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Seven Syrian Officers, Pro-government Fighters Killed In Alleged ISIS Attacks In Deir Ezzor

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Several Syrian officers and pro-government fighters were killed in two separate attacks in the eastern governorate of Deir Ezzor.

The first attack targeted a unit of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) 800th Commands Battalion in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside. Pro-government sources said that two officers, Maj. Rawad al-Hassan and 1st Lt. Faysal Ghanim, were killed in the attack.

Seven Syrian Officers, Pro-government Fighters Killed In Alleged ISIS Attacks In Deir Ezzor

Maj. Rawad al-Hassan on the right side and 1st Lt. Faysal Ghanim on the lift.

Five fighters of pro-government Liwa al-Quds were killed in the second attack. According to the Palestinian group, a landmine targeted a vehicle that was carrying the fighters in Deir Ezzor’s desert.

The five casualties were identified by Liwa al-Quds as Mahmoud al-Izzu, Basel Zidan, Mohamad al-Kareem, Omar al-Basha, Nasir Mahmoud.

Seven Syrian Officers, Pro-government Fighters Killed In Alleged ISIS Attacks In Deir Ezzor

From right to left: Omar al-Basha, Nasir Mahmoud, Basel Zidan, Mohamad al-Kareem and Mahmoud al-Izzu.

No group has claimed responsibility for the two attacks, so far. However, many activists said that the attacks were carried out by ISIS cells.

The remaining ISIS cells in the southern, central and eastern parts of Syria are now conducting a military campaign to avenge the death of the terrorist group’s leader, Abu Baker al-Baghdadi, and the group’s spokesman, Abu Hassan al-Muhajir.

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Rodney Loder

With Brother Baghdadi playing possum, the brand name is up for grabs with Brother Baghdadi the Phantom , Netanyahu or Trump could become the Custodian taking over where Obama left off or could go back to al – Zawahiri and Obama’s replacement in the Democratic Party whoever that might be, imagine the riots in Iraq with IS supporting them outright.

The reason the Zionist media isn’t plugging the Iraqi riots up as a new Arab Spring is because they have no dog in the race so can’t hope for a good outcome, that could easily change if the Phantom gives a nod to CIA as he did at the beginning in Camp Bucca.

At the moment Brother Baghdadi supports the Prophet and Apostle of Allah (swt) RTLoder throwing his helmet into the ring, I am the only Prophet coming back and Islam is the culmination of Abrahamic Religion so I am the natural leader of the Caliphate..

King Cliff

I’m surprised a special groups wasn’t created to deal with these issue,they should be back by drones to surveillance the area and artillery to strike suspicious location the drones target and helicopters to carries out raids and to appreappr suspicious individuals.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

syrialiveuamaps has been showing 3 isolated pockets of Isis in Deir ez Zor for a while now, perhaps the SAA and SAAF should be focusing a small highly mobile task force on these guys, because with some air support the SAA shouldn’t find it that difficult to hunt them down, and then hopefully find out just who’s been supporting them.


The liveuamap map is not accurate. Isis only controlls the Homs desert, southeast of Sukhna and in the rest of the desert cells of them are active.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m pretty sure Isis doesn’t control jack squat in Syria, not even one square inch of it, I think those grey areas are just supposed to represent the areas of known Isis activity. And I’d have to disagree about syrialivemaps, even though I’m aware they’re a US biased organization [they say they’re impartial], I haven’t ever found them to be inaccurate or overly biased, in fact they’re one of the best sources of accurate info full stop.


I think ISIS is only active in western Deir ez-Zor, north of Sukhna, east of Palmyra and on the Sukhna-Dez road. I’m sure they still hold the Homs desert. Not even southfront ever reported about an operation against isis in the homs desert and I’ve been reading SF since early 2017. Liveuamap didn’t even paint the village west of Hwaiz in the al-Ghab plain red, nor the sheikh maqsud district in aleppo yellow. It also removed the orange colour from the NE. For me the most accurate map about Syria is the one from suriyakmaps. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1liqnO9iSvshTLwgPB3q9sJTgfUI&ll=35.46918154638301%2C38.662876102789596&z=8

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Wow that sure is one detailed map, and thanks for the link, I’ll definitely start doing some comparisons, I especially want to see if they have the latest 4 villages the SAA captured marked as government controlled.


They did. They were located on the Abu al-Duhur-Ghadfah road.


Totally agree. It seems a shame that the SAA are no longer going after them in the areas where they appear to be most active and successes against Daesh now seem few and far between (or at least, we don’t hear about them anymore!). If the situation isn’t addressed and taken care of soon then Daesh will just take advantage of it, start growing again and take back areas they have previously lost. Syria will become like the various African countries such as Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad etc) where countless attacks take place almost daily by jihadist insurgents who are growing in strength and the Armies are just powerless to stop them

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think they’re starting to mobilize now, check out syrialivuamaps, use the timeline feature to go back a couple of weeks, is it just my imagination or are they ramping up operations, it looks like they are. https://syria.liveuamap.com/


Thanks for the info. I do actually go to liveuamap quite often but can never really be sure how accurate it is!

Fog of War

ISIS must have a hell lot of food in their desert outposts. Plus, invisibility shields and cloaking devices. Does anyone believe Russian observation equipment ( drones, satellites, infrared ) can’t pick out humans in flat dessert territory ? Something is not right here.

Icarus Tanović

How obvious is this. Anything America does blames on, well, Isil. It is easiest and no proof of other wise.

Liberal guy

R. i. p heros

Karen Bartlett

If ISIS is swearing vengeance against the supposed killers of Al-Baghdadi, why aren’t they attacking the US bases near them? Why are they attacking the SAA and Palestinian troops? Rest in peace, martyrs, and may God comfort to your families.


Erm, they’ve just attacked 2 US air bases! Keep up!!!

Karen Bartlett

. I know they claim to hve attacked US air bases, but does anybody else corroborate this?

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