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MARCH 2025

Secret Iranian Weapons Or Trump Lie? US Casualties From Iranian Attack Just Grew To 109

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Secret Iranian Weapons Or Trump Lie? US Casualties From Iranian Attack Just Grew To 109

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On February 10th, the US Department of Defense released a statement confirming that, now, 109 service members had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury as a result of the Iranian ballistic missile attack on the al-Asad base in Iraq.

That is an increase of 45, since the ever-expanding list grew to 64 in the end of January.

The statement added that nearly 70% of the injured service members have returned to duty.

“We are grateful to the efforts of our medical professionals who have worked diligently to ensure the appropriate level of care for our service members, which has enabled nearly 70 percent of those diagnosed to return to duty. We must continue to address physical and mental health together,” Pentagon press secretary Alyssa Farah said in a statement.

“Our research has been instrumental in the development of various breakthroughs to improve the lives of those individuals who have sustained brain injuries. Our efforts must address the total picture – before, during and after any blast exposure or injury. This is a snapshot in time and numbers can change. We will continue to provide updates as they become available,” Farah added.

During a news conference at the Pentagon in January, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley said the increasing number of reported cases stems in part from the fact that the injuries, for the most part, fall into the category of “mild TBI” which takes time for symptoms to manifest.

“All of those people were screened and we have got a certain number and the number is growing, in this particular case TBI — that manifests, it takes some time to manifest itself, it’s not an immediate thing necessarily — some cases it is, some cases it’s not. So we continue to screen,” Milley said. “Some of them have been evacuated to Europe, some have been evacuated back to the United States so there is a layered approach to this, we’ll continue to do that with our medical professionals.”

There are two options that are becoming more and more apparent as time goes by and the number of injuries goes up:

  1. The US lied about there being no injuries, and the ever-expanding number is evidence of that. There’s still nobody who died, allegedly.
  2. The “evil Iranians” used some sort of special missile with a warhead loaded with chakrams, or carrying some curse that’s now haunting the US troops and causing them to receive injuries approximately a month after the incident.

The possible prototype of the warhead of the Iranian weapon could be the chakram from Xena, it can potentially infinitely ricochet and appears to magically target the enemy. It could be that it is still ricocheting between the US troops and injuring them.

It will forever remain a mystery.


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The main question is: how many casualties are there still to be revealed from the other attacked base in Erbil. So far no numbers and no satellite pictures, together with a total media blackout.


Good point, I forgot about Erbil! Have you found anything at all?


There is nothing on the internet, and all my sources are blind as well. Interesting thing is, that you cannot get any! Satellite pictures, even if you are willing to pay for. My source in northern Iraq tells of heavy construction works ongoing in the base, but not possible to take pictures, as the whole base is cordoned off.


Isn’t it a good thing they lied about the number of casualties? If they had said that right after it happened there might have been a public backlash for more military action against Iran, leading to more stupid thing. Now the US let Iran have its tit for tat revenge, pushed the real casualty numbers to the backpage weeks later and things were allowed to cool down. I’d say for once the Americans acted smart. Shocking I admit, but then again even a broken clock tells the right time at least twice a day.


I guess it was not out of smartness, but out of fear. US totally underestimated Irans missile capability. An assessment circulated in US military gt´ranted only limited precision capabilities to Iranm and underestimated Irans readiness. A reassessment of the scenarios lead to the decission tom deescalate, as US assets in the reagion are all under imense threat. There are the ships in the persian gulf, the Airbases in Iraq, Kuwai, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, which are all in range. No sophisticated air defense in place and not enough counter strike capabilities available to react on the next level of retaliation. It was the only possible reaction not to risk a war with Iran, which would hit US in the region very hard.

totally chief! not because of smartness, but for fear.


Yes it might. But it would likely result in millions of Iranian deaths and the end to Islamist Iran as a functioning country. It is amazing how much the Islamist Iranian supporters around here hate Iranians, pining for so many to be dead. Be thankful the US didn’t respond. And I sure hope the Islamist Iranian leadership aren’t as stupid and suicidal as all the folk here wishing such destruction and death on Iran.


It would also mean millions of others dead, not only Iranians. The whole region would suffer, and nobody knows, if Iran would utilize a container bomb (dirty bomb), shipped as import to US via a secondary port. There are scenarios, that such bombs are already in US, and if the scenarios are reality, noone does know where these bombs would be ignited. Imaging a dirty bomb going off in e.g. New York, or San Bernadino valley, distributing its radiation materials there. The whole economy of the world would break down. Countries which are self sustained due to years of embargo are much less affected then countries dependent on free flow of good. US would face uprisings and riots,as well as other countries without sufficient food supplies.


You are now in full delusion mode. And every thing you pine for just would guarantee even more millions of dead Iranians. And even a fool like you knows that by far the greatest destruction and death will come to Iran. So again, folk like you must really really hate the Iranian People.

Robert Campbell

Wow your one delusional guy! Iran has thousands of bases hundreds on meters under ground! Simulations carried out by your country says Iran could sink your navy within hours and destroy all your Middle Eastern bases !


You must be into video games. Did that video game show the results of tactical nukes? Nahhhhhh…it sure didn’t. And, yes, if need be they will be used.


how, if there is no means to apply them?


You talk BS, maybe out of missing knowledge, or because you are not capable to scenario thinking. US had never been attacked on own soil, nor did US population had ever been feed reality by their media. Pentagon budget is used in Hollywood movies, whenever there is a representation of US military. And US military influences the despiction of military in movies and TV series. It is doing propaganda since the 30s of last century, brain washing Americans, and making them believe, US military is superior in any ways. The reality is somewhat different.

For example: During my army time in the German army Signal intelligence, we proofed US military worthless by applying our EW system, rendering their complete command structure incapable to transmit their orders during military manouvers. we were on the red team supposed to lose. It was not allowed, that red team would win, so the manouver was stopped after only 2 days, and reset, whereas our unit was not allowed for the rest of the manouver to utilize our system against our opponent. Lessons learned? All is good, and blue was superior to win the excercise. US military again the most superior force on the planet. And this happend all the time.

John Wallace

Be thankful the US didn’t respond and thousands of Americans weren’t heading home in body bags. The shock of that would have shattered American overblown confidence that would have resulted in millions seeking psychiatric help. Trump got a big shock and was TOLD by those with brains too STOP. I have said before that if you listen too his speech where he says the world is very lucky translates too his ONLY option was to go nuclear to prevent , maybe , Iran from obliterating American bases and ships all over the ME killing thousands and embarrasing the US in front of the world. The bully got a wakeup call and the sooner you wakeup to that reality the better.


Think about what would have happened, if Iran would have devastated all US bases in Afghanistan instead.

John Wallace

They had 2nd and 3rd responses worked out had the US retatiated. 2nd response had mimimum 500 US daeths followed by 5000 ontheir 3rd response. Those would have included Afghanistan as well as other bases all over the ME . Without warning the US hours before the stike American losses would have been massive, Instead of a dozen misiles and the base hit with 100 what would have remained. I see the Philipines has told Trump their military treaties are finished and to get out of the Philipines . What happens now is anyones guess as America will not like that at all. Assasinations in the wind ??.


And the US had its back up plans as well which include the total destruction of Iran and the use of at least tactical nukes if need be. Oh, and that doesn’t even include the Israeli back up plans. So stop taking your victory laps in the hope of millions of Iranians dead.

Robert Campbell

You use nukes on Iran expect China and Russia to retaliate! See this kind of thinking from you yanks , Iran needs to build some nukes just to keep you crazy idiots at bay!


LOL…sure, the Unicorns will come to Islamist Iran’s nuclear aid at the cost of a global nuclear war. You and yours are totally delusional and bonkers. And Islamist Iran will never be allowed to have nuclear weapons even if it takes nukes to stop it. Get real and stop wishing millions of deaths on the Iranian People. Do you hate them so much?

Robert Campbell

Of course they will , Russia is Iran’s ally, and China just invested 400 billion dollars in iran! Don’t worry you keep living in fairy land tho.. your the reason why most of the world hates your country!


You must feel really lucky. For the sake of the Iranian People, I sure hope their Islamist leadership is not as delusional, stupid and suicidal as you. Guess some do hate the US. But still, lots of the best and the brightest still want to move here over any other place in the world. And more folk from virtually all countries move here compared to those already here who move back.

Robert Campbell

The only one delusional is you! Can’t even beat sander wearing taliban but think you can take on Iran ? Hilarious! 400 million Shias around the world would hit you hard! Plus all Iranian allies! Your country won’t use nukes because Russia and China will retaliate!


You do feel lucky don’t you? And you mean under 200 million Shi’a who will be busy dealing with well over a billion or so Sunni. What allies does Islamist Iran have? And which ones will also commit national suicide to go down with Iran? And again, Russia and China sure aren’t among those pining for national suicide and the end of the world. They will be happy to say nice things, provide some marginal weapons and wait to pick over the ruins. Get real and stop wishing such bad things on the Iranian People.

John Wallace

Love twisting things around but that doesn’t make you right. You will wake up one day. Not soon but one day..

John Wallace

Total destruction of Iran. How is it going for you in Afghanistan after what nearly 20 years you are about to do a Vietnam victory withdrawl. Multiple war game scenarios have shown it is near on impossible to destroy Iran. It is impossible to win a ground war in Iran. It is impossible too stop Iran firing missiles wherever they want killing thousands of US . At what cost are you prepared to go to in an effort to destroy Iran. Does that include your death or the death of your family or is it at the cost of other families sons and daughters. Dipshit.

Me&Myself None

But, why do you cowards always refer to the use of nukes to fight countries with 1/20 of your military budget?

It is like a grown man threatening to pull his gun on an unarmed 16 years old child, because he is too coward to fight the kid mano a mano.


The more correct comparison would be pulling his gun on an unarmed toddler. All because the US is very weak in conventional wars, can’t defeat even weak countries.


You just justified the need for nukes for Iran and other countries, threatened by the Jewnited Snakes of ISISrahell!!


It would be the end of Iran as a functioning country and by the time it was over, many millions of Iranians would be dead. We should all be thankful the Iranians didn’t try to take full vengeance and Trump didn’t fulfill his bluster. But it still can happen if Iranian learns the wrong lessons from this or pushes for a nuke weapon. The fat lady has not sung yet.

Robert Campbell

you have no idea! Just another delusional yank! Haven’t won a war since ww2 and you think you can take on Iran , hilarious


Well, Serbia would disagree. But do note how we won WW2. Might be that there will be a return to the good old winning days with Islamist Iran as the first test case. Oh, and also note there is a difference between winning and destroying. In any case, it will be totally disastrous for the Iranian People. Why do you wish that on them? You must really hate them.

Robert Campbell

Russia was at its weakest point then! After what your country did to Libya Putin already said he would never let you destroy another country. That’s why his defending Syria! China has already signed a defence pact with Iran as did Russia!


Sure, like Russia helps Iran when Israel blows them away in Syria at will and with impunity all the time. You are delusional. Russia and China will not commit suicide for you or Islamist Iran. Oh, go read the terms of that “Defense Pack.”


You apparently are ready commit suicide in your delusional arrogance.


Delusional phony patriot idiot! USSR won WW2. The US entered only after the Russians were closing in on Germany. The German military of WW2 would have mopped the floor with the US! The US had severe difficulties with the few German divisions and had to beg the Russians to start offensive in the East against the 85 % of German military to relieve them from the 15% understaffed, depleted German divisions in the West! Learn history, but where? The schools are lie factories, just like your JewsMedia!

John Wallace

Obviously not today Jake but one day realisation will hit home..


The realization you need to get through your thick skull is that any massive attack by Islamist Iran on US interests or Israel will definitely result in many many millions of Iranian homes being hit, regardless of the costs. For now, the bullet has been dodged mainly by the Iranian People.


Theoretically, you may be right. But rest assured, it would mean the end of the illegal zionist entity as well as the end of US financial system and hegemony in the region.


Always repeating the Israeli war scenarios, which postulate the invincibility of F35. But the reality is different. Israel is not even able to deploy it’s F35 over Syrian territory anymore. How would they possibly hit Iran with it? Open your eyes, and start thinking by your own.


I didn’t say otherwise. But you diverted from the fact that by the time the likely all out war with Iran was over, many millions of Iranians would be dead and Iran would no longer be a functioning country. Oh, and that assumes that Trump didn’t feel he had to use nukes to end the war or that Iran wasn’t stupid and suicidal enough to seriously attack Israel. In that case, Iran would glow in the dark even earlier and have even more dead. I am thankful it didn’t come to this. But too many here pine for this to happen. And again, if Iran feels too embolden it still can happen. If Iran now pushes for a nuclear weapon it WILL happen. Just the way it is and will be. The best solution to this disaster for the Iranian People would be an end to their Islamist rule.

Robert Campbell

lmao, you really think you can beat Iran? Are you delusional, Iran can destroy all your assets around the Middle East. They already proven they can! Wake up, your power is no where near what it used to be!


Who said beat? I said destroy. There actually is a difference.


US didn’t respond not because they wanted to cool things off. They didn’t respond because Iran sent a message through third party that if US does respond Iran would target all military assets the US has in the region. Nuclear option is a myth. Even if the US or israel respond with nukes, that signs their death certificate in the region, destroys the petro – dollar and the financial system the west was built with and gives China, Russia and Iran the world economy on a silver platter.

You see, the problem with zionists is they believe their own lies. Not to mention their one dimensional thought processes that leads them to believe they are masters of the universe.


That may have been the case too. I still like to think that Trump took a look at the numbers and the numbers told him that his own voter base doesn’t want war with Iran. So he downplayed the results of the Iranian strike, so as to not rile up the War Party and its supporters and let things cool down. He’s in his election year, the US economy is doing well, the Democrats marketing themselves out of the market with their SJW crazyness, he really only can lose the election by doing something stupid himself. Starting a war with Iran because the War Party and its supporters were riled up over a successful Iranian attack would only qualify doing something stupid for his re-election.


One link to the analysis paper circulated in US military before Irans retaliatory strike. The analysis was done 2019, and missed completely the accuracy of rockets. It states: “Iran and North Korea’s current ballistic missile systems may lack the mix of accuracy and lethality to hit point targets with anything approaching predictable effectiveness, but they still have deterrent value, political impact, and reinforce the potential threat posed by the risk they may eventually be armed with weapons of mass destruction.”

THis shows, that military intelligence about Irans capability is very limited, and the analysis was proven inaccurate regarding Irans capability to strike precision strikes, and its threat level. https://www.csis.org/analysis/iranian-missile-threat


US “intelligence” was busy supporting terrorists, working on regime changes, bio attack on China and other international crimes and crimes against humanity. They did not catch the Russian superweapons either, which were in the works for years.

John Wallace

A look at the NO damage caused. They didn’t know what hit them. Apart from bad headaches they also had dysentry problems. https://www.yahoo.com/news/officials-more-100-u-troops-182431384.html


LOL…top dead general and half a dozen top military buddies equals some dysentery? You not only hate Iranians, you greatly insult their top dearly departed.


I am informed that the US Dept of Defence has sourced 109 boxes of Anadin for headaches at a special price for the US Dept of Defence of 1 million USD per box.

John Wallace

Fools. I am sure with some mother country knowledge and colonial ingenuity we could have come up with a deal of the century ,,, oops looks ike someone has done that one already. , best deal of the week then , on asprin specialy formulated for multiple TBI’s at a price the CIA would like to takeover the operation.


We should register a company.

‘Scamazon’, the company that cures headaches in a flash. Free delivery on prepaid orders over 100,000 USD. We Work for you.

John Wallace

Head Office Lagos . All orders will be shipped direct from our factory by the slowest method possible . Each shipment will include a free map to where Idi Amin stored his gold under a bridge that once resided in London but was moved too Kampala to straddle Lake Victoria for a shortcut too Nairobi. . I have taken out a patent on a new headache cure based on a mix of Peyote , Ayahuasca and 22 herbs and spices too assist in taking of one’s medicine. How can we go wrong ?? . We will work for you too relieve your money, oops sorry cross that out and input pain.


If you are not already on the Davos guest list, you certainly will be next year, John. :)


Hello Papa. I see your point and it makes sense. Where I see differently is that lies don’t go away. They keep multiplying and complicating everything around those whom have lied. Right now, people in the US are viewing MIC leadership very differently than they did decades ago. This fabrication about what has happened at the bases in Iraq is not helping them. My take. I wish well to you.


Americans did not act smart! They were shitting in their pants about what would happen to other US military bases in the area, Hell Aviv, Haifa,,, if they retaliate. Hint; Iran promised to level all of those places if America dares to retaliate. They had to cover up the casualties in order NOT to retaliate, because US retaliations would have led to far worse American and Zio losses. US military superiority no longer exists!


The US is astonishingly frank about the effects. It is indeed normal for some symptoms to set in. Certainly, some obfustication will be present. However, SF spin of ‘two options’ is nonsense. Give it up already, people can think for themselves, they don’t need you to try manipulating their conclusions. In the end, Iran is giving the US a headache. Fair enough.


Frank to reveal the fake story. I guess that the number of accidents and suicides will increase massively in the next few month to make up the numbers for the “missing”.



Damien C

It is my firm belief that many are claiming to be injured because they qualify for a Purple Heart medal This automatically qualifys them for full GI bill benefits

So there’s a financial angle its the military equivilant to an insurance whiplash scam


A variation on Ukridge accident syndicate

Bobby Twoshoes

Can you blame them? The US is well known for abandoning their vets. Besides, what could be more American than using a legal loophole to screw someone out of money?

Zionism = EVIL


Zionism = EVIL

Well me kiddies, listen to your uncle, I stand by my initial analysis of 33 Americunts dead, 200 plus wounded and several hundred suffering from migraines, headaches, and menopause as far away as North Carolina :) the dumbass losers can’t even lie properly.


And the very dead top general and half a dozen of his top military buddies can’t even lie anymore. Quite the winners.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So too is the CIA frontman who organised that cowardly murder, and his entire crew.

Your ducking entire race nearly bought it also, only a few rats left over.


Fuck off! All of your dumb calls are wrong! Such as u saying Turkey has no European Genetics! it took one photo of the Turkish womens volleyball team to shut u up! u even said Putin was Bibi’s puppet and then i PROVED it was a prisoner exchange! YOU GET EVERYTHING WRONG! ALWAYS!

As for this, there would have to be a town meeting for these missiles to do anything! i saw 3 or 4 craters! i think Iran is under pressure to attack again to even up the score! But dont actually want to regarding US threats of BIG counter attacks! Therefore i think the USA is throwing Iran a bone! USA: “What will be better? 50 dead? 100 dead?” Iran: “100 is good but make it 109 so its sounds realistic” USA: “Done! Now remember if u attack again, Khomeni is DEAD and so too a few of your nuclear reactors and enrichment plants”! Iran: “OK”

The Objective

Trump promised to hit Iran hard should Iran touch “Anything” America. Then Iran downed a U.S drone and Trump did “Nothing”.

Trump warned that the U.S will retaliate against any attacks on its allies. Then Saudi Arabia’s oil fields were hit. According to Trump, Iran is responsible. But again, Trump did Nothing.

Trump warned Iran that if it retaliated against “American Interests” for the Soleimani assassination, the U.S will bomb over 50 cultural sites in Iran. Then the retaliation came and Trump did nothing.

It is obvious that America’s credibility is on the line.

Regarding your claim that America could have shot down these missiles if it wanted to, anyone following recent news will know at once you are misinformed – one of these Americans who still believe in their country’s invincibility. The Invincible American military that is still being killed in Afghanistan in a 20-year war against against a poorly-armed Taliban.

Would you mind to explain what happened to your anti-missile systems in Saudi Arabia last year? Another Houthi attack took place about 2 weeks ago. Know any details about the attack?


Trump promised to hit Iran hard should Iran touched “Anything” American. Then Iran downed a U.S drone and Trump did “Nothing”.

Ummmm the next General of the Quds forces was just killed in Yemen! HELLO!!!! Is anyone home??

The reason u dont KNOW what is going on is why u THINK u know what is going on! U THINK Patriots work 98% of the time with examples like Saudi patriots defending against Yemen launched Missiles! Suddenly Zero defence against Iran? Are u stupid? Do u know the USA is in an intelligence war? Did u know this? Well then fuck me, how does someone explain to a fish in a fish bowl that there is a whole other world out there!

im not going through all of this shit to explain to your uninformed dumb ass! so ill just use clues and u can find out urself! Huma Abedein (who is her father and uncle? (Muslim brotherhood) Where is she from? Saudi Arabia Why did Benghazi happen? Obama was selling stinger missiles to Afghans? Hillary was selling Davey Crockets to Saudi Arabia? Why didnt Hillary send the military to rescue ambassador stevens and the rest? Where did the Davey Crockets end up? Why did she smash all of her devices and bleach bit them?

What does all i am saying have to do with US patriots failing? Find out for urself u dumb cunt!

Who is FBI special Agent Peter Strozk? Lived and raised where? Iran? Who is FBI lawyer Lisa Paige? Born and raised where? Iran? Who is Vellerie Jarrett? Born and raised where? Iran?

What does all i am saying have to do with US patriots failing? Find out for urself u dumb cunt!

Why were Pictures leaked by Eric Prince himself (the head of Blackwater) showing John McCain working as the handler of Al-Quieda and ISIS and the white hats in Turkey? Why would Eric prince leak these photos he himself took?

What does all i am saying have to do with US patriots failing? Find out for urself u dumb cunt!

THIS IS FAR ABOVE YOUR BRAIN CAPACITY MY FRIEND! Missiles dont suddenly stop working! Excuses made by the USA for the Saudi accident were bullshit (“oh we had our radars pointed to the south and not the north”)

It was done on purpose! Saudi is as much an enemy of the USA as is Iran! Thats what u dont know! Saudi, Iran, China, Israel and Russia (and many other allied nations) have either bought political influence or have blackmailed political influence (Epstein)!

Thus intelligence war! What did Trump secure before hurting Saudi’s oil exporting capacities? He secured American oil first! self sufficient! Who took up the 5% market share that this incident created? USA!

Who benefitted from that attack on Saudi oil Facilities? Iran was blamed, Saudi was hurt, USA benefitted $$$$ Saudi then pays USA to have troops there! Message sent! Message: “We can play dirty too, say good bye to your exporting capacity! Do u see how easy we can hurt u and blame someone else?”

u dont understand at all! all of ur news comes from South Front! u are a fish in a fish bowl! u dont KNOW whats going on!

THINK! The Patriot systems worked fine until suddenly, boom, super accurate hits occurred and u think these missiles were invisible to the USA? U think they didnt see what was coming? Maybe it was the USA who launched them!

u have no idea! get ur head of the fish bowl and find out what is really going on! Intelligence war! ur dumb ass doesnt even know that Hillary and Obama were working for Iran and Saudi! ur dumb ass cant do the math because u think “duh, what about isis, the USA created isis duh and u think obama was working with Iran? Duh!”

Thats how ur tiny brain works!

u have no idea whats going on! lets just leave it at that! u think this is checkers! (Der, missiles didnt work, derrrr) Its Chess u moron (Hidden reasons for everything) Figure out the reasons! Thats why all good detective shows state these words! “Qui bono, Who benefits” “Follow the money”

The Objective

Thank you for a lengthy reply. I would have replied earlier had I checked my notifications yesterday. Let me remark that we can disagree without insulting each other, and can actually learn from each other. Everything you said summarizes to four key points. 1. Patriot Missile Defense is an effective anti-missile defense system. Its recent failure stems from a shadowy intelligence war. 2. The attack on Saudi oil facilities is in the interest of America (America deliberately allowed Patriots to fail) 3. Trump is following his threats on Iran with action (making good on them) 4. America allowed Iran a pre-agreed symbolic retaliation. I am obliged to say that your points are widely out. I will explain each of the above summary points separately to avoid being flagged as spammy.

The Objective

1.The attack on Saudi oil facilities is in the interest of America (America deliberately allowed Patriots to fail) Before I start picking your argument apart, I want you to read this short article published on the website: foreignpolicy.com. Here is the link: https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/28/patriot-missiles-are-made-in-america-and-fail-everywhere/ This is not just any random article. The author has credibility because of the institution he works for. He specifically states that the article reflected their position at “The Middlebury Institute of International Studies”. EARLIER SUCCESSFUL ATTACKS WERE NOT AGAINST OIL FACILITIES. So how do they benefit America’s oil companies? Deliberately allowing Patriots to fail sends the wrong message to allies who rely on them and prospective buyers. Do you know how much America makes a year from weapons sales? $55 billion. The failure of a critical defense system casts doubts on America’s claims on the potency of other weapons systems. In fact, America over-hyped the effectiveness of the Patriot Missile Defense Systems, and many believed them until the Yemeni war started. When people start to doubt the effectiveness of your weapons due a previous false claim, then America’s weapons industry is headed for a bleak future. The question today is, are the B52s and F22s as potent as the U.S wants the world to believe? I don’t think so. Even Turkey doesn’t think so. They gave up their partnership and economic interest in the F35 program just to buy Russia’s S-400. By allowing the Patriots to fail, America is deliberately destroying its weapons industry and economy. Are you saying the U.S took all this risk just to benefit from a 5% drop in global oil supplies – a gain that did not last even two months? (The Saudis restored operations in less than two months). Do not forget that the failure of Patriots only promotes Russia’s S-300 and S-400 defense systems. Turkey and India are an example of such a result. No amount of bullying by the U.S will make India and Turkey back off from purchasing more S-400 systems. Do not believe this bullshit about Turkey insisting on “technology transfer”. In case you do, then what about India?


“EARLIER SUCCESSFUL ATTACKS WERE NOT AGAINST OIL FACILITIES. So how do they benefit America’s oil companies?”

Ill answer your question with a question! Did Sanctions on Russia benefit US oil companies who had already invested 100 Billion into geolocating Russia’s hidden oil reserves? Did i not just say that the US picked up the 5% gap in the market share after the attack on the saudi Facility? Unlike Russia and Saudi, oil is not the main factor for the US economy! YES i know the Petro dollar is but that is not changing from this one incident!

Yes Deliberate failure is not good for sales i agree! However, like i said, this is an intelligence war! THERE IS FAR FAR FAR MORE TO THIS THAN U KNOW! Which is why i sed the “Fish in a fish bowl” analogy! U THINK u know! Therefore what i tell u doesnt make sense! Therefore i KNOW how confused and frustrated u are by my words! But it doesnt change the fact that I KNOW more than u on this! Im not saying i am smarter than u, im saying u are missing BIG Chunks of information that completely turn what u THINK u know on your head! So the short version is this “intelligence war”! The long story is me explaining everything that has happened over the last 3 years so u can understand!

For example, i bet u have ZERO knowledge as t why Trump announced having a military parade on July 4th 2019! The USA never does this! So why do it? Are u going to tell me the reason South Front told u? Are u going to tell me the reason YOU think? Because let me tell u something, the parade was done for extremely HIGH national security purposes! But i am willing to bet my house that u have no idea why the parades occurred! In fact u will probably state how it isnt related at all to what we are talking about! YET IT IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT! Nor will u ask why the Russian Sub incident back in July last year is also directly related the the USA’s military parades! (Which occurred within 48 hours of each other). You wont understand how the change of the Saudi Crown Prince occurred after Trump was elected! U wont understand what the REAL reason was of the Crown Prince entrapment of all other Princes was REALLY about! Nor will u understand how Prince Bin Talal Alaweed TRULY made his fortune and what happened to him during the capture! You wont understand how Trump was able to cross the North Korean DMZ and shake hands with Kim Jung Un! You wont understand that Trump and Putin are allies! You wont understand how they are working together extremely closely and that that Russian Sub incident was an operation conducted with the USA and was a major part of freeing this world (which this fight is still continuing)!

None of this occurs to u! Its all just unexplained background incidents that does not enter ur mind for thoughts or connecting dots! U just spew the same stuff that everyone else on SouthFront spews! Just what u THINK u know! All u know is the view of Iran, Syria or Russia wants u to know! Yes u now the USA view too! U prefer the Iran view! But u dont know the REAL view!

u dont know how this world came right to the edge of destruction! That Russia and the USA are now allies (unofficially)!

I do not care for your links! In this situation i am the teacher! im not trying to big note myself! but if u truly want to wake up! Talk to me when u are ready to learn! One subject at a time! Or i can forward u an ocean of information!

if i were u, id be asking ME what does the Russian Sub incident have to do with the US military parade in all major cities have to do with each other! Then i would ask why they both occurred around the same time! Then i would ask how this relates to the USA and Russia being allied together! Because knowing the answer to this question will help u understand whats really going on! it will awaken u to a whole new view on the world!

It will explain the VERY VERY small incident with the patriot missile systems! it will explain Iran’s Obama deal! it will help u hate Israel more, love Russia, love Trump! It will help u see Kim Jung Un as a captured puppet! It will help u see Iran as a bad guy controlled by Globalists! It will help u see that Trump and Putin have brought down the Rothschilds, the Saudi Royal family and only have one true enemy left…. George Soros! i can prove all i am saying! yes PROVE! Israel has been brought to its knees by both Trump and Putin! all that u see being reported “Trumop sucks up to israel, Putin sucks up to israel” is bullshit! it is not reality! Israel is Fucked! Why do u think Bibi is in his 3rd try to keep his leadership? If he doesnt what happens to him? He has criminal charges against him! INTELLIGENCE WAR! “Keep your friends close but your enemies even closer”! Israel is under control! “Epstein” and “Maxwell” are Mossad Agents! Mossad WAS in control of the CIA (not anymore)! The CIA is mostly clean now! So too the FBI and the DOJ!

Big shit is about to happen! The problem u have is that u are going to be one of those people who finds out when the rest of the sheep in the world finds out! ure not going to be one of those people (like me) who knew what was occurring! i feel like u are the kind of person who takes pride in “knowing”! im sorry but u know nothing! u know the Official view or the general view! u dont know the hidden or REAL view!

Forget ur failed patriots! Understand the game and ull understand all! That attack on Saudi Facilities was a US attack on Saudi Arabia! Thats the Truth! Now u need to scramble ur brain to try to understand it or u can reject it because it doesnt make sense to your world view! Im telling u, your world view is wrong!

The Objective

You sound a lot more convincing this time. And I want all you have said to be true. But then, it is difficult to believe anyone these days without some credible evidence. The world today is a labyrinth of disinformation.

I think the only mistake you make is that you are judging me wrongly. I hate the Iranian regime. I hate Bashar Al-Asad’s regime, I hate China’s predatory exploitation of weaker nations. And I hate America’s policies towards Muslims. And I think Israel got America on a war path with the Muslim world – I mean a nuclear war. If things continue like this, I don’t see how the U.S will avoid a nuclear war within the next five decades.

I wont dismiss the possibility of truth in all you have said. And yes, I don’t know all these things you talk about, and I am willing to learn. I always like someone challenging what I hold to be true, cos that’s how to learn. But I am far from convinced. I wish you would provide credible sources of information, even in small bits. I think I should be able to connect the dots.

If half what you say is true, then the world is screwier than I thought.

but your claim doesn’t quite stack up to current reality. America cannot survive in its present form without the Middle East. By adopting the petrodollar system, America put itself on a constant war path with others. It risks total economic and military collapse should petrodollar collapse. That is why no challenge to the petrodollar goes unanswered. The U.S may be energy independent. But petrodollar will always remain dependent on oil around the world. The U.S already destroyed two countries (Iraq, Libya) to protect the petrodollar system.


READ! Just Read! There is so much more to this! i can tell u about North Korea, Iran, how Putin came to power, how Trump came to power (the real reasons) how israel is being brought down by both Putin and Trump! China, Snowden, Saudi Arabia etc etc! Things that will blow your mind! The world is 1000 times safer now! All is going to be great and very soon u will hear 60% of the truth! not all! but 60% is HUGE! I can tell u what that 60% is!

“Sep 13, 2018


“There is intense pressure within the FBI not to indict Hillary.” I am posting from a position of near anonymity with enough plausible deniability to evade prosecution—as we are all under gag orders. There is enough evidence for Hillary and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is. Whether she is indicted or not depends how much info gets out. The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server.

While Hillary’s history of corruption and carnage goes back decades, the period leading up to and including Benghazi was a quantum leap in scale. Anyone associated with the investigation is sworn to secrecy. Any leaks would cost his or her job and most likely jail time to boot. Worst-case scenario—anyone who crosses the Clintons tends to meet with an unexplained early demise (Ron Brown and Vince Forster were no exceptions). From a law enforcement aspect, dealing solely with Hillary does not solve the problem. The Clinton Foundation, with its massive spider web of connections and money laundering, implicates hundreds of high-level people. The DOJ is most likely looking to save itself. My opinion is the entire government is guilty of treason. FBI Director Comey is trying to stall because he does not want to face the Clinton Machine, as well as the rest of Washington, DC.

After Benghazi, the concept of “plausible explanations” was forever dismissed. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton concocted a transaction with the bin Laden Family to provide classified information for big money. She used Ambassador Chris Stephens to arrange a transfer of $1.2 billion to the Clinton Foundation in Swiss accounts. The deal was highly classified files, including nuclear and military information for cash. She had Stephens in the Pentagon receiving a server to take with him to Benghazi. There was also a back up server—in her closet. She then allowed the bin Laden’s to mass insurgents to raid Stephens’s compound. Stephens had no idea what he brokered and had no clue what the server contained.

The plan was going great until the Seals and CIA, from the other compound responded to the attack. She was unaware of their support and ordered a stand down. The deal was to kill the Stephens envoy and in the process allow the bin Laden Family to have nuclear secrets to one day avenge their son. It went south when the other compound refused to stand down. They got to the consulate in time to rescue the staff (except for the Ambassador Stephens and Information Officer Sean Smith) and a big bonus—they ended up with the server!

Once word got back to the White House that the Consulate team was rescued, Hillary ordered a complete stand down to the rescue mission and surreptitiously told the commander of the invading force to attack the other compound. By that time, she wanted everyone dead and the enemy to have that server.

During the attack on the CIA compound, a technician got into the server and discovered something very odd—top-secret nuclear files! He immediately broke standard protocol and transferred the files to a top-secret server, in the event they were overwhelmed. By this time, Hillary had already fabricated the story that a pastor in California made a YouTube video that caused a mob to attack—a total lie!

In the chaos, to fulfill her end of the deal, she furiously emailed files to random staff members “by accident,” allowing the bin Laden Family to intercept (pre-arranged) the data while it was in motion. At this point, some of her staff, outraged by the betrayal, planned to defect and ultimately leaked the DNC emails to Wiki-Leaks. When told the Benghazi server was destroyed, she believed it—at least she hoped it was true.

We (FBI) received the server from Benghazi, found data on the CF and realized the situation was far worse than previously thought. Hillary had Special Access Programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an uprising and possible foreign declarations of war (due to our secret operations in sovereign states). A Special Access Program is intelligence classified above top-secret. These programs are supposed to be held on closed servers at secret locations [SCIF]. The only way to get in is if you are specifically read-in on a program or have a need to know, then you must physically go to a location and pass through several layers of security to even look at the program. A good example, in non-classified terms, would be the locations and operations of our intelligence operatives around the globe [NOC-List] or our nuclear missile silo locations.

The server revealed the treasonous specifics of Saudi Arabian visits and donations to the CF, the Uranium One fiasco, and much much more, but the most disturbing was the Obama Administration’s transfer of “Davey Crockets” (M388 nuclear mortars) to the enemy! That’s right! Obama gave nukes to the enemy of not only the United States but of Russia as well. Ultimately, one of these weapons killed 20 Russian troops in Syria—an American nuke killed 20 Russians!

Putin responded by ordering a nuclear evacuation drill of 40 million Russians to send Hillary a message he was preparing if she got in. The remaining six Davey Crockets are in the hands of Iran along with $150 billion. Hillary sold SAP’s to overseas donors when just possessing them makes her guilty of treason. Most alarmingly, the server exposed Hillary sold weapons and coordinates of the Chinook helicopter (killing all 38 on board—including 17 Navy Seals) to the bin Laden Family. The death penalty seems insufficient for this level of treason.

Even more insane were the payoffs to those who knew. A total of $1.7 trillion in grants was appropriated to spread the wealth amongst politicians to sweep things under the rug. The money was granted by Obama to Middle Eastern nations then funneled back to our politicians and bureaucrats through a complex series of Swiss entities. The Clintons have hundreds of these entities alone. Of the money granted, John McCain is/was at the top of the list of recipients with many other Republicans. Just trace those who campaigned against Trump and it will lead to all who are guilty.

Obama opened a shell company, Iron Eagle, in neighboring Jordan as the hub to facilitate the black op transfer of uranium into Syria. McCain was the point man to receive and transport it into the deep state and eventually to an Iranian nuke facility. Our spec ops and Marines intercepted and caught McCain in the act, so to speak.

George Soros is at the nucleus of nearly all US political corruption. He funds, instructs and influences every level of the US government, right down to the tax code. Everything is corrupt. The entire government is corrupt. NO ONE IS CLEAN! Our hands tied. There is much more that is too dark for anyone to stomach. My message to you and everyone on this board is do not get distracted by Clinton’s e-mails. Focus on the Foundation. All of the nightmarish truth is there. The e-mails pale in comparison. Between the servers, the horrific killing of the Seals, the nuclear information, the Davey Crockets, the SAP sales, the $150 billion to Iran and the $1.7 trillion of funneled hush money—there is enough to hang them all for high treason.

That is why all Democrats, all Republicans and all media were/are against Trump. They all know what happens now. They are now choosing a 2020 candidate with a $3 billion bankroll in hopes of taking the White House to push back the trials and then pardon.”


The USA pre 2017 Yes u are right! Did the USA citizens benefit? Biggest benefits go to China, Globalists and Federal Reserve! Try to understand why that is! The USA could have the petro dollar without war! Sanctions and allies following your trade rules would shut down any country who refuses your orders! So what does war accomplish unless u are trying to DRAIN the empire! Who would be next inline to take over? President for life? Unarmed citizens Digital spy grid Social credit system outspoken people disappear?

Who transferred their industries to China? Why? No competition? How did they get their tech so fast? Transferred, stolen, bought, hacked, handed over?

Example! What on Earth Would Google’s head company Alphabet be doing in North Korea? THINK ABOUT THIS!!! The worlds biggest IT tech company CEO is in North Korea! WHY??? China too?

TRANSFER of Technology, Special Access Programs, Intellectual Property! The CIA was funded by US citizens but was WORKING for Globalists! (Just like the US military was doing)!

TRAITORS are being punished? Who was the first CEO to resign after Trump “Human rights abuse” Executive order??

ERIC Schmidt! CEO of Alphabet! (google parent company) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/156c4589444c84e4d97000e82ad19c3ea40733bd7c5d27a54d9a2fa66f0c1c9f.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyWaZGG7bLQ


READY to go Deep?

Connect the Dots (dates) June 10 2018 Trump travels to Singapore to meet for the First time Kim Jung Un (Historic meeting)

Date of Summit? June 12 2018 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1713397395bdc75d2e31e3e2438d486b1ec45408f41e9704f5684ec8f7149d0d.png

Who wanted to STOP this meeting? What could be the reasons??


Date of Unauthorised Launch? June 10 2018! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a6667367eac44562ca7891c34dfe4d929b766e893ebfc3e9d160d83cdf7b99df.jpg

Who predicted this attempted assassination of POTUS? Who would have been blamed? Start a war?


Who is Michael Avenatti? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcBo7CKs23c

Media loved him?

Lawyer against Trump for “stormy daniels”? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxjOEbvdDc8

Who is the Arab Saudi guy? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1a796285f24583ac74da00d59fe5048fa8495f29b2f957e5cf809f0dd07a84a8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d6e85b8bb420f28539f7e8efafc20b0b1d26142ebe9215458fd7f730805c0c74.jpg

A Saudi Prince?https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/08c58e91f521b467f47e6544d448fb88509c07046ddf06790699df268d9b4528.png Son of Saudi Prince and former head of Saudi Intelligence? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e651ff3aef3df23b4e6d34ef4fb61dfafd931ef72ea13366c659b3075e42a3cf.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b41d34e8e698a4fff98604f999589ee42647ee4c470e9a555162dcdd50d88e65.png

All is linked to Alaweed! Alaweed linked to Rothschilds! Alaweed was captured, tortured for information! North Korea unlocked! (free’d) Remember NK’s mountain earth quake that killed Nuclear scientists? (Special Operation)! North Korea was controlled and being used as an Insurance policy (a nuclear one)! Also NK was to play a role in the PLANNED nuclear war once Hillary came to power! (so too would Iran)! Think timing of NK nukes and Iran’s deal with Obama! All planned!

What about the STOLEN Soviet (Not Russia) Nuclear submarine?

Who found it? Russia Who killed it? Russia When did they kill it? July 2 2018 (Google it) (Top Secret stealth spy sub detected and tracked the sub)

Planned date to kill? Why not kill immediately? Why July 2?

Day of US military parade in every major US city? July 4 (independence day) Military parade provides cover for heavy military presence and hardware in every city? PROVIDE ANTI-MISSILE COVER??

PLANNED! Cooperation! i knew before it occurred! How did i know?? [[Intelligence war]]

Good people are in control! Saudi will be free! Iran will be free! Middle east will be free! No more wars!

Powerful nations were controlled! NO MORE! It took 2 nations to make this happen otherwise never would be possible! Why do u think they wanted to keep them apart? (trump and putin) Why do u think they didnt want them to meet? Why do u think they blamed russia for everything? (force division?) Why do u think Soros is the enemy of both Trump and Putin?

“Mr President, now the ball is in Your Court” (July 16 2018) After Sub incident! Cooperation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCK2_1ZWBEo

the ball has space for microchip (world cup GPS tracking of ball) What was the chip he gave Trump?


Why is the Media and politicians GOING CRAZY over private meeting with Putin? They want to know what they were talking about!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utrtovjS_fs

look at the timelines!

How do u take down the worlds controllers and their expendable, nuclear armed, terror states? How do u keep all of their pedofile puppets and globalists with puppets in the Intelligence, military, pentagon, congress, banks etc from killing him?

u need the US military intelligence on your side! What is Putin? Intelligence?

Who helped him come to power? Was it for good reasons? Who helped Trump come to power? Was it for good reasons?

The world is about to change! These are very very small pieces i give u here! Research them yourself! these are not coincidences!


This was not a false alert!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c2373c8cc14af5a26612170336a3f535c000ed297d6f3474ecd32cbd5c34954.png REAL! Rogue Sub! Insurance policy! Russian spy sub found it, tracked it, killed on July 2 2018! Russian Attack sub Injured!


Why the military parade? Why the complaints? THINK!


STOLEN during the break up of the Soviet Union!


Without the Soviets to Counter them, what opportunities opened up? Middle east? Serbia? North Korea? Iran?

Control the enemy (just like ISIS, just like Al-Quieda) Controlling “Bad guys” enables u to invade, threaten, blame, start wars!


Warning? Threat?


This was not a false alert! This was REAL! Rogue Sub! WARNING? THREAT? Dont mess with us??


REAL! Rogue Sub! Insurance policy! Russian spy sub found it, tracked it, killed on July 2 2018! Russian Attack sub Injured!


Why the military parade? Why the complaints? THINK!


STOLEN during the break up of the Soviet Union!


Without the Soviets to Counter them, what opportunities opened up? Middle east? Serbia? North Korea? Iran?

Control the enemy (just like ISIS, just like Al-Quieda) Controlling “Bad guys” enables u to invade, threaten, blame, start wars! Divide and Conquer!

New Head Quarters chosen! CHINA! Prop up China, Drain the USA with endless wars! (No more!)

Putin and Trump would not allow this! Not nuclear war! Nor would Russian or US military intelligence who are fully cooperating!

CIA is now almost clean! FBI is now clean! DOJ is clean White house recently Clean! Capital Hill about to be cleaned!


“Full faith in our intelligence agencies” CIA cleaned! Lights go dark and back to light again! This means “Dark to Light”! it means We have the information! (Trust me i know this ;)


Note the date! immediately after return from meeting with Putin! (18 July 2018)

They know where the Rogue sub is, Russia tracking with super stealth Spy sub! Information exchanged between Trump and Putin during PRIVATE meeting!


THIS really did occur!


Video of VTOL aircraft flying into Langley CIA head quarters by normal citizens was removed from the internet to avoid panic! Ive seen them! They literally fly over a main road over cars! Caught on phones and Dashboard cams! around 7 videos existed! All gone now!

Remember mike pompeo was the Director of the CIA when this occurred! (good guy) Changed to Secretary of State!

He knows all the details the CIA had!

This was all an operation! The world is about to change :) be happy!

John Brennan former CIA director will go to Gitmo or be put to death for treason within a YEAR!


No shit!


Talking about F-22’s and F-35’s! Ive heard the stories! WHAT IF worse stories were told about the SU-57 and STRONG evidence existed to prove it?

115 units SU-35’s have been built which is an upgrade based on the SU-27! They still look extremely similar to each other (SU-27 and SU-35)

11 units of SU-57’s have been built! Has all the features the SU-57 has and more! Stealth is not cheap! Supercruise, the whole lot!

SU-35 = $85 million SU-57 = 42 million

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/64b52464384dc0d4b40e0508cadd7fadb62eaaba0bee1c65d9a81f09dad5234f.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2b159bcd6cb3feb19da1cecf23c792bf6cd93ca556aead3c5ab9b1c71fd9c371.png

An SU-57 is not half the price? Even southfront reported this yet NOBODY blinks and eye when this was announced! The SU-57 used to be priced at $85 to $90 million dollars! Now its suddenly half price? HOW?

NOW i ask u to bring the same skepticism to this SU-57 price as u do for your doubts with the F-22 and F-35! Does this make complete sense? Do u invite doubt after the “engine failure”? What has happened?

Be fair! Dont be biased and favour one thing over another! Try to explore and reveal if u have any bias in your theories, research or beliefs!

The Objective

I don’t really care about weapons systems and I won’t be discussing which plane is the better. The fact is, the U.S is at war with the Shiite Muslim world – a cold war that will soon spiral into a hot one. Yes, they are fighting the Sunni Muslim world too, but with less intensity.

They killed an influential Iranian general (not that I care). They tried to overthrow the Iranian regime via color revolution (I wish it were successful). They have destroyed Syria (another Shiite stronghold). They are still occupying Iraq to prevent a Shiite seizure of absolute power (A good thing for the Sunnis). And they are trying to cut Hezbollah off from Iran. They have placed more sanctions on Iran than on North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba combined – actually, more than 1000 sanctions.

If you insist that the U.S was behind the Houthi attack on Saudi Arabia, then you are implying that the Houthis are under U.S control (they quickly took responsibility for the attack). It follows that America is managing the Yemen war, and arming the Houthis. It means Iran and the U.S are in the same camp in Yemen. If that were true, then the US is trying to destroy the KSA and Ally with Iran. It also means the U.S is trying to destroy Israel too because Iran is the greatest thorn in Israel’s side.

I want to start seeing some proofs of how the U.S masterminded the September 14th attack.

And do not forget that if Trump tries to double-cross Israel, he will be assassinated just like JFK.


“If you insist that the U.S was behind the Houthi attack on Saudi Arabia, then you are implying that the Houthis are under U.S control “

What are u talking about? Iran took the credit for this! This was an iranian attack! Missiles came from the north! U have seen multiple times patriots defend Riyadh but suddenly cant defend 5 missiles on the oil facility?

u dont understand what is going on! the USA is not the same since Trump came in! Even if u laugh and say “just look at what the Trump has done for Israel”! Trump has FUCKED Israel! Fucked it beyond comprehension!

Your next question to me should be, “tell me how Trump has fucked israel” and ill be happy to oblige! Iran, Saudi and Iran are all enemies of the USA! Under Obama, they were allies! YES! Allied with a President who’s goal it was to bring down the USA with the help of Hillary after she got in!

u must love obama’s 130 billion he gave to Iran!

The Objective

I am really confused now. Let’s have this one bit at a time. I agree that it was an Iranian attack because the Houthis do not have the technology to mount such a sophisticated strike. There was at least an Iranian involvement. it does not matter which direction the missiles came from. What matters is, Iran masterminded the attack.

I will quote you here: “U have seen multiple times patriots defend Riyadh but suddenly cant defend 5 missiles on the oil facility?” I did provide a link to an article that should help you research the failure of Patriots since the first gulf war, which was long before the Yemeni war.

I will quote your again: “Iran, Saudi and Iran are all enemies of the USA! Under Obama, they were allies! YES! Allied with a President who’s goal it was to bring down the USA with the help of Hillary after she got in!” I agree that Iran is an enemy of the U.S.A, but the Saudi regime, I don’t think so. But I will check any clues you can provide that proves Saudi Arabia’s regime to be a U.S enemy.

About Obama allied with Iran to destroy the U.S, I want you to recall that Iran was and still is the loser in that deal. Iran was just 3 months or less to a bomb when Obama got them to denuclearize in exchange for sanctions relief and cash. I THINK WHAT OBAMA DID WAS TRICK IRAN TO DENUCLEARIZE SO THAT AMERICA HAS TIME TO STOP THEM MILITARILY. IRAN NOW IS ABOUT A YEAR OR MORE FROM NUKES. PERFECT TIME FOR A U.S STRIKE TO DESTROY THAT COUNTRY. Donald Trump and Obama hoodwinked the World with that deal. Both Trump and Obama are, and always have been on the same page regarding Iran. They want it destroyed. But they won’t do it when Iran is just two or three months from the bomb. Somehow, the Iranians must be convinced to freeze and rollback their nuclear program to provide enough window for attack.

Whether Trump wins or not in 2020, war with Iran is certain. Iran is the single greatest threat America has today. They threaten the very existence of the U.S economy.

I want you to tell me how Trump is working against the interests of Israel. You may be right, because the C.I.A predicted in 2006 that Israel may not last more than 2 decades. It might have something to do with your claim.


No, Obama did not Trick Iran to De-Nuclearize! He paved the way for them to have a legal nuclear arsenal of nuclear weapons! HOW?? Once the treaty came to fruition and Iran behaved itself (proven to be trustworthy) Iran was to begin enriching Uranium to higher levels (not as high as weapons grade, but much higher than medical grade! What does this mean? Im not a scientist, but what i do know is that Medical grade enrichment is between 3 and 5% enrichment to that of Military grade! This is OK by US standards and not a threat! It is very hard (scientifically and resourcefully) to get to say 20% levels of Military grade enrichment! Very hard indeed! However, once u get to 20% enrichment, its is VERY VERY EASY TO GET TO 100% Military grade enrichment! This has been explained many times! Obama’s deal allowed Iran to enrich to 20% grade enrichment, to be allowed to import Uranium! (side note, Iran was enriching Uranium in Syria! Many of the so called “missed US cruise missiles” hit these classified targets! Russia approved and allowed THOSE missiles to hit! The First Cruise missile strike under trump [there were 2] had the US joint chiefs in Moscow when they occurred! More proof of cooperation between Trump and Putin, of course to prevent a war but also to stop future plans of war to be blamed on Iran and North Korea)

So Obama’s deal is made for lamens (sheeple) to think all is ok and Obama did his job! NO! He gave them a green light! All the while his 150 billion enabled Iran to take on ISIS and increase Iran’s military greatly! 150 billion to iran is HUGE as they are a cheap military! The worst part was opening up doors to trade flooding investment! This means Iran would / could become a super power! Nukes, Oil, great economy, its own Mil Ind Complex and a history of terror attacks with the ultimate goal of Global Jihad as stated by their leader! Stated many many times! Join or die!

So Obama was a wold is sheeps clothing! On a side note, what is Obama’s Secret Service code name? RENEGADE:

noun a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

adjective having treacherously changed allegiance.

HE CHOSE THIS NAME!!! As all Presidents do!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1ace15b1210e445b6220ceb66f90d4b36b1254601c596d62650bb21c907b0fe1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea47e83dfde7f76609a00c618c1f981a00087ef99e1735487b395f11d496b190.jpg

Soon to be released, a picture of Obama shooting at an American Flag (younger years)

Obama is a Shiite Muslim as u can see from his attire! These were not costume parties! If u are a graphic designer or someone familiar with editing, u will know For a FACT that Obama’s Birth Certificate he posted on Whitehouse . gov was incredibly fake! your jew drops immediately! because it has 2 dozens layers and fonts that never existed when he was born!

All this news will come out before the next election in the USA (or soon after)! Obama was a traitor and still is!

Hillary was selling out for money! Selling out agents, her country all for money! She sold Russia 20% of US uranium stores! Robert Muellar himself delivered the samples to Russia! Russia GAVE this uranium to Iran! NO SHIT!

If u dont know this information then it illustrates WHY u and i operate of different levels of Knowledge! My knowledge IS NOT CONSPIRACY! Its admitted and proven! Its more of a conspiracy to assume that Al-Quieda is backed by the USA (yet we both know it was true)!

There are new leaders in control of the USA which is why u have military parades (hidden reason) which u still have not asked me about yet! Shaking hands over the DMZ, pulling out of Iran deal, Change of Crown Prince in Saudi Arabia, the kidnapping of Saudi Princes, trade wars, China capitulating, Epstein being busted, Prince Andrew being busted, impeachment hearings, McCain dead from “brain cancer”, Hong Kong Riots, Corona Virus, Iran Revolution, Venezuela etc etc!

You are not focussing on the REAL war! u are acting like a normie watching fish swim around a fish bowl! The USA and Russia are now ALLIES! They already saved the world from a nuclear war TOGETHER and u dont even know it! And u wont even ask me the question! How? When? Why?

Seems to me u are not interested in learning, u are only interested in what already reinforces your own narrative! Its weird how some people are introduced with new information and they are super quick to reject it! if i showed u proof the USA, Israel were aiding and supporting ISIS or Al-Nusra, you’d accept it immediately no matter how vague the data was! But if i show u proof of something that flips your narrative on its head, its rejected until hard solid MSM says it allowed in your face!

Dude, Israel is going DOWN! Iran is going to have a MASSIVE revolution and become whatever they want to become! Republic or whatever! There is a space race on right now!

I just wrote something and decided to delete it because i understand u are not ready to hear it! its good news but something people like u wont believe so ill hold back!

Watch the USA now! Watch who starts going to jail! BIG names are being indicted and going to jail FOR HIGH TREASON! This means Gitmo or death Sentence! 2 big names have already been given the death sentence in military Tribunals! ill let u figure out who they are!

The Objective

I really love reading your replies and shocking info. how about we communicate through email. you can either drop your email address or reach me at kugamy@tutanota.com The information you are posting has a possibility of being the truth. I hate to know something when everyone else knows it. I want to know things majority of people don’t know yet. Do not dismiss me as someone who won’t believe anything that goes contrary to what they hold as true. The truth is vast, just as is the lies. I will be happy if the U.S stopped an Iranian bomb, particularly in Syria, even though I am a Muslim. This bomb will be used to terrorize Sunni Muslims more than anyone else. My antipathy to the Iranian regime has everything to do with theology. I know some history of Shiites, and also how VERY VERY DANGEROUS they are (their governments). In fact, they are WAY MORE DANGEROUS TO MUSLIMS THAN THE U.S/ISRAEL COMBINED, in my opinion. While the U.S is contented with Oil and a number of other worldly interests, Iran if it becomes a global power, will not be satisfied with anything worldly the Sunni Nations offer them. They will want to penetrate the very innermost and sacred core of the Sunni believe and attempt to change it. They are already doing it in Iran where they won’t allow a Sunni mosque in Tehran nor a Sunni representative in their parliament despite the Sunnis numbering in millions. They enforce a Shiite school curriculum and constantly harass the Sunni scholars.

But about Obama being a traitor, this is a hard one to believe. Why is the U.S allowing him roam freely if they have such evidence that proves he betrayed his country? Why isn’t he and his team in jail?


Big news on Obama coming out NOW! Watch the news! Even the Fake News!


How many Candidates are on stage? All have hand over heart except him? It was never used against him! (RENEGADE] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU9iCANi02o

Yet he bows to Middle East Leaders and kisses their hand? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WlqW6UCeaY

“Muslim Faith”! (mistake made many times on many different occasions) https://youtu.be/bMUgNg7aD8M

Before 2008 Election! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9174789ffc2ccc30cfcf7ad535b31a95621f89d86f70de0ea79e9dfca0d52be4.jpg

Trump FIRST foreign trip was to Saudi Arabia! WHY? (Around 20 May 2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY4n0O3zQU8

NEW CROWN PRINCE OF SAUDI ARABIA!! (AROUND 21 JUNE 2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkIFYVPpUyY

Saudi Prince killed November 5th 2017 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6e51c779956cc2562c25bf0f4b496f2a30a39aacf3868d368f74fc9f21e6b2bf.png

What happened to the Rothschilds at Waddesdon Manor? (Around 17 November 2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7G8O_79KqU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9hMEDihtV0

Have u seen Jacob Rothschild lately? (dig deep, who was the pilot and Co-pilot of the helicopter! Mid air collision with a small plane? At what Altitude? Did the plane make a DIVE on the helicopter? Window of Opportunity, Defensive measures taken!

NEW CROWN PRINCE holds captive Saudi Princes (Around 23 November 2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rCNMTR-5_g

Rothschild Family sells HUGE (5,412-hectares) Estate in Austria (aka “black forrest”) which they have held for 143 years! for only $112 million dollars / Euro 90 million WHY?? WHY so Cheap?? In a hurry! find out why!

Could this be a part of the reason?? EXECUTIVE ORDER, HUMAN TRAFFICKING (21 DECEMBER 2017) “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption” READ! TAKE AWAY ASSETS, PROPERTY! https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/

How does this link to the Rothschilds?

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/66599d0e0f19e94637b4d5f6d44ff95d5d44b85ee81afd2ce32c7b8030d04b89.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5cb1ec1b10932caa800edb7466e8f129321a8e54cff37d419a352fb19c83b21d.png

Find out Al-Waleed’s investments and controlling stock! Does he purchase Dirt on US politicians and therefore Control them? (Citigroup, Twitter, Apple)

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/299a9f969f64ff3230d169f6a8c887d07c7625b5837e68f4f3b4fd597761c323.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/072b6fdd1b10a86f28192332a073d816a2515a79d4434b7e3b765e9966aef4d5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eeed2a3062fe899d15c989ab7ecff84e5d94429af49b8e36e9d294fbb69a0b61.png

REUTERS (Who owns Reuters?) Was the first to interview him (de-brief him) after his capture (and torture for information) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTlbLljNjag

Vallerie Jarrett, she stayed with him throughout his ENTIRE presidency! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc49e11bc495ff1256d919597f0444be4e6be164c4a4ab0c98d5150c746748d4.png

How long was Alwaleed held captive? Was he tortured? By who? Tortured for INFORMATION? Why was Saudi and Alaweed the first key? You need to find this out for yourself!

You must find out yourself! you wont believe me if i tell u! bigger than u can imagine!

This “intelligence war” cannot be done without the worlds 2 greatest super powers Russia and USA working together! Otherwise they would start World War 3 before they dare being taken down!


u have a lot to learn! i cant tell u all, u will blow a fuse! first u must connect the dots! We start high! The elite of the elites! Who and what they control! Their crimes! etc!

Iran is a player too! Controlled! Vatican Bank raided? Wanna know how they make money? u wont believe me! Remember, nobody gets into power unless they have dirt on them! after that they can be controlled! If u take out Rothschilds and Saudi royals, then u take out their HEAD puppets! NK? McCain (Rep party), Clinton (Dem party) (many more in each country)

Whats is similar about McCain institute and Clinton Foundation? HOW DO THEY CONTROL THEIR PUPPETS AND HOW DO THEY MAKE THEIR MONEY?

Shocking! These leaders, these institutes, these royals, these religious leaders are ALL going down! Everyone will be free! Why? Because Trump and Putin have the power of the 2 biggest nations! Pain is coming!

u are watching the Wrong game!


How many Candidates are on stage? All have hand over heart except him? It was never used against him! (RENEGADE] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU9iCANi02o

Yet he bows to Middle East Leaders and kisses their hand? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WlqW6UCeaY

“Muslim Faith”! (mistake made many times on many different occasions) https://youtu.be/bMUgNg7aD8M

Before 2008 Election! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9174789ffc2ccc30cfcf7ad535b31a95621f89d86f70de0ea79e9dfca0d52be4.jpg

Note the date: (planned) (who does Trump really work for? WHO IS JOHN G TRUMP???) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b422c76b5251d8c105d71530c688e76642d4531d785490e14058143f8ef41e5.jpg

Trump FIRST foreign trip was to Saudi Arabia! WHY? (Around 20 May 2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY4n0O3zQU8

NEW CROWN PRINCE OF SAUDI ARABIA!! (AROUND 21 JUNE 2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkIFYVPpUyY

Saudi Prince killed November 5th 2017 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6e51c779956cc2562c25bf0f4b496f2a30a39aacf3868d368f74fc9f21e6b2bf.png

What happened to the Rothschilds at Waddesdon Manor? (Around 17 November 2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7G8O_79KqU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9hMEDihtV0

Have u seen Jacob Rothschild lately? (dig deep, who was the pilot and Co-pilot of the helicopter! Mid air collision with a small plane? At what Altitude? Did the plane make a DIVE on the helicopter? Window of Opportunity, Defensive measures taken!

NEW CROWN PRINCE holds captive Saudi Princes (Around 23 November 2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rCNMTR-5_g

Rothschild Family sells HUGE (5,412-hectares) Estate in Austria (aka “black forrest”) which they have held for 143 years! for only $112 million dollars / Euro 90 million WHY?? WHY so Cheap?? In a hurry! find out why!


Could this be a part of the reason?? EXECUTIVE ORDER, HUMAN TRAFFICKING (21 DECEMBER 2017) “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption” READ! TAKE AWAY ASSETS, PROPERTY! https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/

How does this link to the Rothschilds?

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/66599d0e0f19e94637b4d5f6d44ff95d5d44b85ee81afd2ce32c7b8030d04b89.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5cb1ec1b10932caa800edb7466e8f129321a8e54cff37d419a352fb19c83b21d.png

Find out Al-Waleed’s investments and controlling stock! Does he purchase Dirt on US politicians and therefore Control them? (Citigroup, Twitter, Apple)

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/299a9f969f64ff3230d169f6a8c887d07c7625b5837e68f4f3b4fd597761c323.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/072b6fdd1b10a86f28192332a073d816a2515a79d4434b7e3b765e9966aef4d5.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eeed2a3062fe899d15c989ab7ecff84e5d94429af49b8e36e9d294fbb69a0b61.png

REUTERS (Who owns Reuters?) Was the first to interview him (de-brief him) after his capture (and torture for information) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTlbLljNjag

Vallerie Jarrett, she stayed with him throughout his ENTIRE presidency! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc49e11bc495ff1256d919597f0444be4e6be164c4a4ab0c98d5150c746748d4.png

How long was Alwaleed held captive? Was he tortured? By who? Tortured for INFORMATION? Why was Saudi and Alaweed the first key? You need to find this out for yourself!

You must find out yourself! you wont believe me if i tell u! bigger than u can imagine!

This “intelligence war” cannot be done without the worlds 2 greatest super powers Russia and USA working together! Otherwise they would start World War 3 before they dare being taken down!


u have a lot to learn! i cant tell u all, u will blow a fuse! first u must connect the dots! We start high! The elite of the elites! Who and what they control! Their crimes! etc!

Iran is a player too! Controlled! Vatican Bank raided? Wanna know how they make money? u wont believe me! Remember, nobody gets into power unless they have dirt on them! after that they can be controlled! If u take out Rothschilds and Saudi royals, then u take out their HEAD puppets! NK? McCain (Rep party), Clinton (Dem party) (many more in each country)

Whats is similar about McCain institute and Clinton Foundation? HOW DO THEY CONTROL THEIR PUPPETS AND HOW DO THEY MAKE THEIR MONEY?

Shocking! These leaders, these institutes, these royals, these religious leaders are ALL going down! Everyone will be free! Why? Because Trump and Putin have the power of the 2 biggest nations! Pain is coming!

u are watching the Wrong game!


AS SOON AS TRUMP CAME TO OFFICE! Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach Senior Adviser goes to jail? 2 Campaign managers go to jail? Spied on his Campaign because threat of Russia rigging election? 2 year Special Council Investigation? Now Impeach him over a phone call to Ukraine?

They attack, attack, attack! What was Trump doing while he was being attacked? Find out who John Huber is! Find out who John Durham is! Find out who Michael Horrowitz is!

The entire Obama administration has been under investigation since April 2017 with over 430 prosecutors under Huber alone! U are lucky! i waited 3 years for this! u only have to wait 6 months max! It’s already starting to roll out!

Remember, all of this fucks Israel too! Israel already is Fucked! Netenyahu is fighting with Ehud Barak (Israeli Mossad) over his connections to Epstein and Ehud Barak is trying to fuck Netenyahu with Corruption crimes (thus 3 attempts to get re-elected hahaha) Fucks the former CIA Fucks other nations! Its all coming down! TRUST ME! When u understand the full story, u will be a new person! The world is going to change! God wins! :)

The whole thing is coming down! Not just in the USA but the entire world! This Syria war is a sand pit for kids! its meaningless now! It was important before 2017!


LINK: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5108651/American-mercenaries-torturing-Saudi-princes.html

This happened! But tortured for Information! Required a NEW crown Prince (cooperation) to enable this CAPTURE of these Princes! Especially Alaweed!

Do u understand the timelines?

Intelligence wars require INTELLIGENCE GATHERING!

The Objective

I want to learn as much as I can from you. Most on this forum will certainly dismiss you as a propagandist. While that is possible, I won’t be quick to reach that conclusion. I am interested in and will pay attention to anything you say regardless of my knowledge or opinion about it. Do not be reluctant to provide information like web links, PDF, and other documents that will help me understand reality better. I love reading, and I read at least 20 pages of text everyday. So feel free to recommend, regardless of the bulk.


Yes, and a medical discharge perhaps with a pension for life.

now, the americans in the region are all in the crosshairs of the Iranians. they are basically under siege and they could be pulverized at any time depending on the situation. and i can really understand that feeling of vulnerability, that feeling of helplessness. it’s good to see the oppressor getting a taste of their own medicine


Last I checked so is all of Iran still right there and in the crosshairs of a couple of very well armed enemies. Who can turn their whole country into a radioactive wasteland if need be. Try to put this in proportional context.


Jake, you should inform yourself a bit better. There are war games and excercises regarding a war with Iran. US never wins this. Iran suffers, but so does US. And one should not forget, that US is an outsider without the religiouse background to be treated as a trusted partner in the region. In some countries US is seen as an invader, which presence need to be accepted because of its military power. Don’t expect any “friendly” nation to help US, if a conflict shows the enemy stronger then the US. More probably the “friend” will change sides. Here’s something to consider: https://csis-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/legacy_files/files/publication/090819_GCC_Iran_AirPower.pdf

Zionism = EVIL

The guy is a teenage Jew PUTZ in California and you are debating with him ROFLMAO.


Well, at least I try to raise some independent thinking. Maybe he gains so much knowledge, that some day he starts questioning the story he was indoktrinated with by his masters. Then it was worth the effort.

Zionism = EVIL

It is useless my friend, they have one dimensional hasbara lies that are triggered by key words like Iran, Palestine, Gaza, Hezbollah etc.



And 90% of them are Putz Putin the Poisoner Trolls, mist lying sbout who they are for a Vidka ration and draft deferment.


And back at you.


You got the California correct. All the rest is your usual bull crap.


You need to inform yourself. In an all out war with the US, Iran would no longer be a functioning country and way more Iranians would be dead than in the war with Iraq. And if Israel became part of it, which it likely would, that non-functioning ex-Iran would very likely glow in the dark. You and yours are making the victory lap of the dead. It is great for mostly the Iranian People that both sides blinked…for now.


What is no mystery is that Islamist Iran’s top general and a half dozen of his top military buddies are very dead. As are well over a hundred Iranians killed by Islamist Iran’s Key Stone Cops trigger happy Missile men.

John Wallace

You think Iran has finished .. Dreamer !!.. What is the greatest insult and defeat the US can suffer . Withdrawl from the ME.. The cost of that by far exeeds the toll of the Iranians. Time is on the side of Iran. The cost to the US has increased and will continue to rise. You are stupid if you think in Vietnam terms of body counts shows who is winning . McNamara buried himself in data , numbers and body counts losing totally the sight of that war so no one had a fucking clue what was happening until they all had to get out.


It’s more than a body bag count when the dead includes the top general and lots of other top military officials. And doesn’t yet seem the US is leaving anytime soon. And you know that Israel, with its couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles, is not leaving. Oh, and will never allow Islamist Iran to even have one. Just the way it is. And then there is the fact that Persian Shi’a Iran is out numbered 10 to one by Sunni Arabs and other Sunnis who hate them.

Arch Bungle

You’ve copy pasted that meaningless line for the 100th time now. Running out of intellectual bandwidth? Clearly so!


Not meaningless for the dead Iranians and Islamists.

Arch Bungle

Idiot. Everything is meaningless for dead people.


An army, which cannot replace a general is not prepared for war. Iran appointed a new leader, which is even worse for US, as he is affiliated with Afghanistan, and speaks pashtu language as well.


So what? The US got the better of the deal even though both sides blinked.

Chris Chuba

Iran puts their high ranking officers on the front line, they have more depth in that dept. In terms of ground game they have us covered. The unknown is do they have anyone else who can interact with their allies as well as Soleimani could, probably but that’s unknown and that’s why we murdered him.

Albert Pike

Must be option 2 – Trump never lies….




i stopped believing official numers a long time ago

Assad must stay


Zionism = EVIL

Always TRUST ME :)

Free man

TRUST Evil Psycho Zio. LOL.


body bags stuffed with under-educated guys from the fly over states they can live with, after all they are professional soldiers and death is part of the job description, but what trump or mnuchin or pompeo can’t risk is an attack on ras tanura or yanbu (via proxy houthis) or kuwait and a closing of the hormuz strait which would put a spaniard in the works, i.e. the world economy which would be a result if crude goes to 150 or 200 bucks per barrel. a sure way to lose the election for donny the chump.

Assad must stay

hahahaha the missile is haunting them that is too funny US govt is sometimes funnier than even their comedians and late night TV hosts

Zionism = EVIL

The fuckers have lost over 33 dead and 200 suffering menopause and diaper rash as I had said initially.


What is still missing is the numbers of contracters affected. It’s not only US military there, but lots of contractors as well. These are never reported by military.

Zionism = EVIL

Also shows you how inept their intel on Iran is. The arseholes had 8 hour warning and did not move their lardass cowards to safer location due to arrogance and hid them in 1980’s era Yugoslav built bunkers that Saddam had. These bunkers even proved vulnerable in the Iran-Iraq war as the Iranian Mavericks easily penetrated them. Now the Iranians are using Mach2 missiles with one ton HE payload, enough to give anyone a mother of all headaches.

Xoli Xoli

Another propaganda by Pentagon.

Xoli Xoli

Trump said there is no injuries.

Chris Chuba

We were so incompetent that even w/3 hrs warning we couldn’t get our troops out of harm’s way or was it arrogance that we didn’t think the Iranians would follow through with a strike or be able to hit the base?

CNN report (one of the few I believe because they actually went to the base I saw the interviews), troops went to Saddam era bunkers, okay so far, so good. Not enough room for everyone so other troops when into pits designed as shelters against mortar attacks, wtf, better than nothing but totally inadequate for 700lb+ sized warheads.

Why have any non-essential people remain on the base.

Liberal guy

Why even 109 injured?say “not even one is injured we are an invincible force “u zio chaotic bastard’s


Why not up the casualty list! Even more reason to kill more Iranian Generals! lol ill settle for 2000 no probs! 2000 is a good trade for bombing Iran’s nuclear sites! keep the number increasing to garner support!

Xoli Xoli

What is the figure of everyday rising figure of USA soldiers today.

cechas vodobenikov

the media in the anglsphere , where people r unable lot think dialectically of dialogically is only trusted by idiots


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