A senior officer of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Brig. Gen. Farhad Dabirian, was “martyred” in Syria on March 6, the Fars News Agency reported.
The agency, which is close to the Revolutionary Guards, didn’t provide any details on the circumstances of Dabirian’s death.
Dabirian was described by the agency as the “defender of Sayida Zainab shrine” in Damascus eastern suburbs. He was reportedly responsible for IRGC activities in the Shiite-majority area. The IRGC commander also played a key role in the battels against ISIS in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra.

Brig. Gen. Farhad Dabirian on the left side, standing with Iranian scholar Abu al-Fadl Tabataba’i. Source: RT
The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), claimed that Dabirian was assassinated in the Sayida Zainab suburb. The monitoring group also reported that the late commander was close to Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
Syria is yet to comment on the killing of Dabirian or provide any information on the incident. The commander may have been assassinated by the Israeli intelligence, which carried out similar attacks against IRGC-affiliated figures in Syria in the last few years.
dont ever underestimate the wickedness and evilness of satanic zionism……
—-here was great treachery taking place…………beware….
Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig
Is that you wanker?
No? maybe the other fkdass then!
LOL…so many enemies. So few friends. Poor baby.
Hezbollah’s reply will be felt by the Zionist murdering pigs 1,000 fold
Oh no, we are so scared. Bring it on you ape, we are just waiting for you to make your suicidal move.
Israel is so lucky that your enemies are so cowardly (And I don’t mean Syria that can’t afford a war now against Israel)..
It’s not about luck, it’s about our determination and our fighting spirit. In 2006 Israel used just 10K soldiers and 5% of the IAF firepower to handle Hezbollah, and look at the results to this day some areas in Beirut are ruined. Imagine if we go all in next war, hitting their rocket storages in their own civilian population, imagine the death toll just from that regardless of an IDF ground offensive. Hezbollah knows very well another war will be the end of them and Lebanon, the last incident they shot ATGM on an IDF patrol and missed, it basically saved them.
You killed an Iranian general. I think Netanyahu is a coward but the Iranian mullahs regime is a bigger coward. So Netanyahu can whip the Iranians and be considered a hero by his sheep, even though everyone knows that the Iranians will not respond.
They better not. Since if they do in any serious way, bye bye their nuclear facilities and much else even if a few tactical nukes were thrown into the mix. Israel will never be as magnanimous as the US and Trump have been.
The Iranians will do nothing. They even stop threatening.
As for iron Zion, you merit no answer from from anybody…. You know that the land you stole…is very tiny and few missiles will knock the hell out your existence…if you have not practiced to swim in the medeterianian better do could be a possibility of your survival. Imagine a heavy payload tactical missile got dropped on the Dimona nuclear plant.? Boom! bye bye ISRAhell
If anyone is brave enough to shoot at Dimona, be my guest…
Both Iran and Hezbollah will target Dimona in a war. In fact, they will target all of Israel if the war escalates, especially if Israel uses nukes. THIS IS THE REASON ISRAEL DOESN’T DARE ATTACK IRAN DIRECTLY.
Nahhhhhhhh…but in reality, anyone as stupid and suicidal as you who even tried that would very soon make such pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor, if need be. Israel’s some couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles and it’s second strike capabilities guarantee that no matter what might or might not happen to Israel, those who tried your delusional wet dream and their base country or countries would be no more for this world.
So how does it help Israel to nuke Iran? The goal of a war is to win and survive. If you can’t survive, then why start a war?
There are more than enough CONVENTIONAL missiles in Iran to level Israel TEN TIMES OVER.
rofl fighting spirit… ROFL.. bwhahahahahha bwhahahahahhaha muchahahahaha
Damn, you’re going to dementedly laugh yourself to death before Israel gets to do it. Damn.
iaraeli army are to most cowards in the world doesn’t have the guts to face openly in the battle field. Israeli soldier runs away if they don’t have Air support. Even that israeli Fighter jets uses lebnon airspace to attack them. Israeli hide behind civilian plane to attack. This called no 1 coward army in the world.
It’s called politics, we can enter Syria but we don’t want unnecessary incidents with Russia, that’s why we have the de-confliction channel with them. And an Arab call us Israelis cowards, you are the biggest cowards and biggest crying babies when we go to an operation you cry to the world to stop the IDF from crushing you. It won’t stay like this forever.
Do you imagine no one knows what happened during the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel war? Israel lost the fight. one-fifth of Israel’s tanks were destroyed, over a hundred soldiers dead, and thousands more wounded.
There is nothing brave about Israel. America is what guarantees Israel’s survival in the Middle East.
You are deluded to think that the next war with Hezbollah will be its last. If you took the time to read what Israeli and American defense analysts say about Hezbollah’s current capability, you won’t post this rubbish.
ALL OF ISRAEL IS WITHIN HEZBOLLAH’S RANGE OF PRECISION FIRE. You will know about this when the war starts. Not that I care about Hezbollah anyway. Both of you can go to hell.
They rely too much on their rockets, the more dead Israelis the more Lebanon itself will be wiped out. “one-fifth of Israel’s tanks were destroyed”, you claim 550 tanks were destroyed? lol, more like 50 damaged in total and only a few were completly destroyed beyond repair. Merkava is a fortress, you can’t destroy it that easily. We can talk about who won but it was almost 14 years ago and alot has changed in the battlefield since then, so it remains to be seen how far our political leadership is willing to go if it comes to an all out war. I just read an article today that Iran continues their pursue to the bomb, so I won’t be surprised if the entire ME will be on fire soon.
Nothing has changed to Israel’s advantage. Israel had air superiority when Hezbollah had only dumb rockets, yet they could not defeat Hezbollah. Today, Hezbollah is armed with precision fire that can hit anywhere in Israel. A substantial number of these missiles will quickly put Israeli airbases out of action in the first few hours of conflict. The air advantage will be gone. Much of the war will be fought on the ground – something Israel will want to avoid at all cost, but to no avail. Airbases will be Hezbollah’s first target in Israel to cripple the air force. That is what is called A2AD: anti access and area denial. This is what Israel fears more than anything else from Hezbollah. I am sure you are aware of the damage the Iranian missiles left on U.S bases in Iraq. Observe the big craters. Should several craters like that appear in an Israeli runways, no plane will take off or land safely. Planes will be effectively grounded even if they are not destroyed. Then Israel will also have to rely on missiles, tanks, and its navy. Note that Hezbollah badly ravaged an Israeli warship during the 2006 war. They have better weapons now, but Israel still uses pretty much the same ships. Also know that Hezbollah has an abundant quantity of ATGMs manufactured by Iran. If they had these weapons in 2006, Israel’s losses would have been worse.
I do not support Hezbollah or Israel though. I am just being an Objective observer.
Free Man you need not to celebrate on the blood of the commander. He’s a soldier and he died honorably. Now Iranian retaliation will not be an emotional decision…and as usual we won’t see any bloody retaliation like the enemy of syria wanted. The retaliation will always be if you have noted. 1: more missiles for Syria (more military Hardware) 2: more IRGC presence 3: More special army unit formation in and around the Golan (as I understand already, 25000 fighters Iran- backed Syrian fighters already stationed on the golan) Now what will be the retaliation for this General….we know it… More syrian Hezbollah fighters on the Golan….and missiles…..more missile for the Palestinian militias… The real retaliation is when syria liberate the Golan, either peaceful or by force….which we know that the Zionist will prefer to be forced out.
LOL…sure. And Suria will get the Golan back peacefully? And how might that be? Well, they could beg for peace, sign a peace treaty and recognize Israel as the Jewish National Homeland. If the Golan was demilitarized. Maybe. Otherwise, forget it. Syria will never get it back by force with or without help from others. They might seriously try but all they would get was an even more totally destroyed Syria. And if need be, it and it’s helpers countries would glow in the dark after. Try to get the basics correct.
The problem with your strategy of PASSIVE retaliation is that more civilians will die. You have been pursuing this strategy for years now. How has it helped you and your proxies in the region? Syria is now destroyed. Lebanon is facing a severe instability and the threat of another civil war, Iraq is in a similar situation as Lebanon, Yemen cannot sign peace with Riyadh because Iran is involved in the war. More and more civilians keep dying as your proxy war grinds on. Is that How Ali (R.A) fought? Is that how Hussein fought? Why not act just like the Heroes you claim to follow.
More missiles for Syria means more air strikes by Israel. And more Syrian casualties. The U.S is now is Syria – thanks to your proxy war. You also don’t want the U.S out of Afghanistan, but you want them out of Iraq – Why? Are you being really sincere to Muslim unity as your leaders always proclaim?
This fight will come to the Iranian front – make no mistake about that. If anything, the assassination of Soleimani should convince you that war is in the pipelines. I hope Iran is as prepared as they claim to be. The U.S just deployed nukes on Submarines just a few weeks back. And they are tactical nukes. This is the first time in decades the U.S is doing it. The message is clear for all who understand: As long as Iran is concerned, all options are on the table (including nukes).
America will soon leave Afghanistan and I believe, Iraq. The U.S air force has encircled Iran with bomber jets. It is the air force that will devastate Iran, and I think if Iran attacked Israel very badly, nukes will be used on Iran.
man you must be joking. no nation will ever use nus for whatever reason. the consequences are simply catastrophic. if israel and us cannot attack with conventional weapons because the consequences are unthinkable, why would they attack using nucs? nucs are defensive weapons, ensuring a credible retaliation option to destroy the adversary when the homeland is threatened. but they will never be used to attack unless as retaliation. and this applies to all powers even those who reserve by doctrine a first strike option. there is theory and then there is reality. i think you just hate Iran, and that makes you lose your objectivity in analysis
It looks like isreal has already used nukes once in Syria in 2014 i think – one of those low yeild nuclear weapons isreal has also Fukushima that was a nuclear detonation not a radiation leak as it measured on the Richter scale and a Mossad security company took over the security of that power plant 3 years before it happened also don’t you remember what happened in Japan at the end of world war 2 you are the one not living in reality if you think no one will use nuclear weopons
okay. i guess you even manufacture them in your vegetable garden. this is not 1945. today a dozen nations have those devices ready to fire. any single nation that uses them seals it’s own demise from retaliation by the others.
You seem to think that the people who control places like isreal and America are sane rational people they are satanists for fucks sake they are capable of anything
and you think they are ready to commit suicide? and that their generals will allow them to endanger their whole nations and commit national suicide? i doubt it
And who did you say would commit national suicide massively attacking either the US or Israel, with or without nukes? Waiting…
go away troll. i engage only sensible objective people, not ideological trolls
During the Cuban missile crisis an American general ordered a nuclear strike on China the only reason they missiles were not launched was the officer in charge of the missile base in Japan held guns to the heads of the two people who were about to launch the missiles and told them not to launch untill he had verification on the order 2 minutes later word came back it was a false order so the missiles weren’t launched the person who gave this order was discharged from the military i don’t think he suffered any more punishment than that for nearly destroying the earth and there has been a number of other instances where we have come very close to a nuclear holocaust im telling you man nuclear weapons are a very real threat to the planet
Damn, you do feel lucky.
For starters, two nukes were used on Japan by the same country that now confronts Iran Secondly, the U.S has threatened Iran with nukes many many times and so did Israel Thirdly, more and more tactical nukes (low yield nukes designed for battlefield use) are being produced and deployed by the U.S. Israel and America’s indifference to civilian massacres by their airstrikes should tell you they are willing to use more inhumane weapons to destroy their enemies.
Most military leaders in the U.S and Israel believe that the Iranian nuclear sites can only be destroyed using nukes. Again, Trump has promised the American people that Iran won’t be allowed to have nukes. In other words, the U.S will destroy Iran’s nuclear infrastructure in the event that the U.S deems Iran racing for the bomb.
The use of nukes is very probable in any conflict between Iran and the U.S. Iran is militarily very strong. Their defense posture suggest that they intend to annihilate any American military personnel or Asset in the region within the first few days of conflict – and believe me, they have the capability to do it. That is why the U.S has so far resisted the urge to strike Iran despite many countries pushing them to.
What do you think the U.S and Israel will do if Iran bombs Israel back to stone age? Israel simply can’t defend against the thousands of precision missiles from Iran and Hezbollah. If it fights a conventional war with Iran, Israel will lose (Iran is much much larger and Israel lacks the resources to attack everywhere in Iran). But the Iranians can attack pretty much every village in Israel due to their large inventory of ballistic missiles (the largest by far in the Middle East), and Israel’s small landmass and population.
No. Israel will certainly use nukes in such a scenario. They once warned that if Missiles rained in Israel Iran will have a flood.
Iran is up against a country that once used nukes on Japan. That country has made it clear that all options are on the table when dealing with Iran. Israel has also threatened Iran with nukes. The U.S did it before. That means they are willing to do it again. They have deployed tactical nukes on submarines already. Do you know what tactical nukes are?
Well said….the passive strategy has a limit, but militarily this is never a conducive time to fight Israel or any other country….Syria is in turmoil and we are working very hard to rid the country of bogus jihadists or better say NATO jihadists… Second is that we are not interested in fighting Israel and coming back again to fight it another day….NO.. We are preparing to annihilate them once and for all…no going forth and back type of war…we are preparing for a complete defeat of the enemy… that Zionist capital will not be in Palestine any more….they can go to form a new capital on a new continent, probably in europe…..but definitely not in ME or Africa.. Syria must first be strong….before this can be achieve. You talked about how Imam Ali or Husian fought….well I am not Shia, I am more Sunni Muslim….I live in Africa was a Presbytarian Christian for 27yrs of my life… But have read a bit of Husain and imam Ali…. And I can tell you that the terrain and strategy is different but the resistance philosophy is still same… You must prepare very well for a pending war… Israel knows it that it is just a matter of time….and they fear the iranian entrechment but yet entrechment is happening like never before…. I don’t want to bore you with much reading… But in war you must prepare everything possible to defeat your enemy… Don’t allow your enemy to determine when and where to fight you..
[I am more Sunni Muslim….I live in Africa was a Presbytarian Christian for 27yrs of my life.],……………go back to you first love. you left the fount of living water to drink at a brackish stagnant well in the desert
You want to annihilate us? well then, first come to Syria instead of living in Africa. The thing about you guys, is that you all assume we are weak because we never go all the way when we’re being attacked, either by Hamas, Hezbollah or IRGC from Syria. The current Israeli government that has ruled here since 2009 is about to end, just in time for the big show. I don’t know how much damage will be here, but rest assured – you will have it hundreds times more.
big boastful comments. nothing will happen. the world will carry on like it has always done
But maybe without much of an Iran left?
LOL. Is that the best you can do?
LOL…and which ones are not did you say? Maybe you…
A very good joke.
LOL…in the great bye and bye with pie in the sky.
They just killed Soleimani. What did Hezbollah do? Issue threats of course, and do nothing. Both Iran and its proxies are cowards. Iran will only fight when directly Attacked. this is something any country will do.
then if you understand that why do you fault their strategy of proxy engagement?
Because that strategy endangers the lives of many. Look at Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq. Iran is actively fighting proxy wars in all these countries. Many civilians are dying as a result. Iranians are such cowards they prefer to hide behind civilians of other countries than attack their enemy directly. This is not how a true Muslim nation fights. this shows they have no faith in Allah’s help. And that should convince anyone there is nothing Islamic about Iran. The early Muslim generations never fought proxy wars. They attacked their enemies directly. Shiites who believe in the full Shiite doctrine are not Muslims. And soon, the world will find out when Iran lies in ruins. Allah will not help that devilish regime. it will collapse at the hands of the Zionists and Americans.
But no matter how much the AngloZionists try, the Islamic world will emerge victorious in the end. That is a promise.
[Iranians are such cowards they prefer to hide behind civilians of other countries than attack their enemy directly]………you seem to have very romantic notions about war. Iran’s objective is to safeguard the Iranian people, others be damned. Any other notion is just unrealistic romanticism. I am neither Iranian nor Muslim, but in all my studying of geo-strategic affairs, Iran is the only independent Islamic nation on earth. It neither relies on any other nation from east or west to safeguard it’s core interests, and it has an ideology of self sufficient development, and has done a lot to make that a reality. All other Muslim states are vassals. The Islamic world is already defeated. It’s is obvious when one looks at the state of the world today.
You will not understand the roots of these wars by studying Geo-strategy. You need to study some Islamic history. History plays a huge role in current wars in the middle east. I won’t go into that here.
The Islamic world has been defeated? What is your definition of defeat?
The war between Islam and western civilization is the same like the war between communism and democracy in the early 50s to late 90s. Democracy managed to extinguish communism in every country, though some traces remain in China and a few others. The defeat of communism was achieved in a matter of four decades.
The west has been fighting Islam for centuries. Remember the crusades? Remeber Salah Addeen? Do some research on Salah Addeen. note how the position of Muslims appeared helpless, worse that the one today, before Salahuddeen emerged. See how he crushed the Western world and reclaimed Jerusalem for Muslims.
To defeat Islam, you must destroy the Islamic faith, just like you did communism. Have your people defeated the Taliban? Erdogan is raising a pious and more Islamic Turkey by making drastic changes to the western-style school curriculum used in Turkey for decades before now. Your people tried a coup to overthrow him for this. Your puppets (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Egypt) are now facing more threats to their rule than at any time in the past. From whom is this threat emanating? Christians? or some truly emerging Islamic forces. I could go on and on, but I think you get the message.
They claim to be Islamic. Islam forbids this tactics of warfare. Fight your enemy directly and even try not harm plants even in your enemy’s country, let alone the masses. by building proxy forces against the wish of the governments and masses of these countries, Iran deliberately endangers them. this is very unislamic
The Iranian response will be very, very harsh. I’m only joking.
Who says the Iranian response will be harsh? Iran is a coward nation. If anything, the assassination of Soleimani (A national hero) proves just how cowardly the Iranian regime is. They only want to fight proxy wars in distant lands. Proxy wars waged by their proxy forces embedded with a few IRGC or Qods forces.
The devils do not want a war on their homeland, but they wish the Afghan war to continue for years on Afghan soil. Yet they talk of Muslim unity and how they are leading the war against U.S dominance. Read comments by the Iranian foreign ministry and other top officials about the recent peace deal that will see all foreign troops leave Afghanistan. They don’t want an end to the Afghan war, and they don’t want America out. Note how they try to veil this desire by making contradictory statements to confuse any critical observer and mislead ordinary Sunnis. Their fear is that a pure Sunni regime will be established in Afghanistan again. An
Naming a country a coward is very daring, especially when compared to Israel. Probably there is no more cowardly nation on Earth than the Zionists. Israel is a criminal nation bent on destroying the native inhabitants of those lands. To do this, Israel wages the most assymetrical and cowardly war against basically defenseless people. Israel loves killing children and women especially, because when it has to face real men -the Hizbullah- they run away. As a result of Soleimani’s assasination, Iran hit back the Americans, which brings me to the second most cowardly nation on Earth: the US. After being hit hard in their own bases, the US didn’t dare do anything: no answer, just babbling. Not only that, but they lied saying that there were just a few soldiers with “headaches”. Why would a superpower lie like this? Answer: not to have to answer because had they done this, Iran would have destroyed those bases completely. Of course Iran wants peace and Muslim unity, buthow can this be achieved with countries like Saudi Arabia (a great friend of the two most cowardly nations), Turkey and the Gulf countries? In a mind totally contaminated and brainwashed like yours, the Iranians are devils. But for the rest of the world, we know who are the two Great Satans.
If your Murdering Mullah leaders have attitudes like yours and act on them, you better stock up on your Iodine pills, junior.
Oh my! How terrifying! Junior? Lol. Perhaps it’d be better to answer with ideas instead of trying to discount me based on some kind of mental illness. Quite cowardly indeed.
If Iran were to seriously attack Israel directly, Israel with or without US support would massively attack Iran. And will use tactical nuclear weapons if need be. That is Israeli policy and has been for a long time. To think otherwise is risking national suicide. And there is no other country that will come to Iran’s aid with their own nukes since they would not risk their major population centers in the interest of Iran. Is that a bit better?
Israel had a lot of chances to attack Iran and didn’t do it. Instead, it has been pushing the US to do it. Opening the door to nukes is quite reckless. You should remember that there are other Muslim countries that have nukes and the means to deliver them. That you mention nuclear weapons so casually only solidifies the idea of how dangerous you are. Have you noticed how you sound when you say “we’ll destroy a whole nation”, and then you try to defend your right to exist?
you are dealing with a sick ideologue who has given up his rational senses. engaging with him is a waste of time and energy
Said like a true loser.
LOL. Shout some more kid. We ain’t bothered any more.
I have noticed that all the nuclear powers have a policy to destroy another nation if under existential attack or threat. Nothing new with Israel. For sure that has been the US policy (my country) for 70 years as it has been for Russia.
If you have read your country’s policy, you’ll notice it has changed over time. Now the US is shifting toward a Launch-on-Warning policy with all the unstability that that brings. The Cold War, to begin with, was not predicated on attacking the other country with total abandon. That is why the superpowers had MAD and as a result they built a number of arms control agreements -agreements that the US has started dismantling for some time now. The US, under a situation of survival would no doubt launch its ICBMs and ALBMs and if they were desroyed, they will always have their SLBMs. This is logical and any country would do that. However, I don’t know if you are aware of what you just wrote. You said that Israel would nuke Iran. Why? Iran is not an existential threat to anyone, let alone Israel. To say that you will attack Israel with nuclear weapons is the best example of inhumane behaviour.
The US is not your country. Saying so is your cover for being a Hasbara troll. You don’t talk like an American, you don’t know the correct phrases and words, I noticed.
Shalom, nazi. You have sabbath tonight.
Hey jew cock sucker this site is not jew owned Twitter is so this is what i have to say Go fuck you mother in the ass you Homo Shit Stirring fag
You think I am Jewish from my comments? I am only saying what I observe to be happening. You may like to see people cheerleading the Iranian regime, but I can’t do that when the regime does not deserve it. They endanger the civilians of other countries due to the illegal armies they create aside from the official armies of such countries. In Lebanon, they created Hezbollah (which does not answer to the Lebanese government). In fact, the Lebanese government cannot dismantle Hezbollah if it wanted to, neither can it influence Hezbollah. Because of Hezbollah, Lebanon is now a target of sanctions and political instability. A civil war still threatens to engulf the country.
The Iranian regime again created another SHIITE militia in Iraq (Here again, the Iraqi government has no control over these militias). Another future civil war looms in Iraq – all because of the Militias.
The Iranian regime created Liwa Fatemiyoun in Afghanistan (the Afghan government has no control over them). A bloody fight will ensue between these groups and the Taliban when Taliban seizes power.
From what is happening in Nigeria, it appears another Shiite militia is being born.
I am very sure that similar militias are being created or will soon be created in other countries that have sizable Shiite population ruled by non-Shiite governments.
The problem is that Iran uses these militias to fight its enemies (Israel and the U.S), and the countries hosting these militias end up suffering the most (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and more to come). These countries are caught in a helpless situation. They cannot dismantle these militias without a destructive fight. They can also not absorbs these militias in their army, because the government will be competing with Iran for control of its own sovereign army. The result is that the country ends up suffering when the U.S targets it to destroy or fight the militia.
The Shah of Iran had enemies too, but he never behaved this way (creating militias in many countries. Militias who do not respect the countries’ government nor obey it)
Saddam Hussein had enemies too. Despite the fact that he was a bad leader, but at least, he fought his enemies directly and lost honorably. He could also have trained militias in countries with sizable Sunni populations. But he didn’t do that, and no country suffered massive destruction and civilian casualties as a result of his war with the Zionists and America. For that, he deserves more respect than the Iranian regime.
Now, I hope you understand why I hate the Iranian regime and call them cowards.
Mossad did it again
He was an easy one, just like Soleimani. Their arrogance and bravado makes them such easy targets. Not to mention that they have made so many enemies who love to give them up.
yes bcuz they are to most cowards in the word doesn’t have the guts to face openly in the battle field. Israeli soldier runs away if they don’t have Air support. Even that israeli Fighter jets uses lebnon airspace to attack them. Israeli hide behind civilian plane to attack. This called no 1 coward army in the world.
IDF eliminated him
With way more to come.
SOHR is not reliable source…he has been fighting in Saraqib with Radwan unit of Hezbollah…
Wherever he’s been fighting, he’s bye bye. YEH! Yet another top Islamist Iranian bites the dust.
they die but are winning the war…others die and are losing…
How can you observe the human rights of The Syrian People from an office in London?
He is a solo ex Syrian who is anti Assad with seemingly contacts on the rebel / terrorist side. He was favored by western MSN for his propaganda but now that his side is losing he has moderated his reporting and is being used by this site as one of the few sources of information from that side. Is he reliable , sometimes and appears to have become more credible as he has realised his side is losing and he has started reporting more honestly. Would I buy a car off him , absolutely not but I can kick the tyres. As for being able to observe human rights from London. People reporting to him from the ground and he collates the info. What is so different to many other organisations that do the same. That doesn’t discredit him. What discredits him is when he makes up stories . Is this a made up story , probably not and as he has contacts he may have very reliable information. Just make sure you have the salt shaker handy when you read his stuff.
That’s nice. But yet another top Islamist Iranian is dead. They just keep being dropped like flies. Soon the top Islamist Iranian commanders may just be privates.
So what has that got to do with with the SOHR . Nothing. Just shot way wide of the mark. Here I was made to believe by you that you are some war hero but by the looks of it you couldn’t hit the sky with a full mag. We already know you are a complete dipshit so do I give a flying fuck what you say.. What a joke you are. Go back to scratching your balls but knowing how good you are you would be scratching someone else’s.
Once more Jake, you have fulfilled the requirements of a troll. Back to basics, that’s the spirit.
He also sells women’s underwear and T-shirts. He works from home in Coventry. You may be confusing the SOHR with that other pile of shite and waste of taxpayers money, Bellendcat. He has fleeced millions from the British public purse and can easily afford a nice little office in London, close to his handlers.
If you work for the satanic cabal there’s never any shortage of money eh
Oh, give the dead their due. He was one of thankfully dead Soleimani‘s top generals and his replacement as commander of Islamic Iranian forces in all of Syria. Those top Islamist Iranians just keep dropping like flies. If it’s not the US sending them to Allah on their way to Hell, it’s the Israelis. And if not the US or Israel, em, it’s Allah himself cutting out the middle men and giving the Islamist Iranian leadership an extra dose of the Coronavirus. Allah be Praised!
israel and US are to most cowards in the world doesn’t have the guts to face openly in the battle field. Israeli soldier runs away if they don’t have Air support. Even that israeli Fighter jets uses lebanon airspace to attack them. Israeli hide behind civilian plane to attack. This called no 1 coward army in the world.
good but joke321 s from the leper colony in tel aviv so he’s best ignored – not worth a second of your life.
Nahhhhhhh…I’m from usually Sunny California. But you seem to devote lots of seconds of your life telling others not to do that. Oh, well.
But still all their enemies just keep dropping like flies. In war, matters not how you kill the enemy and win. The goal is to win and not be a brave loser. But I hope all Israel’s enemies are as stupid and bravely suicidal as you, kid.
Not all Muslims agree with Iran. And if you think by defeating Iran you have defeated the Islamic world, then think again.
the islamic world is already defeated. they are vassals with no clear direction
The Islamic world was in a worse situation during the crusades centuries ago. What happened in the end? Before you talk of defeating the Islamic world, first defeat the Taliban, Houthis, and other Muslims you are currently fighting. You can only defeat Islam by extinguishing the Islamic faith just like you did with communism. Short of that, every victory for you will be short-lived. You appear to only be winning the battles, but we’ll win the war. The Islamic awakening is here. Almost every Muslim on Earth knows instinctively that America and Israel are our mortal enemy.
Looks to me that a whole lot of at least the Sunni Muslim world are getting more than happy to have Israel also an enemy of Islamist Shi’a Iran. Israel is not interested in defeating anyone other than those who are active enemies of them. Today, that would mostly only alloy to Islamists, mostly Shi’a Persians and their lap puppies.
How do you define an Islamist?
This is the job of Jesus killers Israel under Satanyahu order.
Well, goody for them. Now go join your friends over there and put your words into action. Bye bye.
Are you actually old enough to be on this site.
War is war and soldiers die. It is unfortunate that a high ranking one met his fate either by accident or design does not win or lose the war. The trolls can party tonight but the terrorists are losing badly and their time is limited so enjoy while you can. The biggest party is yet to come.
I hope not since that would mean your friends would glow in the dark.
What’s the matter joke123. Not happy being called a moron. OK I was being kind. Idiot then. That should warm the cockles of your heart as nothing can warm the brain.
Nahhhhhhh…had more important things to do than respond to someone looking in the mirror.
If you’re waiting for me to care, you better pack a lunch. It’s going to be a while.
Mossad and israeli soldier are to most cowards in the word doesn’t have the guts to face openly in the battle field. Israeli soldier runs away if they don’t have Air support. Even that israeli Fighter jets uses lebnon airspace to attack them. Israeli hide behind civilian plane to attack. This called no 1 coward army in the world.
Go there and prove it, junior. Your Darwin Award for bravado awaits.
Jews think they can win a war by assassinations because they experienced first-hand their inferiority to Hezbollah. Someday soon, Iran will have enough nuclear weapons and the Jews will make a catastrophic mistake, leading to the final and permanent demise of world Jewry.
why would you wish for events that guarantee a catastrophe on a world wide scale? you seem so happy at the demise of entire peoples. are you sane?
On this we agree.
It is about time the Iranian regime back up all its previous blusters with action. America just signed a peace deal with Taliban to end the war in Afghanistan. My guess it, Donald Trump is willing to fight Iran militarily and he wants to withdraw almost all American forces that are in danger of any Iranian counter-strike in the event of a war. One of America’s very critical asset had been moved out of the Middle East a year or so ago. Now troops will leave Afghanistan, then the U.S will also pull out of Iraq, and other countries around Iran.
This war will be fought by the U.S airforce. Trump has deployed more stealth bombers in the Middle East than at any point in history. And these bombers surround Iran.
U.S-Iran war is just a matter of time (really, before Trump leaves office), and I can see the pieces moving into place. Proxy war is about to end Iran. Just prepare for a hot war with the great Satan. My biggest concern is that you don’t end up bringing nuclear destruction upon your people at home.
For whatever reason, Iran behaves very casually for a long time when it comes to defence. it amazes me how they boast about their low defence spending – how will that be of help when their cities lie in ruin and their people are fertilizer? something is wrong with the iranians. either they do not understand the magnitude of what they are facing, or their risk assessment is very unrealistic
They understand both very well. That is exactly why they don’t hit back at Israel. They have this delusional dream that if they don’t hit back now, they will be allowed to develop nukes. Too bad for them and I feel sorry for the Iranian People.
I think your calculus is a bit off. that is why you don’t attack them directly either, limiting yourselves to syria. you have not attacked hizbula from 2006 in lebanon either. the situation is a lot more nuanced than you want to make it appear. the truth is that there is mutual deterrence between izrael hizbula and iran. none will attack the other directly for fear of the consequences. what i meant is in reference to the us which as a super power can cause serious damage to iran. but still even the us is wary of irans capability – this was proved by the fact that they refrained from striking out after the ain al assad attack, after they had promised before hand that they would retaliate for any strike. for me the question is not whether iran is powerful, they very clearly are. the question is why they are not much much more powerful, given the size of their economy they can afford to spend three or four times more on defence and buy some massive conventional capabilities which would better deter their opponents. that is what i am driving at. anyone who says iran is a walk over is an ideologue and is not objective or credible
I’m a Californian. And don’t mistake the aberration called Trump for the US. No one knows what he might or might not do. There is no real policy at play here. If tomorrow he felt like nuking Iran would be popular with his cult base and help him win re-election or stay in power, he would do it without a second thought. But you are correct about the mutual deterrence…for now. If Islamist Iran makes the fatal mistake of moving close to a nuclear weapon, it’s game on and very likely game over for Iran as a functioning country and society for a long time, regardless of the consequences to Israel. And the real reason Iran has not put more into its military is that they would so hurt the mass of the population economically that they wouldn’t be long for this world.
i know you are californian, but you are also an Israeli at heart. even drump is not as deranged as you make him out to be. the fact that he could weigh that retaliating to the ain assad base attack would spiral into an uncontrollable mess shows that he has a modicum of objectivity. the rest of your post is just hyperbolic rubb1sh
So you say. He saw it could hurt him politically with his base. Anyway, Bottom line. Islamist Iran will not be allowed to have nuclear weapons. And they did not have a major guns and butter economy even before the sanctions and drop in oil prices. Their hope is that nuclear weapons would give them much greater power on the cheap. They will not get it. It is a big gamble that they will lose.
[Islamist Iran will not be allowed to have nuclear weapons.]…………..you seem to think it is you who allows or disallows nations to build their capabilities. more laughable rubbish from an ideologue
Not me but Israel with or without the backing of the US. And yes, it is up to them, not you, who they will or will not allow to have weapons that are an existential threat. And do you think the Islamist Iranians feel lucky enough to test Israel’s resolve? For the sake of the Iranian People I hope the Islamist Iranians are not as stupid and suicidal as you.
bla bla bla bla. take your opiods and go to bed. you are wasting our time here
Nahhhhhhh…time for breakfast. Maybe a nap after.
hey troll. come on and write some more. you are not dumb are you?
He’s not a Californian. He stresses it in nearly every comment. Because he’s an Israeli and wants you to think he speaks for Americans.
It’s also because you do not really understand Iran… You should try and devoit one day just to read and know a lot about Iran… It’s a country that the American UN organization have put arms embargo on…. And therefore can not buy weapons like warplanes and all other offensive missile from other countries….not even Russia will sell to them because of the embargo… That is why they’ve tried to develop deterrent weapons like missiles…
how do you know i do not understand Iran? What percentage of gdp does Iran spend of defence in relation to her enemies? does she understand that in a war she will face a coalition of us/israel/uk/franz/nuto and the whole gcc? why does she boast of how small her defence spending is in relation to her enemies? is that a wise strategy? how many missiles has she deployed in her missile cities? can she give a blow by blow response to every munition that will land on her soil? can she sustain a conflict for many many months while facing attack by a super power and her allies? why does she limit her missiles range to 2k km while the bomber range of her super power adversary is limitless? with a relatively big economy, why has she not spent what is necessary to inundate the whole country with a water tight air defence network system for detterence? I would expect Iranian airspace to be the most heavily defended in the world given the threats she faces, so why are her air defence system deployments sporadic? i can ask you hundreds of such questions to show you the loop holes
Get real. Even without the sanctions and recent fall in oil prices, my one US state of California had a real GDP more than 6 times that of Iran with half of Iran’s population. Israel with a population only a tenth of that of Iran had a real GDP some 80% of Iran’s. Iran simply can not afford the kind of air defense you envision and they are extremely venerable to air attack from the US and Israel.
They do understand the magnitude of this threat, but they want to fight it through others. They want to encircle Israel with well-armed proxies to divert Israel’s resources and weaken it before a war breaks out. They were succeeding with this until the U.S and Israel started to attack these forces. Now they are backed in a corner and see this war fast approaching (the killing of Soleimani) For Iran to survive, it needs nukes fast. It wants to have nukes, but hesitates out of fear of an attack by the U.S and Israel. I strongly believe Iran already has a couple of nukes, or can do so in short order. The nuclear program is more secretive than most of us realize. Well, they have the right to own nukes. In fact, I want them to have nukes.
There seems to be a lot of truth to what you say, especially that last sentence. And don’t forget Israel’s some could of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles on the wait. I feel sorry for the Iranian People if they don’t get rid of their Islamist rulers pretty soon. They are getting pretty close to Israel’s Red Line and Israel doesn’t bluster like Trump. They absolutely mean what they say and will act on it.
it’s nonsense t think that those weapons will be used ever. the day any nuc armed nation uses such a weapon, even yours, is the day that nation will be obliterated, and will also be the day the world comes to an end. other nuc armed nations will make sure of that
Nahhhhhhhh…and my nation has already used nukes twice and here we still are. And if we or any other nation used nukes in an existential situation, no problem. And who did you say would like to lose their major cities and more by using nukes on Israel? Are you bonkers? If for no other reason, win’t by Putz Putin since there are so many Russians in Israel. And he feels he needs every last Russian in the world to help with his delusional Russian Nationalism Follies. Russians in Russia sure ain’t providing the numbers he knows he needs for any chance at future Russian greatness.
when u used nucs you were the only nation who had them. today even dprk can mop the floor with you guys. anyway i am done with your rubbish commentary that is more at elementary school level. good day
Can’t take a touch of reality. All nuclear nations have a policy of even first use in an existential situation. If you missed it, the US had nuclear mines between West and East Germany to stop a massive Soviet tank invasion if need be.
reality will set in when you take your dose of opioids son.
Reality will set in when Iran attempts to make a nuke or seriously attacks Israel directly or through a proxy like Hezbollah.
“Attacking Iran is the most stupid thing I ever heard in my life” Meir Dagan. he was talking of trolls like you
He doesn’t call the shots, and Jake is right here we won’t ever let them get a nuke.
hahaa. you guys are nothing without Murica. Iranian programme is too advanced to be stopped now. anyone can say anything, the facts wont change
I don’t want to say stuff that I shouldn’t say over the internet, just know we have the capabilities to do it ourselves if we come to that. Take care.
hyperbole. you can’t dare to even engage hizbula in Lebanon and you can attack the Iranian homefront? you claim you are more informed than Dagan who knew everything and knew it would be madness to attack Iran? your nation made a terrible mistake introducing such devices to the middle east. it guarantees that others will get them. to imagine perpetual monopoly is a pipe dream
LOL…a mistake that has worked for 50 years now. And stop feeling so lucky. You do know that Israel was on the verge of using its early nukes to stop Egypt in the 1973 War?
you seem stuck in the past in the past. your just shout nonsense. this is not 1973, and Iran is not Egypt. And being about to use is neither here nor there
Yep, Egypt had the full backing of a world power as a client state of the Soviet Union. It was their threat expressed to the US at that time that prevented the use of nukes back then and a massive resupply to Israel that enabled them to win without nukes. Iran has no such backing. But Israel still has its. So it has the potential for massive US support and/or nukes if Iran makes a fatal mistake with its nuke program or a massive attack on Israel. Just the way it is.
hey troll, i am awaiting more hilarious stories from you. don’t disappoint. be a man, don’t be a sissy
Sounds like you have lost. Try harder next time.
LOL. Give us some more hilarious stories kid. We need to laugh some more today
Israel may have the support of the US gov’t, but not of the American people. We know you people are liars, thieves and murderers.
And Fifty years is nothing in global history. seventy years ago colonial powers controlled the whole of Asia and Africa. Today is not Fifty years ago. Fifty years ago the Shah was in power. Fifty years ago China was a pauper.Fifty years ago Jim Crow had just ended. The world is constantly changing, nations are rising and falling, technology is developing. Anyone who is counting on history as a guide to the future and a bulwark against change is stup1d and lost
And those who do not learned from history are doomed to repeat it, loser. And if you think that a Persian Shi’a Islamist country will be able to dominate a Sunni Arab region, you are bonkers. And that is besides being bonkers about what Israel will do if existentially threatened.
write some more kid. my laughter should not discourage you
And since I’m not an Israeli but read the military analyses of independent credible sources, I can do a bit more.
You do feel lucky…for the Iranians. I really hope the Iranian rulers don’t feel that lucky for the sake of the Iranian People. Islamist Iran will not be allowed to have nukes. Period.
you can even write a whole essay with a thousand periods. words are cheap. the iranian centrifuges are spinning day and night as you fight cheap internet battles
And the Israelis are polishing their nukes if needed to end the Iranian nuke program from getting to the point of making nukes. If the Iranians spin those to n m she enough weapons grade uranium for just one nuke, it’s game on and over for them. The Israelis don’t bluster like Trump and Iranians in these matters.
You seem like you would like to laugh the Iranians into the grave. You really must hate Iranians.
“Right here” in the Hasbara cubicles. probably right next to you.
America isn’t “his nation”. He’s Israeli.
Do not forget that Iran does not need nukes to destroy Israel. they already have enough missiles to do that ten time over. See how they ravaged America’s airbase in Iraq.
clear out all vermin, clear out all jews from the middle east. no right to exist no more all gone and the world is awaiting the most gruesome end for the jews, the liars, the child-murderers and the thieves,
And who will be doing that? A snowflake like you, kid? Go fly a kite and get your Darwin Award.
please note joke321 is from the leper colony in telaviv whose only purpose is to cause disagreements and pollute these fields with inanities galore, he and his best friends, ironzion, adi, occupaybacon and other lepers. stay away and ignore.
Ignore it, there are others besides joke321.
sure ironzion, occupybacon and so on just ignore since the sole purpose of them being on southfront’s threads is to cause disagreements and pollute the train of thoughts an article might cause. that’s the reason why they should just be ignored, they are dishonest lakeys in the pay of the jews on palestinian land and aipac and so on.
As you know, I do this to get to know my enemies better, add a little reality check to the site and for the entertainment of it. It’s like watching the inmates of a nut house frolic. No pay for thus fun stuff from here in lovely California.
Enemies! this is just a website these are just opinions & they arent dangerous.
That’s pretty funny. But, yes, I don’t think too many here are active combatant enemies. But they personally or by direction express the views and intent of groups and countries that are actual and active enemies of the US and Israel. And thus of my people, my friends, my family and myself.
What kind of trees grow in San Francisco, where you claim to live?
Hello verner, so i’m paid by aipac to polute the train of thoughts an article might cause… I think this is the greatest compliment I ever received. Keep it up!
I’m a proud Californian. Sorry you are such a loser you could never afford to live here except on the streets with the other dregs.
You forgot to note that Asqhar Bashpour, Commander of Islamist Iranian Special Forces in Syria and close butt buddy of thankfully dead top General Soleimani was also just bumped off. Oh, and a bunch of Islamist Iran’s top leadership have been shipped to a Lebanese hospital to be the next to die of the Coronavirus. Allah be Praised!
peace upon his soul and his family/friends and may whoever killed him be killed themselves soon
I also wish peace upon the souls of all the Islamist Iranian leadership and their lap puppies. And it seems Allah has been way too busy collecting those souls of late to take much of an interest in those who killed them. Damn, Allah seems to have joined them with his new Coronavirus also dropping your guys like flies. Maybe you better reconsider calling on Allah at this time in his current not too friendly mood towards your friends.
A real martyr
I like martyrs also on my enemies side. The more the better.