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Senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander Visited Syria’s Al-Bukamal – Reports

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Senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander Visited Syria’s Al-Bukamal – Reports

Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city

On April 29, Iranian forces in the eastern Syrian city of al-Bukamal, located on the border with Iraq, were placed on high-alert.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), Iranian-backed fighters were deployed in the districts of the city, as a convoy of vehicles entered from Iraq.

“It [the state of alert] coincided with the entry of military vehicles of the [Iranian] Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to al-Bukamal, coming from Iraq,” the London-based monitoring group said.

Sada al-Sharqiyah, a local Facebook page, claimed that Brig. Gen. Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, a senior IRGC commander, paid a visit to al-Bukamal. The commander reportedly inspected the region before returning to Iraq.

Hajizadeh is the commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Force. This branch of the revolutionary guard is not known to be highly-active in al-Bukamal.

If the reports about the Brig. Gen. Hajizadeh visit are accurate, the IRGC Aerospace Force could be preparing for some further operations in al-Bukamal. The Aerospace Force operates ballistic missiles, air-defense systems, warplanes and combat drones.


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Assad must stay

hajizadeh is the man

Zionism = EVIL

This whole newer generation of Iranian generals is much more aggressive and battle tested that the diplomat soldier Soleimani. The dumbass Americunt cowardly arseholes made the worst mistake in assassinating him. He is a rare interview with General Hajizadeh.



But you have to admit the newer generation of Iranian generals owe Soleimani, a debt of gratitude for laying decades of groundwork to make immediate and far reaching decisions possible. But I’m sure Soleimani had to cultivate so much more patience despite so much pressure placed on him during his time.

Zionism = EVIL

You are absolutely correct. General Soleimani was the revolutionary generation and made immense contribution to the defence of Iran during the Jange Tahmili along with many others like Colonal Shirazi, these patriots defined Iranian policy that will last forever. However, he misjudged the nature of Zionist evil and treacherous Americunt cowardly arseholes who flout international law and operate as murdering criminals. The newer generation has seen the Americunt evil as shooting down Iranian civilian aircraft, breaking the JCPOA, sanctions and terrorism against Iran and know how to respond. Iranians by their national psyche don’t respond to thugs and coercion. They tend to rally around the flag and support the government, even if they may disagree with some of its policies. Iranians and Russians are the only people I know that are completely nationalistic when it comes to foreign cowardly cunts threatening them. They both stand up to bullies and cowards.


Armenians too, must go with the region ?

Zionism = EVIL

Historically, Persians and Armenians are the same people as part of the old Persian empire and still retain very close ties as you well know. Perhaps, more Armenians in Iran than anywhere. That is why Armenia being allied to Russia and Iran easily defeated the Azerbaijani Zionist cunts. Also Iran’s huge population makes it invulnerable. If Iran was a small weak divided state like Arabs, it would have been long invaded or “regime changed” like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Palestine etc. Iran’s demography, topography, and educated nationalistic cohesive culture makes it impossible to invade or defeat. Many have tried it but came out second best.


The differences between a Greek, Armenian and a Perisan are the Greek loves the water, the Armenian loves the mountains and the Persian loves the valleys. Yes we are all close and share a long history, but no more closer related than other Indo-Europeans. Actually fun facts, there are more Armenians in California or Russia than Armenia ?. But yes, war will come and Iran will prevail like they always have. The time will come when the Azeris will be swallowed back by the Persians where they belong.


I’m not sure Soleimani “misjudged the nature of Zionist evil and treacherous Americunt cowardly arseholes who flout international law and operate as murdering criminals.” He often operated quite openly and seems to have been aware that a high profile martyrdom would galvanise the Iranian efforts into further heights. He was right because more than Iranians are being galvanised…

Zionism = EVIL

That is true, but a senior general within Zionist and Americunt cross hairs should be more careful. Ghaani, his replacement is far more deadlier as he keeps a low profile and travels incognito. He spent years in Afghanistan and no one even knew his name as he used a nom de guerre Haji Khan which is common in Pashtuns. General Soleimani was a honest good man and his loss will never be in vain.

Jens Holm

They certainly need some airdefence there too.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Easier said than done. But they can always do it using evasive techniques and their ingenuity. They’d need at least 2 or 3 batteries of bavar-373 or other long range system, and protected by khordad or other BUK variants. Transporting the launchers, setting up all the radars, command posts and deploying short/medium range SAM would be easily detected on Muricunt military satellites and surveillance aircraft, who would pass this info the the Rocket Nose Nation. But like I said, iranians could have ways to do it secretly without leaving a footprint. It wouldn’t surprise me if they ever did.

Afterall they hacked a stealth RQ170 drone from over 60km away and landed it inside Iran (top secret drone project, highly advanced, uses some stealth features of the B-2 spirit)

They also downed an RQ-4M (222 million dollar) stealth drone 30km off their coast with BUK variant at 17km in height.

Zionism = EVIL

Very good Jens, your medication change is doing wonders. First time I have upvoted you :) Indeed Iran’s presnece in Syria and Iraq is very strong on the ground and irreversible but it does need efective AD systems. Iranians are patient people by nature and have checked out that the Zionist scum are weak and their Popeye and Delilah missiles fired off the Lebanese coast are totally useless, in the last two attacks, almost all Zionist missiles were shot down before they even reached Damascus. And several were captured intact which Iranian engineers and have examined and counter-measures developed. The Popeye is useless, but Iran will soon be unveiling its own upgraded version of the Delilah. It is basically a US missile with all the electronics being known to Iranian engineers previously, but now with the real missiles in Iranian hands, they are being cloned very rapidly.


Ashok Varma

Iran has already duplicated Spike missile and is exporting it. They compared notes with Indian engineers.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran is providing the improved version of Zionist spike missile to all its allies. It is producing 10,000 annually with different warhead configurations as shown last month in Tehran defence exhibit.


Zionism = EVIL



This is all very good,now they need to start using them.

Zionism = EVIL

As I have written before, Iranian leadership has decided to increase their strategic footprint in Syria and Iraq and are now beefing up the forces with deploying strategic missiles and SAM systems. Just from a strategic mass point of view, Iran, Turkey and Egypt are the only countries in the region that can fight a long asymmetrical war on many fronts as they have huge populations and largely self-sustaining economies. The Zionist rotten cunts don’t stand a chance in the long run.

Ashok Varma

China and India can overwhelm anyone with sheer numbers. Population is the biggest factor for ultimate victory.


Then why haven’t you taken back Pakistan? Hopefully you do it soon and teach those Punjabis a new religion.

Zionism = EVIL

The Punjabis are cunts like Zionists and Wahhabis, but the problem for India is that the Americunts and the western arselickers in general have armed Pakistan with nukes and India being a rapidly growing economy has much more to lose than shithole deadbeat Pakistan which like the Zionist parasites lives off western welfare and now Chinese. The British devious arselickers created two cancers one in the Middle East, aka Pisreal and the other in South Asia namely moth eaten Pakistan, both serve as neo-colonial outposts. The British never wanted a strong secular united powerful multi-confessional India, just like they divided the Arabs and even tiny Cyprus for eternal conflict.


Good points, but eventually you need to bite the bullet and take the punches to win the fight. It’s not like they can’t afford the manpower or equipment.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Brig. Gen. Amir-Ali Hajizadeh reportedly inspected the region before returning to Iraq, did he, I wonder why he didn’t stop to help the SAA while he was here, they’re currently doing the job the Iranians are supposed to be doing, eradicating Isis, but no it seems he’s way too busy setting up new ballistic missiles to help the SAA get rid of Isis, that are freely operating in the Syrian territory Iran now controls. What a f-ing joke.

Ashok Varma

ISIS is being protected by US in the regions under their occupation. It is a US strategic tool and Iran along with Russia is fighting it for over several years now. ISIS will only disappear if US leaves Syria and Iran and Turkey stops arming it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The US are protecting Isis are they, so how can they do that, Isis are operating out of the deserts in Southern Deir ez Zor, the area of Syria that Iran now exclusively controls, so how can the US protect Isis if they’re operating in Iranian held territory. The SAA have just moved into southern Deir ez Zor to help the Iranians do their job, which should’ve been stopping Isis, but as the article above stated, they’re too busy setting up ballistic missile systems so that Iran can threaten Israel with them, and it seems for Iran that’s a much more important priority than the simple little task of eradicating Isis is. I hope they do a better job of setting up their missiles than the did eradicating Isis in Deir ez Zor, LOL.

Ashok Varma

Syria has huge manpower problems, without Iranians and Shia militias from Pakistan and Afghanistan the Assad government would have collapsed. Half of Syria’s Sunnis took off for Europe and Turkey.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If that’s the case why hasn’t Iran, Hezbollah or any of the Iranian backed militias been helping Assad in Idlib, apart from the recent Aleppo campaign not one of them has lifted a finger to help the SAA since june 2018. So the people you say Assad still needs have only helped the SAA once during the last 2 years, and that was the only time they have, and I think the 4th division and Hezbollah’s assault on Aleppo caused more trouble than it was worth anyway, now the Turks are more dug in than they ever were. So for the last 2 years Iran Hezbollah and Iran’s other militias have only fought the opposition forces once, and apart from that one exception they’ve been in southern Deir ez Zor trying to eradicate Isis. But Isis is growing more powerful and expanding out into Homs again, and with 150,000 troops at Iran’s disposal, surley Isis doesn’t stand a chance of hiding out anywhere in Deir ez Zor, but they have for 2 years now, and now they’re even threatening SAA held towns in Homs as well. Back in december 2017 Putin announced that Russia, the SAA, and the Iraqi’s, had finally eliminated Isis from Deir ez Zor and Homs, and they did succeed, all the Isis fighters and their families fled to the refugee camp near the US base at Al Tanf, pre october that camp only had at the most 8,000 refugees, by january 2018 that number had swelled to more than 50,000. But since Iran’s been in TOTAL control of southern Deir ez Zor, Isis has made a miraculous comeback, and that’s not just because the Isis fighters at Al Tanf have left the camp and returned to Deir ez Zor to continue their mayhem, it’s because just the mere presence of an Iranian dominated occupation force is the best thing needed to breed more Sunni recruits for Isis. And yes for most of the Sunni population living in Deir ez Zor, the Shia forces are occupying troops, even if they are fighting on Assad’s side. Most of the opposition forces in Syria are Sunni Muslims who wrongly claim that Assad’s government favours the Shia population over the Sunni population, and here in southern Deir ez Zor Assad’s actually proving they’re right. Assad didn’t do that before the war started, he was as fair as he could’ve been, but as I say things have changed, now in southern Deir ez Zor the opposition actually do have a point to argue.


Idlib is more of a Russian strategy than syria and Iran.. The Russians use idlib as a card to keep erdogan or Turkey on their side… The syrian, Iranian and their allies think there shouldn’t be sieze fires and that all out war to eradicate NUSRA and other terrorist in Idlib ones and for all. That is why Iranians wont fight all out in Idlib, because their sacrifices will be in vain….just as we have seen.

But if you care to know who took SARAQIB back from the terrorists… Know that it is the RIDWAN force.. Hezb and no one else… You can do further research on who bits the Turks and their Beloved NUSRA back from SARAQIB

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Idlib is definitely a Russian strategy, there’s no doubt there. Before the Aleppo assault began Iran was protecting a few majority Shia towns that were right in the middle of old buffer zone, they were located between the SAA and opposition forces a few km southwest of Aleppo city, but after the Aleppo campaign finished I think all those majority Shia towns are now well within SAA held territory and safe again, so I think the Iranian’s achieved at least part of their goal if not all of it. But as to Saraqib I don’t think it happened the way you think it did, Hezbollah forces may have been the first to re enter Saraqib, I’ll trust you on that, but since the rebels had already evacuated the town there was no ground fighting at all apart from one or two shots fired, all the real action in Saraqib was happening in the skies above the town where Russia and Turkey were slogging it out, not on the ground. Erdogan announced the start of Spring Shield Operation and then the very next day Saraqib is evacuated and the SAA move in, then a few days later Putin announced the deal to share the M4 highway, since then things have gone quiet and the battlelines have remained static. So even if Hezbollah were allowed to waltz in without a fight and re liberate Saraqib for the second time, it was actually the Russian backed 25th division doing all the liberating the first time, and they had a hell of a fight to do it. March 2nd Saraqib was liberated for the second time, check combat operations and casualty reports for that date, the only opposition and SAA fighting was in the south of Idlib where the rebels were advancing and retaking positions they’d withdrawn from earlier, the only casualties reported from Saraqib were SAA aircraft and Turkish drones destroyed. I said on SF at the time it looked like a deal had been done to return the town without a fight, and just a few days later Putin and Erdogan announce the M4 deal, which seemed to confirm my suspicions that the return of Saraqib was just a part of a much bigger arrangement.

Zionism = EVIL

As I have explained on numerous occasions, Syria has been fighting Zionist parasites, the Turkey goat fuckers and all of NATO arseholes for almost a decade now and winning, but the major drawback for SAA is its limited manpower recruitment pool of barely 5-7 million military age men, mostly Shia, Christians and Druze and that limitation makes it impossible to control all of Syria including sparsely populated deserts in the east and south. That gap is slowly being filled by Iranian supported militias and Iraqi Kataeb Hezbollah. Iran is also increasing its presence and creating a wider infrastructure. So give it time and see the results.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

As I’ve said I know what a great help they were before june 2018, it’s the period after that I’m finding hard to understand, well not really, I do understand what’s happening, I just don’t agree with Iran’s agenda. You’re right, pre june 2018 when Isis was still a big threat recruitment and manpower was a huge problem for Assad, but after Isis was defeated it was obviously no longer a problem. If it was Iran and Hezbollah and all the other Iranian backed militias would’ve still been in Idlib and Aleppo standing side by side with the SAA, and helping them beat back the Turkish backed Syrian opposition and their terrorist buddies, but they weren’t, not even once did they. And right up until december last year they haven’t even lifted a finger to help Assad in Idlib and Aleppo, Iran just started concentrating on eliminating Isis from Deir ez Zor and protecting a few Shia towns in western Aleppo. So I can’t agree with you on the manpower issue now, unless of course Iran intends to help Assad beat the Turks out of Idlib and Aleppo again, then Assad would definitely need all the manpower he could get, but I don’t think the Iranians want to go to war against the Turks, otherwise they wouldn’t have ended the recent Aleppo campaign, they would’ve just kept going all the way to the Turkish western border. I’m just relieved the SAA are finally making an appearance in Deir ez Zor and I’m also hoping the Russians choppers will turn up too, Isis may have something to really worry about if Russian choppers start patrolling the skies over Deir ez Zor. And I’m sorry but I’m tired of giving Iran more time to clean up Deir ez Zor, 2 years is more than enough time, if they haven’t done it by now it must mean they really need help. Do you remember when Putin announced way back in january 2018 that Isis had been totally eliminated from the desert areas of Homs and Deir ez Zor, that operation was started back in october 2017 and it only took 2 months to complete, the Iranians have been on the same sort of operation for 2 years now, that’s a lot longer than 2 months, so I’d like to know why it’s a lot harder for the Iranians than it was for the others, sorry I shouldn’t have said that, I do know why it’s harder for Iran, the Sunni population in Deir ez Zor keep telling us all why it’s harder, the Sunni’s are making it harder for the Iranians, and they do it because they resent the Iranians presence. I know you’re pro Iran which is totally ok by me, but you have to remember not all the Syrians feel the same way you do about them, and in Deir ez Zor most of the Sunni population have a totally different opinion about Iran than you do, and there’s still a lot of them there, and if they’re not joining Isis and bumping off Iranian/Hezbollah fighters that way, they’re doing it under a different banner. That’s why Iran’s finding it hard to get rid of Isis now, the local Sunni population wasn’t as antagonistic to the SAA and Russia when they were there, but they’re murdering the Iranians and blaming it on Isis now, and doing everything they can to obstruct them. In the 2 years Iran’s been controlling Deir ez Zor they haven’t managed to get rid of Isis, but they have managed to build heaps of missile infrastructure and logistic centres, and that’s despite the fact the Israelis have been bombing them relentlessly trying to stop them. You told me once Syria was very complicated, you were right, it is.

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