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MARCH 2025

Self-Proclaimed Hero Of ‘Democratic’ Belarus Opposition Turned Out To Be Crooked Neo-Nazi

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Self-Proclaimed Hero Of 'Democratic' Belarus Opposition Turned Out To Be Crooked Neo-Nazi

A photograph of Roman Protasevich taking part in the Azov battalion in Ukraine was reportedly found on his mobile phone after being detained in Minsk.

Originally published on Moon of Alabama.

There is more to say about the Ryanair incident in Belarus and the arrest of the ‘regime change’ operative Roman Protasevich.

We will start with the latter.

The sympathetic portraits of Protasevich in the New York Times and in the Guardian are only of interest for what they leave out.

FOIA Research and The Canadafiles have very well sourced and way more complete pieces on him. They link to a mountain of evidence in form of social media postings, photos and videos which support their findings.

From those we learn that Protasevich has long been a member of the fascist “Young Front” militia of Belarus. He has fought alongside the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine’s post-Maidan civil war.

Here is a 2017 picture of Protasevich during a Belorussian court hearing.

Self-Proclaimed Hero Of 'Democratic' Belarus Opposition Turned Out To Be Crooked Neo-Nazi

Click to see full-size image

Here is Protasevich in 2015 on the cover of the recruitment magazine “Black Sun” of the Azov Battalion.

Self-Proclaimed Hero Of 'Democratic' Belarus Opposition Turned Out To Be Crooked Neo-Nazi

Click to see full-size image

Here is Protasevich during an Azov parade (video from the event).

Self-Proclaimed Hero Of 'Democratic' Belarus Opposition Turned Out To Be Crooked Neo-Nazi

Protasevich – back row, third from right

There are more pictures sourced from his friends’ social media accounts. They all show him with Azov in full battle dress, with Azov insignia and guns. There have been claims that Protasevich was only working as a journalist for an Azov paper. That seems to be false. His father confirmed that his son ‘fought’ in Donbass. The Azov leader Andriy Biletsky confirmed that Protasevich fought with them in Donbass and that he was wounded.

Neither the NYT nor the Guardian mention Proasevich’s ideological position or his involvement with the neo-nazis of Azov. The London Times had originally reported that Protasevich was involved with Azov but later silently removed that passage from its report.

Another point missing from ‘western’ media is that Protasevich has long been on the payroll of various ‘western’ government financed propaganda media:

After being arrested for hooliganism, Protasevich would leave for Prague, Czech Republic in December 2017, and begin formally integrating into the imperialist media sphere.Protasevich was a 2017-18 Vaclav Havel Journalism fellow in Prague, for US funded regime change outlet Radio Free Liberty/Europe.

Four months after a week long tour of the US State Department, in April 2018, Protasevich began working for USAID funded Belarus Euroradio.fm on August 31, 2018.

He left this job in December 2019, and would announce his new job, as Editor-in-Chief of Nexta, a foreign funded Telegram messaging channel covering Belarusian news, located in Poland, beginning in March 2020.

Stepan Putila, Protasevich’s partner at Nexta, worked for years at Belsat, which has been funded by the Polish Foreign Ministry since 2007, before engaging closely with Nexta.

Nexta played a key role in organizing pro-coup demonstrations in Belarus to protest Western supported candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya who only won 11 per cent of the vote, yet falsely claims that the election was rigged in Lukashenko’s favour, along with regime change organization NED’s funded activists in Belarus.

Protasevich’s 2018 visit to Washington DC is of special interest:

On April 20, 2018, he flew via Brussels to Washington. On April 23, 2018, he posted a picture with the subtitle “The most important week in my life begins.” The same day he posted a picture of himself inside the US State Department, stating “Never had so many important and interesting encounters in my life. Tired but very pleased.” In DC he met with fellow regime change swamp creature, the Ukrainian-American Gleb Zhavoronkov.

Someone should ask the State Department what it thinks of Roman Protasevich’s fashion habits.

Volodymyr Ishchenko @Volod_Ishchenko – 1:20 PM · May 26, 2021Protasevich’s selfie in an explicitly neo-Nazi brand Sva Stone. It’s extremely unlikely that one can wear these T-shirts without being “in”.


Self-Proclaimed Hero Of 'Democratic' Belarus Opposition Turned Out To Be Crooked Neo-Nazi

Click to see full-size image

Self-Proclaimed Hero Of 'Democratic' Belarus Opposition Turned Out To Be Crooked Neo-Nazi

Click to see full-size image

Neither the NYT nor the Guardian portrait mention Protasevich’s employment by western funded regime change media or his State Department visit.

Neither is astonishing. A recent job description by the New York Times for a correspondent position in Moscow demanded extreme anti-Russian bias. The Guardian piece was co-authored by Luke Harding who is well known for his anti-Russian slant, his closeness to MI6 and his fake reporting:

In a recent book, Luke Harding, an investigative reporter at The Guardian, described how Mr. Steele had dispatched his “collector” [Danchenko] to surreptitiously approach a real estate broker, Sergei Millian, who was a peripheral figure in the Trump/Russia saga. “Millian spoke at length and privately to this person, believing him or her to be trustworthy — a kindred soul,” Mr. Harding wrote.But the trouble for Mr. Harding, who is close to both Mr. Steele and Mr. Simpson, was that he wrote those lines before the release of the F.B.I. interview of Mr. Danchenko.

In the interview, the collector said that he and Mr. Millian might have spoken briefly over the phone, but that the two had never met.

Mr. Harding did not respond to requests for comment.

That the London Times silently deleted the well-sourced Protasevich-Azov relationship from its report let’s one to assume that the British government has issued a D-notice to hide that fact.


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Not really a surprise, same as Navalny/Natolny. but the Western MSM will ignore this as always.

Last edited 3 years ago by MrX

odysee. com/@SurvivingWeimerika:f/Surviving-Weimerika-ep-59-Comfortably-Numb-w-Southern-Nordic:4

1. Ukraine’s not a “Nazi” state, Pinochet wasn’t a Fascist and the National Socialists were morally superior. Everyone has been tricked into believing the jew’s big lie about them, they were very different from what everyone’s been told about them.

2. The Swastika originates from Ukraine, it’s an ancient symbol:

youtube. com/playlist?list=PLbcUZyPU-4ELNKYmh2XFIIh3VQwHjHjdP

“A recent job description by the New York Times for a correspondent position in Moscow demanded extreme anti-Russian bias.”

This hardly compares to the anti-“western” bias in Chinese and especially Russian reporting that completely ignores the jewish angle, for they are globalist too.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sean

“Ukraine’s not a “Nazi” state, Pinochet wasn’t a Fascist and the National Socialists were morally superior.”



“So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.” — Thucydides


You definitely don’t know anything about it beyond ridiculous holohoax propaganda. Ukraine follows virtually none of their policies; neither economic, philosophical, nor socio-political. The presence of a handful of “skinheads” says very little, if anything. For all we know it could just be another jewish PsyOp on both sides and there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that is the case.


Co-opting such individuals as in the case of Operation Gladio (three decades after the war) that involved none of their party members such as Leon Degrelle, says very little. Besides, many of them found refuge in North Africa and the Middle East, including Egypt under Nasser.

As for Operation Paperclip, the Soviets and many other countries had their own version of that program that all involved kidnapping different scientists and engineers who had little if any NSDAP party membership. In fact the All-Lies had stolen 100,000 patents from the Germans, many of their technological achievements in the post-war period throughout the Cold War were the direct result of kidnapping German civilians to plagiarize their inventions as their own.


Enduring Significance of Operation Gladio: https://youtu.be/NXZgULpY1R4


Hitler On Zionism: https://odysee.com/@modernpolitics:0/ModPol-HitlerZionism:7


Third Position (Fascism, NS) Differences and Commonality:

odysee. com/@Zolt:b/trim.1C63ABBF-1241-4D4E-8DC7-ABAFC28E6FBB:4

The Martinez Perspective (May 11, 2021): “Debate” With Nazbol Larper & Questions:

odysee. com/@martinezperspective:2/mp-zoltanfag1:2


How National Socialist Germany Abolished Interest Slavery:

bit. ly/3p5q0uV

^ Ukraine is still controlled by the international banking cartel.


The Ideological Third Position:

bit. ly/3c5zWPI

Fascist Labour Laws: bit. ly/2TpkEPn

Paul Enzig – Economic Foundations of Fascism:


bit. ly/3g0GP6j

Steven Goodson — A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind (2014):

bit. ly/3g0aQD0

Gottfried Feder — Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement (1919):

bit. ly/3g2ExUm

Gottfried Feder — Program of the NSDAP:

bit. ly/3yNwL9f

Last edited 3 years ago by Sean

National Socialist Economy:

bit. ly/3c8fmye

Greatest National Socialist Economics- Jan Lamprecht:

bit. ly/3wLqlG0

The Greatest Story Never Told, National Socialism & Adolf Hitler / DOCUMENTARY:

bit. ly/34ynNio

Europa – The Last Battle (All 10 parts):

bit. ly/2R4Zq8G

Last edited 3 years ago by Sean



Slander is the first and last argument of a fool. You clearly cannot think for yourself.


Israel is an Apartheid State

The EU is openly supporting neo-Nazis.

Florian Geyer

To describe the Asov maniacle thugs as ‘Nazi’s is an insult to the German WW2 forces. During WW2 the German military were disgusted by the cruelty of the Stepan Bandera followers ( the same cult as the Asov Bn). Stepan Bandera was imprisoned by the Germans.

The Asov thugs are fellow travellers with the murderers who Bombed Dresden, Nuked Japan and thousands of other heinous warcrimes all over the globe.

A party trick of Banderas monsters was to slit open a pregnant woman, remove the baby and place a live rabbit in the body of the still living woman and to then roughly stitch up the incision.

Asov have the same mindset as ISIS and both are enabled by NATO governments.

AM Hants

I am reeling in horror, with regards the Bandera Monsters, but, not surprised as I remember the heavily pregnant young woman, who was raped, strangled and then burnt alive, back in 2014, during the Odessa Trade Union Massacre, 2 May 2014. How humans can be so evil is something I will never understand, let alone, the fact that our Governments and Media fully support those savages.

Florian Geyer

Thank you for your comment, AM. About 4 years ago a very old woman who was a Bandera activist in WW2 displayed an old notebook that detailed the many Bandera monsters tortures that she witnessed.

She had been ashamed to tell anyone for generations.

john wooh

Florian i often share your opinion but,

What had the Germans to do 2-3000km from their border? Your “civilized Nazis” were as bad as Stepan Banderas Nazis! I can tell u stories of your innocent, civilized, “German Nazis” of their cruelties if u wanna hear it(first hand stories).

Dresden was bombed because of Slavic Heritage, Orthodox Christian minority and it was the City with biggest Slavic population(the Sorbs and others) in whole Germany. Nagasaki/Hiroshima had a huge Orthodox/Pravoslavna Community=the biggest enemy of the Vatican.

And yes the Azovbataillon should be, like the German say “put on the Wall” for shooting.

Last edited 3 years ago by john wooh

The Vatican is one of the 3 most evil entities on the planet, even that kosher kike criminal Nutty-yoyo and his Rottenchild masters do their bidding. What lurks in the tunnels under St. Peter’s Dome would blow most people’s mind clearly off their heads. Don’t worry though, I cursed the wickedness of that place for 20 years every time I walked by it, nearly twice a day.


the Vatican is the most evil entity in history

Florian Geyer

Hi, I recognise what you say and agree with it, but in all societies, there are people who will butcher people if they think they can get away with such depravity.


Your confirmation bias prevents you from seeing reality, you take it all at face value without looking deeper beneath the surface.

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” — Herbert Spencer



Yeah? The Nazis actually collected thieves and murderers from German jails to make up the Dirlewanger Brigade and unleashed it on civilians in Belarus and elsewhere. Learn your history.

Bandera was locked up not because of brutality but because he had some pretensions to being boss of an “independent ” Ukranazistan, not a German colony. As soon as he changed his mind he was let out again.

Florian Geyer

Most special forces are staffed by psycos.

Vapor Trail

Yes, but primarily in central European locations – ie where NATO expansionist agenda employs serious political and social violence, like Ukraine, to try and forcibly gain control of non-NATO-compliant civilian demographics and territory. Looks like Belarus is current target of US ‘National Endowment For Democracy’ regime change policy program, that basically has unlimited budget, and is annually rubber stamped by US Congress. Belarus needs to catch this early – and not bow down to pressures of western policy and propaganda. The US wants to enact regime change in Belarus either way – so Belarus trying to placate US, or NATO, or western media is total waste of time. To understand this, see what transpired between US and Syria, between 2004 and 2012. Recall, Syria was actually cooperative with US, during US full scale occupation of Iraq, over issue of identifying international Islamist militants. In return, a few, years later, US (CIA) made contact with, recruited and eventually armed, the Syrian branch of Muslim Brotherhood – as basis for cadre of sectarian Islamist militants in Syria. Who from 2012 led a full blown armed insurrection against the secular Syrian leadership. Belarus needs to make its own moves – and not play according to the US regime change game.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vapor Trail
jens holm

The main reason was and are the USSR Empire collapsed itself. Just as for the Tzars, there was no keep.

So we try to include and help up again, but You still think in old collapsed structures. Even Russians themself has remove Stalin

Florian Geyer

Very well said.


Azov consists of the same type of people as the separatist who started the war.


The Soviets peddled a lot of lies, their evidence presented at Nuremberg against the Germans was hypocritical and rests on shaky foundations.


Babi Yar: Critical Questions and Comments: bit. ly/3fFNsMx


Babi Yar: Blame-Shifting Atrocity Propaganda bit. ly/34usDgq


Made in Russia: The Holocaust bit. ly/34E1OGx



Air-Photo Evidence—World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed:

bit. ly/34ulUTT

The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories—Genesis, Missions and Actions:

bit. ly/34ulUTT

AM Hants

So is our Government over in the UK, only they don’t want the public to know.

jens holm

We support Belarussians has to decide themself. That of course includes all. Your kind makes them and nationalisme of the worst kind.

Jens Assholm

Who the fook are ‘we’ you dumb donkey – you, your boyfriend, your dead grandma and a horse that raped her? Stop talking in plural you schizophrenic moron… or even better: stop talking completely. go choke on your dildo and drop dead already.

Raptar Driver

The EU is a descendant of Nazi Germany


If you hadn’t bought into the big lie, you would know they aren’t.



If you are from southern or eastern Europe, it’s in your blood to be more collectivist in your thinking and behaviour:


^ I disagree with the claim that European hunter gatherers were egalitarian in the modern sense, the Proto-Indo-Europeans and their Aryan descendants were certainly racial minded as records show ethnocentricism is apart of human nature.

thuletide. wordpress. com/2020/12/07/race-ethnicity-and-racism-in-greco-roman-society/

Last edited 3 years ago by Sean
Lone Ranger

Ukronazi trash. Hope he gets a phizer jab and 200 years in a lead mine. Bon voyage Trollstoy 🤗

john wooh

or just put some lead in their Head.

jens holm

And a ticket to New Zealand:)

jens holm

I wish I go to New Zealand with my African bf and also this cute nazi boy, threesome is great:)

jens holm

Haha. It seemes as someone already has nuked You :)

AM Hants

No wonder those that support the Nanzis, are desperate for his release. By the way, with regards the Guardian and Luke Harding, isn’t the propaganda agent, I refuse to call him a journalist, a member of Integrity Initiative? How much does Luke Harding earn, spewing out anti-Russia propaganda, financed by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which also funds the White Helmets?

jens holm

Here its forgotten his importance is by his million mobile phone supporters having the only real entrence to Belarus. The rest is cut off by Dingo.

JC Denton

Such a fruity little nazi, he thinks hes so intimidating with all the symbols and guns… Got word he’s singing right now in belarusian custody… saw him on TV, the way he was shaking when he arrived there is WILD.

Last edited 3 years ago by JC Denton

Got a link? I want that video.

JC Denton

it was a russian channel, can’t find it on youtube. But you can see it here as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4rEX2GJ2SU His voice breaks and he blinks so much that it looks like morse code. He moves a little too much for a “soldier”. He’s definitely not nervous because of the camera, in his older videos he appears very confident ;)

Last edited 3 years ago by JC Denton
jens holm

I hope You soon will get internet.


I hope you soon will get ebola from your boyfriend

jens holm

He probatly was under hard threat ans maybee tortured in the same way.

AM Hants

Didn’t most of the Azov Battalion, when they met real soldiers, and not old ladies/ old gentlemen, children, women and disabled, sing like canaries whilst cr*pping their NATO strength pampers? Same with their brothers/sisters over in ISIS/Daesh/Al Qaeda or whatever they are called and the other NGO funded terrorists, such as BLM and Anti-fa? Has anybody ever wondered why you cannot tell the difference between any of them? Same actions, same scripts, same uniforms, same banners, same flags, same ideology and cheques paid for by the same crowd. NED and Open Society Foundation, with a mega bonus from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

J Ramirez

The West always supports Nazis, the question is why do they support the Jews or can it be that Nazis and Zionist are one and the same?

China Is Right

Jews rule the fake “West”.

The American was replaced by niggers, funded by the Jews.

Last edited 3 years ago by China Is Right
jens holm

Somebody made beard on Your Barbie



Keep your sissy faggotry for your boyfriend.


Of course they’re the same. Hitler even called the zios the “best of the Jews” and zio Abraham Stern of the Stern Gang wanted to ask for military help from Hitler to fight the Brutish in Palestine.

jens holm

Sure and Noah invented raining, because he wanted to build a big ship too:)

jens holm

Thats highly incorrect. You must have written it on Your compas with a magnet.

Several countries strictly has forbidden nazis, but according to Our Parlementarisme in most countries, they are in the open here, so they can come with their arguments, which loose.

By that thye cant be excused pretending they are victims and by that they also gets very few votes.

So we dont support nazis. We let them kill themself.

When You bad questions about many things, You also get answers made by Yourself. But You can be lucky :) Umbrellas can be used agains sunshine too.


“You must have written it on Your compas with a magnet.” what???

Raptar Driver


China Is Right

Jew’s media, not “Western” (it doesn’t exist).

All you have is the Jew owned press.

Then countries hijacked by the USA/Jews, the miscalled and fake “West” (never existed).

jens holm

So whats better. None ever gives link to that.

Maybee the Chines gave You chopstickers and You blindfolded Yourself or worse.

Jens Assholm

What the fook that even means, it must be one of your BDSM perversions with you between your 10 migrant boyfriends.


Apart from being an Azov Nazi, this moron is an idiot.

Imagine not wiping incriminating information from your devices when you know you’re about to be captured.

By the way, back in 2014 Jihadi Julian Röpcke of Bild claimed that Azov were “freedom fighters” and “heroes” and proudly boasted of having danced with them “in the liberal scene” in Kiev.

Now, in 2021, Jihadi Julian Röpcke is foaming at the mouth over Roman Protasevich, but is totally silent about his Azov connections. Wonder why. Isn’t Azov a “liberal heroic freedom fighter” outfit anymore?

Last edited 3 years ago by Ragheadthefiendlyterrorist
john wooh

Julian Röpcke is a typical German Nazi Snake i hope the russian secret service will visit him someday and he accidently falls of building! “Prostata-gaywitch” should be sent to the relatives of the odessa victims.

jens holm

I knew it. Gays always are in Your mind. You are raised to tell 10 times a day You are a real macho and ceratinly not gay.

jens holm

You all are jelous becausee he is cute. We Danes are very liberal but love cute sexy nazis very much just like in 1940.

jens holm

He wants things in the open, so needed changes are visible as know how. He as many others are not lausy raised as being forced to hide and censur things as You as well.

Thats what west is compared to a lot around the world. We produce much more which pays off, but we also produce not good things, which we throw away.

You have to understand he has nothing to hide. Spies has been crawlingh around him and his girlfriend for years. They even know the seize of his toilet seat.

Vapor Trail

Radio Free Europe and USAID – so basically a US intelligence run spy/asset inserted in the ‘media’ sphere.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vapor Trail
jens holm

Ha ha. The main problem today is, that so many in East are kept poor, so they only can be contcted by radio.

rider kick

The European Union is the Empire of the Antichrist.


The EU is a disgrace but everybody should know some things. The EU-Council + EU-Commision AKA EU-Junta are totally illegitimate unelected neoliberal/globalist corrupt kleptocratic Gangs of Criminals – NO EU-Citizen has Ever Voted for them [EU Citizens are not allowed to vote for/against them] – they are selected + installed in a shady Mafia-Style backroom gatherings + deals – “Democracy” a total NO-SHOW! – even the so-called EU-Parliament has no say in their ‘selection’ just to rubber stamp them in a staged farcical Dog & Pony show for the EU commoners + plebs [as ordered], they have even absolutely no say on ‘sanctions’. Sound like Latin American Junta? YES it does, even the creation of the EU Monstrosity which replaced the EC, with the ‘Lisbon Treaty’ was defacto a ‘Coup D’éta’ – NO European [EC] Citizen has EVER voted for this – There is NO legitimate “Democratic” Process in the EU.

jens holm

As long as You live on mars – we all has seen You and Your three nice legs by American and Chines photos and even video – its non of Your business.

It might help You some, if You next time use google translate…

Raptar Driver

Mars can’t even be reached yet alone lived on. Stop watching so much sci-fi movies, remember it’s fiction.

Jens Assholm

Moron you live in Uranus 😃

jens holm

If we dont like people, we give them candy until they die. Corpses smell and also taste beter ny that:)

Jens Assholm

“Corpses smell and also taste beter ny that:)”

Necrophilic degenerate.


Has somebody else the same problem that you can’t reply to some comments?

Last edited 3 years ago by Brokenspine66
jens holm

not here 19 minutes ago. It semes they have installed a controler with pictures, where You should confirm, You are no robot.

Dont trust my IT knowlegde very mush, but You could have a kind of blocker blocking is, so You can se it and by that cant go on writing. A guess only.

Somebody sometimes has mice on their barbed wire connections

Peter Jennings

The President of Belarus and his admin has done his country, and the whole of europe, a big service by taking a dangerous opinionated right wing nazi, whose pockets are stuffed with american dollars, off the streets. The US admin wants Belarus to fail and is doing all it can to ensure it resembles the mess which is Ukraine.

jens holm

Those nazis dont represent the opposition there at all. This is written as propaganda.

The importnace is his network by mobilphohes, so people inside Belarus can communicate well with each ither and send out messages and pictures too.

Nazi is destortion.

Peter Jennings

Strolling around dressed as full combat nazis, armed to the teeth and shooting anything that moved at Maidan is just ‘distortion’ ? The camera never lies and is waiting for anyone arrogant enough to do their filthy business in full view.

jens holm

I hope the writer here can be cloned.

Not many can make a dead horse alive or vice versa.

Things are not censured away in west as well but kept in a sober not high maipulated level.

Nazi ??? Maybee. No wonder peple becomes nazis, when they meet commies. I see exact the same quagmire for Ukraine(Azov included). When the commies-comediens whatever makes trenches and exclude all soberness others becomes radicalized as well and dig trencheds as well.


So I dont think its a lie he is a kind of nazi, but thats not important at all. THE IMPORTANCE IS PEOPLE IN BELLARUS ARE NOT REPRESENTED IN THEIR OWN LOCAL AND STATE GOVERNESS for needed changes.


That would be fine if Belarus and Russia was doing fine. But they are not. The reasosns for that is well descriebed. Those many millions has no choises for any sober change even the whole wreck collapsed because taking by militaries is not the same as keep, if You are not able to improve things.

Blaming nazis for it is far out. They create nazis instead of sober moderate people ones.

As Western I see we even are blamed for it and want russians which has nothing to feed as well as we already do for several others eas of the maincenter og EU as well as Nato.

So come one dear little clone. Make the 500.000 dead Syrians alive again and things into at least normal common sense, wherever You see.

And make my horse alive again. I will show You where it was burried.

Jens Assholm

Incomprehensive pile of moronic gibberish and negrophilic-zoophilic fantasies about dead horses or whatever insane nonsense… go fuck your dead horse and the rest of your dead family, and then go fuck yourself you crazy moron.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jens Assholm

jens holm you must be the stupidest thing I ever encountered on the internet

Raptar Driver

He looks like a demented child. Child’s play?

L du Plessis

he must join navalny in prison.


What’s Jizz Hole aka Jens Holm mumbling about???? From now on, he will known as Jizz Hole.

andre zulu

i cannot comprehend why does an independent media site such as southfront which is a regular target of us government agencies cites an american website as a credible source of information on belarus matters…

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