Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
Over the past three weeks there’s been a spate of ‘mystery’ explosions rocking key facilities and military sites in Iran, including a blast two weeks ago that destroyed a building at Natanz nuclear facility.
And now a series of ships at the southern Iranian port of Bushehr have reportedly caught fire under mysterious circumstances. Firefighters on Wednesday struggled to put out blazes on no less than seven ships at the port, as Reuters reports:
At least seven ships have caught fire at the port of Bushehr in southern Iran, the Tasnim news agency reported on Wednesday.
No casualties have been reported so far, the agency said.
#BREAKING: Iran says at least 7 ships have been burnt after a large fire at the Bushehr port in southern Iran. The cause is unknown pic.twitter.com/ovH66W9XnR
— Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) July 15, 2020
This marks at least a half-dozen strange blasts and fires at missile sites, hospitals, and sensitive military locations across Iran, mostly concentrated near Tehran.
As we’ve noted recently, major media in the West – including The New York Times – have begun to speculate that the ‘random’ explosions are anything but: instead, there’s growing attention focused on the likelihood of Israeli or US intelligence sabotage.

There’s also the possibility of domestic terror groups and well as Iranian opposition and revolutionary paramilitary groups causing havoc at Iranian sites.
One prominent group which has conducted assassinations of Iranian officials in the past while seeking to bring down the regime is People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran, or the Mujahedin-e Khalq.
It should be noted that the Bushehr region is home to a vital Iranian nuclear power plant.
A fire broke out today at a shipyard in Bushehr province – which is also home to #Iran’s only nuclear power plant.
An extremely concerning pattern of explosions/fires across Iran over past month. https://t.co/QIXMPLKV2O
— Ellie Geranmayeh (@EllieGeranmayeh) July 15, 2020
Importantly, they enjoy the support of prominent American politicians and officials, and reportedly have ties to Israeli intelligence.
However, Iran has lately sought to downplay a number of the recent blasts and fired. But Iranian officials have also said they are investigating whether they could be under cyber attack from either Israel or the United States. They’ve vowed to respond if so.
Cyberattack? FFS… they’re fires on small ships in drydock, not on Iran’s nuclear aircraft carrier fleet. How about MEK with a flare gun? Find them, put a bullet in their head – problem solved.
Strange that a tin fishing boat on fire would merit a news item?
These are all wooden boats of a traditional design with no obvious military application. Most likely this is a legit accident by the local workforce, so maybe a nothngburger.
The Iranian underground will step up its activities in the coming weeks. Demonstrations will also begin soon. The sane Iranian people want their freedom after 41 years of oppression.
Hopefully very soon Free Man, so all Iranians can be free from the mullah regime (which btw signed a military deal with China for the next 25 years, but it won’t happen).
There is a large opposition to the agreement with the Chinese. The Iranians don’t want to be China’s Vassals.
Nobody does, China would just steal your resources like they do to the ASEAN countries.
This is exactly what Chinese fishermen, licensed by the mullahs regime, do to fish on the shores of Iran. They leave behind scorched earth. They use fishing methods that are not making it possible for the fish to regenerate.
The world needs to wake up before it’s too late, taking down China means taking down the mullahs, NK, Maduro and other dictators.
I wouldn’t go that far. But there is no doubt that the world needs to wake up when it comes to China.
https://media2.giphy.com/media/dEvfjRZG0Fcn6/giphy.gif https://media2.giphy.com/media/dEvfjRZG0Fcn6/giphy.gif
Um are you aware that isreal has invested everything in China it’s put all its eggs in that basket. The isrealis having infiltrated the military industrial complex have stolen most of the American tech and along with China and Russia are trying to bring about the destruction of America.
Don’t lie, Israelis are loyal to the U.S and they have always helped us when we needed them. We will keep helping them confront China, like we canceled their 5G project in Israel. China is a threat, anyone smart enough can see that.
I don’t know, I don’t think the isreali government has ever been loyal to the US in fact I think they always veiwed America as a threat that’s why they have spent so much effort in infiltrating the American government and controlling the media and Hollywood etc. They have controlled organised crime in America for a long time bringing in drugs to destabilize the place.and have even attacked a US warship. They also have stolen nuclear material and technology from the Americans. Now does this sound like isreal has America’s best interest at heart?
Netanyahu and Hollywood’s Arnon Milcan stole the nuclear material from the USA and still walk around freely and get clapped on the back by Americans. What a cucked country!
Israel is 60% owned by Rothschild, US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London. US military protects Israel, or it would cease to exist due to it’s bahavior. US Government is not acting in it’s own interests around the world. It’s acting at the direction of The City of London exclusively in both foreign and domestic actions. Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal, owns, and controls most of the world, with it’s US Government puppet. UN, NATO, the reserve banks of most countries all owned by the Cabal. Western media, food, oil, manufacturing, NGO organisations, charities, and Red Cross, as well. Get the idea ?
“Israel” is loyal to the USA in the way that a gangster captain protects one of his soldiers, but ultimately theyre just expendable assets.
Other way round, US Government is protector of Israel, loyal to The City of London.
Jews are loyal to no one….sad truth…..
Yeah, let’s forget US is also heavily invested in China. Almost all US manufacturing was moved to China beginning in 1975. Russia is not working with countries, or is itself involved in destroying US. That’s being done from within at the direction of The City of London. As are attempts to destroy Russia, and Iran. US sanctions on Russia do far more harm to it’s EU allies, made Russia stronger, and the US breaking JCPOA piling on more sanctions, and demanding it’s own allies close all business with Iran. Then slapping sanctions, and tariffs on these allies when they protested. Badmouthing the shit out EU. US is doing all it can to stop Nordstream being completed. Demanding EU buy gas from US, that actually is from a country next to Ukraine, poor quality, at up to 50% higher cost, and unreliable delivery. This shit threatens Germany with bankruptcy, has infrastructure in EU is built based on Russian supply. Germany stopped construction of the Nordstream joint project in the beginning, bought US has. Most people are unaware of how business works, generally being employees, many being fools, trolls, etc., you as example. Stopping a construction project doesn’t mean the costs stop on these projects, in fact costs increase. Partners in these projects can bring litigation against the partner holding up the show. US response to Germany’s pleas to allow the project to start up again, after discovering the costs associated with having Nordstream sitting still, the added cost of US has, and the risk of interrupted supply are more than Germany can sustain. Particularly after the US sanctions on Russia had cost EU countries billions of Eurobucks a year in lost trade. Lost permanently, as Russia began producing domestically what the sanctions stopped. Also creating competition in the world market, Russia produces large quantities of its Ag products far in excess of it’s needs a year. These products are superior quality, being non-GMO, no Petro-chemical products used in growing crops, and less expensive. Demand for these products is high, as the world learns GMO is a Bio-weapon, and these crops are soaked in herb/pesticides. US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London, serves it’s masters exclusively. US Government has been invaded from the inside, and over time replaced by Bolsheviks. That aren’t Russian at all. Bolsheviks are from Manhattan, what lives in Manhattan ? Yet you continue to worship the country that is destroying your City of London owned EU. Deliberately. More Kool-Aid for you sir ?
those socialists dictatorships are a cancer to humanity
How is that different to America’s Globalised world and multinationals?
The world would always be better under the U.S leadership rather than a filthy communist dictatorship that ruins this world for money and corruption. Just like the Iranians, the Chinese are captives of their own leadership that have plans to take over the world and help their dictator friends. Once China is strong enough, they will be the biggest invader force the world has ever seen, so they must be stopped now.
So why is the US any better? Corruption ,poverty ,transgenderism as normality and constant war on everyone. Spying and invasion on privacy of both all its own and others nation’s citizens.
I don’t see any difference at all.
Unlike China, the U.S still gives a true freedom to its citizens and that is enough for every sain person to be on the U.S side. Would you rather live under Chinese surveillance all day long? if that was the case, then you wouldn’t even be able to comment here without them checking what you write. HK is the best example, people don’t want China to rule over them and China still passed a bill to control their lives, even we didn’t annex the Jodan Valley in the end. China is a dictatorship and one day they will start WW3, remember it.
Who says we are not spied on? Heard of the NSA and Mossad? Israel is the biggest supplier of spying and repressive equipment in the world and you sell it to everyone repressive .
Hong Kong is part of China. It was always part of China. It was occupied by The UK in the 1840s and now it has returned to the Motherland. Those hk whiners and paid franc tirraileurs ? are lucky ,I’d whip them if I don’t shoot them for treason first.
If China starts WWIII it is because it is being pushed to do so . Maybe Israel starts WWIII with its incessant troublemaking and Neo-Cons in Western governments?
The US is committing economic suicide, taking away people’s jobs, locking them up in their houses and forcing them to wear masks. Based on a scamdemic. That’s tyranny and oppression with the lying Jew media cheerleading and orchestrating it. It’s one of the reasons that Judaism needs to be outlawed and the US dejudified so that it’s Jew free.
We have better gun rights in the US. If the US wasn’t constantly abusing civil rights freedoms of other nations to subvert and overthrow their governments they’d be less inclined to restrict them as a defensive measure.
The US has engaged in forever war. China hasn’t started any wars.
The Iran China deal is a win win situation that helps advance the belt and road initiative and with it regional development, peace and prosperity. It’s the exact opposite of your Yinon plan forever war which has brought so much death and destruction.
The way to correct this problem is by replacing Israel with a unified Palestine and dejudifying the planet so that it’s Jew free. Which can be done with minimal death and destruction.
If Masada looneys commit suicide by cop, it will probably only be a small percentage of Jews. The rest will move on with their lives without Judaism. And live in a better world because of it.
Seriously Richard, do you read what you write? you want to remove us from Israel? lol goodluck with that.
I don’t know what the Palestinians would decide if they put a government in place with help and ratify a UN resolution on abolishing Judaism. Hamas would probably be inclined to expell people like much of the Arab world did. Other factions might have a different perspective. I don’t really care what happens to post abolition Jews. As long as abolition occurs and they’re allowed to get on with their lives like everyone else.
Okay sicko, keep all of that in your imagination because it will never happen.
Falsely accusing others of what Jews themselves are guilty of to distract attention from their malevolence is a standard Jew ploy. You’re the anti Semite, not me. You’ve long demonstrated your sick contempt for international law, including the laws of war. This the way to abolish Judaism. https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/m/802017744/univ/art/802017744_univ_lsr_xl.jpg
Saying that something will never happen that’s happened many times, including more than once in Palestine, isn’t very rational. It just needs to be expanded on worldwide to complete the process.
And? they get what they deserve.
Masacarring non combatants that pose no threat is giving them what they deserve? That’s not the way that international law and the laws of war work.
Too bad for them, either stop supporting terrorists and pay the price with them too. There is no in between.
An IDF shill advocating genocide. I don’t think anyone is surprised.
“Genocide was first recognised as a crime under international law in 1946 by the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/96-I). It was codified as an independent crime in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide Convention). The Convention has been ratified by 149 States (as of January 2018). The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has repeatedly stated that the Convention embodies principles that are part of general customary international law. This means that whether or not States have ratified the Genocide Convention, they are all bound as a matter of law by the principle that genocide is a crime prohibited under international law.”
– Genocide –
My goal is to help move the ball forward on our becoming an ET race in a positive manner on a war, poverty and pollution free planet. With better health care and longer lives. With the ability to travel the universe on starships.
I view Judaism and Israel as a primary impediment to that. For all of the reasons that I’ve addressed here for years. That’s why I’m putting effort into getting humanity’s Jew problem resolved in as non disruptive manner as possible.
The belt and road initiative is designed to put communist china in a powerful position. And weaken the west. And I would say that isreal approves of all this. You see the Jews have always seen westerners as their biggest threat that’s why they invested so much effort in destroying our culture and corrupting our leaders. And isreal and china are very close especially in the tech sector. And remember the chinese government is communist., And Jews invented communism.
lol, Israel and China are not close at all. Proof? they just signed a deal with Iran, which means they are finished here in Israel. So take your lies to somewhere else.
Yea I don’t think isreal will mind that much about the Chinese/ Iran deal. I think Iran is never going to attack isreal directly as long as the mullahs are in power. In fact isreal may approve this deal as then they may be able to influence what china sells to iran. Also these sanctions that are on Iran don’t seem to be working very well as they have had no trouble bringing in the latest military tech and I’ve heard are shops in the wealthier areas that are full of luxury items. So what is going on here have the mullahs done some kind of deal with isreal and the west that we don’t know about?
Have you noticed the way China has been promoted by Hollywood in recent times. Some people saw that as a Chinese takeover of Hollywood, when really it was the Jews promoting china to western audiences. As the isrealis like the communist government that controls china and see it as a model they can implement around the world.
you are too stuupid – the west trades trillions every year and all your stuuuupid brain can see is jews? why do these right wing sites attract the scum of humanity?
You really are a dumb fuck if you can’t see the threat they pose to humanity. They are not Jews for a start the people that run isreal are blood drinking Babylonian gangsters. They are not the only ones in on it, they do have allies and you say the west trade trillions every year who controls the banks that facilitate all these transactions?
the west trades trillions with China every year and your small brain wants to blame the jews? what is wrong with the jews owning banks? anyone can own a bank. just open your own bank and stop being a stuuupid silly boy
Um well isnt that what Gaddafi did open his own banks and what happened to him?. Oh yea see rothchilde didnt like that did he, so he had him sodamised with a knife and killed, that is what is wrong with Jews owning banks.yea let’s let a bunch child sacrificing Babylonians control the money supply.you dumb little fuckwit have no idea what’s coming.
China outlawed Judaism and expelled all of it’s WW2 Jewish immigrants. 10s of thousands of them.
99% of Jews live in Christian countries, almost all in the west, and Israel. With few exceptions the non Christian countries are essentially Jew free.
Jews gravitate to control positions in society paracitically. And seriously damage and exploit it in the process. It’s why they’re constantly on the move from expulsions, etc..
Chairman mao was trained and advised by Russian Jews. The Jews invented communism. And the Chinese have kicked most religions out of china at some time it another but for the last quarter of a century they have been signing cooperation agreements with isreal and isreal has invested heavily in China. And look at China’s economic growth over the last few decades they would not have been able to pull that off if they didn’t have the support of the people that run and control the financial system,Jews. And while these Jews mostly live in western countries that does not stop the isrealis from trying to bring the west to its knees. They have a history of killing their own people to further the cause.
China cooperated to grow their economy without allowing Jew infestation of their society. They don’t need Jew money anymore. And the Jews are turning on them to try to retain control that they’re losing. And it doesn’t sit well with the Chinese.
Jews are parasites that destroy their hosts. That’s why their history of being rejected is what it is. The only reason that the Christian world tolerates them is because of the religious nexus. And most Christians not realizing what Talmud rabbinical Judaism actually consists of.
China is Jew free and free https://media1.giphy.com/media/Swx36wwSsU49HAnIhC/giphy.gif https://media1.giphy.com/media/Swx36wwSsU49HAnIhC/giphy.gif
You have said this before but I find no evidence of it at all. I went looking. What about the Kaifeng Jews? They still exist even if a rarity.
The people of Jewish descent in Kaifeng aren’t Jews. If they want to immigrate to Israel they have to convert to Judaism. Because there hasn’t been a synagogue there in 150 years. And Judaism isn’t legal in China.
“In any case, it would be hard to claim the Chinese of Jewish descent in Kaifeng today as Jews.”
– Are There Really Jews in China? –
“Over the past few months, Chinese authorities have gradually closed down the few Jewish organizations in the city of Kaifeng, and the few hundred people who claim Jewish ancestry reportedly have been forced to celebrate, learn and pray in private.
Communist China has five authorized state religions: Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Protestantism and Taoism. However, since the 1980s Judaism was unofficially tolerated. For some unknown reason, this quiet acceptance has been revoked”
– Chinese authorities crack down on tiny Jewish community –
“the Restricted Sector for Stateless Refugees, was an area of approximately one square mile in the Hongkew district of Japanese-occupied Shanghai (the southern Hongkou and southwestern Yangpu districts of modern Shanghai). The area included the community around the Ohel Moshe Synagogue but about 23,000 of the city’s Jewish refugees were restricted or relocated to the area from 1941 to 1945[1] by the Proclamation Concerning Restriction of Residence and Business of Stateless Refugees. …
in 1949, almost all the Shanghai ghetto Jews left. By 1957, only 100 remained, and today only a few may still live there.”
– Shanghai Ghetto –
Thank you Richard. That is exactly the type of info I was after. I have not read your links yet but will.
Ok. If I was a Catholic or Orthodox Christian in China does that mean i am acting illegally? I could speak one of the unofficial languages in China ,would that make me a criminal ?
I ask as i still am not sure if Judaism is actually proscribed in China . That would make it illegal and not an unofficial religion. If it is not proscribed then Judaism is just an unofficial religion ,not supported or encouraged but still not illegal.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are lots of Russian Orthodox Christians in China. It’s not illegal to be an Orthodox Christian in China. You could probably be a Chinese citizen who converted overseas to Orthodox Christianity and returned to China without having a problem as long as you kept it to yourself. It’s the institutional practice that’s a problem.
I don’t think that it’s an equal comparison conflating official vs unofficial with authorised vs unauthorised and legal vs not legal. Being unofficial doesn’t mean that something is not legal. It looks like the Chinese are putting the unauthorised in the not legal category with respect to unauthorised ideologies. Whereas unofficial can still be legal, depending on it’s usage. It’s pretty clear from their actions that the Chinese don’t want unauthorised ideologies like Falun Gong and Judaism to take root in their society.
There’s a difference between being of Jewish descent and meeting the criteria of institutional Judaism of who is and isn’t a Jew. The Kaifeng “Jews” don’t meet the criteria. And the Chinese don’t want Judaism in China.
I think you may be referring to the traditional Halachic definitions of Judaism. Israel has had to modify these rules to accout for the Ethiopian Falashas who did not have Halachically -Jewish mothers. This may allow the Kaifeng Jews to be considered Jews?
I don’t think so. It looks like the Ethiopians had active synagogues and institutional Judaism for an indigenous population. The Chinese don’t. There is some tolerance in China for foreign Jews to engage in some practices. But not for the existence of an indigenous population of Jews.
Synagogue in the village of Wolleka in Ethiopia
I don’t think that the belt and road initiative is designed to weaken anyone. If people don’t want to participate in it or want to attack it and end up hurting themselves in the process. That’s their fault not China’s.
desperation will not help or comedy and wishful thinking. A tin fishing boat on fire will not bring down the Iranian government, just sayin……
In a comedy club at least :)
https://media1.giphy.com/media/sdLSQGV9BQRKU/giphy.gif https://media1.giphy.com/media/sdLSQGV9BQRKU/giphy.gif
The demonstrations have already started, enjoy: https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1283836213795815424
Next stop: Burning down the Majlis.
Hezbollah next stop:Burning down zionistic idf.
They already tried for 18 years and failed, the most they could do is remove us from Southern Lebanon and that also was only thanks to a UN decision. They have never won the IDF in combat, just with their guerilla tactics of hiding among the popualtion and shoot rockets. Don’t worry, it will be fixed for good if another war starts.
It is more like 38 years of successful beating of Idf.
The numbers say otherwise, failed.
Maybe in your screw head. Hezbollah is beating you on the daily basis. Ask papa erdogan for help.
Don’t worry about us, we are doing just fine :)
At contrary, I don’t give a shit about Zionistic pigs.
And I don’t give a shit about you, so fuck off.
Yeah, you too fuck off.
haha you funny……..
https://media2.giphy.com/media/14vFOciTnQjnl6/giphy.gif https://media2.giphy.com/media/14vFOciTnQjnl6/giphy.gif
this is really pissing me off
Israelis de$tro¥ing shi@ ;)
Hindus still crapping in the streets, Israel should help build some toilets at least :D
If this is the best the terrorists can do, then Iran has nothing to worry about. It could be just a fire on a tin boat anyway…and how is a kerosene fire supposed to bring down the Iranian government??? inquiring minds would like to know.
and it tells the world of the need to clear the world of the jews in palestine – no peace as long as one jew remains in palestine. although I agree these minor operations serve no useful end except to make them more abominable in the eyes of the world – anti-semitism here it comes and entirely by their own doing.
The Trump administration is basically controlled by petty and vindictive kikes who will resort to any mean trick, no matter how pointless, dangerous and ridiculous.
mossad strike again ?