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‘Self-Isolation’ Sobyanin Style: Moscow Authorities Introduce Virus Quarantine Passes Drastically Limiting Freedoms Of Residents

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'Self-Isolation' Sobyanin Style: Moscow Authorities Introduce Virus Quarantine Passes Drastically Limiting Freedoms Of Residents

Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin

On April 10, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that a digital pass system to enforce coronavirus lockdown rules are being introduced in the city.

According to Sobyanin, Moscow will gradually introduce a digital pass system to enforce ‘self-isolation’ rules (imposed under a threat of various administrative punishments) starting April 14.

  • The first stage will include the introduction of passes for trips to work;
  • The second stage will introduce special passes for other trips;
  • The third stage will introduce them for trips within the region.

The decision was made under a pretext of fighting the COVID-19 outbreak in the Russian capital of Moscow. Earlier, the Russian capital was widely reported to be planning a system of scannable QR code passes to limit residents’ movements to leave their homes during the lockdown that’s currently scheduled to end on May 1.

Under the measures imposed by Moscow authorities, residents of the capital and the region were banned from leaving home on March 30, except for food, urgent medical care or walking a pet within a permitted radius of 100 m. A violation of this ‘self-isolation regime’ is punishable by a fine of up to 5,000 rubles (~65 USD). Hint: the minimal wage in Russia is about 140 USD.

Violators of this regime could be sentenced to larger fines – from 15 thousand to 300 thousand rubles (~4,000 USD). The first such fines were issued in Moscow on April 9 – with fines of 15 thousand rubles.

Furthermore, if the ‘violator’ uses a personal car, the car may be detained and sent by police to a special parking lot.

'Self-Isolation' Sobyanin Style: Moscow Authorities Introduce Virus Quarantine Passes Drastically Limiting Freedoms Of Residents

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These draconian measures in Moscow were imposed despite the fact that the COVID-19 outbreak in Russia is ongoing without serious issues. As of April 10, the total number of infected people in Russia was 11917. Taking into account that the number of tested people across Russia is 1,090,000, there is in fact no any kind of pandemic in the country. The death rate from COVID-19 currently stands at 0.78% (94 people died). It also should be noted that according to reports by official research centers in Germany and Italy, 80% of infected people pass through COVID-19 without symptoms. Therefore, it’s possible to assume that the real number of infected people is 3-5 times higher than the established one. So, the death rate is even lower than 0.78%.

It’s important to note that the limitations imposed in Moscow and some other regions were placed without the introduction of the state of emergency in the country. Thus, the decision to impose such measures imposed and limit freedoms of the Russian citizens contradicts to the Russian Constitution.

For example, even in Germany’s Free State of Bavaria, where the state of emergency was introduced, did not employ such limitations towards people living there. They still have a right to make trips and even engage in sports activities if they keep the social distance of 1m.

This situation in Moscow rises concerns among a large part of the city’s residents that question the real motives behind actions of local authorities. According to some Russian sources, Sobyanin and other members of the Western-affiliated part of the Russian elites are just exploting the COVID-19 hype to strengthen own political positions and control over all aspects (political, administrative, social, security) of the life in the capital.


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Covid-19 update: With people in lock down, animals feel free to roam the streets. :) Goats in Spain window shopping https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f626216d82780ae3685d2530a828aa32a594d25f1f21d5262a69a6ef6c697be0.jpg Deer stopping by a 7-11 in Japan. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/312f897ae387b911527ebcd6506a75b39ede9855ae250de581dd48e3cdb2ab7e.jpg This deer is very law abiding. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/422d413689d916bb545ec3546d4954e9e151f8d2a827971287418d75d2813d9a.jpg


If we all died, it wouldn’t be long before the natural world recovered


And here are two hungry Sika deer waiting at the door of a restaurant. Perhaps they like seafood ? For take out only of coarse. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/418cfee85398c312599f9bad1f68b4e020eea481dd7f27d878df0a88fbe38b2b.jpg

Jens Holm

The world would no be naturel, if we were not there too.

Even bibles say, we came first.


Here’s an update for the zionazi virus scam that you’re shilling for:

Washington state just closed the Century link events center field hospital without treating a single patient. Not only is the state imploding the economy over a virus scam. They’re wasting millions on theatrics to stoke the hysteria.

Jens Holm

Why dont You read the rest about it and bring it here.


The article says they have enough intensive care beds in Washington. Being as clever as You, You should have told them many days ago, Washington itself could handle their own Coranas but Seattle might not.

You also could focus on the flexibilty in USA being able to move and change a lot very fast. Here and there they are very clumsy and also makes mistakes, but this after all is, what they are making + + to mee.

Jens Holm

We have fast shopping here. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fcc348cd29025dafb26276646d70de5afaba7cb6f0f88450db50fda1a7e467da.jpg


I love you Jen’s I am your no 1 fan here


i had to block him, every time i read one of his posts i felt ripped off , he rambles and doesn’t actually say anything, a pathetic and imprecise mind


Sorry I just find the guy hilarious are all danish people like him he’s inspired me to go to there to find out if that is the case


Interesting that Bill Gates would use Russia as the first destination for his digital pass heaven

Jens Holm

Why not. Muhammed went to heaven by a chimney in Jerusalem:)


Sorry to bother you, where can I find related article(s)?Thank you.


This type of action isn’t remotely justified by the coronavirus in and of itself. The only possible justification is as preparation for a much deadlier bioweapon attack if Russian intel and the administration has determined that the threat assessment warrants this type of activity.

It’s pretty clear from the malevolent activity of the NATO Zionists leading the charge with the coronavirus scam economic takedown and associated political, economic and social repression. That if Russia were to support clearing the Jew baby rapers out of the occupied territories and replacing Israel with a dejudified unified Palestine as part of creating a Jew free world that would be much better for humanity. That a Sampson plan bioweapon of mass destruction attack against Russia and the planet is a real possibility.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/db4bb957ec214190f87f094dc5ef694a8e1135d979430677b61fab2c8bb4bd5a.png https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


Approximately 92,867 out of 102,209 “coronavirus deaths” are coming out of NATO Zionist countries running this scam.



Approximately 92,867 out of 102,209 “coronavirus deaths” are coming out of the NATO Zionist countries running this scam. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3a8f605e13b2d2c821ff53149421c84e521dc46f82f83aa6933d75a9d9854d0c.png https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


Of course you know the normal flu season peaked in February like it normally does. And here we are today reporting close to 2000 deaths per day in the US on April 10. These numbers are gathered from a multitude of health agencies across 50 states. So how exactly does this “scam” work? Maybe only in your mind of endless conspiracy.:)


Conspiracy and blind, bigoted hate. The guy is a neo-Nazi loser. The US Pacific Northwest has a bunch of them but they usually stay in the wilds of Idaho, off the grid, hoping for a race war and civil war. But as a part time rideshare driver he is one of their intellectual elite.


You just further embarrass yourself with your Zionazi antisemitic hate and criminal insanity filled lies and false accusations.


How many times have you violated the house arrest that you’re shilling for?


When 88% of the people who die with the virus don’t die of it, but are reported as virus deaths. It’s obviously a scam. I’m sure that you’ve read that many times. So why do you ask stupid questions?


Your thinking is severely flawed. If a person has pre-existing conditions, and they die from pneumonia and Covid-19. It is is the virus that pushed them over the edge, not the other way around. So screw your playing with semantics. :)


Why do you have a problem with 88% of the Italian death certificates of people who died with the virus not having the virus listed as a causal factor of death because they died of the preexisting comorbidity that was killing them?

Jens Holm

Anybosy can see You then get different numbers, which are very difficult to compare.

Its the same fx in warfare. What do we count. Dead ones, wounded comming back or not, prisoners, people running away.

Total then can anything we wish.

The best solution according to capasity is to go home if You feel ill and stay there isolated. If things are very bad, You call for an ambulance.

By that the light hidden dont take beds in the hospitals, but we dont know if all ill has that corona or not. We only can say by symptoms, that most of them probatly has.

As yes we have to add and subtract and be very carefull about it. You dont.

Our emmigrants do have overcrime, but You have to subtrat the “normal crime” danes has in %.

You cant say its true, that so many of them dont work, when they are under education. Those under education often work harder then most, but the do recieve economical help for that investment.

Numbers often are political matters. You feel no shame in brining wrong numbers even giving them bad addings.

It seemes clear You are not raised to feel any shame.




Whose talking out of both sides of their mouth, how many times have you violated the house arrest that you’re shilling for?

Maybe you shouldn’t answer the question. The quarantine nazis might lock you up in one of the virus hotels with the street people.


I intend to violate house arrest tomorrow Richard. Going for a fresh snow hike on Blue Ridge above Wrightwood at 8000 feet. Will drive up the San Andreas fault for a while along Lone Pine Canyon , it’s a very strait line up to 7400. Will send you a picture, I have to sign off now to prepare :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7694f4fa44dd103a07b284a8a4b2fd18270d38bf2a80b337e8aa9bdaf7c98491.jpg


Sounds great. Beautiful area. Enjoy. Been a long time since being there.

Jens Holm

That would be allowed here too. We are not allowed to be in big groups. Send some snow please…

Jens Holm

Our house arrests are for protecting the ones, which might die by beimng infected. Here in Denmark its kept well.

We are allowed to go out some but has to spread out. We can go to the beach, the forrest a.s.o. but spread out …


This dodo think if someone is shot in the head and dies of a cerebral hemorrhage, it should not be counted as a gun shot death. He’s a tinfoil hat crack pot.


You’re a habitual liar and false accuser.

Jens Holm

Sure. I do feel for letting grandparents die for a : Well, we save money too.

Your 88% is far out too.

What You write is not connected to the real world. The virus has not reached its maximum yet according countries too, as well as the dead ones in many countries are not registrated as well as kept in the dark by the goverments for political reasons.

In my country misinformers like You are stopped hard.


Even by overstating the deaths by up to 10 to 1, the virus still hasn’t killed as many people worldwide as the flu this year. And if the NATO Zionazi scammers weren’t massively inflating the numbers even with zero mitigation it never will.

Pave Way IV

This was only a test run (and botched at that) with a flu-like payload. The intent is to terrorize the citizens into obedient slaves of an all-seeing, ever-protecting state. If nothing else, to scare everyone into getting Bill Gate’s vaccine (with extra added goodies) when it’s ready. Maybe a few more rounds of ‘Public Health terror’ are in order. This one was kind of a mess and probably resulted in less trust in the state – US or China – it doesn’t matter to them. It’s a domestic thing.


Yep if this doesn’t work they will try something worse another virus or ww3 perhaps

Jens Holm

The best bioweapon is to make Russians as fat as the americans. Look here:


Harry Smith

Your plan won’t work in Russia. https://youtu.be/FxgP5Dp94Mg


Im starting to question Russia now it seems all governments are in on it it’s like aliens are holding guns to their heads

Harry Smith

Not aliens but pure ratio, I think. If we will look at G7 countries, most of them have huge bubbles at the stock and debt markets. COVID-19 is the best option to peacefully deflate the bubbles. DJ and S&P hypersonic fall it’s all because of COVID-19 and not economic recession, they say. As for Russia we have 2 problems: oil price war and referendum on the constitution. So COVID-19 is perfect tool to hide lowing state incomes and prepare to the referendum. But it doesn’t means COVID-19 is not deadly. It’s really bad thing but most of the Govts are overreacting due to their local reasons.


I don’t know it’s just they all seem to be fearful and I don’t think it’s other governments they are scared of.

Jens Holm

Its an all in one. I am sure Russia would be much different having free elections.

They do have big internal problems as well. Putins dont know how. People from the outside were too much robbers.

They dont follow the good advice given by many making a middle class by educating a lot of people much more, so they can handle production as well as distribution much better.

I here compare with most muslims. They also has no middle class and therefpore cant invest in improvements for all but gain the upperclass and people sellig to them.

I also compare with the hate to Jews. They were the only well educated middleclass in those countries and hated for that from the poor as well as the too rich. By that the Jews has been one of the best scapegoats for parts of Eastern Europa as well as for Muslimistan – and still is.

If Russia want to change to the better, they must see the Bolsjevics just made a new upperclass replacing the bad things by the Zars and Church – And tempting its the same thing for Arabs hating Jews.

Those almost only are able to traditional bæaming others.


I put it to you that no country has ever had free elections so why pick on Russia here

Jens Holm

I kind of related to the comments of Yours as well as the comment by Harry Shmidt.

The Article also is about Russian affairs.

I have commented others many times as well being writing like here for many years.

About USA I have predicted they will get Biden but they need a Sanders for very much needed reforms in several sectors.

I use the same terms for them as I do for Syria, Iraq and for that matter Turkey: Their systems not even try to include all its inhabitats.

Thats what we do and has inspired Sanders here from Scandinavia. BY doing as we do we includes most people. Thats very expensive but pays of making more taxpayers too.

And I do prefare more socialworkers, better paid low class jobs and free education for heavy armed police and so many others in jail.

I dont say any should copy Our way as the best in the world. I say we should learn from each other and implement where things has gone totally wrong.

I have told many americans that for years. They waste a lot of money by being too much individuals. Their tax systems is the same kind of madness. We let our companies pay the tax for us because they already has our insome and therefore how much in tax. By that we hardly has their everlasting ax returns but get the correct amount og money. We hardly has being paid week by week or day by day.

If and when we change jobs our pension money from their is not in the copmpany buyt already in our ownpension fond. They cant be lost. Its our money. Its the same for vacasion. We do pay in every month. Those savings might be small or big. Even You only work one day, those cents are OUR money.

They also cant see, that solidarity pays off. Who knows which 3 of 10 gets cancer. Who knows which 3 of 10 being hit by a car. So we pay almost the same. A low income pay less then a high ones – But they pay by the tax. No chance. No mercy.

We also have a befre time pension system for people getting hurt. They all are supported by the state and get the needed extra help – hig or low.

Therefore we also dont see results in courrts getting millions from people, which might not even be able to pay anthing. By that we also dont have lawyers which are pais a % of the gained/owned money.

So thats about USA as comment to their elections. And USA dont have a new Kremlin, which in many ways are just a new hairdresser to Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov whatever. USA are able to replace their President themselves. Sometimes they get bad ones …


What you assume putin is leading because like your european retards gets unelect status? I don’t think so flogged!

Harry Smith

Its an all in one. I am sure Russia would be much different having free elections.

I am sorry James Holm, but you are an idiot with no real knowledge of Russia. Please pardon me if you can.

Harry Smith

1. It’s bio weapon created by USA and all Govts are aware because of it. https://www.nature.com/news/engineered-bat-virus-stirs-debate-over-risky-research-1.18787 2. It is not dreadful as Black Death but it’s kinda saturation attack on the healthcare system and the most dangerous outcome is not rate of dead but civil unrests. 3. Every politician uses social stress situation to gain more profits as well as Govts which consist of politician. It’s like Dems demand to ban 2nd amendment after each mass shooting event.

Jens Holm

I am sure its related but not only in the bad way, you assume.

Its coutries, which also trade and are open to the rest of the world, which also are easy to be contaminated.

We see it for invasive specieas of all kind, which also – no offense – includes emmigrants.

I dont think its overreaching letting Your Gransparents die before time or not even the rest of us save money too. I really dont do:(

A small recession in the world economy had already arrived before the oil and covid war.

It goes for russia, usa as well as china and the rest of us: We mainly dont hide but we do try to explain and make some damage control.

We have our problems in Denmark too even we are doing well by A+ + and like that and have several problems.

Very related to that is, that 42% of our electricity is made by wind and we therefore make stability and most of the year are below price in fossils as well as we only have smog from Poland and a little from too many cars and trucks.

So my own recomandation is quality growth in all sectors. Its very visble we do have waste and a lot. We even export for billions of tools, machinery and technology and makes money for others and us.

A good thing about windturbines are, You can buy them one by one and they improve and can be used more places well then ever. Not all can do that.

But electric solarpower seemes to be quality growt too.

I like we are less independent of oilprices and we are now investing for cars by powercells too. Thats a lot of replacements. We still has one powerplant using coal and use a lot of gas and fluid fossils, but we can change and do.


Killikng all kinds of birds who live from insects and dubious ecology an’y gods idea of life,eother way you cannot run a real economy without fossil +ores! wind turbines are fugly too,ruin all the scenerys coal plants are more natural!


If you look at the deaths on Worldmeter the only governments reporting any with the exception of Iran are NATO governments. 90% of the planet is showing next to nothing. It’s obviously a NATO scam.


No doubt it’s a NATO scam but who controls NATO


Predatory and malevolent Jews and Zionists.


Have you heard the theory the Roman Empire never died and its been run out of the Vatican yes the Jews are part of it maybe the first ones in on it as it looks like the Roman Empire was is just a continuation of babylon are you familiar with the Zionist Babylon connections?


Yes I’ve heard of both. My research indicates that Jews and Zionists are the biggest, but not the only, part of the problem.


I’d say the Jews are the most vulnerable part of the axis of evil as they are the most visible


Could be.


They are doing ok,in the end putin has the last say,no secret putin cracked down on a few regional ministers who over did the gun in the head things as erm fascists did!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Covid-19 is the partner in crime of Davos-20. An analytic snapshot for the kernel of political power.


LOL…whatever that means…

Jens Holm

Its “Anal”.

Its very good internet cant send smells – yet.

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol… I bet in your mind that comment makes Dick look stupid…

Jens Holm

If so, You were dead.


LOL…the Kremlin Ministry of Truth hasn’t made up its mind on this. There is an internal conflict going on. In the meantime, Putz Putin the Poisoner has disappeared into isolated hiding to try to avoid becoming a Pandemic stat, a hidden one like most all those stats in Russia.


If you’re so afraid of the virus, does that mean that you’re not violating house arrest like most people are?


You should see the traffic here. There’s obviously a whole lot of people violating house arrest who think that you and the rest of the quarantine zionazis are complete imbeciles.


The traffic may be people leaving Washington state, due to shutdown of aircraft production in the US by Boeing and Airbus? There is no such thing as “house arrest”, because many work in other fields of work.


– Violate stay-at-home order and risk arrest or having business license revoked, state officials say –



Washington and California got community spread about the same time. Actually, California got it a few days earlier. It immediately started to enact serious remediation policies. The first in the US. Washington State procrastinated for almost two weeks before doing the same. Washington has the 7th highest death rate in the country. California has the 27th highest, less than a quarter the rate of Washington. While both have low growth rates now due to their remediations, California is under 5% a day while Washington is over 5% a day. New York City procrastinated longer than Washington and look where that got them. Total death’s in just a few weeks already way higher than their typical total ANNUAL seasonal flu deaths. And now at a daily rate similar to that for the first wave of the Spanish Flu a century ago. And this with significant me mediations. Without them, it would obviously be much much worse. The same pattern can be seen when comparing Sweden with its similar contiguous Nordic neighbors, Norway and Finland. Sweden with few remediations is in the top ten for death rate in the world, some 4 times worse than Norway and 10 times worse than Finland, both of whom imposed significant remediations early. That is the reality, AH.


You’re government admitted falsified statistics are worthless.

Jens Holm

Whats wrong with admitting that. Correction is better. Free press support things like that.


At least in Italy they used tested cases to run their scam. In the US they don’t even have to tested to be listed as coronavirus deaths. So in some places probably less than 12% actually died from it.


LOL…you truly are a tinfoil hat looney toon, Adolf. Bye bye.


No lie is to big to tell and no truth is to obvious to reject for a malevolent zionazi creep like you

Lone Ranger

Still no NSA update Jake? :_( Oy…


Germany has the hidden stats assflogged!

Pave Way IV

SARS and SARS2 were developed by the US to be delivery vehicles to be used for sprayable bioweapons – they were not meant as weapons, themselves.

Fauci’s later patent on the GP120 is the protein that grab your CD4 T-cell’s face: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c93d61a13f91f1abd81eb1086026d30f037d8d02d6bf74d70509b4229caea690.png

By 2011, the U.S. had spent $60 billion to aerosolized AIDS, which required cleaving it as a payload to a GP120 face-grabber. Was COVID-19 intentional side-development or an accident? U.S. or Chinese? It doesn’t matter. It was designed in US labs and ‘refined’ at our Wuhan black site.


Lone Ranger

Jake will cry and rage about this :)


Oi get this I was sitting out the front of my house and a white van drove past followed by a sweetish smell for a few seconds and for the next three days I had breathing difficulties but now im fine this happened about a week and a half ago

Lone Ranger

It’s time for Putin to arrest these traitors.


Exposes their deep state,exactly because they rely on western manipulations easy monies!

Jens Holm

Soon the first You get, when Your are born is not clothe but a GPS and a videcamera. You exist a long as its turned on.

They probatly will have a small solarpanel like my small radio, so they can be upgraded and hear political music as well.


Pathetic. Russia looks more and more less like a great hope for mankind, and more and more like a more-of-the-same globalist cra*p.


One compromised governor didn’t build russia,though I know your concerns valid,but there are articles out there that are fake news based on twisted/distorted information,as for the present it is fair to be allowed to go out for obvious foods,supplys,medicines,home maitenance,even to walk your dog is being considerate to animals too.Time will tell,but they are trying to maintain the world greatest nation,not exactly easy unlike brussels,how many cor’deaths there to date?


It is looking like that but we don’t know the full story


Putin will have the final say,the ideal is embraced by the nwo/soros/gates will putin give in to them, or will someone get a severe reprimand for trying to invoke newgen fascism at the cost of freedom?


Guess a communist can leave the country but the country can never leave communism. Putin’s and Russia’s popularity will rapidly descend if this continues.

Back in the USSR.


The missing link to all of this: A comet is approaching that will rock our world (C/2017 K2). A predecessor comet (C/2019 Y4) may be a precursor (due in May and possible satellite of K2) that will serve as a warning of greater devastation to come. Comets are both messengers and enforcers of immutable cosmic law. Humanity must be culled before they realize a cosmic event is presently underway. The current Age of Deception is in the process of transitioning into the Age of Enlightenment and the Deceivers are moving swiftly as they know their time is short. This transition began in 2012 (Mayan Calendar) with the sun receding into a state of quiescence known as a Grand Solar Minimum which portends glaciation. Fr. Malachi Martin conveyed a warning: “…keep your eyes on the sky”. The Great Motor (comet) that renews the centuries approaches (Nostradamus).


Do think it’s possible this process is reversible


Covid-19 reared its ugly head shortly after comet C/2019 Y4 appeared in the heavens. Comets have long been regarded as portents of doom. They are the messengers and enforcers of the Creator in the administrating immutable cosmic law.

Dean Jackson

“Trump is a hard-core Zionist and the philosophy of Zionism is Communism. We’re in deep doo doo, folks! We have been DECEIVED!”

Zionism is a ancillary of Marxism (like Feminism and Environmentalism), not Marxism itself. And the goal of Marxists is the “abolition of religion”, and the destruction of those civilizations “whose spiritual aroma is religion”, which includes Judaism, as seen when Lenin took power in Russia on November 7, 1917*:

Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx (1843)


“The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”


“The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.”


“It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world.”

Now you know what Marxists are referring to when they utter the phrase, “The Struggle”…

“The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.”

——————– * “When the Bolsheviks took control over the lives of approximately 3,000,000 Jews, they found a Jewish people which had just been liberated from all restrictions of settlement and cult and culture by the democratic republic. They found a rich network of democratically administered autonomous communities with hospitals, orphanages, old folks’ homes, Hebrew and Yiddish schools, scientific and cultural and religious institutions, and multiple organs of Jewish opinion ranging from the Zionists to the Bundists, the Social Democratic labor organization that exercised predominant sway in the Jewish gass—the Jewish “street” or quarter.”

But that Jewish flowering ended with the Bolsheviks, including the end of Czarist policy that allowed Jewish communities to enjoy self-government…

“The Jewish [sic] section of the Communist Party, known as the Yevesektsia, was ruthless and fanatical in its treatment of Jewish society and Judaism. The Jewish Bolsheviks persecuted observant Jews, closed the religious schools and synagogues, exiled and executed leading rabbinic and lay persons, confiscated religious artifacts, and made it almost impossible to adhere to a halachically acceptable lifestyle. By 1919 all local religious kehillos, which were the agencies for Jewish sefl-government for centuries, were abolished, and their assets and functions taken over by the Yevesektsia. Religion was characterized as “superstition and cant.”‘

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