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MARCH 2025

Senior Syrian Intelligence General Survived Assassination Attempt In Daraa

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On September 13, Bridger General Qais Hassan Abdul-Rajab of Syria’s General Intelligence Directorate (GID) survived an assassination attempt in Daraa.

An improvised explosive device ripped through the general’s car on a road between the towns of Inkhil and Jasim in the northern countryside of the governorate. The general survived the attack. However, he sustained light wounds.

Brig. Gen. Abdul-Rajab, originally from Deir Ezzor, is one of the GID’s top commanders in Daraa and the rest of southern Syria.

Senior Syrian Intelligence General Survived Assassination Attempt In Daraa

Bridger General Qais Hassan Abdul-Rajab

A few years ago, the general was the head of the GID’s “Branch 295”, which is responsible for a vast part of Damascus countryside. In 2018, he had reportedly played a key role in the talks leading to the reconciliation agreement in Daraa.

Currently, Brig. Gen. Abdul-Rajab is responsible for several intelligence posts and at least ten checkpoints of the GID in northern and western Daraa, according to local forces.

This was the second attack to target a senior officer in Daraa this week. On September 10, Brig. Gen. Talal al-Qasim of the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Division was assassinated in eastern Daraa. The recent attacks highlight the lack of security in the governorate.

No group has claimed responsibility for any of the two attacks, so far. ISIS and local radicals in Daraa remain the main suspects.


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Fog of War

” ISIS ” sure has great intelligence . Wonder why ?

Jens Holm

I allow me to expect several others there can have done it…

Lone Ranger

I remember when Isis was taking over big parts of Iraq and started genociding, I remember one scene from the news, at an Isis checkpoint a terrorist had a laptop and checked licence plates of the cars and also personal IDs, than they decided whom to execute on the side of the road. The only way they could have had that intel is if some big western Intel agency gave it to them. Why wasnt there a UN probe on this? Also on a side note if not for Russia both Iraq and Syria would be a giant isis caliphate right now. They boosted the SAA in Syria mainly with sat intel, spec ops and air force. And in Iraq mainly with Air force. Isis was 60km from Baghad when they were stopped by Russian Mi-35 helo gunships and Su-25 CAS jets, it was an emergency delivery from Russia to Iraq, was a last second save, flown by Russian pilots with the approval of the Iraqi govt. What did the U.S. do at the same time? They stopped all weapons deliveries to Iraq, in the most critical moment and started evacuating. After the Russian save the U.S. didn’t even say thanks…

Fog of War

ISIS was never ging to be allowed to take over Syria and Iraq, their mission is to severly wound those countries to make them easy to take over for the Zios. What do you think would happen if ISIS actually did win in Iraq and Syria ? Who would they turn on next ? Not Iran as its to powerful. Most likely they would try Lebanon ofr Jordan. Do you actually believe uncle ZioAmerica would allow them to get that close to Israhell ? Of course not. Russia’s / Putin’s jobe in Syria is to prevent ISIS from winning, while at the same time to prevent Syria from winning also. This war will be dragged out till Syria agrees to the new ((( constituion ))) at which point you’ll see how quickly ” peace” comes to Syria.

Lone Ranger

That wont happen. Syria basically won.

Fog of War

non sequitur much ?

What wont happen ? Its like talking to first graders here. Can you not think and talk in complete thoughts ?

Lone Ranger

Sorry, I thought it was clear enough. Read my second reply…


You are asking him about complete thoughts after opening with an incomplete sentence? We’ll get to contractions later.

Lone Ranger

U.S. and Israel wanted to take out Iraq and Syria to get into a strike position to attack Iran. They failed, that simple. Nobody cares about any constitution, not even Assad anymore. The plan was to totally destroy both countries, genocide as much of the local population as possible than destroy isis by any means even tactical nukes, and than Iran. The plan was too crazy and to evil to work..


You’d think that countries with aircraft carriers wouldn’t concern themselves with ground positions, but Turkey’s S-400 might be a factor.

Lone Ranger

Iran has cruise missiles, they can sink carrier strike groups that are closer than a 1000km. U.S. knows this, thats why they would prefer to strike from land.

Lone Ranger

You could stay outside of their range but thats minus 1000km from the range of your jets which is around 40% of their total range. It would be a logistical nightmare.


Would they be outside the range of Russia’s hypersonic missiles?

Lone Ranger

No they wouldnt since they are on Russian ships that can move freely. Even if land based Syria is much closer to the Mediterran Sea. But you dont need hypersonic weapons for that job. A swarm of long range Kalibrs would do the job just fine and those can have a range 4000+km with the final phase supersonic. But that wont happen since that would trigger the MAD Doctrine. Russia would only fire on U.S. forces if they have depleted any other option.


Are you talking about the encounter that the USS Donald Scott had with a MiR in the Black Sea?

Lone Ranger

No that was a different story. Russia demonstrated what their new Khibiny EW pod can do. It was a warning to the U.S. to keep distance from Russia and Russian forces in the region.


If I were the Pentagon, I’d give them a wide berth anywhere they want to go. It would have been funny if they’d done it to American ships in home slips.


At the moment i can”t see any other option but for someone to engage those illegal US occupiers,because they aint leaving on their own.


Indeed thats the level of pure evil we are dealing with.


New constitution my arse.


People have been saying these types of things that you are for the entire war. It took the Russians 10 years, during an economic collapse and recovery, and two wars to win in Chechnya. Wars are won by gaining territory. Syria has been one victory after another. With minimal backsliding. Right now they’re advancing in southern Idlib, NE Syria and SE Syria. That’s unlikely to stop.

Jim Allen

Your scenario sounds good, but with US penchant for fucking up, it’s easy to see ISIS getting away from it’s control, and doing as it wishes. That’s the problem with using “terrorists,” they’re prone to change sides. US hasn’t got a chance in Hell to contain it’s pet enemies if they turn on them. There’s nothing in US military history to lend confidence US will prevail in the Middle East. All indications are it will end the way all other conflicts since WWII have, and has already been defeated once. There’s no reason to have the confidence you appear to have.

Fog of War

” but with US penchant for fucking up, it’s easy to see ISIS getting away from it’s control, and doing as it wishes. That’s the problem with using “terrorists,” they’re prone to change sides. ” – ” Russia’s / Putin’s job in Syria is to prevent ISIS from winning ” –

Jim Allen

Is that correct ? Putin’s job is to provide Syria with the military assistance it requested, and agreed upon by both leaders. Russia has done this, and much, much more. Further Putin’s job is to lead Russia, and protect it’s interests first. To be able to support it’s allies, in both trade, and military alliances. Russia does not interfere in the Government’s of other countries. Or, fight their wars for them. I think you’re a little confused as to Russia’s role is in Syria. I also think you’re not as familiar with the background, and history of what brings these countries to the position they’ve chosen to meet their needs in defeating a common enemy. That is not a participant in the wars they’ve started, that’s being fought for them by a puppet Government in a country they own, and control. US Government has no interests in the wars it’s fighting. NATO countries either, these conflicts have cost NATO countries billions of Eurobucks a year in lost trade. Honoring sanctions placed against multiple countries they trade with, then are sanctioned themselves for not immediately complying with the demands being forced on their countries that will cost them even more than they’ve already lost. NATO countries are leveraged by their debt to Central Bank, and are forced to conduct themselves in the most absurd and ridiculous ways against countries they once traded with, and have no issues with. The Navalny stupidity with Germany against Russia. Further “punishment” for continuing with Nordstream project, instead of stopping the project, and sustaining a loss that will bankrupt the country. As well as losing access to high qiality gas at low pricing. For the honor of buying shit quality gas from US sources at outrageous prices, and unreliable delivery. The bankers don’t care, and Trump is their puppet. He will serve the Cabal, or be assassinated. Like all other US Presidents that went against the Cabal. Only a few survived. This is a worldwide problem, as I described


The US needs ISIS to give them a reason to be there,if not for the Russians they would have taken Damascus in 2015,thats one thing i admired about Assad same with Gadafi,they were going nowhere,i believe Assad would have fought in Combat if those animals had entered Damascus.


Because it is a creation of American intelligence agencies.

Fog of War

It was a rhetorical question.


Rhetoric is “intended to persuade or impress.” Who are you trying to “persuade or impress?”

Fog of War

You obviously.


You have yet to get success in sight.


This isn’t isis,there have been several high profile attacks on high ranking military,its foreign intelligence and special forces,probem is what are the going to do it other than wait for the next attack ?


IsraHell wit the assistance of local terrorists, agents…


I think its more than the Israelis,but i always wondered why the Palestinians didn’t take out some high ranking Israelis military and some Judges,payback.


“More than IsraHell” is always usual CIA+Mossad and their Al Qaeda servants. I have no comment on Palestinians


UK Chief of Defence Intelligence Warns of Capability of Russia’s Burevestnik Missile

The United Kingdom’s chief of defence intelligence, Lt. Gen. Jim Hockenhull, has warned that Russia’s nuclear-powered Burevestnik (NATO name Skyfall) cruise missiles could remain in the atmosphere for multiple years if necessary and could pose a threat at any moment. https://sputniknews.com/military/202009131080447339-uk-chief-of-defence-intelligence-warns-of-capability-of-russias-burevestnik-missile/

Assad must stay

Thanks God i hope the perps are caught/killed

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Pro Russian agents are being killed and pro Iranian agents are being killed and Isis is always to blame, but how does Isis know where to find the high ranking commanders of both groups, they don’t know where they are, only the high ranking commanders of both groups know where the high ranking commanders of the other groups are, mmm. Ignorance is bliss if the real news is too terrible to bear, so many SF readers are blissfully ignorant of what’s really going on.

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