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MARCH 2025

Selling Homeland At Affordable Price: Videos Show Negotiations Between Western Intelligence And Executive Director Of Navalny Team

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Selling Homeland At Affordable Price: Videos Show Negotiations Between Western Intelligence And Executive Director Of Navalny Team

Alexey Navalny – the main lover of the ‘democracy’ in Russia

That’s a surprise! (spoiler: no) The core of fighters for the ‘democracy and freedom’ against ‘the evil Putin regime’ in Russia are officially confirmed to be assets of Western intelligence services.

In fact, there were no doubts for this for a long time. The real support for the hardcore neo-liberal, pro-Western opposition, led by Alexey Navalny, among the Russian population is close to a statistical spread. Therefore, any real politician, even if he hates the current political regime would push such a hardcore agenda at any cost without some ‘background reasons’ to do this.

On February 1, Russian media shared two videos showing the meeting between the executive director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Fund, Vladimir Ashurkov, with James William Thomas Ford, a diplomat from the British Embassy in Russia and the suppused MI6 agent. RT claims that its source in the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) considers this diplomat to be an agent of MI6.

“The MI6 embassy station continues to actively participate in the work with the Russian opposition, support various NGOs, giving them grants,” RT quoted the source as saying.

“In addition to informational and financial support for the opposition and NGOs, the staff of the British Embassy are actively involved directly in the formation of opposition forces. “

The videos in question were reportedly filmed in 2012. On the tape, Ashurkov asks his British friend for money in exchange for de-facto treason of his country.

“If we had more money, we would expand our team. A person who spends $ 10-20 million a year on support here will see a completely different picture. And for those who have billions at stake, this is not so much money. “

Ashurkov clearly asks for assistance from British special services in the alleged ‘anti-corruption investigations’ to attack Russian elites:

“In some cases, we do not have direct evidence – they are indirect. But I am confident that the UK’s anti-fraud intelligence has access to a wealth of information that is not available to us.

I am sure that the British special services have data confirming the connection between Abramovich, Usmanov, people in the Russian government.

I think Great Britain is a key European country that can have an impact on Russia and which is already tightening its position in relation to it. “

On top of this, Ashurkov proposes to release a propaganda piece against the Russian state bank and hints that this will be useful for the British side:

“Together with the London Henry Jackson Society, we will publish a report on VTB Bank. It states that VTB is involved in corruption, that the risk management system is not working, and we will lead to the fact that it poses a threat to European financial markets and their integrity, since it is a significant player there…:

Thus, Ashurkov says it will be harder for VTB to compete with such British companies like “Lloyds, RBS, Barclay”.

The direct support provided by Western state for the Russian neo-liberal opposition has been an open secret for a long time. Western leaders, embassies, media and special services provide a direct assistance to attempts of this ‘non-system’ opposition to launch destructive trends in Russia and widely support them. Recently, the game became especially obvious when the ‘Navalny team’ using the pretext of his staged poisoning asked the EU and the US to impose new sanctions on Russia.

Navalny & Co have no real political future in Russia in the conditions of the competitive elections because the ideology and approaches promoted by them are not supported in the society. However, these persons still remain a useful tool of foreign attempts to destabilize the country.

The full RT report in English with Russian subtitles:


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johnny rotten

In the midst of economic failure, Western countries continue to throw away their money, with no respect for the workers who earn it with the sweat of their brow.


Especially since Putin’s Kremlin is without a shadow of a doubt the friendliest pro-Western Ziocorporate terrorist globalism business partner they could ever find in Russia’s current political environment. An outright clown like Navalny can at most aspire to be mayor of some backwards village in Siberia with 3 or 4 ppl to vote for him.

The whole thing is fucking bad theatre.


Lol I wouldn’t say the “friendliest”. Have u heard of Yeltzin? The dude who gave away Russias wealth to oligarchs and the west?


Read well will ya, it literally says “in Russia’s current political environment,” don’t know where Yeltsin fits into that beyond the fact that Putin is Yeltsin’s handpicked replacement.


Got a problem with that? 95% would believe yetsin did the right in the end. ONLY SIN UNFORGIVENS THAT OF THE UNREPENTED.


In the midst of economic failures, the western countries print money as quantitative easing measures, to maintain artificially their GDP levels and stir the pot elsewhere in the world.


The West continues to throw money at Russian traitors and is now a necessity, as the West is effectively bankrupt and living off freshly ‘ printed ‘ currencies. :)

For the West to survive another 100 years without violent social implosions and the consequent chaos, the West is gambling that Russians can be tamed and that ALL the wealth of Russia can be stripped away.

It was President Putin and the loyal Russian people who suffered the last rape of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and until President Putin took the reins of the Russian Federation in 2000 ( I think).

During the 90’s Rape of Russia the US/UK oil and gas companies , along with the newly minted Russian Khazar oligarchs, took so much for themselves and left so little for Russians, even in oil and gas rich areas. People were freezing and starving to death in Russia as they had very little money to live due to being raped by the West.

Russian state engineering and scientific organisations were mostly stripped or sold for a pittance by the West with their oligarch front men during the 90’s.

The Russian banking sector was planned to be totally destroyed by the West, and to be replaced by US and UK banking oligarchs.

The Western leaders starting to roll the dice of WW3. These are dangerous times, as the Western oligarchs believe in their own Hollywood bullshit where Russia always loses.

Steve Standley

Well said.


no brainer,last 30 yrs got something elaborate to contribute towards practical solutions?


N°1 question: Is anyone surprised at all?


Only one solution for treason.

Damien C

I’m never ceased to be amazed by just how many people will piss on their home nation and fellow countrymen for a bit of coin

Tommy Jensen

For freedom.


Funny you mentioned that,allready blessing phaedophiles in usa social medias:


Oh, it’s very common. If you were from Iran, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela or China you’d get used to see them already. The list is as long as empire’s target countries.

These creatures who ask sanctions imposed on their countries -in fact on the ordinary people- are scum of the scum.

We have a lot of them in various shapes, from “Nobel peace prize winners” to bad singers, washed up “artists” to just plain fools who have their suitcases ready for 41 years to return as libertadors.

In Iranian law, homicide and I mean murder with intent has 2 punishments: 1 is death penalty -if the victim’s next of kin do not forgive the killer- and 2 certain time in jail, if the victim’s next of kin forgive the murderer. Recently this ilk search in the life of the killer who is about to be executed or even if the ruling is already done, if he or she is of a minority group, it’s Christmas already, otherwise they try to find if he or she did exercise one hour in their entire life, then headlines appear “Iran regime massacre Kurd activists” and “Iran to execute wrestling champion”. No mention that they killed someone with prior intent or am armed robbery gone bad, no, they are just little innocent minorities or champions that the evil Iran hates. They specially focus on the sport part in order to deny Iranian athletes to compete in events. Needless to mention all of them are Iranians who receive funds from western governments directly (US state departent or British foreign service, MI6 in case of BBC Persian “journalists”. It’s really repulsive and it hurts even more when you see gullible people inside the country fall for it.

Steve Standley

a small % of the population, 5-15% in any country are scum. It’s just a regular distribution. In the west those people occupy high stations in life. In Russia, not so much. They are on the outside of power, like Navalny. Iran is a special case. It has the entire force of the west promoting its demise. I don’t talk to Iranians in the US about politics because most of them see Iran through the eyes of western media.


You do the most sensible thing possible. Talk to them about BMW, carpets, gold chains, and pretend it was them who invented pistachio, Persian cats and caviar. And never point to their excessive use of hair gel.

Oh and compliment the ladies on their nose, tell them “it’s your natural nose, isn’t it? That’s how a natural nose should be.” while it screams she went several times under nose surgery. %100 success rate, that is, if you are single and looking forward to getting into a lifetime of never-ending demands and gossips and hearing “my cousin this and my father that” upon everything you do.

Steve Standley

lol Somebody knows Persian women very well. Yeah Persian girls, the ones I’ve met, are needy and dominant. I have some dear (male) Persian friends that I went to school with. MDs/PhDs. Only 1 do I talk about this terrible state of the US with, and the persecution of Iran by the West. Still, he became disillusioned with the Islamic Revolution, but understands the role of the West in that.

Just Me

Iran would be more appealing to the diaspora if the mullahs ease up on the social restrictions like Hijab etc. Women historically have played a dominant role in Persian society, unlike Arabs. Persians are Caucasian people with different traditions and values. The Islamic Revolution and the mullahs have turned Iran more “Islamic” than the Arabs, whose religion Iran adopted to some degree around 1400 years ago.

cechas vodobenikov

no hijab in Iran—mainly SA

Steve Standley

^This commentary is really funny. You must be Persian.

Ishyrion Av

Garga, you are really funny:))


Why, thank you! ;)

Just Me

I would go for the lower 5% figure going by history of USSR, Iran, Cuba and even Venezuela. In China where Han homogeneous unity is very strong, the treacherous population is less than 1%. Even in the second generation Chinese diaspora most are pro China and actively work for the CCP, hence the American @ssholes paranoia with Chinese. In the Arab world, which is tribal and everyone is corrupt, the treacherous population would be 90% or more as, as the British f@ggot T.E Lawrence said, Arabs are tribal petty people, tribe against tribe, father against son, brother killing brother and so on. Syria, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Iraq are recent examples. They have tried that in Russia, Iran and Cuba but not very successful. However, in poor countries they don’t need spies but mercenaries to kill each other as Syria has amply demonstrated. It is quite shameful.

Steve Standley

I’m quite sure it varies; a normal distribution can be flat and broad or narrow and tall depending on lots of cultural and genetic factors. You can test populations for tendencies toward, for instance, altruistic versus selfish tendencies, and they break out in a classic normal distribution. You always have two tails, that is, you always have greedy A-Holes to some degree at one tail. In homogenous societies, the curve is gonna be narrow and tall, with little deviation from the center. Japan, for example. Within Japan itself, there is much altrusim, sharing, and social safety netting. Japan does have a tiny class of A-Holes, and they DO rule, but the Japanese are like family. The more fractured and varied a society is, the broader the distribution; so the US, which is being destroyed by multiculturalism, has a broad distribution with many many A-Holes. The middle east could be the same as you say.

Just Me

Good points, I would share that opinion. Also keep in mind post WW2 US and western propaganda about “democracy and freedom” and non-stop BS by “Radio Free Europe”, VOA, BBC etc. Only now the bankrupt US and west in general have been exposed and laid bare. Only the third world is now rushing to the US and parts of Europe as most other countries are relatively prosperous now and the financial appeal is only for the unskilled. Just look at the recent patterns of “immigration”, it is mostly uneducated economic refugees, like Indians, Hispanics and Arabs sweeping shopping malls or delivering uber food. The west is in total economic decline so recruiting top notch educated people is getting harder. Even Mexicans are going home from the US. California lost a million people.

Jihadi Colin

There is the Iraqi Quisling Kanan Makiya which said that the sound of bombs falling on Baghdad in 2003 were “music to (his) ears”.

Lone Ranger

Just look at the U.S. establishment. They are literrally bagging Israel and China so they can betray their Homeland.




They are the same breed who would have welcomed the Nazis into Moscow,no doubt about that like some of that Bandera filth did in Ukraine.


There are always people everywhere like that who are addicted to ‘something for nothing’.

Just Me

What is even more amazing the velvet glove treatment of these worthless treacherous @ssholes by Russian authorities, in the US murderous Zionist police state Navalny would be in Gitmo getting forcefed through his @ss or the FBI would have assassinated him like so many others from Malcolm X to Martin Luther King.


Navalny doesn’t know it but he is under threat fromhis handlers,he is worth more dead than alive to them.

Just Me

Probably true. He is being handled by the puppet German BND which was set up by the CIA post WW2 to undermine the Soviet bloc and is now the main destabilization source for Russia and Iran in particular. Navalny conveniently showing up in Germany for “debriefing” was hardly a secret. Most of these western intelligence agencies are stacked by mediocre inbred dolts, and then you wonder why the US is a banana republic.

Steve Standley

We know for sure the West is just using him, and they will for sure throw him under the bus if it suits them. that’s what snakes do.

Steve Standley

But isn’t this also the sign of a righteous leadership? They won’t break their own rules? I’m serious when I say I’ve never seen a better leader than Putin. Some don’t agree, but we shall see.

Just Me

Compared to the CIA mole Gorbachev and then drunk Yeltsin, Putin has done quite well considering the nature of Russia society and heavy influence of Jews. Putin inherited a truncated Russia which was literally falling apart by 2000, with wars in the Caucasus and the economy mired in corruption and malaise. He has indeed stabilized Russia, but faces many challenges, the most obvious one is the immense attraction of Russia to the western capitalists due to its immense wealth. They see Russia ripe for the taking due to demographic reasons too. Russia is vast with a Slavic population of barely 90-100 million and many minorities, the Turks have made a cultural headway into the Caucasus and that is dangerous in the long run. The Jews are another major headache for the average Russian historically, hence the hundreds of pograms.

Steve Standley

Good points. I know you heard the Russian Foreign ministry announce recently that “israel is the problem” in the middle east. Putin may be vulnerable to Jewish influence at home, but his government seems to know who is right and who is wrong. I do not buy that he is a Jewish puppet. Too many things Russia has done in the middle east run counter to that assertion.

Just Me

Putin is a product of the Soviet era and knows the Russian mentality and situation quite well. The biggest problem is the oligarchs and the 1-2 million Jews that have ended up in Occupied Palestine from Ukraine and Russia and they are hell bent on Russian destabilization. I believe there is growing nationalism in Russia, especially the military that has seen operations in the Middle East and understand the insidious nature of Israel as a western outpost.


Why I’m NOT surprised?

viktor ziv

Gulag is for Naval…, this is the answer for selling your own country. Bullet costs money and is privilege for elite and not for trash like him.


You are aware the USSR abandoned the Gulag System in 1960 for good? But what Navalny and all his acolytes + acomplices ect did and still do is “State Treason” [275 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation], and they have the ‘Black Dolphin’ supermax Prison for that.

viktor ziv

I’m aware of the gulag, but I see a reason to restore it. Made them work to get in love with their country. I’m not fun of the executions.


The ‘Black Dolphin‘ is surely the harshest Prison in Russia but still way more civilized than the entire AmeriCunt For-Profit Gulag System.


The health care for inmates in the Black Dolphin is many times better than a US or UK jail.


No Doubt! As I said ‘Way More Civilized‘.


Yes, beating and abusing animals and humans alike are the actions of clinically mad and bad control freaks.

The US and UK have placed many such sadistic people into top security prisons as staff. If the leadership allows and ignores such abuse , there are always some staff who will take advantage of such lax discipline.

Lone Ranger

Hope his traitor ass will be sent to Rura Penthe…


Not exactly the ideal russian palace,no! Do not despair he fully earn’t his.

Laurent Parodi

And they can not do better than what they are doing with navalny? It s ridiculous.

Rhodium 10

Nothing new!..we have seen it during Colour Revolution and Arab springs…Western media coverage, a lot of Money and a Pied Piper of Hamelin ( Navalny) to lead the flock….


What gets me is i looked at the crowd in Moscow at that demo,many didn’t look like rich people,especially some of the older ones,just what the hell do they think will happen if a scumbag like Navalny was in charge?

Rhodium 10

A proverb says “When a fool takes a road..the road ends but the fool continues”…there will always be people to protest just to feel himself important without knowing the true reasons and consecuences…..


Such a vermin, selling his own country, to Russian mortal enemies – deserves no mercy..

Tommy Jensen

Surprise surprise. I am surprised this is happening in Russia. Amateurish and unprofessional. This could never happen with an American. But I could easily sell anyone this property investment if you are interested, at a very attractive price. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c0433671a061fce950569727149f55d35f688268750c8588ce526fb7f4fc3566.jpg


Can I buy 3 if you have them as I wish to resell them to Britain, the EU and Saudi Arabia. Do you accept bitcoin or gold.:)

Tommy Jensen

No problem. Both are accepted :-).


she needs to go on a serious diet,what a fat pig!

Lone Ranger

Analny is an autistic Mkultra troll on CIA payroll. Should be handled accordigly…


There is more than enough evidence there to have arrested those bastards for treason,why were they not?also i said a long time ago those NGOs should have been thrown out a long time ago and the British embassy closed down same with the US,or at least the Ambassadors thrown out,its not a game.


President Putin and Russian ministers have a nack if not jumping the gun until the enemies of Russia are unable to retreat from their follies.

Slowly, slowly, catchee NATO monkey.

Rodney Loder

The Soviet Union would be the mode of international aspirations, the Soviet Union had everything resources went out to help others and very little came in, the Soviet Union should have been the model for Internationalism not the mouse to be devoured by the rancid Jew maggot Freemason queer Sid Loder and cohorts using me Jesus Christ as their method to trap Russian Christians into believing I would inevitably become a Freemason queer like Lionel Loder still living.


What doesn’t kill the spirit only makes them stronger,better late than never:

Rodney Loder

Not sure what U mean, spirit is a bit confusing, I think spirit is the morphological consequence thought, so spirit is a fleeting reference to physical identity and not the other way around. This is the Philosophy of Idealism.


now, if you thought Stanford U comes cheap you are mistaken and thus navalny is bound to put forward the fees for his daughter’s studies at that very University. Bet CIA puts it like this, you totter back home to Russia and do whatever you can to cause problems for Putin, as directed by us and we will foot the bill for the girl. fair dinkum wouldn’t you say.

Steve Standley

All our private universities with their false prestige are whores that follow the money wherever it leads.

Assad must stay

i really hope this little weasel bites the bullet soon, beyond tired of his ugly mug


If he does it won’t be the Russians who kill him,it will be Western intelligence services when he is no more use to them.

Assad must stay

haha i dont care who does it as long as its done LOL


He actually pissed off so many people in Russia alone, if somebody take him down for good it would be exploited by his western handlers/sponsors on the spot as proof how evil Putin is, I’m pretty sure Putin gives a shit about him.


Pffffft, this is funny. The occidental efforts are so screwed in Russia. By putting this out there, I take it that they are asking nicely to knock it off before it gets nasty. Folks in the US were already warned in the open, that this crap will not fly, last week by Medvedev. But, the game will keep right on rolling. That is all some people know. My take.


So FSB is leaking surveillance footage to RT, instead of sending it to the prosecutor. I wonder why.


It let Navalny’s standing literally implode and his phony PR image the western Deep-States + MSM created turns to dust.


That would mean FSB is involved in Russian internal politics on behalf of one political side against another. Isn’t that contrary to the sole purpose of FSB?


If the vid was made by the FSB, it wouldn’t surely say that they released it to the public. The vid is kind of proof that the Navalny Group are neck deep compromized in ‘State Treason’ that’s the FSB job anyway and as a fact Navalny is a convicted fellon so he can’t run for a political office by law anymore. The picturing of Navalny as kind of opposition ‘Leader’ by the western MSM is laughable in it’s self he and his group of acolytes have no political relevance and pull in Russia what so ever besides being an annoyance + an agent provocateur for foreign powers.


Oh, it will still be used in court to produce a charge of treason. This time evidence is there for the whole world to see and even MSM sleezebags can’t claim otherwise.

cechas vodobenikov

every nation needs a few bad comedians trained and funded by CIA

Jihadi Colin

So can Navalny please be tried for treason now? And what’s the point of Russia even maintaining diplomatic relations with Amerikastan and its slaves? Their embassies are just enemy bridgeheads in Moscow.


You can tell who are the cocksukn slimes,who expects the rich to owe them a living fascist(p00fs)


Keep Navalny in prison for a long time, until he gets old &weak, and tell to West Assange out Navalny out.

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