political and economic turmoil. As it says in the report: “The expansion of the EU will have stopped, with more and more countries leaving the union… Europe will have lost its competitive edge. The more unstable, chaotic and conflict-ridden situation world will have upturned the security environment in Germany and the EU.”

The second negative scenario features dividing Europe in two blocks, starkly different economically as well as politically. According to the experts, the East European countries will have drifted into Russia’s sphere of influence due to their dependence on energy resources.

One more scenario concerns the failure of globalization, which will become the end of the “European illusion.” The report considers that it will geopolitically energize Russia and China, and distance the EU from its transatlantic partners.

Positive forecasts are titled “Global West” and “Peaceful space”. They include the increase of cooperation in the EU and expansion of the union, building partnerships with the countries over the world and development of the markets across the world.

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V. Mecki

Good news! But couldn’t it be earlier? The sooner the better.


Next week would be good. Followed by the USA the week after and Israel the week after that. :)

Solomon Krupacek

and week after russia. free siberian nations, free tatarstan. etc.


Which reminds me… Let’s go to Siberia. The winter is coming and Tudor is waiting. You’ll have plenty of fun, honest! ;)

Solomon Krupacek

our police is waitong for tudor


Lucky me you didn’t “rat” me out yet. Why did you think I say Siberia? I doubt your police have jurisdiction there! So, is it a yes?

Solomon Krupacek

Lucky me you didn’t “rat” me out yet.

this will do tudor


Who do what now?

Solomon Krupacek

now? i am talking with you. :)


You talking to me? You talking to me?


Solomon Krupacek

with you, not to you.

please, learn english.


How nice of you to say “please”. For my milovany Solomon I’ll do anything! I must confess it sounds a bit strange, coming from you.

Now let’s go to Siberia.

Solomon Krupacek

please and thanks ere my most frequent words.

you know what? i will go to siberia with nato units ;)





Although these days, no hot water in Ukraine, Sibr is OK.


Ah yes, those clambering hordes in Siberia desiring to be NWO serfs!


Once the US and Israel fail their vassal nations will find other friends.

Solomon Krupacek

in ussia are lot of vassal nations ;)


Name them please Solomon ?

Solomon Krupacek

you know. q: how many % pays for natual inhabitants in sibeie for gas, oil, resources, what are produced on teir territories?


That is a thorny question in every country the world over Solomon. Of course the wealth of a nation should be shared fairly, with any harsh local environment taken into account. It would help if less money was ‘pissed up the wall’ by ambitious politicians as well.

Keeping a fair balance is the sign of just governance . Without it there has always been civil unrest and that is ever more self evident today, largely due to the internet.

That’s why the self styled Elite the world over fear the free access of the Internet and are now seeking to control it.

Solomon Krupacek

i said only: russia andd russians should not bark about split of other countries …


It’s the secret bundeswehr barking here, not the Russian, are old and gettting blind and slow.


I think 500 weeks, but Rome, as they say…


Let’s have all the various small EU countries be at the mercy of bigger powers by themselves. And having to renegotiate trade agreements with the likes of the US and China. What could possibly go wrong with that? You can ask the Russians and others Central Asians of the fun that happened to them when the USSR disappeared overnight.

There’s much wrong with the EU. But the solution is not to tear it down just as much as torching the building you live in is not the answer either. The organization and ideals of the EU are sound. What we need is to drain the swamp in Brussels. Renovation is needed, not political arson.


The systems of liberal democracy that prevailed a generation ago have come unraveled. Liberalism and democracy are no longer zippered together like strands of DNA. Now they are alternatives. Trump came to power at the head of a democracy movement. This does not make him a champion of the liberal order, though, and the privileged classes in his own country, with that as grounds, are sparing no effort to overturn their country’s democratic verdict. Merkel does stand for liberal values. She also stands for the de-democratization of Germany’s sphere of influence. She wants a post-national kind of sovereignty. She wants to strengthen the (undemocratic) European Union at the expense of the (still democratic) European nation-states.


If you look at history you will see that nation states themselves are the result of a slow development where previously fiercely independent regions, principalities, free cities were all brought together, often against their will. The whole idea of a national identity is only a few centuries old. And to think that that development is now complete is ludicrous. The UK itself is a mini EU with 4 nations who are still somewhat separate (they often send 4 different teams to sports matches!). The EU is just the next step in this evolution. It cannot really be stopped as small nation states will ALWAYS be at the mercy of large nation states. The only way they can make a fist against the power of the US, Russia and China is by banding together.

It is therefore our challenge to make sure this happens in the most democratic and honest way. The world does not stop at our national borders. Illegal immigrants do not stop at our national borders. ISIS does not stop at our national borders. The US, Russia and China do not stop at our national borders. International capital and multinational corporations do not stop at our national borders. We have three choices, be at the mercy of large countries and international capital by ourselves, be at the mercy of Brussels controlled by international capital, or reclaim Brussels so together we can make a fist.


CZ and SK (and maybe Hungary) could go over to the Russian block and enjoy at least 50% support in popular terms, should current trends continue. One sees this in little ways like Zeman’s visit to Moscow Victory Day parade in 2015, recent support (Mostly seen in local SK papers and commentary) for going the Mig-way with respect to recent SK aircraft purchases, and the sum total of personal interaction with friends over there (outside heavily Americanized centre like Prague).

Solomon Krupacek

CZ and SK (and maybe Hungary) could go over to the Russian block

noi way! in each of these countries the sympathisants with russia are on level 18%


we don’t want any ungreatful beggars here anymore, stay in eu.

Solomon Krupacek

as i remember, russia begged for membership in nato



Solomon Krupacek

you are too young, child. yeltsin stried. this is historical fact. also russia beggs to be a member in oecd, g8, g20, etc. ;)


No they didn’t you are just too stupid to understand, they just wanted to neutralise the effect of nato by building a joint security organisation back in 50s and later on, it’s just the west likes to brag about it’s “victories” and that’s why they tell the story their way and you buy it, like sweet candy, number 2 , west has begged Russia to join wto and other european instances like “human right”nonsense and the cangoroo counrt of “human rights”in Hague, in turn they got their membership in g 20 and whatever, they are out of G8 and the eurotrash counsel, not sure what it’s name was , pace or osce or some other trash and they do not hurry to get back there. I’m hoping that they will cut all ties.

And yeltsin is completly another sotro , drunk western puppet in company of filthy corrput jews , so it doesn’t count. Nobody here wants you shitty wto , nato, osce and all other western crap.


Real Anti-Racist Action

We are praying for the collapse of this Satanic structure. The sooner the better. Let us each in our own time invest to spreading the information that helps to speed it’s downfall. We can each do our parts. Show the world that the democratic majority which to end the EU-Empire. Let the individual nations be nations again. The EU only made money for the Rothschild’s and friends of Israel anyway. It never even helped the regular tribes at all. If anything it hurt them.

Solomon Krupacek

all jews are against EU

Real Anti-Racist Action

The world is always the opposite as what you say. Jews do however pressure the EU to prevent the democratic voice from boycotting the Jewish-supremacist. But that is old news. The EU leaders against the people side with Israel. That is why the EU does more business with Israel then anybody else.

Solomon Krupacek

i am in business sphere, i know better. all jews are against EU, euro. also israel looks at EU as enemy.

Real Anti-Racist Action

10 years ago no. In the last 15 months very possible. Jew’s were behind the creation of the EU. But now that democracy is beginning to reflect the peoples will, Jews are ready to Holodomor the indigenous tribe’s of Europe. https://dailystormer.ws/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Goyim-Knowing-Meter.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

sure, jews. like konrad adenauer

Real Anti-Racist Action

Like it’s posted now and all of the world is reading it https://i.gyazo.com/315e9ffac420a018c9b1d662b69daada.png

Solomon Krupacek

If EU collapses, it will be fatal for Russia.


The collapse of any big entity is fatal to half the world.

Solomon Krupacek

not for eu members. but if eu will be reduced (not fallen, this is unreal), then instead of EU everything will be done within NATO. so guys, in such development you will shit hedgehogs.


I am doing that for some time.

Solomon Krupacek

the markets remain, but the 2nd point is important. today the EU slows down such radical anti-russian countries like polnd, baltic states. if wuld be no EU, then yanks would have dozens off bases in these countries.

Harry Smith

Just few remarks. 1. What makes you to believe that Russia will open it’s borders for EU refuges? Even more: such lovely guys like Solomon are justifying us to use machine guns against refuges on the border. 2. Russia does not really care how many bases NATO has near it’s border because of new military paradigm, which allows nuclear weapons use in case of conventional troops invasion. So any invasion by NATO, literally means the nuclear desert as the USA long term feature. 3. Did you ever heard about the new Silk Road? Or mabe about the Force of Siberia? 4. Do you know that Deutche bank poses toxic obligations more than EU GDP?


As a European, I have to say that even though the EU was built on empty promises and that the good days were numbered, a change in the political structure by means of a collapse would create tremendous chaos. And when there is chaos, many mistakes and bad decisions are made. Such things have worldwide effect, and I think the world is not ready to take on the EU collapse yet. It will be a gradual change to something else. Certainly influence in global affairs will diminish and relation with both western and eastern partners will be reconsidered.

Pave Way IV

“…Such things have worldwide effect, and I think the world is not ready to take on the EU collapse yet. It will be a gradual change to something else…”

Agree. But that ‘something else’ looks like it will be a Saudi Wahhabi EU Caliphate under Sharia law. I know the larger EU nations are desperate for new tax- and debt- cattle, but pretty soon the ‘little people’ of the EU will no longer be the European working class, but a permanent welfare/refugee class with voting rights. Doesn’t that alarm any of you in the least?

Real Anti-Racist Action

People only learn from mistakes. Let mistakes be made so that a bright future may be built. http://ihr.org/

Lazy Gamer

frequent wars in europe are in the past. Only way is to go forward with the EU.


20 years is far too optimistic. EU will never last that long in present form. It is a yankee lapdog and people are waking up to that fact. EU is non-democratic at core, which is what people hate. Euro (modelled on the Deutschmark – which was a mistake) favours German economy and punishes all the smaller ones, this dynamic is very destructive. EU dissolution (collapse is too dramatic) is close at hand. Because of the above, and the (faux) Brexit, there are moves right now towards federalising EU, creating a Treasury and a European Armed Forces. This will take more power away from states and unless it is enthusiastically embraced by everyone it will lead to the dissolution of EU (which I predict). East European States are already now in a situation where they would be better off embracing Russia and restoring all ties. EU monetary and other policies (including sanctions against Russia) has smashed these countries’ economies and societies. Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, and Finland, maybe Hungary too would be looking at a much more stable long-term future if they stopped facing West and start facing reality. It has always been that way, in fact.


I have a better pretiction. EU will collapse before the year 3510.

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