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Senior Syrian General, Eleven Soldiers Killed In New ISIS Ambush In Deir Ezzor

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Early on November 17, ISIS terrorists ambushed a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) unit in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor.

The unit was moving in the area of Faydat Ibn Muyni’a when it fell into the terrorists’ ambush. Heavy clashes broke out in the area. According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), 12 Syrian service members were killed in the clashes. More than 17 others were injured.

Major General Bashir Salim Ismail, commander of the SAA’s 137th Regiments, was among the personnel killed in ISIS ambush.

Senior Syrian General, Eleven Soldiers Killed In New ISIS Ambush In Deir Ezzor

Major General Bashir Salim Ismail

The SAA and pro-government forces are now deploying reinforcements near Faydat Ibn Muyni’a as well as in other parts of western Deir Ezzor.

“After the attack, NDF [National Defense Forces] militias brought in large military reinforcement from Al-Mayadeen to the conflict zone,” the SOHR said in a report.

ISIS’ news agency, Amaq, is yet to release any details on the well-planned ambush. This was one of the terrorist group’s most successful attacks against Syrian troops this year.

The terrorists, who set the ambush, likely snick out from the Homs desert, which lays between western Deir Ezzor and eastern Homs. Hundreds of ISIS terrorists are hiding there. The terrorists are allegedly receiving support from U.S.-backed fighters based in the nearby area of al-Tanaf.

The SAA and its allies are yet to launch a full-on military operation to neutralize ISIS remnants in the Homs desert. Only a comprehensive operation can end the terrorist group’s presence in the region.


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Mustafa Mehmet

assssssad where are you ?


Just behiiiind youuuuu….

Mustafa Mehmet

im with your mamaa

Furkan Sahin

you must travel to Damascus and support Assad and marry with a hajib girl over there who is Assad’s supporter ???

Lone Ranger

RIP Heroes. Revenge is coming… Hope CIAisis has enough bodybags and DNA kits to ID their fallen operators, straight back to Langley, Virginia.

Free man

Are you serious ? No American soldier will die. Unless Assad wants to commit suicide. SAA does not seem to be able to deal with ISIS in this area. Lack of soldiers and appropriate weapons. There is no need for conspiracy theories.

Lone Ranger

CIAisis is conspiracy fact. And the arent solders either but state funded terrorists. So I wouldnt worry about the Geneva Conventions…?

Free man

“CIAisis is conspiracy fact.” – I disagree. If the US had not defeated ISIS in eastern Syria and Iraq, SAA’s situation would have been much worse now. ISIS, like all Arab terrorist organizations (some would say Arab countries), attacks only the weak. The SAA is considered weak in their eyes, so they will continue to attack.

Lone Ranger

Russia, SAA and Iran defeated them. U.S. trained, armed and sponsored them. They only took out a few high ranking trolls so they wont be taken prisoners by the SAA. SAA is so weak they control 80% if Syria, 75,000 dead CIAisis, Turkisis and Mossadisis. Syria beat the U.S., UK, France, Israel, Turkey. Fact. Very weak indeed lol… Better luck next time Trollstoy ???

Free man

“Russia, SAA and Iran defeated them.” – When did they fight east of the Euphrates? (Except for a small enclave in Deir Azor). Do you really not know what you are talking about or are you pretending?

Lone Ranger

Try to look on the map sometimes… Russia bombed isis everywhere. Bye.

Free man

Russia never bombed east of the Euphrates River. I thought you were pretending.

Lone Ranger

They bombed everywhere, even on the Turkish border. In fact they even bombed in Iraq.

Free man

I don’t remember once that the Russians bombed the US/Kurds controlled territory in eastern Syria. Not even during the capture of the small enclave near the city of Deir Azzor. You invent things to support unfounded arguments.

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts try to handle it…

Free man

Are you a little child? You wrote that Russia, SAA and Iran defeated ISIS in eastern Syria (East of the Euphrates River) . Although they have not fought against ISIS in this part of Syrian.

Lone Ranger

According to you…

Free man

LOL. I can see that the facts don’t confuse you.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, Im right on target.

Lone Ranger


Free man

This is the battle in the small enclave near the town of Deir Azzor. Except for this small battle, the Russians, Iranians and SAA have not fought in eastern Syria.

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

The red and orange parts are all uder SAA control.

Icarus Tanović

And these facts do confuse you, instead.


I suggested the same to the juvenile troll. Frankly, he/she is an idiot.

Mr T

SAA and assad is imploding the country. There is no future for alawite clan Syria.

Lone Ranger

Hi Shlomo ? How is the weather in Tel Aviv hasbarat…?

Mr T

weather in Istanbul is nice, getting colder.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…

Icarus Tanović

Who cares?


“I disagree. If the US had not defeated ISIS in eastern Syria and Iraq” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

what movie were you watching?

Free man

Who fought ISIS east of Perth besides the US and the Kurds?


Buy a map, most of the world is west of Perth, did you fail geography in your kindergarten?

Free man

frankly frank You are a waste of time. Check out how the locals call the Euphrates River and Piss off.


He/she is just a simple troll who needs to buy a map.


They didn’t defeat them moron they re deployed them.

Free man

If you say so moron.


I do say so dickhead.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t talk to him, he’s Zio/Wahhabi hasbara troll.

Svincius Savickas

What drug do you take?? US does not fight ISIS. US created and supported ISIS.



Icarus Tanović

I am serious.


Frankly, you are an idiot par excellence.

Mr T

die assadist alawites, more will follow. Russia had enough of this war and getting weaker every day. The mighty Russian super power army cant even defeat “WEAK” Turks. :)

Lone Ranger

Disney called, they want you back…

Mr T

Ruski idiot …. your country is doomed…

Lone Ranger

Im Hungarian. And Russia is the leader of the Free World.

John Wallace

The only reason they would want him back is to take all that weight off his neck..

Lone Ranger

Erdogan went to Moscow twice… And to Sochi once… It seems he is not sharing your magic wand moments…

Mr T

hihihih still mighty super power Russia needs a partner Turkey …

Lone Ranger

Everyone needs partners these days. U.S. has NATO…

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabi coward troll detected.

Servet Köseoğlu

Bravo to Glorious Saa..Fear has no more meaning to them than starlight to a blind man..They are trying over and over..:))

Rhodium 10

SAA are the same that NK lumberjacks army….they dont know that we are in 2020 and modern wars need ckanges!….if you sent troops to an area where terrorist are deployed you will need armored vehicles, bullet proof jackets, drones which send constantly images around….if you there in your pick up and without bullet proof jackets…just 3 terrorist with AK and PK machine gun….are able to kill 10-15 without ruffling hair.

Rafik Chauhan

Russia is wasting time with turkey in Idlib area Where most of the SAA hig trined soldier is there. Those SAA need in homs desert to finish this SCum SAA. Rusia and Syria are wasting life of SAA for nothing . look like Syria is losing war against isil and thier master US. SEE the iraqi force how they get rid of isil very fast.


The ISIS/US base on the Syrian-Jordan border doesn’t stop producing results.


We know what the solution is so i won’t say it again.

Icarus Tanović

Someone, (guess who) gave them intel. They like theirs creatures so much. Anyone remembers what was Al Baghdadis real name? Let’s just Napalm them dirtbags.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf.

The real reasons Isis can still persists where they are and be so devastating are much more obvious than the explanation we’re usually given. SF should try to tell us the US forces north of the river are responsible for providing Isis with logistical support, that would at least be believable, but Al Tanf seems to be the only explanation they have for the sudden explosion of Isis activity, and that explanation is so unbelievable it’s not even a bad joke. There are some other reasons that can help explain how Isis is getting away with so much mischief but SF never mentions them, all we hear is Al Tanf Al Tanf Al Tanf.

The local Sunni population have a huge resentment of the Iranian forces and their NDF militias they employ, especially foreign fighters like Hezbollah who fight alongside some of the Shia NDF forces, the local Sunnis don’t like them and want them out of their neighbourhoods, so Isis has a steady stream of recruits, good local intelligence and logistical support from the local anti Iranian Arab population, that’s reason number one.

Then we have to face the fact the SAA is a very uncoordinated and fractured army, most of us think its just one army but it’s not, the Syrian Government army obeys the Governments orders, Russian paid forces obey the Russian Government, and the Iranian paid forces obey the Iranian Government, and coordination between the 3 groups has proven to be unworkable. They’re trying to coordinate right now but we can all see they’ve been totally ineffective so far, that’s reason number two.

And as repulsive as it sounds the SAA should also be coordinating with the US forces in northern Deir ez Zor, the Russians and Iraqis made a similar proposal back in oct 2017 and the US refused to participate in that very successful operation, but they may want to join in this time if a request is made, I think this is the main reason Isis has so much sustainability. So that’s reason number three, though I’m pretty sure there’s many others too.

The US has been taking serious steps to finish off Isis lately so it’s as good a time as any to see if they might be interested in another proposal, and they should do it while Trump still holds office, because after Biden takes over there’ll be no cooperation between Russia and the US. After Biden takes over all the stories about Isis logistical support coming from the US base at Al Tanf will probably be true, Biden learnt well from his master Obama, he knows all the right Isis strings to pull.

Bill Wilson

ISIS is able to operate where the locals are willing to accept money to provide them with safe houses and supplies. ISIS still has a lot of cash and most Syrians are still living in poverty.


If thats the case those Sunnis need wiping out like anyone who supports those head hacking bastards.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Cash drives some people true but not most of them. Isis is more active and better imbedded in the areas that Iran has military control, in Deir ez Zor and in north eastern Homs, and if you listen to what the locals there in those areas have to say about everything, it may better explain why Isis has so many eagre recruits in those areas. They complain about Iranian troops, Hezbollah fighters, and Iranian sponsored NDF militia fighters, all demanding road tolls, extorting fees for protection, favouring Shia businesses and industry over Sunni businesses and industry, taking over the education system and indoctrinating their children with Shia ideology [while they’re at school which is against Syrian Law], usurping Sunni religious sites and festivals and favouring their own, and a few other worse accusations I won’t bother to mention. Cash does drive some people and repression drives others, sadly Iranian repression on local Sunnis is driving some of them to the wrong side, and the same things happening in Daraa, Quneitra, and As Suwayda now, but down there they’re not joining Isis, they’re joining an even bigger and more worrying group than Isis currently is.

cechas vodobenikov

SOHR is as reliable as CIA—that pays Miss T and free to spread propafanda


Facebook blocks links to Southfront, so that the American people will believe the most ridiculous lies about the US fighting ISIS, when the US is behind ISIS.

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