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Secret Of Ukrainian Militants With Green Armbands And Their Crimes

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Another video confirming terrorist warfare of the Ukrainian military was shared online. Ukrainian militants shelled civilian building in one of of the settlements in the Donbass region. The exact date and location of the incident remains unknown as well as if there were civilians inside.

In the video, the militants are seen carrying green armbands. Some units of the Territorial Defence Forces of Ukraine were previously spotted with such signs. Their tasks are not clear. They were seen committing crimes in different cities of Ukraine.

A surveillance camera recorded how they captured a civilian car by force in Kiev.


Later they were filmed in the five-star Premier Palace hotel, where they threatened the hotel administration and demanded them to allocate rooms for free for their accommodation.

Secret Of Ukrainian Militants With Green Armbands And Their Crimes


Some reports suppose that these groups of militants are ordered to carry out illegal actions against civilians, pro-Russian activists and businessmen. Some units of the Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces were probably marked by green armbands in order to identify them among other criminals who are now active around the country and not to open criminal cases against them.

Later, green armbands were spotted at the front. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a law authorizing the deployment of military units of the Territorial Defense Forces to the combat zone on June 11. However, some of them have been already fighting on the front lines even before the law was signed. It seems that the notorious militants with green armbands have the same tasks at the front as in the rear, including terrorist attacks against the local civilian population and other possible war crimes.


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wild Rose Ranch

Prostitutes have a more honest way of earning a living, now quit your spamming.

jens holm

I can confirm it. Its legalized here with some limitations. By that they are good taxpayer. They seemes to be needed.


Ah, Ukrainian peace loving defenders of democracy and western values protecting civilians as always!

Work AT Home

Cash manufacturing easy and fast strategy to figure partially time and procure further 15,000 or a lot of over this on the web.oip02 by operating in my time beyond regulation I created 17990 in my earlier month and I’m exceptionally cheerful currently as a results of this work. you’ll try this presently by follow subtleties here…… 𝑺𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒕𝑱𝒐𝒃1.𝒄𝒐𝒎

Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home
jens holm

Its not like that. They are defending their own country, which according to Minsk was neutral having only defensive capabilities.

We help them. They now has a sober parlamentarisme but many things are very bad as well. That dont legalize that invasion and its many horrabilities at all.

It only explan how Russians really are. We has to kearn better, that their brains are close to their behinds and Putin only has rotten porrige under his moon.

Tommy Jensen

We helped them. So the Ukrainians now also have lack of drinking water and a green new deal with ecology and gay parades. Then Putin came and destroyed it all with his family bs and homophobia.

Max Schmidt

These are the people who when captured (which will inevitably happen) will cry like bitches “-Dont kill me, pleeeease. I am a peaceful person”.


They all just cooks and mechanics. NATO policy.


I can assure you they are anything but mechanics,limp wristy weak girly goy punk with your lies! They are too scared to be crooks because crooks deal with life against their government where as these poofs are mainly only just that poofs with guns on a mission from their libby girly god in kiev!

jens holm

Thats of course related to Yourself. Im sure those nazi hardheaders dont have that fear. They are like many other fanatics prepared to die for something important.

Jens Holmosexual

You are prepared to die for Joe’s dildo. So go die.


Reddit posters are worried that “Russian trolls ” will comment on the change of colour arm bands .To counteract Russian hypersonic missiles which the USA has failed to copy they are going to launch stratospheric Balloons -must be watching too many WW2 London Blitz movies – obviously a “blow ” to them.

azov bunch of emo rejects

Arent the green armbands the border patrols?


Reddit is a censorship shithole filled with Mossad and JDIF A.I. bots and paid shills. Not even worth posting any truth, you just get attacked by Jews or banned.


Reddit? Apart from paid shills the rest are dumb, indoctrinated, bandwagoning zombies circle jerking each other while trying to prove how politically correct they are. Memes are the pinnacle of their intellectual capacity. Epitome of internet in 2022. and a sad reminder that we live in a truly dystopian society where most people fully accepted to be sheeple. They don’t fight the system, they fully support the system which enslaved them…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matrix

Vanya happens to be one of them with its fake upvotes,no one can claim these poofs are educated in anything nor brave enough to be any crook against any corrupt government,drr!

jens holm

Unfortunatly Yiu can find that kind of faking many places. We have to fight it by better control.

You even can find it at the stockmarket. Googles has it too much as well.

jens holm

Funny description. I like it. Its very american in the american way.

jens holm

Its a very american site. You are not even alloved to try to understand it.

Its no censurship. They create things by voting. Thats more like populisme. I dont use it even its about number 6 in the world in seize.

No wonder if Jews attack You. You bullie them and many others too.

You hardly need more then 2 lines to show that. Who will attack a small daft prick like You. Nt even a good vakuumcleaner can find You.


Coward ukrops shooting at civilian buildings, because they are losing the real battle vs. real men fighting them.

What can we expect from Jews fueling a war where whites are killed?

The Jews in America and NATO are money laundering billions to themselves, while these losers carry out their agenda on the ground.

I’m confident Russia will find these criminals and kill or imprison them.


They are running out of thugs to do their dirty work, because good men are choosing to do NOTHING to support these Zio-Nazi scum bag Davos bankster punks. When they’re not commiting war crimes for NATO or Israel, they dress up as fake cops and terrorize peaceful protestors in Canada, France, Italy, etc. Bloody freemason traitors. I hope Russia purges them all, execution style, like when a Russian drone puts the target on Ukronazi artillery shelling civilians and holds an immediate war crimes tribunal and destroys the actors with a hypersonic missile or counter artillery salvo.

jens holm

We try to reduce them and mainly are doing well.

The main problem for having them in the open is we use the same procedure for many others. Then we see them but they also see they are in low numbers.

You dont. Right here You give them free advertizing for their existence and growth. You bring nothing better. Thats the whole point for Ukraine as well.


Cowards they all are but crooks forget it,they are all too scared to cop a slap in the wrist by the sbu poof!

jens holm

Typical comment. They cry rivers too. Thats why there is more water in the world then ever.

jens holm

Very impressing You can ignore Your loosers actually are getting for billions of support. We also has several millions outside their country and help them too.

your profit mummy

mommy rented me to lgbt for 10 years—now my pimp leroy will charge you only 10 roubles—I keep your sperm


Pure satanic evil is mustered against Russia.

jens holm

Next time we will feed You with honey and icecreme to Your die. It will ne fast. We put bananas in Your behinds.


Somehow they don’t quite fit into that hotel decor


If i am not mistaken but the first one is a very old video, 2015 or 2014

jens holm

If You clone Your memory I would like to rent or buy. My neighbor next door might need one too.

Stephan Williams

Hmmmm….I can’t seem to like or dislike the comments here…

Bufford T Justice

Show NO mercy for these savages , Mr. Putin !

jens holm

You are right. Russians should only be in Russia.

flush goes the nation

Specialty target now. the green ones. I would imagine they could be ambushed as they carry out their cowardly deeds, A few well placed machine guns, snipers etc.


Just 2 or 3 good shots would take them all out in a jiffy,maybe just one with a well kept after ak-47.

Assad Defeated Zionists

C’man mon. Enough with ganging up on John Holmes. Seriously, its getting boring, your chasing him away, I do like to hear his opinions now and then.

pens holm

His opinions? He is a monkey, who gives a fck about his opinion? I just like laughing at his stupidity. Most of the time no even knows wtf he is saying. Not even him lol

Retired Troll

The Speaker of Russian Duma has declared the Jew midget clown Zelensky and Ukraine “TERRORISTS”.

It is time Russian drop a deck of cards with all the Jew criminals in Kiev cabal like the US criminals did with the legitimate Iraqi government.

Now that Ukraine has rightly been declared a terrorist state, Russia under international law can destroy it and eliminate Zelensky like ISIS and AlCIAda terrorists.


@Retired Troll

Yes, of course, both declare each other ‘terrorists’ and both hide the real perpetrator behind this war, the 1st and 2nd World War, 911, the two US-led Iraq wars, the Fake-Corona pandemic and the very real global vaccine ratpoison syringe genocide etc.

To realize reality, resp.what and who we are facing watch:

Christian Separatism Versus Jewish Parasitism Interview with Alfred Schäfer https://tinyurl.com/4u6kd9s9

And see: The Cause of Antisemitism: https://tinyurl.com/yc7w9823

And here see also facts which the Jews do not want you to know:

Part one of a three-part series of Dennis Fahey’s exposure of the fact that the Bolshevik (so-called) “Russian” Revolution was a Jewish coup against Christian Russia.

The Rulers of Russia, by Rev Dennis Fahey, Part 1 https://kuty.me/t6x

The Rulers of Russia, by Rev Dennis Fahey, Part 2 https://kuty.me/1u1

The Rulers of Russia, by Rev Dennis Fahey, Part 3 https://kuty.me/2t5

We therefore need to speak out clearly the name of the real enemy of mankind. Which is: JEWS ! Leaders of so-called both sides (USA and Russia) are jewish, including Putin. Whatever. It is clear to me that western democracy is just fake, same as the fake-liberty and democracy in russia is just hiding that everything in Russia is still judeo-communist owned and ruled. See for example the “russian” oligarchs – they are 99,5 % all jewish !

But also in ‘the West’, Democracy, the twisted way we know (in comparison to the greek original one) it, today is just a jewish concept to subvert a society, and prepare it for communism take-over. Anyway as long as people in EU and Russia not realize that communism is a jewish ideology and the fake-democracy in EU and USA is nothing but a jewish controlled scam-system, I do not see anyone celebrating true victories.

It is like Great Britain, they thought they had “won the War / WW2” because they helped destroy the German Realm, which had nearly a hundred times asked it (UK) to stop that brother-war and instead fight side by side against the judeo-communist threat. (Hess even flew there to make a deal) But since UK was already completely under jewish control and the people their completely brainwashed by the jewish medias, most citizens of UK didn t realize the truth, and instead fell for the jewish lies and helped the jews bomb Germany into shreds. And look at UK now – they are even worse of than Germany. The Jews flooded UK with blacks and pakistanis, which now murder and rape white british people at will and without any justice system consequences. Even the mayor of London is now a Pakistani. So it is clear now what happens to a country (ad mankind in whole) when not realizing its true enemy (the Jews). The most evil world-enemy of all times !!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson
Retired Troll

Data from independent analysts shows that 6,956 foreign citizens from 64 countries arrived in Ukraine to become pro-Kiev non-state terrorists between February 24 and June 17. Some 1,956 of those have been killed, while 1,779 have fled the country, the Russians and their allies have also captured 269. Most are from US, UK, France, Israel and Canada. There is no question that Jews are manipulating this conflict and unless Zelensky is killed, the Anglo-Zionists will keep on feeding their bloodlust with Slavic lives.


kill all those NAZI filth NO MERCY to these nazi animals. = Z =



Work AT Home

Cash manufacturing easy and fast strategy to figure partially time and procure further 15,000 or a lot of over this on the web.oip02 by operating in my time beyond regulation I created 17990 in my earlier month and I’m exceptionally cheerful currently as a results of this work. you’ll try this presently by follow subtleties here…… 𝗦𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗝𝗼𝗯𝟭.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

I hope that Russia overruns these Ukrainian criminals and shows them no mercy, like they did in WWII against the Nazis then.


Gestapo will soon be crushed completely. Don’t worry. These scumbags are going down.


More than likely dead,captured or missing many body parts or all,which ever came first,so they lost!

jens holm

I heard they are part of the russian supply chain as food. There are not enough fish in the rivers.

jens holm

Banderas was jailed by gestapo and was jailed in Sacksenhaussen.

jens holm

Russians throw at least 10 times more grenades into anything there. They also use a lot of missiles.

So why are only those nasty ones mentioned.

jens holm

thats not me but inyuri

Peter Jennings

Criminals don’t usually make good soldiers because they are too busy looting and avoiding any contact with the enemy.


this is from 2014..


CAESAR to Russia.

The Bulgarian Military publication, citing its sources in the command of the French Armed Forces and Interpol, claims that a group of Ukrainians sold 2 French Caesar guns to Russia for $120,000 per unit, with the real cost of one howitzer being about $7 million…..Macron will be livid.


Two more Tesla in Polland with an UA licence plate.

Tommy Jensen



The first video is old, it was filmed in last year, ukro-terrorists hits a school with people inside.

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