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September 11, 2001, 21 Years Later: Renowned Architect and CIA Whistleblower Contradict the Official Story

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September 11, 2001, 21 Years Later: Renowned Architect and CIA Whistleblower Contradict the Official Story

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“I am an Anti-War Activist and I am innocent! I have done more against terrorism than anybody. Everything I have done was always good for the security of the United States and good for security in the Middle East.

– Susan Lindauer shouting on the day she was arrested by the FBI under the Patriot Act. [1]

“We will need more public support in order for that to happen. And that public support is growing now that we’re making the ties between the false flag of Covid and the vaccinations over the last two years to 9/11. In fact, I’ve developed a presentation on the parallels between 9/11 and Covid, the amazing parallels. I didn’t actually develop it, it was developed by Kevin Ryan, masterfully. What I did was codified it and refined it, and that attracted the attention of Dr. Rashid Buttar. So, I – he wanted me to speak, and I did, in San Antonio, at the advanced medicine there to 1,000 attending medical people. So, that was an incredible opportunity.”

 – Richard Gage AIA (from this week’s interview)

Written by Michael WelchRichard Gage, and Susan Lindauer. Originally published by GlobalResearch

An entire generation of new human beings have been born, grew up and are now entering the work force, university and college – all without ever knowing the age before the war on terrorism. The Patriot Act, anti-terrorism legislation, and the threat of attacks is part of daily life. Like taxes and death.

The incident now referred to as the September 11 attacks, or 9/11, has been the principal culprit in transitioning us all to this new normal. Witnessing airlines departing from their courses and crashing into the symbol of financial opulence known as the World Trade Center in New York City served to convince millions of horrified citizens in the United States and around the world that something has to be done to prevent brutalities like this one from assaulting freedom in America and centres around the world.

But along with the masses of hopeful people bowing their heads down as Heads of State Bush and Cheney, dispense their own blessings of military vengeance, another element entered the stage. Blasphemers who look at the facts around the official story and realizing that not only does it not stick together, but a rival explanation bearing the name “false flag” is in clear site.

This group of “harlots” and “trouble-makers” eventually got a name – the 9/11 Truth movement. And it encompassed hundreds of dedicated researchers. And it turns out that one of the most intelligent and thorough contributors to the research is none other than Michel Chossudovsky! On September 12, 2001, he wrote the famous article Who is Osama Bin Laden, which pointed to his persuasive arguments of Al Qaeda as in fact a creation of the CIA!

Since that date, his site Global Research became a major champion of all public discussion around what was wrong with what we were told and how the U.S. sought it as an excuse for going to war for other reasons.

As the 21st anniversary of the incident which marked the calendar date forever as a day if infamy, the Global Research News Hour marks the occasion by continuing the process of relentless examination of the facts in spite of a persistent rant by politicians and the media to the effect that such an endeavor is another gesture of “conspiracy theory.”

Our first guest, the founder and former CEO at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Richard Gage, AIA, takes us through the events TODAY to not only raise awareness of evidence of the World Trade Center towers being brought down by controlled demolition rather than airplane collisions, but also to hold government authorities accountable through court hearings. He also addresses how he addresses the changing mentality now that mainstream media is not as popular as it used to be. And he also breaks down community events marking the anniversary.

Our next guest, Susan Lindauer, when she tried to raise awareness about what she knew of the attacks after being guided by Intelligence officials, ended up detained under the Patriot Act for “Organizing Resistance to the United States” in Iraq and spent months in jail before her release. She wrote the about the experience in her 2010 book Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act And the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.

Richard Gage, AIA is a 30-year San Francisco Bay Area architect and member of the American Institute of Architects. He is the founder and former  CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He now leads the charge for a new WTC investigation. Be sure to check out events this weekend on the site at RichardGage911.org

Susan Lindauer is an antiwar activist and a former CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency Asset covering Iraq and Libya, who negotiated the return of the weapons inspectors to Baghdad.

Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

Transcript of Richard Gage AIA. September 7, 2022

Global Research: So, this is Michael Welch for the Global Research News Hour. I have with me Richard Gage, A.I.A. He is a 30-year old, San Francisco, Bay Area architect and member of the American Institute of Architects. He is the founder and former CEO of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He now leads the charge for a new WTC investigation at richardgage911.org. Mr. Gage became interested in researching the destruction of the WTC high-rises after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006 which launched his own, unyielding quest for the truth about 9/11. The organization he founded, AE911Truth, now outnumbers more than 3,500 architects and engineers demanding a new investigation into the destruction of all three World Trader Center high-rise buildings on 9/11. He has also been a frequent guest on the Global Research News Hour. Richard, it is a privilege to have you back on the Global Research News Hour. Welcome.

Richard Gage: Thank you, Michael. It’s my privilege, really. Thank you.

GR: Now, if you don’t mind, would you like to explain, first of all, what were your reasons for no longer being associated with AE911Truth?

RG: Well, they weren’t my reasons. They were the PR consultants reasons, actually, over at AE911Truth. Here’s what happened, in a nutshell: Spike Lee, the famous director, became aware of the 9/11 evidence. He saw our documentary, he says, “You’ve got to come here.” He flew me to Brooklyn, and I spent two hours with him presenting the evidence. It was awesome. He was in tears. And he says, “I’m going to get this out on September 11th, on HBO, in my mini-series called ‘New York Epicenters.’” So, we were all excited about that, and then we have a lot of pressure from the industry – movie industry, I guess, HBO or something, on Spike Lee. We also had Slate Magazine putting in his face, a quote that I made in an obscure radio interview about Covid, where I was concerned that the disease that was going around was yet another false flag operation. And a scam, essentially… and the danger of the vaccine, that were forthcoming. So, I was shocked, I think, to – we all were – to hear that he pulled this half-hour segment due to, I think, primarily, the pressure from the media and, perhaps, also, to some extent due to my own comments on Covid which contradicted his own worldview regarding Covid and the vaccines. So, it’s some mix of that. Later, he acknowledged that he, “Didn’t have a choice,” in pulling that 30-minute segment, and that was somewhat reassuring to me. But, in the meantime, the PR consultant for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth had told the board that this was a crisis and that the CEO had to go, because this could plague you for years to come. Which is ridiculous, but it took more than half of our board to vote against keeping me. So, it was quite a vigorous debate, to put it mildly.

GR: Yeah, very devastating, I’m sure. And of course, it centres the whole idea – I mean, if you thought that 9/11 Truth was a difficult one, I mean even just bringing up the whole – any doubts. I don’t know if you were all that certain about it, but doubts about Covid, that’s a no-go, you know? I can sort of relate. You know, you’ve been working continuously, breaking down the science of the collapses and evidence of explosions. Evidence of high temperatures only generated by explosives, and so on. You explained it, Leroy Hulsey, of the Alaska, Fairbanks, explained it here on the show, in detail. His expo – study of WTC 7 – I was just wondering, could you bring us up, more up-to-date as to whether there are new studies or contributions that strengthen your case?

RG: Well, the Hulsey study completely pulled the rug out from underneath the NIST report. This is a foray for those who don’t know about it, a 4-year, $300,000 major university study. So, Professor Hulsey determined that fire was not the cause of the collapse of this building. That the – the building had to have all the columns removed within a second of each other in order for this collapse to occur, which was incredible support for the work that we have done over the last 15 years and assembling 3,500 architects and engineers demanding a new investigation of the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers. We have put that study out into the academic environment with thousands and thousands of postcards alerting the engineering community to the study. We don’t have any major support that arises anywhere near the level of credibility that the Hulsey study has put forth. And we don’t have support yet from Congress. So, where we are getting some action is in the courts.

GR: Yes.

RG: And we’re delighted to – in fact – have Mick Harrison, the litigation director of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry representing us in getting our evidence, the 60 exhibits that have already been submitted to the US attorney, to be given to the special grand jury. We have sued to make sure that happens. And we are appealing the faulty decision on the part of the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals and we’re going to be discussing taking that all the way to the top. So, that’s incredible. We’re making a film to document, for the grand jury specifically, and then for everybody else, also, those 60 exhibits will be brought to life by myself, and experts, with regard to the technical evidence and looking right into the camera, showing them all the evidence. And then, also, Mick Harrison will be explaining to the grand jury what their opportunities are with regard to this evidence, what does the evidence mean in these cases. What are there – who can they subpoena, who can they ask for material persons, material interests. So, we’re filming that now and that’s very exciting. We’ll be discussing that film and the opportunities and updates from the lawyers committee for 9/11 inquiry at our event, which is on September 11th, which is on our website. It will be shown livestream to everybody. It is —

GR: (inaudible)

RG: — nine – excuse me – what?

GR: Just a livestream showing, right?

RG: Yeah, livestream on richardgage911.org. So, that will be there the day before the September 11th event, the lawyers committee, of which I’m on the board. We’re putting our own event together on September 10th with all of the attorneys speaking about different subjects. And that is lcfor911.org.

GR: You know, I was wondering how you’ve been – you said you’ve been lobbying politicians, like for years. And it’s well-known that one outspoken member of Congress, Cynthia McKinney, a vocal supporter of yours and of 9/11 truth generally and you saw what happened to her, she lost her seat. We saw what happened in the investigation into 9/11. Even if you win the support of any politicians that might agree with you, is it realistic to think that anyone would stand up in full view of the mainstream media and spout what is now branded a conspiracy theory?

RG: We will need more public support in order for that to happen. And that public support is growing now that we’re making the ties between the false flag of COVID and the vaccinations over the last two years to 9/11. In fact, I’ve developed a presentation on the parallels between 9/11 and COVID, the amazing parallels. I didn’t actually develop it, it was developed by Kevin Ryan, masterfully. What I did was codified it and refined it, and that attracted the attention of Dr. Rashid Buttar. So, I – he wanted me to speak, and I did, in San Antonio, at the advanced medicine there to 1,000 attending medical people. So, that was an incredible opportunity. Then, at the Red-Pill Expo in Indianapolis, Doctor – excuse me, G. Edward Griffin asked me to speak there, and we did. So, it is getting out there. Now, Dr. Mata Bassetti, who works with the Children’s Health Defense organization is working with me to create a joint presentation. He’ll be taking the COVID side, I’ll taking the 9/11 side. We’re going back and forth, and we’ll have this prepared through the collective evolution YouTube platform of Joe Martino. So, that’s going to be – so, with all these efforts and the legal cases, including the FOIA case that we’re winning in court – there are some success stories – to get the information that NIST and FEMA had in order to produce their final reports on Building 7. That’s now coming to us, and that will yield all kinds of opportunities as well. I think with all of this happening, it may not be this year, but I think it’s rapidly developing, this cross-pollination between these two truth movements is, in particular, going to be extremely effective in waking people up.

GR: Richard Gage, you know, for almost 21 years, people have been speaking out against the official story of 9/11. On the one hand, I would say millions of people have already gotten the message about 9/11 being an inside-job. However, from the standpoint of the professional class and the mainstream media, your position is an urban legend by now, it’s a conspiracy theory. And you know that today, unlike in 2001, much of the public doesn’t trust mainstream media anymore, you know, generally. Partially, I suspect, as a result of 9/11 truth. But, this is presented as the ability of alternative media to spread misinformation without getting their facts straight, you know what I mean? So, this is how you get your beliefs dismissed. And I’m wondering, how do you cope, or adapt, to what I see – and maybe you see it, too – as a different dynamic playing out in world news and analysis?

RG: My job is to continue educating the public, the academic professions, the media, and the government as to the truth about what happened to these three World Trade Center skyscrapers. And now, as acting independent from me, AE911Truth. Now with richardgage911.org, we’re drawing these parallels and being much more effective, and there’s much more acceptance. I cannot speak, I don’t have the crystal ball, as to when we’re going to break through, or when the “conspiracy theory” label is going to be an asset, rather than a liability for the truth movement. So, I don’t have direct answers to your very excellent questions. I just know that we are making progress. That I’ve got more requests for interviews this season than I ever have before. That is a sign, in and of itself, because as you know, I’m not with AE911Truth anymore, and yet, I have doubled the number of interviews I’m being asked to give, such that I —

GR: (inaudible)

RG: — yeah, it’s pretty incredible.

GR: Yeah, well just to secure the point a little, maybe, the point I’m making is that, unlike yesteryear, today you find people embracing lots of conspiracy theories, including a lot that aren’t even true: you notice that chemtrails from airplanes cause climate change; the Earth is flat; man faked the voyage to the moon or vaccines will kill you; the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. People put those all in the same camp. And your analysis of 9/11, while it’s, you know, impeccable, it’s – I guess you could say it’s a needle in a haystack of conspiracy theories. I mean I’m wondering, does this not pose a challenge to you as a 9/11 truther, who is being called a conspiracy theorist yourself, to cope with realities in the public square today?

RG: I don’t think that’s a concern. I have certainly looked into many of these conspiracy theories and I can tell you the world does not work the way we think it does. So, I think anybody evaluating any conspiracy theory, as they call it, or alternative truth-based information, as others call it, has to be evaluated. Evaluate the evidence, I encourage everybody. And this is what I do myself, before you jump on the bandwagon of labelling something a conspiracy theory. That’s what we try to encourage people whom we are educating about the 9/11 catastrophe, also, and the truth about it. I don’t know what else I can tell you about that, Michael.

GR: Okay, fair enough. But before we close, maybe is there an event on the – you mentioned the streaming of the film already. But, I mean, is there anything else happening on the anniversary of 9/11 that maybe you haven’t mentioned to us yet, or maybe a couple of details you’d like to throw in?

RG: Sure, you bet. In the Netherlands, Jan van Aken has a 12-hour presentation on September 11th. I don’t even know how to direct you to that web site, because I don’t know it, but it’s going to be in Dutch if anybody speaks Dutch. The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are having their own event on Friday, September 9th. That, people can learn more about on their web site. The Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry is having their event on Saturday, September 10th, beginning, I think, at 1:00 P.M. Eastern. And that’s going to be the board of lawyers with a very interactive environment where people will be encouraged to ask questions and to provide feedback to the lawyers who are deciding, you know, how to proceed with these various cases. They’re looking for people’s feedback. I’ll be speaking as one of the panelists on September 10th there, and I’ll be discussing the evidence for the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers. The film that we’re making that I mentioned, “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom,” my event on September 11th brings honour to David Ray Griffin who’s let the 9/11 truth movement know that he only has a few months to live. So, we’re going to be spending time honouring his work and him. And he’ll be watching, as we anticipate he will, at this point. And we’ll – Elizabeth Woodworth will be presenting her decades-long work with David, including the points of consensus in the 9/11 consensus panel, which is 911consensus.org. And so, that and also, we’ll be focusing on Osama Bin Laden who most of us don’t know a whole lot about, even in the 9/11 truth movement. But, James Corbett of the Corbett Report, who will be joining us live, also, in this event, will be introducing his third, in a series of three, film documentary called “False Flags: the Secret History of Al-Qaeda,” which exposes the lie surrounding Osama Bin Laden and some of the truth that we’re still unaware of. That’s a pretty amazing opportunity, as well. So, that all happens September 11th, 10:00 A.M. Pacific livestream, that’s going to be about seven hours in and of itself.

GR: Wow, amazing stuff. And then, just to point out that David Ray Griffin is such a legend, so to have this while he’s still alive, it’s certainly – that alone would be a much, you know, desire to go out and participate while we still can.

RG: Yeah.

GR: Great stuff. It’s been a really speaking to you again, Richard Gage. Best of luck with your upcoming awareness-raising, and take care.

RG: Thanks. Thanks so much, Michael. You take care, too. We’ll see you on the 11th at the event.

GR: Richard Gage, A.I.A. is the founder and former CEO of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. You can follow up on his recent efforts at a WTC investigation at the site, R-I-C-H-A-R-D G-A-G-E 911.org.


  1. Susan Lindauer (2010), p.4, ‘Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act And the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq’, published by Susan Lindauer

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Iron Zion 🦾🇮🇱

We will never forget. We will always fight terror. Kill terror. Blow terror 🦾🇮🇱

Everyone knows it's the Jews.

You wont forget because you have to have your sayanim agents constantly repressing the truth in the media that 911 was a CIA Mossad job, and that America at the time(and still is) packed with Israeli agents in high places.

Iron Dud

Blow your daddy again. Fight terror? Your masters are terror you inbred cunt.

Retired Troll

911 is a Jew=Wahhabi+CIA job for fanning endless war. It was the first NATO war but failed. Just like Ukraine will fail and NATO losers will sulk. FUCK ZIONISM & UKRAINE BOTH!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Blow your anus ZIO PEDO TERRORIST AND F OFF !!!!!

Golly Miss Molly

911 second biggest hoax in history, another Jew job.


This is a rehash of what I was taken off the internet for posting many years ago.

The janitor heard loud explosions but was not called to the Investigation tribunal. The steel guider structure was built around the lift shaft and special explosives were attached to the guiders to weaken the structure so that it would collapse beautifully VERTICALLY without hitting adjacent buildings .

The Defence sky Watch over the city was told – “dont answer the phones” and STOOD DOWN .

Most -if not all Jews were told to take the day off or phone in sick.– Remember the “Dancing Jews ” ???

In those days mobile phones could not communicate with planes – the planes were not attacked or interfered with by authorities . Many Firemen/Ambulance crews -rescue workers developed Cancer due to the explosive contaminants .l personally spoke to a US Professor in Civil Engineering who supplied me with a lot of information he told me he lost his job for speaking out and was blacklisted .

I have more if needed.

Everyone knows it's the Jews.

Even the Jew Al Franken mentioned in his book that he got the Jew call, telling him to stay away from New York around that time. Nigger Mayor, Willie Brown that banged Kamala Harris, he too got a call warning him.


It was an inside job and believe me or not, many Americans believe it was just an attack made by Iraq.


Thanks SF.

Now if you could just get the leader of the Russian Federation to take back “the all is well” https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/ signal all the way to 3 years when he said this in the Duran in 2017 after the U.$. cabal started the war in Russia with the Eastern Donbas!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

I find the globalist “reality theories” more problematic than “conspiracy theories” because none of them account for building 7 or the demolition of the WTC.


Juicerahell did 911


This piece of the puzzle will cover where the weapons were placed and what we could find out about who knew. The basis for the information below is the 2003 United States Department of Energy/Sandia Labs report on the nuclear events surrounding 9/11.

What you will read below has never been made public. However it is known and has been for many years. This, in itself, is a key concern and one we find as damning as the other revelations you will soon learn.


Peter Jennings

Even most of the 9/11 committee, formed after to hide the sham, have contradicted their own report.

If the Trumpster wants to bust the NWO and the grip it has on america he should release all the info on the events of Sept 11th. He has said publically that he doesn’t believe that these buildings collapsed killing thousands of people and assigning thousands of others with life threatening cancer.

It’s time to have a proper investigation. I’m sure China have kept some of the metal for such an opportunity.

Everyone knows it's the Jews.


Golly Miss Molly

Dancing Jews from “art studio” filming.


Lets just start to talk about government terrorism on this one, there is no going around the facts.

Banana Trousers

Link to the mp3 of the interview is dead:

Request failed We’ve got a problem. Request is invalid. The url is outdated (1) Please include the following error ID, if you want to contact support:


Dr. William Fusfield

“Public support is growing now that we’re making the ties between the false flag of COVID and the vaccinations over the last two years to 9/11.”

Huh? What evidence is there for that claim? My own guess — since I have seen no evidence one way or another — is that tying the 9/11 truth campaign to an alleged “false flag of COVID” is a flat-out LOSING strategy, since, while something like 25% of all Americans believe that the official account of the WTC buildings demise is preposterous, and are thus open to a new unprejudiced investigation, far fewer Americans believe that COVID was a government promoted “false flag” attack, whatever that is even supposed to mean. [Taken literally, as most would take it, it would mean that the government has intentionally inculcated a mass fear of COVID, if not even also itself disseminated the virus, in order to accomplish some other ulterior end, like, say, increasing their own already outrageous powers of social surveillance and control.] Even if it were TRUE that the COVID crisis and massive lockdowns were all part of some false flag operation, linking one’s movement for 9-11 truth to such a highly speculative and unproven hypothesis can only be expected to turn off many, — as, indeed, by your own admission, it already has!, — if not most people who have at least in part already seen through the poverty of the official narrative and are thus sympathetic to the far more demonstrable hypotheses and facts concerning the 9-11 attacks which it is your organization’s raison d’etre to promote.

In short, linking the 9-11 truth campaign to some ill-defined “COVID false flag” conspiracy, — even if there really are numerous “parallels” between the two areas — will bolster its credibility to the public about as much as linking it to accepting the “transitional program” of the Fourth International, or the intricate theological casuistry of the Catholic church etc..

Unless you understand that your organization has ONE and ONLY ONE cause, you will simply turn off legion potential supporters who don’t happen to agree with you upon other issues you can’t keep yourself from also wishing to throw into the mix.


My detailed post has been removed — as I suspected it would be by -I take it – SF MODS .

It was the truth but even in 2022 many years after my original post in conjunction with a US Professor of Civil Engineering where I was taken off the web it seems Zionist/USA/UK influence has a bigger influence on SF than the plain truth — its shaming !

12 posts left out of 24 – look even a more upmarket anti- American website doesn’t remove my posts -yet you leave Israeli posts up ?????????? – come on this isn’t a game its a propaganda war and your helping the enemy.


This article page is being hacked as of now – cant you do something SF ??


@southfront Can you guys please check that MP3 link, it doesn’t work, if I can listen the transcript will be 100 times better than reading it, can you please check it as soon as possible, just change it? Thanks, I wait to be fixed so I can listen to it.


Who did it the big 3 in the US, the CIA (Wahhabis+Zionists/terrorists), the FBI (Fuk anyone that asked any questions), and the big dog Pentagon (money wasted by the military – use to be 25% but now god knows really).

Oh yeah, Pentagon burns their account records/books each year or two.

Think about it, after 9-11 yanquis lost their “freedom” under the laws that past after 9-11 the CIA and FBI can just put you on watch if you start questioning a few things. And each fuking year Pentagon gets a bigger budget.

It was the Pentagon that sold the idea of military expansion to yanquis after the fall/dissolution of the Soviet Union. NATO is good for the military-industrial complex, who controls NATO? Yanquis.

1/3 of Syria and Iraq are under yanquis (military) Kurds aren’t known as fighters or smart people… It is the US military that controls those areas, we saw Mossad even feel safe and try to build a base near yanquis in N-Iraq. Afghanistan and Vietnam save themselves but now look at Japan, S.Korea, and Ukraine… all of them facing war, or I should say someone is pushing them to war.

It is funny, $2.3 TRILLION dollars went missing and they just said “The US military wasting money”, they aren’t wasting, they stealing it for themselves. But look 9-11 happened better to give more money to them.

Also, yes it was part of their plan, “Saddam has WMD”, “Saddam aid terrorists”, “Al-Qaeda is in Afghanistan” etc they invaded Afghanistan and Iraq to steal more, based on lies and they start supporting their terrorists/Wahhabis with Zionists to destroy the Middle East. Kill the Kurds, they are Zionists 2.0 in the Middle East, and watch as Wahhabis start to disappear from Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

Who aided/supported 9-11? Zionists and Wahhabis. But they were part of the West, and both of those “countries” can’t survive without West money/economics. 9-11 is just another way of stealing from other countries. How the UK got rich? They stole the resources of other countries. If the US wants to stay in power they MUST steal as well or China overtakes them.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345
Dr. William Fusfield

Why was my comment here from yesterday evening deleted?


I have had three comments deleted on this article -taking into account the country that likes to keep this quiet when it comes to the truth -you have a choice .

SF “told to ” Attracted several western government departments . Hackers ( government ) . Loss of revenue if left in ( threatened ).

Dr. William Fusfield

Why do the viewing options here only allow one to see twelve of the 31 comments?


Because this article has been hacked — probably Jscript Injection -but it could be another hack.

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