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MARCH 2025

Seven Syrian Officers Assassinated In Southern Syria

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Seven Syrian Officers Assassinated In Southern Syria

The van after the IED attack

On May 6, seven officers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were killed when a heavy IED hit the van carrying them on the Damascus-al-Suwayda highway between the villages of al-Surah and Buraq, according to the Syrian pro-government news outlet Damascus Now.

So far, no armed group has announced its responsibility for the IED attack. Due to this many Syrian activists questioned the motives behind the side that planned the attack.

Some Syrian pro-government activists claimed that the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad had been behind the attack on the SAA officers. According to these activists, the victims of the attack were the operators of the S-200 air defense battery, which shot down the Israeli F-16 on February 10. However, these activists didn’t present any evidence to support their claims.

Syrian oppositions sources said that organized gangs, that smuggle weapons and fuel through the Damascus-al-Suwayda highway, may be behind the attack. Over the last few months, the SAA has clashed with these gangs on several occasions.

Locals observers viewed the deadly attack as a dangerous development, as the strategic Damascus-al-Suwayda highway is supposedly fully secured by the SAA and its allies.

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Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Very sad.

leon mc pilibin

Everything that’s happening in Syria is the result of israhelli interference and supporting Isis and its Zionist scumbag buddies.


The Zionist are!SCUMBAGS!!!


This was Israeli insane attack on Syrian land. Israeli migrants have tried their best to hinder Syrian advance but Israel failed. Now Israel see their down fall.


They just start to take the matter in their own hands, the paid ISIS-BS and CIA- /Al Qaeda mercenaries they hired, f*cked it up..

That is Plan-B, till now was only the lousy undisciplined second-hand “avant-garde”. NOW come the “regular troops”


http://www.palestineportal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Maps_1897-Present.jpg After full liberation of Syria all Muslim nations Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Russia, China and Pakistan will come together to liberate Palestine from illegal European migrants Israel by using their own weapons and army units. They will not stay calm until to erect the Palestinian flag on Tel Aviv.

Jasminko Grdic

To bad it’s only a wish from all of us from the whole World who a realistic and see the true of suffer Muslim ppl.


Those who grows up in hardship, can sustained the sufferings.. it may seems unrealistic now.. but not in the future..! Just like in USA.. how much longer do you think the zombies can and will bear all the suffering.. There are millions (and increasing) of homeless people..? I do believe they too will bursts out one day with or without outside help..! That’s human nature..!

Jasminko Grdic

Why do you think that the American ppl live bad. They live best , there are no Homeless., no hungry, all get tausend of Dollar a week…. Foreign citizen work like Tourist don’t need to pay Taxes at all… Great country


Aren’t you aware of it..? it’s all over the alternative news.. or have you personally been there..? Have a look also at the basic infrastructures and needs of every citizens of a country that being ignored.. Or maybe you’re the luckiest one there.. God bless you then.. God always blessed the kind one..!

Jasminko Grdic

It was more a sarcastic comment. Sure it’s all fucked up in the world and in first order because of the US and friends. What now happen iost that Macron and May see that Germany is on knees, Merkel don’t have the power to do anything in Germany anymore, how should she do anything in EU and World. But this what France and UK are now doing is bullshit. There economic arer also down and now what they try is to use the 1800-1920 tactic. Colony of small poor countrys. Just like they did in Libia and Iraq 10 year ago


Lol.. my bad.. my apologies for being too serious about it that makes me forgets all the fun/s.. hehehe.. Now I really realized & got the real message.. hehehe tx for refreshing my brain.. ???


Wake up. You obviously haven’t been there and some losers have tried to impress you so you believed them. Thank you for the laugh. That “great country” is no better than so many other countries around the globe.


Wishful thinking. Please wake up, without a REAL Russian support and a CHINESE backing, that is impossible.


Israel in Palestine is so tiny that just one Ababeel missile with MIRV of eight warheads each of 10KT yields is enough. Ababeel missile of which range is 4,400 km is a small Pakistani missile. The larger missiles are Taimour and Tapu with ranges 11,000 and 15,000 km.

Hisham Saber

Iran too can destroy and annihilate the Zionist entity if push comes to shove. It’s said it has hundreds of thousands of ballistic missiles, with the new generation being very powerful and accurate. Iran could also crash the Petro-dollar by way of massive missile bombardment, saturation style, of the whole regions oil and gas infrastructure. That would be even more deadly for the U.S., E.U. and Gulf lackeys. China and Russia have bought out the world gold reserves, just for a situation like tthis, and would be able to whether the storm abd collapse.

BtW, India, the cash-strapped, west loving and Zionist bootlicker, has actually given Israel launch pads on its territory so that Israel could take out Pakistan’s arsenal of nuclear weapons. Because Pakistan is Muslim, independent and strong, and they simply cant have an ‘Islamic Bomb’ , i.e., nukes.

Its high time Pakistan starts showing it true intentions. Which is part of a developing strong bond between Pakistan, Iran and China. Which then automatically includes Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, by default. You can include Houthi controlled Yemen in that equation too.

Russia aside, China is the ultimate gamechanger in the whole ballgame. There’s no stopping China, and Pakistan and Iran are crucial for China if it wants to see it gargantuan One Road-One Belt initiative succeed.

China is fully aware that Israel is a big detriment to it grand plans.

In the coming regional war, China will be a key player in arming Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran on the cheap with effective, lethal and game changing weapons.

Everyboby has to cast their lot in this one, and like Russia, China will too, in a very unsuspecting way.


Wow.. what a great assessment..! I didn’t see (forgot about China’s role) it in that way regarding China and Pakistan.. and had mind lapsed about India giving israhell the launching pad.. but I do recall of their joint military on missiles and nuke stuffs.. tx again..


Not impossible..! even the Yemenis can do it..! The so called superpower with great weapons of the art just can do shit.. Their hands are tight..! As for Russia.. they can always ended the war in Suria if they wanted to, as early as when it started.. but that’s another riddle for you to think of to comprehend..! The Muslims will get back Falestine with or without their help no matter how long it takes..! Just look at those Muslims on Friday in Europe’s streets..! They’re expanding.. not to conquer Europe but will represent Europe and other Muslim ummah from all over the world to claimed back Falestine..!

Brother Ma

Those mohammedans better not be after Europe nshah or all the goodwill towards Syria/iran by Europeans like me will evaporate!


There are no such thing as muhammaden.. Muslims don’t worship their prophet muhammad. I know maybe you mean good in ur reply (sarcasm).. but as I’ve mentioned.. the Muslims are not there to conquer EU.. but to represent EU..! So, there’s nothing of you to be afraid of..! You won’t be evaporated by Muslims anyway..! unless by EU and Co funded takfiris who always claimed to be Muslim..! Peace.


The problem is Zionists are like ISIS, they are fanatics, they would rather nuke Israel themselves than allow the subhumans to take control.

Better to destroy the American economy, without American money they would leave Palestine of their own accord.


Zionists are not like ISIS they are ISIS.

Joe Dirt

WTF! Ottoman Empire controlled “Palestine” land in 1917. After WW1 spoils of war goes to the victors! LOL This is how Wars work. So stop with this “illegal migrants” BS

Hisham Saber

You Zionist blowjob. What ‘s up with the whole claim about the cuurent Euro trash squatters having an ancestral claim to Plaestine? How can that be, but another bold faced lie like the so called Holocaust.

Listen you pig, Israel’s future looks very bleak. The writing is on the wall for the apartheid racist entity known as Israel.

Everything Israel is doing nowadays is the acts of desperation.

In the coming regional war, the U.S., U.K, France and their GCC lackeys wont be able to Save you from the wrath of the people of the region. Its going to he a brutal time coming to be an Israeli or Israel itself.

Joe Dirt

Fuck off you fucking carpet kisser! The only one’s future that looks very bleak are you Mohammedans


Who have advised fake Israel to illegally migrate to Palestine and then hold Palestinians hostage and oppressed, their godfathers, na. Now all Israel should ready for deportation or face Iranian and Pakistani nuclear missiles.

Hisham Saber

There are 1.6 billion of us, while you Jews are merely a handful here and there.

There will come a time very soon when the bell tolls for Israel, and there will be no quarter given. You Jews will be hunted down like a virus and eradicated. There are signs humanity is about to open a big can of whip-ass on world Jewry, for the 100th time, only this time you fucks have gone past the point of no return. Fuckin Jew.

Hisham Saber

light reading for you at subvertednation.net


Actually, no, most wars aren’t about ethnic cleansing. Only wars launched by genocidal criminals.

Joe Dirt

You’re fucking stupid!


You’re boring


Israel are Zionist illegal European migrants. They are butchers, terrorists and the land’s thieves.

Jozsef Osztronkovics

The zionist israel has the habit to kill the key people in the government or in military it is most likely there is a spay in Syrian army who is working for zionist jews


.. and the spy could be a RUSSIAN.. Too many Globalist-Yeltsin-g@rbage left in Russia, JEWS anyway, after PUTIN cut the heads of the Zion-Oligarchs.

John Whitehot

and you could be a zionist.


The 30 pieces of silver deal. has worked for Jews for a very long time.

Promitheas Apollonious

there is not such a thing as full security.

Shit happens.


If this was some sort of terror bombing, then someone would have taken credit for it. If someone was trying to eliminate a particular individual that they considered problematic, then they have gotten clean away with it. There’s a long list of the possible entities that might want a particular SAA officer dead, though.


Sure.. Israel admitted that the MOSSAD & the CIA arranged that Sept-11, too.. ISRAEL always tells us what it intends to do .. :) ….. How’s the weather in Petach-Tikva, Shlomo dear?


Why do you have a picture of what looks like an orthodox Jew as a avatar?


That is Louis de Funnes, the great French actor. And this sequence tells you more about the ironical aspect, dear Shlomo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ifPm-ZoZTE

But I could take this one, if it looks better, what do you say?.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1U3I4W0JOk


Why do you have a crow?



Richard M

Smaug is a dragon. Not a crow!


When we accept the Damascus al Suwayda highway was secured. The only explanation is Zionist Death Squads. Sometimes Syrian and Russian security protocols amaze me. If you put all your eggs in one basket and there’s a hiccup they all get smashed.

John Whitehot

“According to these activists, the victims of the attack were the operators of the S-200 air defense battery, which shot down the Israeli F-16 on February 10”

pathetic how “syrian activists” busy themselves with spreading the most ridiculous israeli propaganda.

Hisham Saber

Exactly my thoughts. Pure bullshit propaganda. The Mossad and Israel like to make up an appearance of invincibility and genius.

Although, when an Iranian nuclear scientist ( civilian) was assassinated in Tehran. A year later a bus full of Israeli civilians mysteriously blew up in Bulgaria. The assassinations and/or attempts against Iranian nuclear scientists never happened again.

As far as the Iranians killed at T-4 airbase by Israel, Israel will pay a most heavy cost. At Tehrans choosing.


After Yarmouk and Rastan pockets the next is 1. The Deir Ezzor/Homs pocket. 2. Hama and Idlib province. 3. Daraa and Golan Hights. 4. Al Tanf. 5. Aleppo, Raqqa, Hassaka provinces. 6. Whole Palestine.


The IDF needs to bleed for this. Here you have brave Syrian Patriots defending their country and these Zionist terrorists murder them. May the Lord grant rest to these fallen Syrian warriors and may he grant their comrades an opportunity to repay the Zionists in full.


It is just pure coincidence that these Syria people were the operator of the S-200, isn’t it ? Well, what will Mossad do when S-300 be operational in Syria hands ?




I think, we need an official Syria declaration about this event. This news looks very suspicious.

Carol Davidek-Waller



Assassination is their speciality

Richard M

Find the perps and roast the truth out of them!


Although I’m sure Israel has spies in Syria, I doubt they are able to move around freely in the kind of way necessary to carry out an assassination like this. Rebels or smugglers more likely.

Hide Behind

Sorry folks wars are not as in days of get on your horse I’ll get on mine and whomever wins for their King gets key to royal enemies chastity belts or 70 plumped up Arabian boy and girl virgins. Case of stupidity and over confidence, chris. on a broken crutch, for crying out loud you never concentrate your top military commanders in one bunker in an active wars battle zone, and they were in such. Wars today must take into consideration two major factors, you cannot stop infiltration of spec ops teams into any portion of nation. And your enemies got more F’n money than your natoon, and no matter the nation dream amounts will find many many of your own people’s willing to kill anyone. for that money. Guess there be one more factor, no matter what shi–hole M E, African, S E and Central Asian or S. American nation your best military boys are no match and in no way capable of stopping foreign intents. By the way dreams of Arab or Persians with nukes is pipe dream. with only one exception Saudi Arabia that pays for andd uses Israelis delivery planes.

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