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MARCH 2025

Serbia Seeks Troop Deployment in Kosovo

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Serbia Seeks Troop Deployment in Kosovo

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Belgrade formally asked NATO if its troops could return to northern Kosovo, a request unlikely to be granted

Originally published on AntiWar

Serbia has formally asked NATO if it can deploy up to 1,000 troops into northern Kosovo, where Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says ethnic Serbs are being “terrorized” by the Kosovo government based in Pristina.

Vucic made the request to the commander of NATO forces in Kosovo, known as KFOR. Serbian officials say that a UN resolution that formally ended the Kosovo war allows for the deployment of up to 1,000 Serbian troops into Kosovo, but Vucic still doesn’t expect the request to be granted.

“The request says that a certain number of (Serbian troops), from one hundred to up to 1,000, return to Kosovo,” he said.

Tensions have been high in northern Kosovo since the summer when Pristina tried to implement a policy that would require ethnic Serbs to acquire license plates issued by Kosovo. Serbs in the area don’t recognize the government in Pristina and still use Belgrade-issued documents to cross the border.

Serbia and Kosovo failed to reach a deal in talks back in November, as Pristina wants any agreement to involve recognition from Belgrade. According to RT, Serbs have barricaded border crossings between Serbia and Kosovo to protest the deployment of ethnic Albanian police in the area.

Serbia wants to deploy troops to secure the border crossings and says NATO forces cannot protect the Kosovo Serbs from ethnic Albanians. KFOR previously threatened to intervene if “stability is jeopardized” in northern Kosovo when tensions were high over the summer and would likely take action if Serbia went ahead with the troop deployment.

KFOR has been present in the breakaway former Serbian province of Kosovo since the US and NATO 1999 bombing campaign against Serbia. Kosovo formally declared its independence in 2008, but it’s not recognized by enough countries to have a seat at the UN. Currently, there are about 3,700 NATO troops deployed under the KFOR mission, including over 600 US troops.


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Mexican American 🇲🇽

Albanians always open up American style diners, and why do they celebrate 4th of July when it’s a American holiday..


I didn’t know they did that,but no surprise they seem to like being the bitch of other Countries.

Peppe il Sicario

The ones that lived in Italy, then go back to Albania and open up “Italian restaurants, ice cream shops, cafès ..etc.” Monkey people.


I would rather stand on the street holding up oranges 🍊, than to be a commie or jew traitor.


I would rather buy and eat mexican oranges 🍊, than to eat americunt or commie jew propaganda.


And to for every cromwell who is a commie, there is a cromwell who is a kike.

Ukraine Truly is The Hornets Nest of Syria.

The True Losers of Ukraina are 1. surovkin and 2. satanyahu 3. mossad mi6 quantico kg=Z=

No matter what happens from now on, Hitler & Hirohito & Osama have defeated you by your own actions.


Hitler Hirohito & Osama stand like Jedi Smiling down at Us.

poo tin, surovkin, khamenei, soleimani, bagadi, bush, biden, obama, zuckerberg, gates, musk have already lost their filthy galactic empire.


Lady Diana questions that filthy hag statue in the corporation of london, and questions why her spoiled son went into Afghanistan after she spent all those years protecting Children from landmines.


Rachel Corrie eats Waffles with Rachel & Jacob in Heaven.

Janosh Tibory

Wtf you are on?

Janosh Tibory

Chimpanzee you are, testa di monkey.


They also do a lot of Pizzeria’s in the New York and New Jersey area. That is how they attempted to bomb Fort Dix, through a pizza delivery on base.


Asked Nato if they could deploy their own troops in their Country,that was their first mistake,wtf is the matter with these people? just do it.


You are absolutely right. This happens because the president Vucic and his government are just western puppets. They are unpopular in the country.


If he is a puppet he is not the first,why do Serbs keep electing the clowns.?


You are a clueless idiot.


It is in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution number 1244.

Tommy Lee

Looks like they chose NATO over their “Papa Putin”

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Take penalties until the ass should be good. Do you like to get one up your ass?


Kosovo is Serbia, it is a temporarily occupied province by Nato troops. This is why you should always refer to a so called state of “Kosovo” when you are mentioning the relations between Serbia and its own province. It doesn’t make sense writing between “Serbia and Kosovo”, it is like writing “between USA and California” or “between Russia and Crimea”.


Go back to your Slavic roots it’s called Russia no offense I’m just being honest…read history Illyria the fret people I the Balkans

Peppe il Sicario

Albanians aren’t Illyrians, the Romans massacred them. And to be honest, the Celts and Italics lived in the Balkans way way before there were Illyrians. Albanian DNA is similar to that of the Caucus peoples. So, maybe you could tell the Chechens, Ossetians, Circassians that you would like to go back to your roots, eh???????????? Being America’s bitches, oh how they’d love to have you back!

Janosh Tibory

I truly doubt your Italianess.

Peppe il Sicario

I’m Sicilian, testa ‘ri cazzu!

Janosh Tibory

Aren’t Sicilians Italians? Enlight me. You kinda tough guys from sicily? Hobits that belongs to bangladesh shit hole unia, not really to europe at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by Janosh Tibory

Fascist capitalist paedophilic and genocidal piece of s***! Rothschild slave ! Soon ur kind will be DELETED! Amen !

Janosh Tibory

Talk is cheap, prostitute.

Janosh Tibory

It is between Serbia and Kosovo. You are not in position to write anyones histories anymore.


We stand with you Serbia against NAZI NATO. =Z=


Serbia should Not be asking nato for permission to do anything in any part of Serbia


Too right,just do it and be prepared to use force if they have to,those Nato gangsters won’t have the stomach for their boys going home in sacks,at least the public won’t.


They will have the stomach to send cruise missiles and dones day and night to bomb hospitals and schools and the media will ignore it just like last time.

It’s the west who targets the civilians to brake the resistance against their rule.

Whatever they acuse others of doing in reality they are doing. They genocide entire cultures. They support terrorists and fashists. They fund organized crime and support corrupt leader. They give drugs to their mercenarys. They targes civilians.

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