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MARCH 2025

Senior Syrian Intelligence Officer Survives Assassination Attempt In Al-Quneitra

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Senior Syrian Intelligence Officer Survives Assassination Attempt In Al-Quneitra

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Brigadier General Talal al-Ali, a senior officer of the Syrian Military Intelligence Directorate (MID), has survived an assassination attempt in the southern governorate of al-Quneitra.

The officer’s convoy was struck by an improvised explosive device as it was passing on a road between the villages of Um Aledam and Rasm Shubat in the afternoon of March 6.

Brig. Gen. al-Ali is the director of the MID’s Branch 220, also known as the Frontline Branch. The branch is responsible for intelligence operations and security in al-Quneitra, southern Damascus and western Daraa.

According to local sources, Brig. Gen. al-Ali was returning to the Branch 220 headquarters in the town of Sasa in southern Damascus when his convoy came under attack. Al-Ali was reportedly on a tour in the al-Quneitra countryside to resolve a number of security issues.

The Syrian Arab News Agency didn’t release any information on the incident. The state-run agency usually reports on major security incidents.

The situation in the al-Quneitra and Daraa have been unstable for around two years. However, the attack on Brig. Gen. al-Ali is unprecedented. The assassination attempt represents a major escalation.

The perpetrators of the attack may have be members of some terrorist organization that seeks to destabilize the region, like ISIS, or agents of a foreign intelligence agency, like the Israeli Mossad.


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Jens Holm

Most people there killed are not by Israel at all.

John Wallace

And you know this because you have boots on the ground there.. No !.. Because you are in intelligence and know this from reports . Jens the Intelligence officer. is that the best oxymoron one will ever see.

Jens Holm

Many has boots there. Poeple mainly dont like Assads there. They dont like Iranians and they dont like Hesbollah as well.

So Yes, I have boots on the ground.

I have exact same informations as You, but I don censure the ones away,I dont like.

Lone Ranger

Many has boots there. Poeple mainly dont like CIA/Mossad there. They dont like Turks and they dont like isis as well.

So Yes, I have boots on the ground.

I have exact same informations as You, but I don censure the ones away,I dont like. Fixed*

Jens Holm

I dpnt thoink it was about that. Sure Israel is there too, but the main opposition and whats going on there is internal and also includes hewsbollah and Iran very much.

Blaming Israel for most things is highly incorrect. They more or less are there too and do the bombings as dirty addiction because hesbollah and Iran is there.

Thats legitimized by Russia. That part is highly biased by Your kind. You remain with no realisme for what several of the mainplayers do and dont and moves nothing to solveanything.

All soberr people can see Your argumantations as well as from orthers here are very bad very biased very visible excuses fior no change at all. By that You let the 20 million, which once lived in Syria, to a destiny made by tha Baathparty and old and new Assad.

Yours only can change that by changing Syria by implementing things other already has develloped and therefore not has to be invented.

Maybee You understand farming: Baathist for years has been milking and older and older more skinny cow because they grab all hay and carrots for it.

They are not even able to feed it, so they have better benefit in plundering corruption.

Here is a picture for a version, which at least would solve a couple of things. The SDF version is local deciodings by local elections and by tax which also is paid in by the locals.

Thats should be like that all over and not only as those PYD-SDFs propose. Syria for many years has had no structuire for any devellopments.

There proposals are not even new. and work very well in many local versions many places in the world. We lect locals. They are visible and so do their public employments. By that we every 4th year can replace the ones, which are no good and replace them. We see them not as an altyernative state fx for Copnehagen. The ARE DENMARK too.

Here they do ther locals jobs and the Goverment in Copenhagen do the upperthings.

By that the Copuntry Goverment deciders can have focus on country thing and local people by influence do trust whats very visible. Locals aree much better. The country dont fall apart if one corner of the country makes local problems fx by being incompetent and are grapping corrupters.

You also can go the opposit way as Turks has done by a strong cneter structure, but Turks has fixaded themself and by that in too many things cant see the corners as the 49% AKP Erdogans try to. By that they have no tools even for many millions of the Turk, Turk opposition.

By that its no realtisc to improve Syria as a centralized strong structure. They dont have the people for it. They dont have the will. They use too much power to behave and act as owners of the whole Syria.

They have not develloped even the poor farming areas. They have made no jobs for the poor comming to the urbanized parts. They dont use the oil for the rest of the people apart from they buy the fuel as normal customars.

And You lie and lie aboit it again and again. SDF and the rest in the SDF dont want their own state. Yours also create the only alternative as Jihadoists takes over. Those both are highly incorrect. Being a part of the rest of the world is to see the many other versions for influence on Governess in the top as well as local in the bottom. . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/00e1c277e4f229e8aa7517d635b5ba3ed83555fd0275e640611f3ec88c7a2023.jpg

Lone Ranger

I think it was about that. Sure Israel is there too, but the main opposition and whats going on there is internal and also includes CIA and Saudisis very much.

Blaming Assad for most things is highly incorrect. Mossadisis more or less are there too and do the bombings as dirty addiction because hesbollah and Iran is there.

Thats legitimized by Russia. That part is highly biased by Your kind. You remain with no realism for what several of the mainplayers do and dont and moves nothing to solve anything.

All sober people can see Your argumantations as well as from orthers here are very bad very biased very visible excuses for no change at all. By that You let the 20 million, which once lived in Syria, to a destiny made by the Mossad and old and new Bibi.

Yours only can change that by changing cia/mossad by implementing things other already has develloped and therefore not has to be invented.

Maybee You understand farming: mossad for years has been milking and older and older more skinny cow because they grab all hay and carrots for it.

They are not even able to feed it, so they have better benefit in plundering corruption.

Here is a picture for a version, which at least would solve a couple of things. The SDF version is local decidings by local stealing oil and by robbing which also is paid in by the locals.

That shouldn’t be like that all over and not only as those PYD-SDFs propose. Mossad for many years has had no structure for any developments.

There proposals are not even new. and work very well in many local versions many places in the world. We elect terrorists. They are visible and so do their public demployments. By that we every 4th year can replace the ones, which are no good and replace them. We see them not as an altyernative state fx for Copnehagen. The ARE DENMARK too.

Here they do ther locals jobs and the Goverment in Copenhagen do the upperthings…

By that the Countries Goverment deciders cant have focus on country thing and local people by influence realize whats very visible. Locals aree much better. The country dont fall apart if one corner of the country makes local problems fix by being competent and are grabbing Mossad isis by the balls.

You also cant go the opposit way as Turks has done by a weak center structure, but Turks has fixated themself and by that in too many things cant see the corners as the 49% AKP Erdogans try to. By that they have no tools even for many millions of the Turk, Turk opposition.

By that its realtisc to improve Syria as a centralized strong structure. They have the people for it. They dont have the will. They use too much power to behave and act as owners of the whole Syria.

They have not develloped even the poor farming areas. They have jobs for the poor comming to the urbanized parts. They use the oil for the rest of the people apart from they buy the fuel as normal customars.

And You lie and lie about it it again and again. SDF and the rest in the SDF want their own state. Yours also create the only alternative as Jihadists takes over. Those both are highly correct. Being a part of the rest of the world is to see the many other versions for influence on Governess in the top as well as local in the bottom. Fixed*

Peter Jennings

‘Poeple mainly dont like Assads there’

90 odd percent of Syrians don’t agree, last time they had democratic election. But don’t let that spoil your raving.

Jens Holm

There never was any democratic fait election there at all. That You even can believe in 90% from years ago is even more far out.

If true the Assads had a lot of extra soldiers and local economical support and had won things there many years ago.

klove and light

told u 99% folks so…..check my comments 2 TWO years ago, when the treacherous zionist pig putin came up with his bs ceasefire and deescalation and RECONCILIATION agreements with the worst of the worst headchoppers…………. I told everyone what the outcome would be……and voila….for 2 years now, DOZENS DOZENS DOZENS of Officers of the Syrian Intelligence have been assasinated in al-Quneitra and Daraa as posted correctly by SF over the past 2 years.

Now for you 99% zionist brainwashed idiots………. assassinating DOZENS of syrian intelligence officers is NOT POSSIBLE without INSIDE knowledge.Period.

For ANY assassination to succeed TIME and PLACE are essential.

In one case, yes one may conclude that a foreign enemy intelligence service was responsible for the intelligence gathering concearing the targets movements in time and place.For the benefit of the doubt , one may add the cases 2 and 3………. but when DOZENS DOZENS of officers of a nations intelligence service get assassinated day in and day out , a ENTITY with complete inside KNOWLEDGE of the intelligence offciers WHO, WHEN and WHERE must be involved.

AND only one entity has this possibility concearing syrias intelligence service.RUSSIA.

and this information is passed on to mossad.

Putin is a treachrous zionist pig.

ps. afghanistan…the ASSASSINATION of 3 women media workers…in jalalabad……. blaming on isis or taliban…… utter nonsense just like the blaming of “rebels” for assassinating DOZENS of syrian intelligence officers…….. THE WOMEN in jalalabad were assassinated with SILENCERS !!!

just like the assasinations in syria, are the assasinations in jalalabad 100% intelligence operations. WHo WHEN WHERE TIME & PLACE

The satanic zionist agenda. A one world government with jerusalem as its capital under satanic leadership. ALL nattions that RECOGNIZE the illegal satanic criminal entity named israel are part of this agenda. this includes russia ,uk,usa,china etc…..

What we are witnessing , is a thearte play for the 99% dummies………

THERE is no good usa or bad usa or good russia or bad russia or good china or bad china…

The agenda.wwake the fuck up.

Just use YOUR fucking bvgrains…….. DOES ANYBODY believe that 9-11 was comitted by 19 moslem hyjackers who flew their planes into 3 buildings????? no???

well if putin and Co are the good guys……WHY the FUCK is he playing ball…..and also REPEATING the bs ZIONIST narrative that 19 bad arse moslem terrorists hyjacked 4 planes and flew 3 into the buildings, and opeing the gateway for the WAR ON TERROR that has already cost million of lives and will cost more in the future????

because he is part of the agenda !!!

that is also why the treacherous zionist pig putin is repeating the narrative of the biggest lie ever with the bs fake holocaust story of 6 million jews getting gassed.

fuXX the whole satanic zionist agenda and the bunch of human traitors

Hasbara Hunter

“The perpetrators of the attack may have been members of some terrorist organization that seeks to destabilize the region, like ISIS, or agents of a foreign intelligence agency, like the Israeli Mossad…”

Is there any difference then? I always believed that Wahhabi-Takfiris, HTS, al-CIAda, the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, the Mossad & other Headchopping Fuckwits were Divisions of the same AngloZioNazi North-Atlantic-Terrorist-Organization….

Cheryl Brandon


Assad must stay

Thanks God he survived


Isis bravado transgendy affiliates doing what they do best (cowardly killing method) Can’t fight for shit,unless opposition are far fewer or barely a hand gun or syrian obsevative wanker hypes up all kinds of fake boming/death statistics to impress its own sorry /lame pathedic ass,also loves cross dressing too,Call that progressives? I call them all part of mentally ill and voided opportunists. They failed again,which means the other shan’t just wait and see folks!

Peter Jennings

The Isreali Secret Intelligence Service must be slipping. The failure won’t go down well with the isreali apartheid regime.


Bombs placed in culverts under roads have always been a threat. There must be a way of dealing with this problem.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The locals have been demanding that the General hand over 3 women who were arrested at an Iranian checkpoint, and the General says he won’t until 5 young men, who he believes are responsible for an attack against an Iranian checkpoint, are handed over to him first, as well as a number of weapons. So far the locals have handed back about half the weapons that the generals demanded, but they say the young men no loner remain in the area and they can’t deliver them [of course they’re lying]. Just a few months ago the Russian backed SAA 8th Brigade was fighting on behalf of these people and actually attacking some of the pro Iranian militias that also operate in the area, so it’s a confusing scenario to say the least. But for SF to say this,

“The perpetrators of the attack may have be members of some terrorist organization that seeks to destabilize the region, like ISIS, or agents of a foreign intelligence agency, like the Israeli Mossad”,

Seems to me to be way off the mark. I think they’re the least likely perpetrators of this latest attack, because the most likely candidates for the attack are the people that the general’s been in direct conflict with recently, who coincidentally also happen to have EXCELLENT relations with members of the Russian supported SAA 8th Brigade, who coincidentally also happen to have excellent intel on the targeted generals movements. But what do I know, maybe it was Mossad or Isis who planted the IED, as SF insinuates as the most likely perpetrators.

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