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Several US Troops Injured, Contractor Killed In Shelling At US Base In Iraq

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Several US Troops Injured, Contractor Killed In Shelling At US Base In Iraq

Members of the Iraqi Polular Mobilization Units’ Imam Ali Brigades launch rockets against ISIS positions during clashes in Tikrit, 130 kilometers (80 miles) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, March 24, 2015. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)

Sveral US troops were injured and a US defense contractor was killed in a rocket attack at the US military base in Iraq’s Kirkuk on December 27 evening.

The K1 camp hosting US-led forces became the target of the shelling at around 19:20 local time. US-led forces and Iraqi security forces conducted searches in the nearby area following the attack but failed to detain the persons responsible.

No further details were provided by the US and Iraqi forces. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Despite this, Washington prefers to blame most of its difficulties in the occupied areas on Iran. US officials direclty accused Iran or Iran-linked forces of previous rocket shellings at its military facilities in Iraq.

Despite this, the main suspect is ISIS. During the last month, the terrorist group increased its military actions in Syria, Iraq and even in Africa in the framework of its military campaign to avenge the death of the terrorist group’s leader, Abu Baker al-Baghdadi, and the group’s spokesman, Abu Hassan al-Muhajir.

On December 27, ISIS cells shelled a US military facility in Syria’s Omar oil fields area.


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Haha. US troops getting a taste of their own medicine.


Same as Iran gets in Syria.


Israel will still not manage to kick Iran out of Syria with this.

Kenny Jones ™

For now yes..

Azriel Herskowitz

Hey Nazi, look what happened today. Your Shia terrorist friends got obliterated with over 30 dead.


Evil ISIS is attacking their creator. Soon the shit will hit the fan. America needs the world today more, than the world needs America.


more of that and they, the unhinged states of A, might just say enough is enough and go home!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Sucks haha


“‘Sensitive’ MI6 Floor Plans Scandalously Lost by Building Contractor.” https://sputniknews.com/europe/201912281077887834-sensitive-mi6-floor-plans-scandalously-lost-by-building-contractor/

If anybody hates those terrorists and wants to bomb MI6 the blueprints can be found on the black market of “Dark Web” :-)




There is growing resentment building up against the brutal US occupation and plunder of Iraq and Syria and the region in general. US is seen as the root cause of the destabilization, destruction and continued impoverishment of Iraq and Syria and the plight of their population. The US is seen as an instrument of Zionist evil in the region and the resistance is just getting organized and the cost to the US and its Zionist masters will be very heavy. This was just the warning shot in a very protracted conflict that will lead to the defeat of US and destruction of Zionist entity. History, demographics and time are very unforgiving.


Asia, including Japan also has anti US demonstrations. When the dam finally bursts,and the dam is already cracking, the pent up hatred of US military adventures and occupations since WW2 will even spread to the EU.

Tiresia Branding

cherchez le juif… Israel want a war agaist Iran at all cost


They are hiding neath the rubble of the twin towers, scheming and plotting to stab in the back as many friends as they can before they are outed as Khazars. Then they will be Erased from history


That’s nice. Now take your meds.


If we really wanted it we would have had it by now, not yet. They can still negotiate for a new nuclear deal so it’s best to give another chance to diplomacy, but if it fails..then all hell will start in the ME.


Whats the point of negotiating another nuclear deal when the US is not agreement capable


Making a better agreement, the Iranians got billions of dollars but only POSTPONED their nuclear deal, not ending it. What kind of a deal is that?


‘Iranians got billions of dollars” Those were THEIR OWN DOLLARS STOLEN FROM THEM you son of lying Jewish whore!!! Israel will go to hell where all you belong ! Pity that some innocent will share your destiny!


Well, not quite. That money was withheld because Islamist Iran violated international law. It was no more their money anymore than when someone is convicted of a crime and fined. Even in criminal law, in cases, if the criminal agrees to and does behave better, they might get their fine money back.


What international law ?!! Like that used on Syria?! Like that oil stolen by Americunts… that they claim it is not Syrian oil huh?

US , IsraHell and people like you should be nuked out of existence for good ! The sooner we get rid of you the better ! In 10 years if you are lucky you’ll be Chinese slave working on the pig farms.


Your Vodka ration does weird things to your brain, Igor.


The money was frozen following the 79 revolution & due to sanctions not because Iran broke any laws


True, some was but only after the Islamist Iranians attacked, occupied and held US diplomats, all an act of war under international law. So impending the funds of those making war is legal, usual and proper. The rest was on hold due to Islamist Iran violating international law as set by the UNSC.


As Zion says, if Israel wants a war, Israel gets a war. Neither want a war. Both would like to get their way without a war. However, if Islamist Iran keeps at it’s errant ways, there will be a war and it will not be nice for Iran. Nor by the way will it be nice for the Palestinians who will inevitably back the losing side.


US Air Force Is Spending Millions to Upgrade Turkey Bases Amid Turkish Threats to Kick Them Out

U.S. Air Force has announced that it will pay eight different Turkish firms tens of millions of dollars to update the infrastructure and complete other construction projects at facilities it operates in that country over the next five years. This comes amid threats from Turkey’s government, including from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to suspend or outright terminate American access to various bases in the country, including Incirlik



Let them pay for the upgrades first then kick them out!


Or maybe the US is spending that money expecting to stay since they may just be planning to kick Erdoğan out soon. Look on the bright side.


President Erdogan is that you Sir?! No wonder some people call you Erdoberman…


Friends bought with money are seldom loyal.


I might be wrong… They are buying time actually for the situation to which they still don’t have right answer. It’s not that 100 million can buy back Erdogan’s trust in CIA and US or erase US F-35 sanctions. They can’t remove Erdogan any more, can’t kill him, so they are stack with him. Stuck with Kurds , gas in Mediterranean and super strong anti Turk Jew+Greeks lobby in US. With NATO cracks ever wider and problems without solution on the horizon.


Since when did the US ever not tried to remove a government or kill a leader in it’s essential self interest? Erdoğan better start counting his days especially since he has also pissed off Egypt and Russia by sending Turkish backed troops from Syria to support the losing side in Libya against the Russian/Egyptian backed side there. Pass the popcorn…


Putin is light years ahead of you in chess game you stinking Zionist losers! Shut up you human filth!

I s**t on you and your “exceptional nation” and above all I s**t on IsraHell!


I like California. It is exceptional as is the US. Anyway, where did I say a thing here about Israel? It is Erdoğan who has now decided to take on Russia as well as the US. Seems like delusions of grandeur before a great fall for him. Pass the popcorn.

I am Jaziel

The best chess player for the last 10 years is Norwegian, Not that, that has anything to say.

Neither has this, even if you mean it, in best case it is badly made propaganda. “I s**t on you and your “exceptional nation” and above all I s**t on IsraHell!”

And so it is…


This is what always happens when alliances are a web of lies, and NATO is the greatest lie within Europe.


WOW you got -1 on NATO ! I never had that ! Now I envy you !


Depends on the amount of money and if it is ongoing.


Bought friends invariably despise their benefactors though.

Tommy Jensen

Our dollares always make people fall down as small poodles………………………..LOL.


Isis doing something useful for a change!

Tommy Jensen

It could be worse.

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