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Sensational Revelations of Russian Policy

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According to a former deputy of the Russian State Duma, an assistant of the Russian President, Vladislav Surkov, was “totally against” joining of Crimea to Russia.

Sensational Revelations of Russian Policy

An assistant of the Russian President, Vladislav Surkov (Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergei Guneev)

Ex-deputy of the Russian State Duma from the Communist Party, Denis Voronenkov, said that an assistant of the Russian President and notorious ‘grey cardinal’ of the Kremlin policy, Vladislav Surkov, was “totally against” joining of Crimea to Russia. Speaking at the Ukrainian Gromadske TV-channel, Voronenkov noted that only “one person” took the decision on this issue.

According to him, this decision was taken by “one person,” while others, “including his immediate circle,” were opposed. When Voronenkov was asked by a journalist to explain the position of Surkov, he said that the assistant of the Russian President was “strongly opposed.” “Because he [Surkov] is a clever man,” the former deputy added.

Voronenkov has been staying in Ukraine since October 2016. In December of the last year, he became a citizen of this country. On February 15, it became known that Voronenkov was adjudged guilty of fraud and put on a federal wanted list. The investigating committee also made a ruling on calling him to account as a mastermind of organization of falsification of the Consolidated State Register of Legal Entities.

In an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Voronenkov said that he moved to Ukraine due to “illegal” and “unjust” criminal prosecution. He added that Ukraine “well accepted” him.

Crimea became a part of Russia as the result of a referendum, held in March 2014. Ukraine, the US, the EU and other countries called it an “annexation.” Sanctions were imposed against Russia. Since then, some mainstream media outlets have repeatedly called Surkov a mastermind behind the Russian actions over Crimea and Donbass…

During his election campaign, the current US president Donald Trump said that the people of Crimea “would rather be with Russia than where they were [Ukraine].” However, a few days ago, spokesman for the White House Sean Spicer said that the head of the state expects that Russia will assist in reduction of violence in Ukraine and return of the peninsula.

Trump himself asked himself whether former US President Barack Obama was “too soft on Russia,” when “Crimea was taken” by the country.

Speaker of the Russian State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin called the talk about alienation of Crimea an infringement on the territorial integrity of Russia. Spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that Russia does not return its territories.

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You are spreading lies from the mouth of this defector, the guy who ran to ukraine to flee from corrupton charges? He’s privy to the secrets of presidential advisors? Have you lost your mind?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

This report is really a load of RUBBISH. Why did I waste 2 minutes of my precious life reading it? Can I have it back???

John Whitehot

be prepared for anything, these are strange times.


Propaganda.. it is best to know thy enemy rather than be ignorant

John William

Like there is no way any patriotic Russian could think that leting Crimea fall into the hands of nato is a good idea. That like leting China take control of Hawaii That dude a traitor

Solomon Krupacek

Crimea became a part of Russia as the result of a referendum, held in March 2014. Ukraine, the US, the EU and other countries called it an “annexation.”

annexation can be as result of referendum. see texas.


If they had not moved Crimea back into their fold it would be a NATO base. This is not rocket science!

Gary Sellars

“In an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Voronenkov said that he moved to Ukraine due to “illegal” and “unjust” criminal prosecution. He added that Ukraine “well accepted” him.”

OK, that proves that Voronenkov was a CRIMINAL and he fled to Ukropistan to escape justice…. What a filthy traitorous scumbag.

When can he expect a nighttime visit by an undercover FSB operative? Sooner is better than later….


You are proposing murder ?

You are implying that the FSB is normally being used for murder?

An interview saying someone felt he was illegally being prosecuted is proof of criminality and should therefore be murdered?

What kind of person are? What kind of country are you coming from?


Just a border crossing into Belarus and some illegal activity that gets him arrested.


It doesn’t matter if it was a good decision or not at the time. Personally I think it wasn’t and that the referendum was a sham. What matters is that Russia, a strong nuclear armed great power will not give it back, Even if a new Russian leader would come to power who was totally pro West, would introduce complete Western style democracy, press freedoms and market reforms, even then it would be electoral suicide if he or she were to propose to give the Crimea back.

And besides, where was and is the outrage about Israel’s continued occupation of East-Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan Heights. It has officially annexed East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and it builds illegally on Palestinian lands. I don’t see much outrage and sanctions happening over those issues. How about the siege and attacks on the Gaza strips?

Nope, basically its all crickets and tumbleweeds from the West on those issues.

You cannot claim the moral high outrage ground on annexations against one country and then do nothing against another. That only makes you a hypocrite.

Jacek Wolski

Just like Chinese annexation of Tibet. Big fish, swallows small fish.

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