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MARCH 2025

Secret Of Russian FSB Spy Revealed By Security Service of Ukraine

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The video was made by Ukrainian journalist and politician Anatoly Shariy. LINK

Hello, my dear friends.

Lately, I’ve been hearing from some people, the ones I didn’t expect to hear this from before, that the SBU are really good, they catch spies and the like. I hear from some people who express their trusting in God publicly that the SBU is now “cleansing” the church. It’s when they come to these poor priests. I am not against such visits, but I believe it was possible to come to such crafty dudes from the church without a war. And when they come to the priests on the ground, and I see this decoration, after which someone tells they are FSB spies…

You, the ones who support this trash, are real scum.

They arrested another spy. Look, the Security Service of Ukraine has reported on this. Let’s read it.

“The SBU counterintelligence exposed another FSB agent, as a result of a multi-stage special-forces raid in the Kiev region. A resident of Bila Tserkva, who was recruited by a sworn officer of the Russian special service in December last year, turned out to be that malicious person. After providing written consent to cooperate with the enemy, his colleague received the “Shadow” covername and a task to conduct intelligence and subversive activities against Ukraine. On the instructions of the FSB, he traveled around the area and secretly gathered intelligence about the Defense Forces units’ location in the region. First of all, the Russian agent tried to find the management headquarters, warehouses with artillery weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In addition, he gave the aggressor the coordinates of local critical infrastructure facilities, including power generating enterprises.”

Of course, it couldn’t be viewed on Google Maps.

“According to the investigation, the traitor maintained communication with the FSB through an anonymous Telegram channel. It was there that he sent the intelligence he gathered. It was established that in the future, this malicious person had to create an extensive agent network for greater coverage of the region. During the searches, law enforcement officers seized mobile phones with evidence of conspiracy correspondence. They also found a Russian passport and pro-Kremlin symbols at the person’s involved house. He faces 15 years under part two of the article “High treason committed under martial law.”

My dear friends, it is very important for you to understand what he is accused of. He is accused of photographing military facilities and reporting them via the Telegram channel to permanent FSB officers.

The honorary taleteller of Ukraine, who is also an adviser to the interior minister, Gerashchenko, said the same thing, only he also has a photo where this man’s wearing his envelope cap. The point is that the SBU representatives were embarrassed after I published the post that they had caught a spy wearing a Soviet envelope cap – as in a joke – and they removed it.

Let’s take a look at these photos. Here this poor guy is standing with his hands behind his back. Here they come into the room. The room is very poorly furnished. It’s clear that the person is poor. They show a Russian passport and a note of hand. I would ask you to pay special attention to this note of hand.

 “I, [full name], give my consent…”

Why, by the way, did they close the name if we know who it is?

“I agree to voluntarily provide my assistance to the bodies of the FSB of the Russian Federation, to keep under wraps the information and the forms and methods of work that have become known to me during the cooperation process. In order to maintain secrecy, I will use the “Shadow” covername. December 15.”

But he keeps that note of hand at home. As I understand it, he signed a note of hand and gave it to himself. No one thinks about it now, and they didn’t really think about it before, but now they definitely don’t think about it.

Let’s look what’s next.

Of course, like a real spy, he has flags scattered everywhere – the flag was probably given to him by the FSB – and St. George ribbons, all Russian spies have them at home. There is even a red flag with a hammer and sickle. I assume that the SBU pigs carry this set with them. They plant it to everyone – both priests and all spies. Every spy must have a set of St. George ribbons.

Let’s now look at the secret correspondence on Telegram – here it is. First, of course, you pay attention to its name. What is the best covername for a secret FSB officer? Of course, ZOV.

 “The next screen I marked is Ukrainian military’s accommodation…”

We pay attention to one tick. It means that all the information provided by this important spy since December 27 has not even been viewed, and the correspondence is one-sided. He sent it to someone with a ZOV covername.

I think he sent it to the SBU officers because they like creating such accounts, provoking someone to commit a crime – something that is forbidden all over the world – and then telling that they caught a spy.

Here is that very photo already deleted by the SBU, but it still can be found on the Internet.

This video was also filmed by SBU officers, they are mocking the detainee and put an envelope cap on him. He’s wearing a Soviet soldier’s fore-and-aft cap, so he works for the FSB.

Now I suggest you look at some photos. So that you are aware – it’s a selfie. That is, this person got a selfie. And it may seem to you that something is wrong here, quality is bad. I didn’t worsen the photo’s quality, it’s original one. I’ll explain to you what’s the point.

It’s a selfie. A person doesn’t think it’s reprehensible to get selfies like that. Next – the child. Also, you see, the photos are of terrifying quality – they are out-of-focus. Here is a woman with a child. Everything is very out-of-focus. Here the train is going. The photos are extremely low-quality, however, these photos of such a quality were posted by a Bila Tserkva resident in the Odnoklassniki social network.

You’ve probably already guessed it. This is the person who was detained by the SBU. He posts such photos, but why? Why do they seem to him thoroughly acceptable for publication?

The point is that he has trouble seeing, but not only this. Look at the document with diacrisis issued to Sergey Titov, who was born in Norilsk in 1979.

By the way, I forgot to clarify. He possesses Russian nationality because he was born in Russia in 1979, but when he was two, his parents moved to the territory of Ukraine and later in 2003 he obtained this Russian passport. There is nothing surprising here.

We read on because it’s a diacrisis.

Sergey Titov. The point is that Sergey Titov was born by a woman who had huge issues with obesity, intoxication and other things. When he was a week old, he was prescribed artificial feeding and during the first year of life he grew and developed normally, but then problems occurred: he had strabismus. In 1980, in a Kiev hospital, he was diagnosed with a number of diseases regarding vision. The surgical operation was carried out because the recession of the internal muscles of both eyes began. But after that the situation didn’t improve, the atrophy of the optic nerves of both eyes began. At the age of 2.5, he was examined by a neurologist and a psychiatrist. Unfortunately, they came to the conclusion that the patient had a mental illness. He was found to be quarrelsome in the children’s team.

The diacrisis – the consequences of pregnancy toxicosis and birth trauma, hyperdynamic syndrome.

In 1985, he was examined again and the doctors concluded that, unfortunately, the atrophy of the optic nerves continued. Mental illness is also clearly seen at the present time: he is worried about behavioral disorders, it is impossible for him to restrain himself, periodic apathy attacks, detachment from the world. According to the child, something closes his eyes. He was repeatedly treated at the regional hospital. The doctors advised the family to go for treatment outside the region. Kiev hospitals could not cope with this. He is disabled.

Sergey Nikolaevich Titov is registered as a person who has chronic mental illness. Disabled person of group 2 because of poor sight.

The SBU, everyone who has the relation to it, everyone who praises them, everyone who speaks positively about them – these are just people without shame, honor and conscience. These are dishonest people. These people do not have even a sliver of compassion for ill people.

What are they doing? It’s absolutely confirmed information – they find mentally ill people in the regions, apply pressure on them and file criminal cases for statistics.

Of course, during the interrogation, they just can step on the fingers of such a mentally ill person and they will write anything.

In addition, in this case, the SBU outdid themselves. They passed a person who sees poorly, who has colossal vision problems, off as a person who had to photograph important strategic facilities and report this to the FSB.

I will, of course, translate this video. I will try to spread it as much as possible, but the trick is that until we – citizens of Ukraine, judicious Ukrainians – pay attention to what the SBU is doing – pay attention to what the SBU is doing – the service that was the first to flee when Russian troops approached, which abandoned top secret archives in many cities, due to which the Russians revealed almost the entire network of intelligence services on the territory Ukraine, and in the border territories.

They just don’t tell you about it and what happened to these agents. This service files criminal cases out of nothing. They have already crossed any possible lines.

I appeal to everyone who supports them – sorry, but you’re a scoundrel.



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Nazi Idiots

1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK

And they are the best paid officers in the Nazi armed forces. Can you imagine how dumb are the lower paid ones?

Hohol Nazi Cuck Heeero

When they arrested the poor chap who is legally blind, he was wearing an old WWII Red Army’s cap. Hammer and sickle, and all.



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Consistently made over $20,00 in income from home with the benefit of smooth playback and sticky online interest. |F330″ I actually made $18,00 with this perfect home income. Everyone can now without a doubt. … make extra money online by using—— https://apprichbaba.blogspot.com/

Last edited 2 years ago by anni4
Isser Harel

Typical naziesque behavior.

Isser Harel

And this racist garbage is fully supported by the EU and american tax dollars. These imbeciles make the Keystone Kops look smart.


Just like they supported the nazis in ww2 at the beginning until they attacked france and britain. And al quaida until 9/11. After cleansing and replacing their leaders they are now used again as FSA/ Nusra Front/ HTS in syria and Al Quaida in Maghreb in Lybia. They will use the Banderist Troops as long as they can keep the deal to only kill russians and no poles and jews and others. Let’s see how much selfcontrol they have.

Gerry Bell

The whole thing is just very sad. How low can Ukraine sink?


honey boo vs cartman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOY2exlBjaI

Straw Hats

One can wounder who there foriegn trainers where?

drago rukavina


Edgar Zetar

Well guess SBU gets the spy master, a poor guy with mental illness… shame on them, they are cleaning their population and taking lands from the poor using NAZI tactics… it always backfire, wait and it will backfire to Ukraine and their society what their Goverment are doing to innocent citizens.


I don’t believe a word thst comes out of Kiev, lie after lie

Rodney Loder.

Very sad, but to be expected from these people.


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On January 8, a state of emergency was declared in California after several days of severe winter storms, flooding, and mudslides. So far there are 19 confirmed deaths and families have lost everything. The money raised will go directly to the families affected by this tragedy.Follow this Link bit.ly/3w8K4B3 to help us help those in need

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