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Senior YPG Commander Accuses Russia Of Supporting Planned Turkish Attack On Northeastern Syria

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Senior YPG Commander Accuses Russia Of Supporting Planned Turkish Attack On Northeastern Syria

Polat Can

UPDATE 2: Polat Can restored his  twitter account (source).

UPDATE: Polat Can deleted his twitter account (source) after his statements had been widely circulated in the media.


Polat Can, head of the information center of the of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), said that Russia is “encouraging” and ”pushing” Turkey to launch a military operation in northeastern Syria.

“The Russians froze the campaign on Idlib in exchange for Turkey’s pledge to fight the Kurds in Manbaj and East Euphrates. The Russian did it in Afrin and they want to repeat the same scenario again,” Polat said on Twitter on December 16.

The YPG’s commander went on to accuse Russia of using the remaining ISIS and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters to take revenge on the Kurds, create problems for the US-led coalition and distance Turkey from the West.

Polat added that Russia wants to “turn the Kurds into a common enemy of all.”

This was not the first time Syrian Kurdish officials have accused Russia of cooperating with Turkey against the Kurids. The previous wide-spread attempt to blame and shame Moscow by Kurdish media was undertaken during the Turkish military operation in Afrin. Syrian pro-government sources had slammed these claims when the Kurdish area was under attack earlier this year and accused the YPG of turning down several Russian proposals that would have prevented the Turkish attack.

Polat’s accusations are likely another propaganda stunt aimed at pleasing the U.S., which the YPG is relying on to stop any Turkish attack on northeastern Syria.

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Maybe if they hadn’t sold their bodies and souls to the yanks, but continued to play both sides then, even if it were true, the Russians would now not be using the Turks against them. Hell, Afrin could still have been Kurdish. But they did sell their bodies and souls to the yanks, and like an inexperienced virgin feel hook line and sinker to the sweet nothings that the yanks were whispering into their ears about a Kurdish state. Only to be dumped after the yanks had their way. And now they are left hanging out to dry, no side to play any more, with the Turks about to come down on them like a 10 ton brick.

Rather then lash out in bitterness, which makes things even worse for them, if they had any smarts the Kurds should make the best of it and see if they can still make some friends with Assad and Russia. But only in the West does acting like a bitter victim win you any cash and prizes. In international politics there are no SJW’s to campaign on your behalf.

You can call me Al

I doubt that the Russians had much to do with this, more like just a Turkish plan as they promised at the beginning.


I reckon that the Russians weren’t going the extra mile to stop Turkey. So in that sense the Russians are the bad guys as far as the Kurds are concerned. Of course why the Russians should be obligated to protect a group which has allied itself with the Americans against them is utter insanity.


Yes, indeed. If someone should protect the kurds, it should be the US! The US is responible for this mess and should be looked upon to fix it. Not Russia…


Russia runs the show and deals from a position of strength, Turkey is a subordinate as Iran, Russia provides the political and military latitude for Turkey, Russia’s goal is to dislodge US out of the ME.

Promitheas Apollonious

keep thinking that. russia just play any card is deal on them until they get what they want, or as close to it as possible.


I know that, many people make Russia sound timid or overly cautious, or like Saker’s opinion that they are pragmatic and they only do what is best for themselves; Russian leadership has the ability of strategic thinking, planning things for many years ahead, they are not victims of what hand they are dealt, they know who their enemies are, and they deal with them accordingly based on circumstances, political and military developments. Russian presence in Syria and all the good they accomplished is the opposite of what many view Russian pragmatism.

Kelli Hernandez

Agree here completely. Something big is coming but never trust Turkey. A big back stabber. Erdogan thinks he is King. I think he will remain on US side. Turkey and the US do not belong in Syria nor do they belong stealing Syrian oil wealth. Time for both to go then the stolen Golan returned to Syria


The Russians speak softly, but carry a big stick.


Well done, magnifically pointed.


I think the Russians have talked long and frequently enough with the Kurds. Good advice, a certain form of independence and self-reliance by a percentage on the oil extraction were pledged. But those who do not want to listen, should sit on the blisters themselves instead of complaining and blaming others.

Dancing with the devil has his repercussions, … while you look into his fiery eyes and continually are being thrown at how beautiful and independent you are, … you may be sure that once you have danced out, you will still be used as firewood at the most. Do not complain when your worst nightmares become reality. Karma is a beast!

Turkish Greywolves

You will die little terrorist. TFSA has announced readiness to fight this little terrorist army. Polat Can you are going to die. :)

No one will save you from the Turkish Army. Not even Americans. HAHAHA

Gangbanger [TPColumn]

The only one dies, is u ro@ches

You can call me Al

Hey Kurd boy; it’s a damn good plan hey ?.



OMGZ!!! The music ain’t half bad, but the hair……, THE HAIR!!!

You can call me Al

Ah, the good old days.


Yeah, hair aside music was still music, made by actual people. Not computer generated copy/pasted cookie cutter generic crap. Even science has noticed, there’s a TED talk on how music has become more and more repetitive and predictable.

Tudor Miron

I knew it from the start, “If there’s stormy wind and rain – Russians, Putin are to blame.” (c)


how so? to me it seems that Russia has brought order to an entirely unpleasant situation, brought about by the ever disorganized morons of the disunited states of a! no more no less.

Tudor Miron

Insulting me with facts? How dare you? :)


Nice one Tudor :) I will remember that .


Because to the Kurds the Russians have failed to protect them Turkey. Even though they offered fuck all in return to warrant that protection. Quite the contrary in fact by selling themselves to the Americans. Since Russia owes them nothing, and its their own ally and patron, America, which is not going to protect them, what else but do what everybody in the West seems to be doing, blame Russia.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

“Polat added that Russia wants to ‘turn the Kurds into a common enemy of all.’”

But… the treacherous Kurds /are/ the common enemy of all.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Of course Russia will not complain.. if all that terrorist garbage who live in Idlib under Turkish and USA protection..go to fight vs US backed kurdish in Northeastern Syria….

Concrete Mike

It seems like thats the plan to seperate al nusra from the rest.

Tudor Miron

Those who want to live will have a chance to искупить кровью against US proxies,, there rest will simply croak in Idlib.

Semper Saratoga

they went to bed with the Yankees stabbing their brethren in the back..they should now deal with the mess they created..on their own


there is no way Turkey is ever going to allow any kind of sovereign kurdish state on its borders, and the same goes for Syria, for Iraq and Iran as well. so what Russia has to do with the kurds, I don’t know, unless the kurds are peeved that the Russians allows Turkey to secure its borders. and as has happened before, the kurds chose unwisely in teaming up with the desperate and uncoordinated morons of the disunited states of fecking america! tough luck twerps!

Promitheas Apollonious

Turkey is not securing her borders. Is taking advantage of a situation to occupy and change the demographics stealing land from the syrians so get your thinking straight. Unless you are from the people who think two wrongs make one right.


let the turks clear out the kurds and then it can be discussed between the grown ups in the room, such as Russia, Turkey and Syria and by that time the dis-organized nitwits from the disunited states of corrupt america are long gone since they have no logical and valid reason to hang around Syria.

Kelli Hernandez

But hang they will anyways to balkanize SYRIA for Israhell and theft of Syrian oil well.

Kelli Hernandez

The war is not over until US & Turkey are OUT of Syrua

Great white

Turkey is in the ME , The US coming from 10.000 miles away and creating another terrorist organization. If the US get the f*ck out of the ME, all problems solved.

Promitheas Apollonious

grown ups in the room …………


Sultan Erdogan is highly unreliable, he bets on different horses and hopes to take advantage of that. Just like India before. Unfortunately, he will only make himself impossible and the Russians know that well enough.The West cannot keep her promises and is not willing nor capable to do that in the future. Not military, economic, financial or technological. The future lies in the East and can not be stopped. That is why the geopolitical power goes step by step towards Russia and China.

Not withstanding, Russia uses the Turks to solve a number of difficult to solve demographic problems, so they do not have to fight anyone anytime. All parties involved have been extensively and carefully communicated, but the Russians will never interfere in the own, sovereign decisions of other states or communities. They had to learn that hard lesson to their own damage and shame in the past.

Fortunately, they look at the events more in the medium and long term and can thus offer multiple options and variants and still keep their finger on the bill. Time is on their side, as long the fights do not reach Russia’ own borders. Time will tell.

Promitheas Apollonious

and what exactly the zionist puppets expected, a reward and someone else to die for them so they can steal the land who give them hospitality for their patrons?

Prapul Chandra

When the Syrian asked the Kurd to hand over again to them ,they refused and they allowed the Turks to take over,now they want the syriSy and Russians to help?

Prapul Chandra

Sorry afrin


You spread your legs wide for the US. and now you are wining about the Russians?

Promitheas Apollonious

That is what whores who change their price according to the size always do.

Ricky Miller

Worse than that, after turning traitor on Syria and talking smack to the government in Damascus, the Kurds want the SAA and government allied militia to stand against a Turkish incursion. President Assad would be self defeating to do that. As soon as the Turkish operation ends or is mitigated the SDF will go right back to being America’s tools in Syria and the Kurds will return to talking smack at the government ; Laying down conditions for constitutional “reform” and the like. Syria’s government should try to understand the wider game being played here and tell the Kurds to go lie in the bed they’ve made.

John Whitehot

“and now you are wining about the Russians?”

Find me one idiot or one servant that hasn’t, of late.

Ricky Miller

Here’s the thing as I see it, Turkey is playing her hand really well here. I hate to say it but it’s been true for some time now. The mending of the ways with Russia has been a commercial lifeline for the Turks and given them room to manuever in Northern Syria. And now Turkey is probing the U.S. for weakness in Syria. Since the Kerch strait provocation no American warship has transited the Turkish straits into the Black Sea. Is is because the U.S. doesn’t want to enflame the situation? We all know that’s a lie, they’ve been pouring gas on the Ukrainian fire for some time now. Is it because the U.S. doesn’t have enough warships to spare one for a show the flag cruise to Odessa? Nope. I can only but conclude that Turkey is restricting passage in response to American observation posts being emplaced to protect the YPG/PKK from Turkey. It’s all on the down low and hushed but there it is, my theory. Last night a Russian supply ship sanctioned by the United States passed South through the straits carrying weapons and ammunition bound for Syria. That has to be an additional message to the United States. Something has to give here and the U.S. needs Turkey way more than Turkey needs them. Accommodation to the Turkish concerns are going to have to be made here, otherwise additional mayhem will threaten for some time, than ensue. Of course, an American destroyer might pass through the straits tomorrow, blowing a hole in my theory. Maybe so but from the vantage point of today it feels sound to me.


Do not forget that in America itself, Trump is undressing the entire ‘deep state’. Contrary to what he says and has done so far, he is draining the entire AIPAC scene, the Free Masons with the Clinton Foundation and Democratic election funds. Even Israel is being muzzled and is no longer prepared or ready for action. Saudi Arabia is breathing at it’s last gasp and the whole Anglo-Zionist troop are heavily in the loss. In our media one tries to get a lot out of it and to imagine it differently, but the confusion is immense.

What we currently see in Syria’s American presence is mainly the holding of the plan for a larger Israel, organized by the CIA and thus the ‘deep state’. The momentum for it, however, has been heavily exceeded. We will experience enormous shifts in the coming days and months where the Americans, British, French and other accomplices will be forced to withdraw their (mercenary) armies, otherwise they will be swept away one at a time. And it will not be the return of the Messiah that will bring this about.

Henk Poell

Indeed, after Trump turned anti-Russia, that jihadist enabling country Turkey became some kind of kingmaker.


How can this guy operate his weapons when he clearly cannot stop masturbating?

Bigaess Wangmane

The YPG had their chance to give up their ambitions to annex syrian land for their Greater Kurdistan project and work with Assad to repel Erdogan’s military and chase his jihadis back over the border for good, but what did they do instead?

FUCK THE ARROGANT KURDS! Let them run to the Americans for protection.

S Melanson

Polat added that Russia wants to “turn the Kurds into a common enemy of all.”

I am sorry, the credit for that goes to the YPG. If you think you are being betrayed by Russia, may I suggest you call Assad, he knows a thing or two about betrayal…


Selling your sovereignty to the Americans has repercussions, what does this idiot think is going to happen?


One more Ocalan boy that gave up Stalin to embrace Oncle Sam. Have a nice life on U.S. of A.

John Brown

Turkey is going to send all the Idlib Islamists to fight the Kurds getting rid of 2 problems for Turkey at once. The uncontrollable militants will be wiped out as will the Kurds who threaten the very existence of Turkey. It’s at least a quadruple win for Turkey; it will also please their new Russian Syrian, Iranian and Chinese allies and give the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship a bloody and secure for Turkey the role of natural gas and oil pipeline hub in the Middle East.


He’s a traitor. That’s all you are when you work with a foreign govt against your own govt.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I keep saying it, Trump’s pushing the Kurds straight back into the arms of Assad, whether they like it or not. He’s been doing it since at least January this year, maybe earlier, and now since he has all his non Kurdish SDF fighting Isis at Hajin, the Kurds have already become obsolete, even before Isis in Syria has. The Kurds are accusing Russia of complicity and announcing it in the media, but also begging them for help at the same time, why aren’t they doing the same thing to the US, isn’t the US even more complicit in emboldening Erdogan. When Erdogan says invasion the US should say, “touch even one of our Kurdish friends and you’ll be sorry”, but they don’t, instead they say “don’t attack the Kurds, you might hurt one of our soldiers by accident’, that doesn’t sound too reassuring and nearly complicit too, I’d take that as a “when you’re killing the Kurds make sure none of our people are around”, I think if I was a Kurd that’s what I’d be thinking the US message meant. All those shiny new weapons and vehicles the US gave the Kurds will still be put to good use though, some of them might even end up in Idlib eventually, who knows, stranger things have happened as they say, but I wouldn’t find it strange at all.

Chris Chuba

He loves Saudi money more than he loves his own people.

Great white

The US is the biggest threat against to world peace and humanity. The US and the US backed kurdish terrorist organizations terrorize everyone in Syria. The US just creating another terrorist organizations called the YPG. The US and the US backed kurdish terrorist organizations rescued ISIS terrorists from Iraq and Syria. So Turkey is right to protect its border because they know it will be worse.. The US is the source of terrorism and want to destabilze Iran. The US and the US backed kurdish terrorist organizations destroyed countries, caused millions of death and displaced human being and steal resources.. The Kurdish Connection: Israel, ISIS And U.S. Efforts To Destabilize Iran http://www.voltairenet.org/article197439.html The Kurds: Washington’s Weapon Of Mass Destabilization In The Middle East http://www.voltairenet.org/article197437.html Kurdish PKK and YPG’s Hidden Notorious Crimes: Kidnapping, Murder, and Narcotics Trafficking. https://www.globalresearch.ca/kurdish-pkk-and-ypgs-hidden-notorious-crimes-kidnapping-murder-and-narcotics-trafficking/5610540 EXCLUSIVE: US has killed over 20 million in 37 countries since end of World War II – Prof. Galtung http://dailypost.ng/2017/02/06/exclusive-us-killed-13-million-people-since-end-world-war-ii-prof-galtung/

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