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MARCH 2025

Serbia Designates Hezbollah As Terrorist Organization, In Another US Pre-Election Diplomatic Success

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Serbia Designates Hezbollah As Terrorist Organization, In Another US Pre-Election Diplomatic Success

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On September 13th, Serbia officially designated Lebanon’s Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, earning praise from the US.

The Trump administration appears to be getting diplomatic success after success as it reveals its “Trump cards” just ahead of elections.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praised the move, which was part of a recent deal.

“Serbia’s announcement that it will designate [Hezbollah] as a terrorist organization in its entirety is another significant step limiting this Iranian-backed terrorist group’s ability to operate in Europe,” Pompeo said.

Both Kosovo and Serbia had committed to this action as part of the US-brokered economic understanding between them signed at the White House earlier in September.

Kosovo designated Hezbollah as a terrorist organization back in June 2020.

“This important action was announced as part of the historic commitments President [Donald] Trump secured on a wide range of economic normalization issues between Serbia and Kosovo, coupled with the steps both nations are taking to help achieve peace in the Middle East,” Pompeo said.

Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK have outlawed the entire Hezbollah organization. Serbia has now joined this group of EU nations in declaring both the political and military wings of Hezbollah as terrorist groups, according to the US.

“The United States continues to call on the European Union and European nations to designate or ban [Hezbollah] in its entirety and recognize the reality that it is a terrorist organization root and branch with no distinction between its so-called ‘military’ and ‘political’ wings,” Pompeo said.

“We urge all countries in Europe and elsewhere to take whatever action they can to prevent [Hezbollah] operatives, recruiters and financiers from operating on their territories,” he said.

“There is no doubt that the dominoes are falling on [Hezbollah’s] European operations, where it has continued to plot terrorist attacks, procure military technology and raise much-needed funding,” Pompeo said.

The Serbian decision, as well as the normalization deals between the UAE and Bahrain with Israel are all examples of diplomatic success that’s been kept for an opportune moment, namely just two months before the presidential elections in the United States.


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Lone Ranger

They should have designated CIAisis…


But you can do it.

Lone Ranger

Already did…


They cry and rage

Lone Ranger



Israeli-Jew blackmail and propaganda stunt. Serb president is Western puppet manipulated and humiliated to extreme. Because of him Serbia is now forced to take side on the side of her own enemies like US,Germany ,IsraHell etc. That was signature imposed as blackmail in Washington by Jews (together with moving of the Serb embassy ti Jerusalem which will never come true). Serbia had always the same policy towards Palestine for already 30 years and had not single reason in the world to ruin those relations. Hezbollah was never declared a terrorist organization by Serbia. All that was imposed in agreement with so called Kosovo as part of Trump’s arranged agreement with pro-Israel clause that had nothing to do with agreement. Serbia was also forced to renounce any kind pof military exercises with Russia and Belarus or anybody else

Anduin Lothar

Hezbolah is terror organization which fought against Serbs in Bosnia…


No. You are either ignorant or liar.

Anduin Lothar



Just answer this:

Before I watch this...did those people come as Muslim volunteers or as soldiers sent by Hezbollah?! Hezbollah is SHIA Muslims and Bosnian Muslims are 100% Sunni ! Even Iran was manipulated by their leader (I do not know who was prime minister) I do not know who is responsible for sending those Iranian instructors… The rest is Saudi’s CIA and MI6 with their Al Qaeda

Anduin Lothar

They came as Islamic fundamentalists, nothing else. BTW that docu was just first yt search. I have fought against them, with my unit found a lot of mutilated bodies, u see they were experts in staking ppl, so much so that when they were avoiding all major organs so victim can suffer more and die slower… Tho it is true bout Al qaeda, we fought against them in both Bosnia and Kosovo.


So how could you say such bullshit that it was Hezbollah and now calmly admit that it was not true?! I don’t know who you are and whom you have “fought” but I know exactly who fought in Bosnia and why…

You were probably taking me for an idiot that will get scared from your silly video. Shia Iran was in Bosnia but that was mistake of their leadership at the time, to be dragged into Zionist “jihad”. No Hezbollah no other Shia or Sunni but handful of UK – MI6 organized volunteers and Al Qaeda terrorist Zionist jihad fanatics were there.

Anduin Lothar

So u will teach us Serbs who we fought against… So rich. Will post crap ton of proofs as soon as I come back from work…


There you go again. There was no Shia Muslims there (apart from Iran instructors) Shia Muslims didn’t have bone in that fight and that goes for Hezbollah. Either post link to prove that or just stop repeating and simply shut up. You can call yourself Serb that doesn’t impress me or say anything about you, because anybody can say something like that.

Anduin Lothar

https://youtu.be/w6WyXyBkvr0 https://youtu.be/pJRgj5EpTZQ


OK I accept that as relative proof since that is no official video and translator can say any bullshit he wants – because I understand nothing of what Nasrallah is talking about and I have no way to verify that either.

Do you have anything else I am very interested to see it.

Anduin Lothar

Every year in Bosnia they honor theHezbollah martyrs https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/39b5f9ad0dd9c8b9f26644a901ecd5a49d94578f85365d9d7abb2070fd1fc84c.jpg Here are some photos from Bosnia during war with Hezbollah fighters https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9dc26a6e80343a867a61a0249f137404420bd1d9a44c20d8199af12c81a6059b.jpg


OK but if you see anywhere written Hezbollah let me know!!! I do not see it !! I am not expert on Farsi or Arab so I can’t read where those soldiers were killed !


The girls in the picture are in Lebanon (arabic letters btw), and the person on the pictures they are holding (it’s the same person on all of them) is Ali Fayyad, a Hezbollah operative killed in Aleppo fighting against FSA/Al Qaeda during the operations to liberate the Ithriya-Khanasser highway in 2016. While he did serve in Bosnia for a short while, Hezbollah’s role in Bosnia was microscopic, more about information gathering then a war effort. Also not all muslims in Bosnia supported Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnian war was an even greater clusterfuck then the Syrian war. Source: https://www.ibtimes.sg/germany-strikes-hezbollahs-funding-source-sets-stage-ban-across-european-union-44109

Now, as for you supposedly PERSONALLY “fighting Hezbollah” in Bosnia during the war, talking as if you had to deal with hundreds of Hezbollah fighters lol. – The last time I heard such stories was a few years back and it turned out to be ravings of a kid who was born after the war and had made a fake account on Facebook stealing the identity of a man who actually did participate in the war in Bosnia and posting stuff about hating all Muslims and in particular spreading anti-Hezbollah rumors such as these. Why would someone do that? I don’t know, maybe just crazy, maybe getting an allowance from Mossad. But lets think about this for a few seconds. To have been participating in the Bosnian war you’d have to be at least 44-45 years old right now. Now for a guy of that age from a town in Bosnia to have learned english (which wasn’t so popular at the time of his upbringing nor were there so many mediums from which to learn it) and spends so much of his time on the internet I find less plausible, in addition to being named Anduin Lothar (a character from the Warcraft universe). This sort of behavior would imo more fit someone of a younger age, lets say about 19 to 25 years old. Even if Hezbollah was active in Bosnia, it was on a much smaller and insignificant scale, their resistance to US/Turk/Israeli imperialism outweighs by many times times any possible activity in Bosnia (as mentioned before with Bosnian Muslims being mostly Sunni thus Hezb couldn’t have been much of a factor there).

Concrete Mike

Nah hezbollah and al qaeda are not the same thing, blaming iran yet ignoring the rest of the muslim world’s support for albanian terrorists.

The head of islamic terror is like a hydra, you have eu/usa, you have saudi arabia/ gcc, and last but not least , israel.

Know your ennemy buck!

Anduin Lothar

Not ignoring any, I just stated that Hezbollah was 1 of many terror organization that fought against Serbs in Bosnia.

Concrete Mike

Meh your story stinks to me.

To me a real serb can see who he was fighting against, 25 years later. You were fighting nato and its irregular forces.

The jihadi fanatics are part of the nato irregulars.

So i submit: you work for nato, as a real serb would recognize ; THEY ARE ALL NATO PIGS! You come here posing as a serb yet you use all the nato think tanks talking points.

I dont deny they were not iranian fighter fighting with nato, but at certain point, a line must be drawn between mercenaries and a country’s army.

You are trying to blur that line, with no success, as we are not idiots here.

So now your claiming any iranian irregular force is hezbollah now?

What a leap of thought that is. At least your imagination works, or your nato controller.

Get a real job will you, or at least throw your shoe at Vucic.


This is true. I know that.

Anduin Lothar

One more thing, it is true that Vucic works for U.S. He is their number 1 man in Balkans…


He doesn’t “work for US”. He is every bodies bitch, from Angela Merkal to Macron to Trump…who ever wants to butt f**k him can have go. He is Western puppet

Anduin Lothar

Ppl tend to ignore how much influence U.S. have in Balkans, 9 nations in Balkans 8 of them are pro U.S. 9th, is under occupation.


Occupation is occupation and you self declared “Serb” being only against US occupation but not having any problem with for example German occupation is bizarre thing…

Anduin Lothar

There is 40k American troops, not German, on Serbia territory…


Are you fucking parrot ?!??? Stop repeating that ! Serb occupation is total but from within the structures of power ! Even opposition is bought and controlled !

Anduin Lothar

There is no opposition in Serbia, they all have same policies, same interests… They work for Vucic, he is working for U.S. U can watch entire vid of it, the chair they gave him, so embarrassing…


That is not true that there are “no opposition” in Serbia. The only problem is that they are on sale and ready to replace Vucic as Western puppets. That is the only reason why there is no TRUE opposition


So what happened to that guy Seselj who spent eleven years on trial in a Nato court?


Germany is integral part of aggression on Serbs in Bosnia and Serbia. Germany was architect and executor of destruction of Yugoslavia together with Vatican. German-NATO troops were also occupying Kosovo (I don’t know if they are still there since number of NATO troops is lowered and they rotating them all the time.


Yes i find that German connection sick,after their history in the War.there should have been resistance in Kosovo,it should be fucking open season on any german.


Well its time somebody started resisting.


You are falsely informed. The Jihadists that fought against both Serbia and Croatian forces, were financed by Saudi Arabia, trained by the Israeli’s and flown in by the CIA from camps in Jordan. Most came from Algeria, Tunisia, Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. They were in fact ISIS terrorists.


What the hell has happened to the proud Serbs who confronted Nato? its a disgrace,its time for the Serbs to rise up and take their Country back,Vucic would have been charged with treason in many Countries.


For 20 years already Serbia after 1st color revolution has turned into the experimental lab for all kinds of psi op methods and total control of population techniques by CIA, MI6. After color revolution coup there were Western pupates installed in power and all patriotic Serbs were sent to prison or escaped out of the country. Country was ruined economically and robbed (similar to Yeltsin Russia) and today all media , everything is under control of the West. What couldn’t be destroyed by force they have used corruption, negative selection – by promoting idiots and primitives of all kinds and deconstructing Serbian society through NGO’s and social engineering. Serbs are tiny nation of about 8 million people now of which many have escaped from misery in Serbia to another countries. Serbia didn’t have their Putin to save her…that is what happened.

Anduin Lothar

We are under direct occupation by U.S. WE DONT GET TO CHOOSE!!! There is 40k U.S. troops on Kosovo…


And who is “we”? That was US – NATO occupation (and still is)

Anduin Lothar

We Serbs.


So you keep repeating. First you can speak in your name (if Serb)

Second only Kosovo is “directly occupied” While Serbia itself is occupied from within – from the structures of the political power that is completely controlled by the West

And lower your theatrics and stop false accusations on Hezbollah.

cechas vodobenikov



Many countries are under US occupation. not only Serbia.During the bombing of Serbia in 1999, Greece, although a member of NATO, strongly opposed such an act.

At that time, Captain Marinos Ritsoudis became a real hero in Serbia after he decided not to bomb it.He refused to steer his ship in the Adriatic Sea and bomb Serbia. . “He was punished in his country”. It takes a lot of COURAGE and bolls to say NO to something that NATO wants.



A Man has to do whats right,and he did,you may not know this but i believe there were three ritish servicemen who efused to take part in the attack on Iraq,one was a SAS trooper,thats courage.


Yes, it takes a lot of courage..when you know that you will be put in 2 years in prison and will be expelled from the Navy. I did not know about the British


A soldier is not obliged to obey an illegal order,not doing the right thing leads to Nazi Germany,and thats the road the US has been on for a long time.


Secret playground for adults where you can meet different people – https://cutt.ly/WfOFhco




Fuck off you loathsome cunt.

Concrete Mike

Fuck you diddler bitch


Yes and they should have been attacked years ago,now they think they own that part of Serbia with that Albo drug dealer.


Well you are right about that,if Putin had been in charge of Russia at the time there would have been no Nato attack,but a drunken clown was in charge,seems to me the way this is going the bullet and the bomb are the only way to put things right,no bastard should be allowed to prostitute his country to the US Reich without paying for it.


The Truth.

Anduin Lothar

Serbia should’ve designated them as a terrorist organization in 1992, when they were fighting against them in Bosnia…


There were no Hezbollah. There was only Iran (with their instructors to train Bosnian Sunni Muslims) who came through Saudi channels in Bosnia. US have let them through to arrive in Bosnia and have tolerated them some time after which they decided to close all Iranian training centers…

Saudi’s have financed arrival of Al Qaeda in Bosnia with the help of CIA & MI6. Britt’s have even organized sending Muslim volunteers from UK to Bosnia (those were the beginnings of Mossad-CIA Zionist plan called “War on terror”) Al Qayeda (even Bin Laden) was also present in Kosovo and Muslim Albanians were trained by CIA organized US instructors.

Anduin Lothar

U can watch docu I posted on ure other comment, BTW I have fought against them in Bosnia, so pls shut the fuck up!

Concrete Mike

We will never be quiet when a fucken gatekeeper tells us to stop.

Fucken treasonous scum, your lies are helping the ennemies you claim to have faught in the 90’s.


Even if he was teenager fighting in that war he should be now at least 50 years old if not much more… Yet he is into silly video games….stupid bots they don’t know any mathematics

Concrete Mike

He is just a poor sucker trying to earn a buck.

Do you blame the poor fellow after what was done to his homeland?

Feels bad to have to prostitute oneself like that though.


I don’t know who he is and what his objectives are. And I don’t want to waste my time discovering it either. I gave up on that kind of “research” long time ago. So he might be a bot or something else I really don’t care as long as his answer is not credible.


With your children-games moniker and presenting yourself as 40+year old person who participated in the war in Bosnia you are LIAR!!!


Shia terrorists are more dangerous as they are directly supported by Iran.


Shut up you ….more than idiot ! I’ll have no more of your bullshit comments!


Blocking me lol?

Fog of War

Don’t bother with the douche bag , hes mentally unstable.

Concrete Mike

so…what is your job bud? It seems like your job today is reminding us of how hezbollah is an ennemy of serbia.

Wich is ridiculous, because at the time hezbollah was fighting israeli occupation in Lebanon, their main goal by the way.

Anduin Lothar

I’m just saying that they were, and still are enemy of my ppl, and that they have committed many war crimes against us Serbs there, and that no1 should bitch why we did it. We should’ve done it 30 yrs ago.

Concrete Mike

No the real ennemy of your people always has been the west.

You here spewing hezbollah this iran that, you are working for the west!!

You claim to have faught NATO, how can you commit such heinous treason to your brothers in arms, you ar working for NATO TRAITOR!

cechas vodobenikov

the hrvatska were worse—they should be designated a terrorist entity—my friend Dima was in the Serb special forces; he has terrible memories regarding Croation atrocities

Anduin Lothar

Yeah, they ethniclly cleansed most of their territory. Serbs that stayed there, 30 years after conflict don’t have electricity and water. Not cuz they don’t have infrastructure but cuz it’s turned off by Zagreb elite.


OK say few sentences absolutely- extremely vulgar in Serb Cyrillic that I can verify you out of Google translate reach


How dared them to defend Sarajevo and its population…. Worst kind of terrorists…


Ha ha ha y’eah give us some US-NATO propaganda about victimized Muslims and fight against “evil” Serbs while Bosnian Muslims they were so honest and nice so NATO had to protect them!

Of course US propaganda is forbidden in Iran… but not now when you talk about Serbs, so why not using some US bullshit when it suites you? It just shows how full of principals are you Iranians.

Free man

You have chosen to send your militias and your “advisers” to fight against them, so why be surprised when they define you guys as terrorists.

Porc Halal

What about the sunni terrorist organisations?…did they ban them too??…

Anduin Lothar

Long time ago… We Serbs actually fought against most of Islamic groups in Bosnia and Kosovo.

cechas vodobenikov

sunnis not shia hezbollah—they have no relation to balkans…there r legitimate reasons to resist the KLA etc.


You can stuck up your sarcasm up your filthy EU-NATO ass!!


Serbia is surrounded by EU, would make sense economically if they would wish to integrate.

Rhodium 10

Serbia is basically a western puppet since colour revolution removed Milosevic!…from time to time they play the Russian card which the purpose to receive free weapons and support vs Kosovo..but once Serbia become member of EU and have diplomatic ties with Kosovo…the next step will be to strengthen relationships with NATO.

Anduin Lothar

Well Boris Tadic signed free pass of Nato troops from Serbia, free use of its territory and infrastructure, including nuclear armed jets. I think it was in 2011. Since that day Russian nukes are turned on Serbia as well.


You are full of shit LIAR !! Serbia is not officially member of NATO and ther are no NATO installations on territory of Serbia (apart from Bondsteel base on occupied Kosovo that has NO STRATEGIC WEAPONS there) So there is no reason for Russia to target Serbia (yet)

Anduin Lothar

While Srb is not in Nato, I hope it will never be there, it have signed crap ton of deals with Nato, from Partnership for peace, yes we send our troops to Middle East, to scientific research… https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_50100.htm https://www.srbija.gov.rs/vest/en/159081/serbia-committed-to-further-development-of-cooperation-with-nato.php https://balkaninsight.com/2019/10/30/serbia-vows-to-adopt-new-nato-plan-soon/


I know all that !!! You are LIAR because claiming that Russia is targeting Serbia with nukes !!! That is not true ! That is NATO propaganda !!!

Anduin Lothar

Imagine situation, U.S. f16 armed with 2 b61 nuclear bombs land in Batajnica Airport, which they can do since at least 2011, it won’t be targeted with Russian isr, elint, signit, and even nuclear weapons, ure crazy. It is direct trath to them and is treated as such.


NO those F-16 have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do in Serbia with those nukes unless of course ONE F-16 has mechanical problems and has to land urgently in Serbia. No normal country would aloud jet armed with nuke to make urgent landing anyways.

Even if so , that is not reason for Serbia to be targeted by Russia even under the wildest imagination…. Serbia has no strategic weapons or NATO radars on her territory – end of story ! So stop talking anti-Russian propaganda because Serbia is not on the list of targeted countries!! I would personally like that Russia nukes Bondsteel but I doubt that base is of any importance for Russia.

STOP your bullshit “examples”! Better try to find some more Hezbollah proves (but this time good ones) I would appreciate that much more.


It is true what Mr. Anduin Lothar wrote. Serbia has signed an agreement on the free movement of armed American soldiers through Serbia. It is even more bizarre that, within the framework of the agreement, Serbia agreed that American soldiers who committed a crime in Serbia be tried in America and not in Serbia. In other words – an American soldier can comfortably kill a Serb and not be responsible for it at all. Нема потребе да даље полемишемо по овом питању, двадесет и седам година сам у војничким чизмама и прилично сам упућен у суштину проблематике…


I know all that Jerry !! If you have been reading my answers are more than clear! But you didn’t read them so you keep repeating the same bullshit like the other guy ! Serbia is NOT on the list of the countries targeted by Russia. The fact that NATO troops can go over the Serb territory represents NOTHING that would push Russia in changing her position ! So both of you are either very ignorant or anti-Russian bots !


Yes and that bastard Tadic is supposed to be a Serb Nationalist.


This is anti-Serb bollocks! Russia has always supported UN Resolution 1244 even now when traitor Vucic is asking them to stop to do that !!! Do not exaggerate with “free” weapons because it was only once (important gift no doubt) in 30 years ! There was Ilyushin taking off in the air full of weapons when it has exploded (that was just before NATO bombing has started) On those 2 occasions Russian have sent “free” weapons to Serbia

Serbia will never become EU member just like Turkey never did. You are either biased or ill informed or both (on Serbia)

opet ja

It is our idiotic and traitorous president. We don’t accept his decisions.


Serbia. Zio-cucked in the streets for all to see. The shame of a cheap whore.


Your mommy is cheap whore who shit you in this world.

Potato Man

Why tho? What’s really in it for Serbia? To be part of EU/NATO? Get more aid? or the fat pig Pompeo BS-ing again?

“The Trump administration appears to be getting diplomatic success after success as it reveals its “Trump cards” just ahead of elections.” hmmmm bullying others is a “diplomatic success” for US LMFAO.

2018: “Serbia and Lebanon Boost Economic Co-operation – A New Business Horizon”

“The Foreign Ministers of Serbia and Lebanon have agreed during high-level talks in Belgrade to strengthen commercial ties and enhance economic cooperation across four main sectors; technology, agriculture, tourism and the pharmaceutical industry.”

Link: http://www.diplomacyandcommerce.rs/serbia-and-lebanon-boost-economic-co-operation-a-new-business-horizon/


You can’t ask logical question on IRRATIONAL situation and expect to find answer ! Serb president is Western puppet and he has to sign anything Trump orders him to sign and not only Trump bur Angela Merkel also.

Of course nothing of what he has accepted is in Sertb interest but he as Serb president works AGAINST Serb interests…That’s why he is as puppet put in position of power there in the first place


Curious that all these “scores” and “trump cards” ahead of election doesn’t help the Americans one bit and all are in accordance to another country’s wishes, yet Trump’s fanbase cheer and clap like he he solved one of their countless problems. There was a speech a few days ago, he said “we have no business in ME, we are there just to protect Israel” and his audience cheered and happily applauded.

Completely leaving his country to crumble, taking care of wishes of the beloved PM of another one. If this happened in any other country, mine included, he would be booed out of podium. I hope he remain the president in 2020 though…


Sellouts. Pathetic.


You know nothing about their situation so why don’t you just shut up?


I do actually. They have a pussified government that wants to suck up to Washington and Israel. Hezbollah are a resistance militia against Israeli aggression, not terrorists.


I was talking about Serbs, because puppet government doesn’t represent people. They have fought Nato alone, without literally anybodies help, that’s already plenty!


Better late than never, but why did Serbia distinguish between Bosnian terrorism and Hezbollah terrorism? it’s the same thing. Welcome to the sain world, hope more countries do the same.


Fuck off you cunt!!! IsraHell was never anybodies friend ever! You screw up US wherever you can! You rob them you spy on them, you betray them and back stabbed them !!!for their

James Adams

Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation. They don’t care about Lebanon. They only care about turning it into a theocratic state. KOSOVO IS SERB !!!

Free man

Hezbollah and the IRGC (as “advisers”) fought against the Serbs in Bosnia. Like many other jihadists. What’s the big surprise?


And Serbia needed Trump to command us to do it? lmao. The fact that this designation was ordered by an American president speaks for itself.


Gutless comprador scum. May Vucic die a thousand times in indescribable agonies.

Lazy Gamer

Hiand’s immaturity is causing him to shit on every post here to the point that he is flaming just about everyone. lol People cant say anything bad about Russia or Shia or Serbia or Hezbollah. lol Serbia aquiesced to US(by the same logic, Nato should also be designated as terrorist), Nasrallah admitted participation. End of story.

Fog of War

” to shit on every post here to the point ” Now you understand his job here. Its best to ignore the unhinged troll.


I can easily prove that the US and many of their NATO partners are THE terrorists in this world. Can you show us why they are not?

Lazy Gamer

Im not saying it isnt. Im saying, why didnt the Serbian president go further?


I’m sorry…”go further”? Please explain.

Lazy Gamer

After enduring Nato bombing campaigns, Serbia had the basis to name Nato as terrorists.


You just show you profound ignorance. After bombing peace treaty was signed, which has guaranteed integrity of Serb territory (including Kosovo). That was immediately after that incorporated in UN resolution 1244. So Serbia was forced to respect agreement (which US and EU didn’t respect afterwards) The moment bombing stopped and peace treaty was signed NATO troupes have invaded Kosovo (pretending to be there as peace keepers and Serb army have retreated. After that color “revolution” was triggered and Miloshevich removed from power and Western puppets installed in power! That was total downfall of and defeat of Serbia from within and through domestic collaborators.

To “go further” where? Everybody could name NATO as “terrorist” because attacking and bombing for 3 months country that didn’t attack them! But nobody did, not even Russia !


So I am defending now even NATO?

But people do talk bad things about Russia on the forum all the time. Russia was only “allay” country attacked all the time, nobody else is attacked or blamed for anything except Putin and Russia. That is simply not normal to blame always them for everything bad that happens ! They can’t be guilty for everything, can they?

Why wouldn’t I defending Serbia if they are victims of so many aggression’s by the West? Yeltsin didn’t even try to protect Yugoslavia from NATO bombing

I was always for Sunni finding their rightful place but not as supporters of Turk Otoman ambitions

And why not supporting Shia if they were not involved in Zionist “jihad” like manipulated Sunni? Nasrallah was translated I don’t know by whom, that could be even home made video and they could say anything they want. I don’t see why would I take as proof? Like everybody I do say bullshit from time to time, but I do have good intentions and I try to stay objective.


It amazes me to watch people applauding when others call Hezbollah terrorists thanks solely by what the US says. Even more amazing considering that no one, and I mean NO ONE, comes close to terrorism done by the US of A, UK, and Israel. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel as more and more people are seeing the truth and that scares the hell out of the US, UK and Israel. The amount of westerners waking up to the truth is growing rapidly hence the reason why western media are shutting down comments on their sites. The next one to remove comments will be YouTube as they simply cannot stop people from spreading the truth. Taking comments away proves, without any doubt, that people are turning against them…that we are fighting back and the numbers are growing everywhere.

Fog of War

Another win for Putin !!!!


Really? Explain to me how exactly is Putin winning from this?

Fog of War

Sarcasm, its not just for dinner.


Sarcasm is also a perfect excuse when caught stating something moronic…which I am not saying you did.


But I say that his comments are moronic, pro -Turkey, most of the time if not always.Just like this one. Talking anti-Russian is his reflex.


Stupid SERBS they will SUCK Pompeo dick and Trumps, to make deal about Kosovo, who said>? You will see the US will make Serbia even to recognize it. You will see time will show that story.

Me&Myself None

Now that Serbia joins the west, it is a matter of time the rest remaining ones join too. Can you blame them, when Putin and his administration never missed an opportunity to suck up to the western leaders.

cechas vodobenikov

Serbia surrounded by NATO/EU; their economy is stifled by them—it is mainly Chinese investment that now improved the Serbian economy

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