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MARCH 2025

Sergey Lavrov On “False Interpretations” Of World War 2 History

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Article “On Victory Day” by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for International Affairs magazine, June 4, 2019 (source):

The month of May and the fireworks are now behind us. The country and the world celebrated Victory Day, which is a holiday of war veterans, home front workers, and all the people of Russia and other victorious nations. There was a grand parade on Red Square and a wreath laying ceremony at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The march of the Immortal Regiment – a civil initiative that has acquired a truly global dimension – took place again not only in Russia, but in many other countries as well, with the participation of hundreds of thousands of Russians, our compatriots abroad and citizens of other countries – all people who cherish the memory of Victory and the memory of those who worked to bring it closer.

Sergey Lavrov On "False Interpretations" Of World War 2 History

There’s another date ahead – June 22, the day of memory and grief for those who died during the Great Patriotic War. We will be remembering those who fell in battles, were tortured to death in captivity and concentration camps, or died of hunger and the toils of war. Preparations are beginning for celebrating the 75th anniversary of Victory in 2020, which, of course, will be held at a level appropriate to the scale of the feat and the greatness of the spirit of the heroes of that war. One can’t help thinking about it: what does May 9 mean for the peoples who were on the verge of annihilation, and why do some people loathe this holiday today?

As someone who is part of the first post-war generation, who grew up on the stories told by war veterans and family tales about the war, I believe the answers to these questions are obvious. The peoples of the Soviet Union and other countries became the object of the inhuman ideology of Nazism, and then the victim of aggression on behalf of the most powerful, organised and motivated war machine of that time. At the cost of terrible sacrifices, the Soviet Union made a decisive contribution to defeating Nazi Germany and, jointly with the Allies, liberated Europe from the fascist plague. The victory laid the foundation for the post-war world order based on collective security and state-to-state cooperation, and paved the way to creating the UN. These are the facts.

Unfortunately, however, the memory of Victory is not sacred to all around the world. It is regrettable that there are individuals in Russia who picked up the myths spread by those who want to bury this memory, and who believe that time has come to stop solemn celebrations of Victory Day. The greater the anniversary numbers become, the more we come face to face with the desire to forget.

Bitter as it is to witness, we see the attempts to discredit the heroes, to artificially generate doubts about the correctness of the path our ancestors followed. Both abroad and in our country we hear that public consciousness in Russia is being militarised, and Victory Day parades and processions are nothing other than imposing bellicose and militaristic sentiment at the state level. By doing so, Russia is allegedly rejecting humanism and the values of the “civilised” world. Whereas European nations, they claim, have chosen to forget about the “past grievances,” came to terms with each other and are “tolerantly” building “forward-looking relations.”

Our detractors seek to diminish the role of the Soviet Union in World War II and portray it if not as the main culprit of the war, then at least as an aggressor, along with Nazi Germany, and spread the theses about “equal responsibility.” They cynically equate Nazi occupation, which claimed tens of millions of lives, and the crimes committed by collaborationists with the Red Army’s liberating mission. Monuments are erected in honour of Nazi henchmen. At the same time, monuments to liberator soldiers and the graves of fallen soldiers are desecrated and destroyed in some countries. As you may recall, the Nuremberg Tribunal, whose rulings became an integral part of international law, clearly identified who was on the side of good and who was on the side of evil. In the first case, it was the Soviet Union, which sacrificed millions of lives of its sons and daughters to the altar of Victory, as well as other Allied nations. In the second case, it was the Third Reich, the Axis countries and their minions, including in the occupied territories.

However, false interpretations of history are being introduced into the Western education system with mystifications and pseudo-historical theories designed to belittle the feat of our ancestors. Young people are being told that the main credit in victory over Nazism and liberation of Europe goes not to the Soviet troops, but to the West due to the landing in Normandy, which took place less than a year before Nazism was defeated.

We hold sacred the contribution of all the Allies to the common Victory in that war, and we believe any attempts to drive a wedge between us are disgraceful. But no matter how hard the falsifiers of history try, the fire of truth cannot be put out. It was the peoples of the Soviet Union who broke the backbone of the Third Reich. That is a fact.

The attacks on Victory Day and the celebration of the great feat of those who won the terrible war are appalling.

Notorious for its political correctness, Europe is trying to smooth out “sharp historical edges” and to substitute military honours for winners with “neutral” reconciliation events. No doubt, we must look forward, but we must not forget the lessons of history either.

Few people were concerned that in Ukraine, which gravitates towards “European values,” the former Poroshenko regime declared a state holiday the day of founding the Ukrainian Insurgent Army – a criminal organisation responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of civilian Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians, Poles and Jews (although in Israel, whose people survived the Holocaust, May 9 is an official holiday, Victory Day). Other glaring examples from neighbouring countries include Nazi Germany-like torchlight processions of neo-Banderites along the main streets of the Hero City of Kiev, and the marches of veterans and supporters of Waffen-SS in Riga and Tallinn. I would like to ask those who do not like the tears of our veterans during parades and who criticise the “militarised” events in honour of Victory: how do you like this kind of “demilitarisation” of consciousness in a European way?

No one will admit this, of course, but here are the facts: the United States, NATO and the EU let their junior partners, who are using blatant Russophobia to build their careers, get away with quite a lot. These guys get away with everything, including glorification of Nazi henchmen and hardcore chauvinism towards ethnic Russians and other minorities for the sole purpose of using them to keep Western alliances on anti-Russian positions and to reject a pragmatic dialogue with Moscow on an equal footing.

Occasionally it appears that the purpose of such connivance on behalf of the West is to relieve of responsibility those who, by colluding with Hitler in Munich in 1938, tried to channel Nazi aggression to the east. The desire of many in Europe to rewrite that shameful chapter of history can probably be understood. After all, as a result, the economies of a number of countries in continental Europe started working for the Third Reich, and the state machines in many of them were involved in the Nazi-initiated genocide of Russians, Jews and other nations. Apparently, it is no accident that the EU and NATO members regularly refuse to support the UN General Assembly resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying Nazism, which was advanced by Russia. The “alternative vision” of World War II among Western diplomats clearly does not stem from the lack of historical knowledge (although there are problems in this department as well). As you may recall, even during the Cold War such blasphemy did not exist, although it would seem that an ideological face-off was a perfect setting for it. Few dared to challenge the decisive role of the Soviet Union in our common Victory back then and the standing our country enjoyed during the post-war period, which our Western allies recognised without reservations. Incidentally, it was they who initiated the division of Europe into “areas of responsibility” back in 1944, when Churchill raised this issue with Stalin during the Soviet-British talks.

Today, distorting the past, Western politicians and propagandists want to make the public doubt the fair nature of the world order that was approved in the UN Charter following World War II. They adopted a policy seeking to undermine the existing international legal system and to replace it with a certain “rule-based order.” They want to create this order based on the principle of “he who is stronger is right” and according to the “law of the jungle.”

This primarily concerns the United States and its peculiar perception of 20th century history. The idea of “two good wars” is still widespread there, as a result of which the United States secured military dominance in Western Europe and a number of other regions of the world, raised confidence in its strength, experienced an economic boom and became the world leader.

Just as enthusiastically as the Europeans, the Americans are creating an image of “militaristic Russia.” However, most of their own history is a sequence of endless wars of conquest. Over 243 years of “American exceptionalism,” interventionism has become an integral part of Washington’s foreign policy. Moreover, the US political elite think of the use of force as a natural element of “coercive diplomacy” designed to resolve a wide range of issues, including domestically.

Not a single election campaign in the United States is complete without the candidates trying on a toga of a commander-in-chief in action. The ability to resort to the use of force for any reason is proof of an American politician’s prowess. There are many examples of such stereotypes being implemented under various “plausible” pretexts: Grenada in 1983, Panama in 1989, Yugoslavia in 1999 and Iraq in 2003. At the same time, America honours its fallen soldiers regardless of what cause they fought for. Memorial Day is celebrated in May, and no one has any suspicions of “militarism” when naval parades and air shows with the participation of military equipment take place in various US cities.

We are essentially accused of preserving the memory of our fathers and grandfathers, who laid down their lives in a sacred liberation war, giving them military honours, and celebrating Victory Day widely and with pride. Was it Russia or the Soviet Union that unleashed two world wars? Is it us who today operate an extensive network of military bases that were created to control the entire world?

For diplomats and politicians, May 9 is also a good occasion to recall that the Allies referred to themselves as the United Nations in 1945. They stood shoulder to shoulder during the war, conducted Arctic convoys and fraternised on the Elbe. French pilots in the Normandie-Neman fighter regiment fought the enemy on the Soviet-German front. Awareness of the common threat in the face of the inhuman ideology of National Socialism had helped the states with different political and socioeconomic models to overcome differences. The belief that the defeat of Nazi Germany will mark the triumph of justice and the victory of light over darkness was the unifying factor.

After the war, the Allies built a new architecture of international relations based on the ideal of equal cooperation between sovereign states. The creation of the UN was supposed to warrant that the sad fate of its predecessor, the League of Nations, will not be repeated. The founding fathers learned the lessons of history well and knew that without the “concert of the great powers” – that is, the unanimous consent of the leading countries of the world which hold permanent seats at the Security Council – the world cannot enjoy stability. We must be guided by this commandment today as well.

This year, as we took part in Victory Day celebrations, we once again told everyone willing to listen: “Yes, just like our ancestors we are ready to decisively repel any aggressor. But Russians do not want war, and do not want to go through horror and suffering again.” The historical mission of our nation is to guard peace. The peace we are trying to preserve. Therefore, we are offering a hand to anyone who wants to be good partners to us. Our Western colleagues have long had our proposals which open realistic ways to overcoming confrontation and putting up a reliable barrier to all those who allow for the possibility of a nuclear war. These proposals were further reinforced by an appeal made by the CSTO member states to the North Atlantic Alliance in May to begin a professional depoliticised dialogue on strategic stability issues.

I am confident that the citizens of Russia and other countries will be watching parades in honour of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory on May 9, 2020 and joining the ranks of the Immortal Regiment with St George ribbons attached to their lapels with thoughts of peace in their minds. The memory of those who fell in battle fighting the enemies of the homeland, the enemies of civilisation, will remain alive as long as we mark the great holiday of victorious nations, the holiday of salvation and the holiday of liberation. And there is no need to be embarrassed about the grandiose scale of this celebration.

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Well said Lavrov! The attempt to minimise the celebration is an attempt to minimise the event, which was in reality huge. It was when Russian nationalism was reborn, and the shackle of jewish communism started to weaken. It is gone now, and Russia is back. It is a great time to be alive. I would only say that the official history of the WW2 (everywhere) still consists of war-time propaganda which was never substantially changed, and it still cannot be challenged or properly researched or studied. Until this can be fully done we all, including Russians, live under the shadow of WW2, out of the clear sunlight. (And I’m not talking about some bs Frankfurt school re-framing exercise.)


It is a disgraceful distortion of truth to demean Soviet contribution in defeating Nazism in WW2. It was on the eastern front and thanks to the sacrifices of millions of Russians and Soviet citizens and soldiers that Nazi Germany was defeated. The worst battles costing over 26 million Soviet lives saved Europe and the world from fascism. The US and UK were the primary beneficiaries of Russian victories and both escaped relatively unscathed the war. This new Russophobia besides being a spiteful effort to distort history also sows the seeds of a new global divide being created by Zionism which is the form of fascism and ideology of hate. Shame of US and the promoters of a fake Hollywood version of history!

Tudor Miron

You. as my Armenian brother (I was born in USSR and we regarded all nations of our country as our brothers) might be interested to read Stalin’s words that I quoted in my reply to Barba_papa. See below.


I read it. It sounds like Stalin talking out of both sides of his mouth in a lame damage control and rewriting history effort. To cover up the massive crimes against humanity. That he and his Jew buddies carried out against Russians, Soviets, and their neighbors.


Yes, they defeated the Nazis, but they were also the victims and perpetrators of great crimes themselves. As were the western powers perpetrators of great crimes. Though they suffered far less victimhood.

Brother Thomas

The free world owes Russia a huge favour for WW-2, and for breaking the Wehrmacht.

And now, the world owes Russia again for standing up to US and NATO imperialism, and says “enough!”.


The point remains though, Lavrov, the Red Army did not come as liberators to the Baltics, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, but as occupiers. And Stalin was just as evil as Hitler, the only difference being that Hitler killed more people in a couple of years, whereas Stalin killed just as many people over a longer set of years. As long as Russia continues to ignore how the USSR occupied those countries and pretends it was a liberator those countries will continue to distrust Russia. There’s a reason why all the former WarPac countries are now inside NATO, and it has little to do with American pressure.

Does that diminish the role the USSR played in defeating Nazi Germany? Not in the slightest, as without the heroic sacrifice of the Soviet peoples it remains doubtful that the UK and US could have defeated Nazi Germany on their own. Not without nuclear weapons. The Soviet people died in the millions and their sacrifice allowed the Western allies to take on the Nazi’s in Western Europe with relative ease. But Russia has to address the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe. And it is so damn easy for Russia to do so. Blame Stalin! Hell, Russia could so easily claim it was Stalin’s first victim because Stalin murdered millions of Russians as well. It’s so easy to say sorry, bad things happened back then, Georgian man with mustache bad. Wanna get rich together today?

Ishyrion Av

So much true. No matter what is Russia today, yesterday was the incarnation of evil (literally). Occupying half of Europe, stealing the industry (factories were simply moved in USSR and resources were exploited tens of years with no benefit for the Eastern European countries)… And then the communist parties and secret police destroyed an entire generation of people. And even today, the shadows remains. As much as I respect what Russia is today, I cannot forget and forgive what was yesterday. Until they will assume their past and understand that the communism was a devilish plague not only for them, but for all of us, there will be no trust.

Tudor Miron

Blatant lies.

Ishyrion Av

Grow up, mr. Miron. Or ask your grandfathers, if it happens to live in the ex USSR paradise. Stalin and Hitler were both genociders, may God have mercy of their souls.

Tudor Miron

Again, blatant lies. I talked a lot with my grandparents and elder people who lived in Stalin’s time. In 90s I was passioned anti Stalinist – brainwashed by liberasts that where feeding us lies about western paradise while looting out country. Later I started studying actual documents. When I learned facts from history (not interpretations but actual facts) I changed my viws on who Stalin was and what he did to this country and entire world. For you, I would like to suggest – learn factual history or keep clinging zio lies about Stalin, that’s your choice. But there’s no point telling me about things that you don’t know (or don’t want to know).


Where’s the proof that they’re blatant lies? It all looks very true to me. Where are your facts and documents? You’ve presented nothing.

Tudor Miron

There’s plenty of proof. Archived documents telling the factual story, not interpretations invented by zio liberasts. Who, when gave the order, exact text of order. Protocols of central party committee. Its all documented. If you really want to research to find out the truth (somehow I doubt it) than I will help you with links and directions. In case you’re too lazy to do the required work (research takes time and effort) than use logic. Ask yourself simple questions – who is telling the stories about Stalin tyrant/murderer? If you seriously look for answer you’ll find out that those that you declare to hate – they are the source of this lies.


Please provide links and quotes disproving what I’ve posted in great depth, not excuses because I’m assuming that you don’t have any. Or you would have posted them already. I’ve done a ton of research as evidenced by the links and quotes that I’ve provided. So don’t accuse me of being lazy when you’re the one who hasn’t posted anything disproving what I’ve posted, other than a quote of dubious veracity from the mass murderer and Jew collaborator Stalin himself trying to cover up his monstrous crimes.

Tudor Miron

What yuo give “in great depth” is a joke. Nothing other than interpretations written by who exactly? Volkogonov? I gave you a link on who that snake actually was – one of those that actively helped dismantling CCCP and became very reach by doing so. Or would you offer Solgenitsin as a source? Documents – start with reading protocols of plenums of central commettee. Zemskov – factual statistics. Prudnikova, Spitcin – academical level historian work based on documents with reference that is possible to fact check.


That’s a dodge. Neither the quote or the link that you provided disprove that Stalin was a brutal mass murderer who killed tens of millions. If the evidence is so clear, then provide quotes and links rather than evasion and a wild goose chase. I don’t think that you can. If you disagree, then prove your points like I have. And disprove what I’ve posted with credible evidence.

The Russian government acknowledges Stalin’s and his Jew partners in crimes horrific atrocities.

Ishyrion Av

Let me tell you what Stalin did. He ripped Russia, Romania, Poland and Hungary and created Ukraine, which now is a terrorist state against the named minorities (which together are bigger than the “majority”). He drew a border between Armenia and Azerbaijan taking territories from both and giving to the other, which now is another cold-hot conflict where people die even now. He is responsible of Katyn massacre – death of 18.000 polish officers. He is responsible of genocidal murder of Romanians in actual Republic of Moldova and Cernauti region in Ukraine after the occupation of the region in WW2. He is responsible for 1 million of Romanians from Moldova deported in Siberia and relocation of 1 million Russians in Moldova in an attempt to change the ethnic composition of the region USSR annexed (now Romanians are 60% in Moldova, dropping from 98%). He is responsible for the death of the least 10 millions Russians during famine in 1932-1933. He is responsible of the physical destruction of Russian Orthodox Church – during his rule, less than 500 Orthodox churches were left in place, from more than 54.000 before WW1. Thousands of priests and bishops were executed. And more. And you are telling me Stalin is your hero???

Tudor Miron

Spreading zio lies and using old tricks (accusing other’s for own crimes) would not work. Those truely responsible try to use this trick against Stalin but it fails. Some of that things that you posted did happen and some is just a zio fantasies. Zios :) I know that you hate Stalin and that’s for simple reason – he busted Khazarian Kaganat 2.0 that was about to be fully established in place of Russian Empire. Khrushev is a good example – he personally was responsible for many things that you posted aboce and he’s the first to blame Stalin. You either don’t know nothing about factual history and simply repeat something that you heard and sinserely believe that it is true or you know the true and deliberately speading lies – which one is it?

Ishyrion Av

You are not naive, you are something else, maybe you are a troll. If you really think that any of these horrible things that are recorded in many documents, in many national archives, have a decision base which was not taken by Stalin, then any conversation this point forward is useless. You are talking about secret documents which supposedly disculpe Stalin but never bother to show anything. My guess is you have nothing, there is nothing, and you are just a misinformed kid. Go and live a life.


Like I said, it’s so easy for Russia. Man with mustache from Georgia bad. Bad things happened to us too. Let us be friends now and get rich together.

Ishyrion Av


paul ( original )

Your right at least as far as Hungary and Romania are concerned. The USSR did not come as liberators as both Hungary and Romania were German allies during the invasion of the USSR and actively took part in operation Barbarossa. It amazes me that people think they can go into to Russia and slaughter the Slavs and then expect ‘no hard feelings’.

Tudor Miron

Very well said, Paul. I invite you to read my reply to Barba_papa. May be even spend time and use google translator or similar to read Stalin’s direct words and relate it to current times.


The USSR took Moldava from Romania in 1940. I don’t think the Romanians took kindly at that. So, like the Fins who had a similar experience at Soviet land grab in 1939-40 they probably figured this was their best chance to get their land back. The Hungarians probably wanted to make a land grab too, although I reckon that after the USSR took the Baltics, Eastern Poland and Moldova they were probably nervous that Stalin might go for another landgrab as they now bordered Hungary too.

And yes, it is silly to invade a country, be part of the rape of a country, and then expect ‘no hard feelings’. That still doesn’t negate the fact there is not a single country outside the former USSR where the Red Army came as liberators. None, zilch, nada, njet. Wherever the Red Army went the NKVD and Stalin’s death squads followed.

paul ( original )

May be but what about Manchuria ? You might have a point but I think you are hypnotized by your own propaganda.

paul ( original )

Thinking again about this, what about Austria ? Another country the Red Army partially overran but then withdrew from. The same is also true for parts of what was Yugoslavia.

Tudor Miron

Barba _Papa, start studying actual documents of that time and not propaganda writings. “Stalin just as bad as Hitler” – that’s something that western world actually managed to seed in the weak minds of their population. Study the documents! in case you’re actually interested in truth. Why Stalin is among most lied about figures? His one and only sin (in the eyes of western civilization handlers) is that he busted Khazarian Kaganat v2.0 which almost succeded in Russia. So they decided to blame him on all the blood that was shed in those times. If that was true he would be hated in Russia. But nations inner memory is strong despite all those lies invented against Stalin. When there was (couple of years ago) a poll of who was the greatest person of all times – Stalin won it hands down. in 2018 his level of approval within population of Russia reached record level – 70%. Do you think we’re so stupid to be thankfull to a bood thirsty tirant (that’s actually another one of those idea’s fed to western sheeple. “Russians are inferior – they love to be ruled by force”) Not long before his death Stalin said “”Многие дела нашей партии и народа, будут извращены и оплеваны прежде всего за рубежом, да и в нашей стране тоже. Сионизм, рвущийся к мировому господству, будет жестоко мстить нам за наши успехи и достижения. Он все еще рассматривает Россию как варварскую страну, как сырьевой придаток.

И мое имя тоже будет оболгано, оклеветано. Мне припишут множество злодеяний. Мировой сионизм всеми силами будет стремиться уничтожить наш Союз, чтобы Россия больше никогда не могла подняться. Сила СССР — в дружбе народов. Острие борьбы будет направлено прежде всего на разрыв этой дружбы, на открыв окраин от России. Здесь, надо признаться, мы еще не все сделали. Здесь еще большое поле работы. С особой силой поднимет голову национализм. Он на какое-то время придавит интернационализм и патриотизм, только на какое-то время. Возникнут национальные группы внутри наций и конфликты. Появится много вождей-пигмеев, предателей внутри своих наций.

В целом в будущем развитие пойдет более сложными и даже бешеными путями, повороты будут предельно крутыми. Дело идет к тому, что особенно взбудоражится Восток. Возникнут острые противоречия с Западом. И все же, как бы ни развивались события, но пройдет время, и взоры новых поколений будут обращены к делам и победам нашего социалистического Отечества. Год за годом будут приходить новые поколения. Они вновь подымут знамя своих отцов и дедов и отдадут нам должное сполна. Свое будущее они будут строить на нашем прошлом”

(И. В. Сталин. Из записи беседы с А. Коллонтай )

Use google translate. Relate his predictions to current state of world affairs. “Stalin murdered millions of Russians as well”(c) that’s a zio lie and there’s documented proof that this is a lie.

Ishyrion Av

That’s why Russia cannot be fully trusted now. Because Stalin and communism still have so much audience there.

Tudor Miron

Lol. “cannot be fully trusted now”(c) can not be trusted by who exactly?


By people who don’t like seeing tyrannical leaders mass murdering their own people.


The quote from Stalin is most interesting!


It sounds like Trump talking out of both sides of his mouth in a damage control and rewriting history effort.


“”Stalin murdered millions of Russians as well”(c) that’s a zio lie and there’s documented proof that this is a lie.”

Where is the proof?

I don’t think that Stalin was blameless. He was running the Soviet Union as his government was genociding millions with a fake famine in the Ukraine and elsewhere and running concentration camps that murdered millions of Russians. Yes it was a Jew operation and Stalin was part of running it.

Tudor Miron

Giving me quites from western sources :) Those same sources that established that anglo-zio empire that you claim to be fighting :)

Volkogonov – rear about this snake https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/alesadov/post103492532


That doesn’t disprove that Stalin was a brutal mass murderer of his own people who conservatively killed 20 million or more people. Solzhenitsyn puts the number at 66 million. Is he wrong?

He ran the Soviet Union for 30+ years. Are you denying that he was responsible for the crimes against humanity that occurred during his time in office or that they occurred?

Tudor Miron

Solgenitsin is simply a lier :) Do you even know direct tranlation of his name? Lol. Richard, I suggest you go back to telling us stories about your encounters with aliens and such.


Then disprove him with credible evidence. So far you’ve provided none. Just wild accusations unsupported by proof.

Tudor Miron

Again, read Zemskov’s work.


I’ve provided a ton of credible evidence. That you’ve rejected without disproving a single piece of it.

Why do you refuse to provide quotes and links proving YOUR points? Because you can’t? And instead try to get me to read books to prove your points for you. That’s the sign of someone trying to evade being disproven.

Tudor Miron

What you call a ton of credible evidence is nothing but zio propaganda.


The Russian government says much the same thing. Making false allegations and bombastic claims as you are unsupported by any evidence shows that you’re the disinfo peddler, not me.


There are almost 1,000 footnotes in the Wikipedia article on Stalin. Many of them translated from Russian and other Soviet languages directly out of the Soviet Union and it’s successor states: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e46e2fe01a83eb5661bc9f1e36a6d5e640d03a61e4d89895d5bf1b01adf3ee1.png


Stalin was a great leader and communist, this is why Russian people love him. And this is the reason the west and some west leaning Russian politisians do everything they can to destroy Stalin legacy.


A “great leader” that mass murdered 10s of millions of his own people? I don’t think so.


My advise to you, never forget to get your pills on time !


Ridicule just shows that you have no proof to support your position and are peddling lies.


No , I am fed up with your stupidity


You have no proof. You’re a liar.

Tudor Miron

Are you aware of the fact that Stalin in his later years was openly (documented) questioning marxism?


That happened only in your wet dreams lol

Tudor Miron

Wet dreams… I’m a bit too old for those. For starters you should read his work “Марксизм и вопросы языкознания”. 1950 Even that simple fact that Stalin rejected idea of “world revolution” that is essential to Marx’s work tells a lot.


Well being a lot older than you allow me to tell you there is nothing I did not study concerning Marxism-Leninism .First of all the revolution happened with Lenin, and in one country Russia. That doesn’t mean that Lenin rejected Marx!!! What Marx said is that the revolution will be more effective if it happens in a well developed industrial country ( meaning Germany UK or USA) because of greater numbers of proletariat ready to accept the socialist ideas and their liberation. Of course Marx insisted on the idea that more countries will follow given the situation in Europe and US at that time. But that doesn’t mean that you have to wait until Africa is ready for the revolution. This is a misrepresentation of Marx’s idea of world revolution. The revolution happened in one country, Russia, and this is a fact.Now what Stalin said in a few words is, if it happened successfully in Russia why it can not be spread to other countries given the success of the Soviet Union and the victory against Hitler’s Germany. This is not a rejection of Marx, this is a wishful thinking of the Trotskys followers .

Tudor Miron

How old are you?


“His one and only sin (in the eyes of western civilization handlers) is that he busted Khazarian Kaganat v2.0 which almost succeded in Russia. So they decided to blame him on all the blood that was shed in those times.”

He ran the Soviet government as an autocrat from it’s inception in 1922 until his death in 1953. Of course he’s to blame. And all of his Jew partners are to blame also.

Tudor Miron

Richard, I’m tired of you repeating lies from those that you blaim all the time :)


If they’re such obvious lies, than you shouldn’t have any problem posting quotes with links disproving them. Which you’ve refused to do. What you have posted disproves nothing that I’ve written that is supported by over 1,000 sources, many of them from Russia.

Just to clarify your position. Is it your position that millions didn’t die in famines, purges and concentration camps during Stalin’s reign?

Because if it is. That’s an extremely minority opinion that pretty much every government on the planet, including the Russian government, disagrees with.

Are you denying that all of these innocent people died during Stalin’s approximately 40 years in power?


Are you forgetting that many Polands, Hungarians, Romanians, Italians Czechoslovakians, and Ukranians soldiers joined Germany to attack USSR ? Maybe that was the reason why Stalin did not allowed these countries go by themselves but more o less Chez (due to Tito). Meanwhile USA soldiers were sleeping with french hookers in Paris, Russia soldiers were destroying Germany in Berlin. Meanwhile USA marines were watching the atomic bombs dropped on civil population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on their ships, Russia soldiers were destroying Japan in Manchuria.


Poles did not join the Nazi’s to attack the USSR, Czechs had no say in the matter because they were under Nazi occupation. Slovaks did, because their country was a Nazi controlled puppet state. In the case of Romania it was made to lose Moldava to the USSR a year earlier so it can be argueed, like the Fins, which you forgot, that they wanted to liberate the parts of their country that had been taken from them by Stalin. And the Ukrainians were cheering the Nazi’s, welcoming as liberators, because they figured NOTHING could be worse then living under Stalin’s rule. And you know what, while the Ukrainian resistance did fight the Nazi’s, when the Red Army approached in 1943/44 that stopped, so it would seem that they considered Stalin’s rule still much worse then Nazi rule. And they treated the Ukrainians as fucking untermenschen. So the Red Army did not come to those countries as liberators. Poland just exchanged barbaric Nazi rule for barbaric Soviet rule, same for the Czechs, and the others basically lost what little freedom they had for barbaric Soviet rule.

And you’re just shitting on what the Americans did to make the Russians look good. The battles the Western allies fought were just as hard as the ones the Russians fought, it was just on a smaller scale. And the Red Army’s contribution in the Pacific consisted just of quickly trouncing over a defeated Japan after the Allies there had been fighting bloody battle after bloody battle there for years. Guadalcanal, New Guinea, Manila, Burma, Iwo Jima and Okinawa were absolute meatgrinders. In contrast the Red Army had it easy in Manchuria, because the Kwantun army was stripped of its best weapons and units and only a shadow of its former self.

Again, I’m not denying the sacrifices of the Soviet people, it deserves way way way more attention then it gets. But Russia should be careful as to how it presents itself. They were the destroyers of the Nazi’s. They defeated the Nazi’s. But they weren’t liberators. Those things are separate and can be separate. They can be, and should be proud of defeating the Nazi war machine. But they not should not be blind as to what Stalin made them do in Eastern Europe. And again, its so damn easy to do so. Man with mustache from Georgia bad. Russia good, we were his victims too.


As far as the interpretations of the WWII go, nothing of the sort was happening even during the existence of the USSR and the worst years of the Cold War because the USSR was different. It was the Russians like Gorbachev and Yeltsin and it went for many years after them, that the Russian political, intellectual, business and other elites actually kept spitting on their own country and statehood, culture, history and sacrifices, scientific and military achievements, and pretty much everything else, in order to finally and forever join the “partners”, so no wonder the western world behaves the way it does. It simply doesn’t value today’s Russia. The good start for Russia would be to try to reclaim lost self-respect and only then the others might change their attitude.

Tudor Miron

What you call elites (I call them rusionic elites) spitted on their people (history, land) because that paid well. Another term – comprador elites. This is how anglo-zio empire rules the world.

Xoli Xoli

Russia does not need USANATO to reveal the truth.We the masses of people from as categorized by British, France,USA and Germany as second ,third and fourth world countries knows the truth.Russia federation under leadership of Union of Socialistic Soviet Republic liberate the world from German Narcissism. WW1 and WW2 were wont by Russia.USA couldn’t fought conventional war as their were incompetent and defeated by Japanese and Vietnamese. The only thing USA could do is organizing run away jets and drop nuclear bombs.Up to to day USA NATO only uses nuclear as real threat to small countries.USA requested Russia to be granted to secure all liberated areas by Russia during WW1&WW2.


‘Our detractors seek to diminish the role of the Soviet Union in World War II and portray it if not as the main culprit of the war, then at least as an aggressor, along with Nazi Germany, and spread the theses about “equal responsibility.” ‘

Ouch F.uk.us gotta pray they never need Russia to win a war for them again.

The FM of Russian certain can do his job with dignity and honor. Each sentence he writes is packed with meaning. Honestly a politician who is not afraid to use the word peace without saying a lie at the same time.

“But Russians do not want war, and do not want to go through horror and suffering again.” The historical mission of our nation is to guard peace. The peace we are trying to preserve.”

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