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Shock Video: Migrants Kick German Girl Down Stairs in Berlin Subway

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The best sons of the Arab nation stayed to defend their land and are heroically fighting for it against rabble from around the world. And that small part of ragtag, which any nation has, fled to Europe or joined to the ranks of the ISIS. That is why we can see such an outrage, especially in European cities.

Shock Video: Migrants Kick German Girl Down Stairs in Berlin Subway

Photo: YouTube / Daily Mail

The Internet has been shocked by a video, recorded by security cameras in the Berlin subway, showing brutal and senseless attack of a group of migrants on a German girl. A migrant brutally attacked the young girl, pitting her down the stairs with a strongest kick in the back, after which the victim flew over half of the stairs and hit her head.

As the video shows, a man, holding a cigarette in one hand and a bottle in another one, came up behind the girl, going down the stairs, and gave her a powerful kick in the back. The victim flew several meters and fell to the lower platform.

The attacker and his buddies left the scene, picking up the fallen bottle off the floor. They even do not have a thought to help the girl. The victim received initial care from subway passengers.

According to unconfirmed information, the attack was made by a member of the ‘Afghan movement’.

As the Bild newspaper reported, citing the Berlin police, there were not any quarrels or squabbles between the migrants and the 26-year-old girl before the incident. The Berlin police qualified the incident as a grievous bodily harm and reported that the young girl was hospitalized.

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Everyone who does a crime must be punished and immediately kicked out sadly this scum will ruin everything for the decent refugees thanks to media

'Sup Bruh!

Afghan movement? They dont look Arab though

Marek Pejović

afghans are not arabs.

'Sup Bruh!

Yeah but they are brown right?


Actually, no! it depends on what part of Afghanistan.

Valhalla rising

well this is good for my side…redpilling every shitlib…soon all of Europe will be run by Nationalists.


Nothing in the video demonstrates the perpetrator was a migrant. He has a beer in one hand, a pack of cigarettes in the other. We’re not talking about a salafist here, more like a lager lout.


they do not looks germans…are you retarded?


Are you? Germany has had ethnic minorities since the 1950s. They might be ethnic Turks born in Germany, raised culturally German. Or they maybe not migrants, but visitors. Or if they at migrants, they might be not asylum seekers but people from Romania or Bulgaria.


C’mon, that is apologist bullshit. You can take one look from their clothing and know exactly who they are – it is a form of uniform that young arab muslims in west wear, if you don’t know it, you don’t live in a major city.


I do live in a place with a lot of Muslims, and those from different backgrounds dress differently.

Also, Muslim does not mean migrant.



Richard McLachlan

Lets wait and see.


no this is what is known as white trash – the only ones with that amount of hate that they would kick a woman in the back down stairs. Scum of the earth. Who these german men are – they deserve nothing less than to die an early death with their mothers weeping over their coffins. Vile humans. should have been aborted years ago


Muzzie troll.

Jim Stoughton

Bob you are a complete idiot

shirley versace

not so, I’ve studied the various iterations of this vid on the internet. Obviously we have to use our judgement. The girl is most likely German. In some of the videos you can clearly see her white skin (facial) The louts are also relatively pale complexioned – except one who is clearly swarthy. The clothing indicates to me that they are of muslim origin. Germans (even German proletarians) don’t dress like that. That style of leather jacket – snow washed / bleached jeans… it’s a VERY Turkish look. And it takes place in NeuKoln – which is a super enriched district…Turk-town. Of course it may be the other way round… but I doubt it

Simon Jenkins

Claiming to know that no German would ever wear a jacket and jeans is idiotic. You are an idiot.

shirley versace

you have no eye for detail my friend. I have lived (2 years) in Berlin. I know the city and its districts. I know how people present themselves… there is a very peculiar look in terms of exactly the style of leather jacket and jeans that these fellas wear… the nuances may be lost on the untrained eye. I would bet dollars to dimes the perps were of muslim background, notwithstanding the fact that NeuKoeln is Turk town in Berlin.


Actually, according to the German newspapers. attackers are ” Eastern European ” !! but let me tell you something. There are many ” dark looking” Germans as well, with dark eye color and dark hair color ( usually very good looking ) and definitely using leather jackets :))) . I used to live in Germany too (Three yrs).


Turks are usually aggressive if you cursed at them, insult them, their culture and flag. Still they will not hit you like these assholes. It is also because They care (Turks) what other people think of them. Yet, again, these are eastern european. so stop blaming ” non-whites” and Turks!


Bulgaria has muslims too, so it is still possible that he was both eastern european and muslim. But saying “eastern european” really does not mean more than saying that “abdul mustafah ali” is a german, because he was born in Germany.


They are BULGARIAN, get caught and in the jail! Muslims in Bulgaria have obvious last names like Ismailova, not like a last name Dimitrova!

shirley versace

maybe, but be aware that the german press are the biggest liars going.

Morgan Kanae

Essie Where is that confirmation that they are Eastern European?


I assume that, you have already read the news about them being Bulgarian? I just saw your reply. Sorry


After reading your post history it can only be determined that you are a bigot and a racist. Shame on you for trying to make people believe you are in the know. I lived there for two years also and my father is from there. I call BS on your view that they are not German, I would bet my last dime that they are more certainly just scummy German males who were not raised properly. Probably terribly spoiled by their mommy’s and feel they can do whatever the hell they want. Thank GOD I raised my son in Canada with Canadian values of acceptance for all people, but the intelligence and guts to call out the bigots and scum when he sees them.

shirley versace

that’s your point of view… and you are entitled to it. I can assure you I am neither bigoted nor racist. Perhaps in the near future we will actually find out the facts about that attack – but I doubt it. And this very fact alone points things squarely in one direction, for if they were indeed German perpetrators, their names would already be known and it would have been headline news – of this I can assure you…and anyone who has been following developments in the European media will vouch for the plausibility of that statement. The German media are desperate to prove that native German men are violent and antisocial to counter the narrative that migrants are disproportionately so… and to prove that attacks on females are not a problem of islam but a problem of ‘masculinity’…


I am a Canadian, German heritage, whatever. You are wrong Shirley, and the future of Europe rests on how we deal with these kinds of situations. You are either uninformed or in denial. Which is it? I’d like to have your last dime, but I would bet my last dime that you will not follow this story to its conclusion. You just want to virtue signal that you’re not a racist, even thought a young German woman could have had her neck broken. Those that inform themselves know that Islamic men are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime against women in Europe. And most of them dress like that asshole.


I have a white skin too but i am not German. LOL are u freaking serious ? :))))

shirley versace

yes I am. It’s not merely based on skin colour. It’s Neukoeln – a district that is heavily ‘enriched’.. the victim may also have been of ME origin… I’ve little doubt the perps were, based on their clothing and comportment.


Well, it came out the attackers are BULGARIAN and already out of the country. So you blame the muslims for NOTHING.


again, Bulgaria has quite a few muslims. It is totally not impossible.

Димитър Златанов

Yes, they’re from Bulgaria, but are actually gipsies, not Bulgarians. Social media in Bulgaria right now is pissed off with this trash of a “man” who kicked off the girl. He could be Muslim or Christian but most probably don’t care about religion at all. So once again, they’re not Bulgarians, they’re gipsy scum, and they get all the hate in Bulgaria right now. And we sympathise the injured woman.


What made you think they are Muslim? They have freaking Bulgarian name. this is unbeliveable. Do you actually read?

Walter Paisley

Wait, there’s another video that shows another angle? Link please.

shirley versace

there are many versions… they are all the same camera and angle… however… some have far better definition, some are pixelated so as to render the faces indiscernible and some run for a longer time, showing the scene from earlier on, showing the girl descend the higher flight of stairs to the intermediate platform before she descends the stairs where she is kicked – thus allowing a glimse of her face

shirley versace

Berliner Morgenpost footage is the best I’ve seen


Right on Hillary.

Jim Stoughton

Still acting the fool eh Bob??


Breitscheidplatz, Berlin, eh, Jimbo??

Jim Stoughton

What about it Bob?? Are you gonna say that one of these guys was the driver??? You really are desperate to justify your ignorance aren’t you??


Your faux moral outrage is actually the grotesque here Jimbo. Classic SWJ, faux morality and outrage in overload.

Jim Stoughton

Bob that sounded so ridiculous I have to wonder if’ perhaps English isn’t your first language and you’re using something like Google Translator. Regardless, it appears the only thing that are “faux” around here are your manhood and your humanity So far, you appear to be a waste of perfectly good oxygen


Onto the manhood insults huh eh Jimbo? Class act, but alas, predictable & standard SJW behavior. But wait, there’s more insults as well, bravo, Jimbo.

Jim Stoughton

SJW?? I’m okay with that. I’ve been doing the W part since I enlisted in ’78. But I’m not getting the impression you would understand that.


Insults aplenty there Jimbo, that all you got, beside the faux outrage?

Jim Stoughton

No outrage at all Bob. For you I only have pity. And as I scroll through the comments on this page, I see that the only thing you have brought to any of the threads has been insults. The difference is that yours are weak. But if I’ve hurt your feelings I will stop. All you have to do is go to your safe space and I’ll leave you alone


Seriously? Above, you have taken a shotgun approach to spraying a range of meaningless insults – the old manhood chestnut came out so quickly from you Jimmy – from a defensive stance. Now, we find you doing a full 180 degree spin in your politics too boot, going from the initial full blown SJW hyperbolic outrage, to the political opposite, and banging on about safe spaces, presumably meant as yet another spray approach insult. Oh dear, Jimmy.

Jim Stoughton

Sorry Bob, is it just that you are lonely?? Is that why you keep calling me back?? Your denial of your own series of insults to a variety of people on this page is somewhat sad. Memory issues maybe?? My W was never merely SJ, Which if you had ever served you might understand. And my offer of a safe space came out of genuine concern because your responses have you clearly have had your feelings hurt that I wanted to give you a chance to curl up and maybe feel better. Maybe if you have a friend you could phone them

Jim Stoughton

Sorry Bob, is it just that you are lonely?? Is that why you keep calling me back?? Your denial of your own series of insults to a variety of people on this page is somewhat sad. Memory issues maybe?? My W was never merely SJ, Which if you had ever served you might understand. And my offer of a safe space came out of genuine concern because your responses have been so defensive that it appears you clearly have had your feelings hurt and I wanted to give you a chance to curl up and maybe feel better. Maybe if you have a friend you could phone them


You’re hilarious , your initial hyperbolic outrage, and now string of insults, which are merely projections of yourself. You’re even stealing my words now, get some original material there Jimbo.

Jim Stoughton

Not sure what words you could be referring to Bob. You haven’t said anything intelligent enough to bother using. This is all part of some deflection to avoid the fact that your initial comments about the asshole who kicked that woman were false. And that your only other contributions were ignorant comments to other people. Now that you are on the receiving end you are getting all butthurt and playing the victim. Time to man up snowflake. The only other possible excuse is that you are attracted to me and don’t want to lose touch with me now



Jim Stoughton

Missed me so much you just had to call me back eh Bob?? You really must have fallen hard



Jim Stoughton

Is that it Bob?? Your projecting your obsession with me?? That’s why you keep calling me back ?? Your original observations about the asshole who kicked the girl have already been proven to be BS so the only explanation is you come here to be abused by me. Quite pitiful Bob


What stealing my words again? Keep projecting.

Jim Stoughton

Aside from the fact that you’ve never used any words worth stealing, how does one actually steal words?? Do you think you own them?? This really is kind of pathetic Bob


ORIGINAL ideas Jimbo, get some. Keep projecting.

Jim Stoughton

I’m not sure which is more pathetic. That you are so desperate to keep this conversation going. Or that you believe you have ever said anything intelligent or original .enough that someone would want to repeat it


All your silly little insults are just projections of what you really think about yourself, Jimbo. Keep projecting.

Jim Stoughton

Wow!! And yet here you are again. I’m truly sorry that I’ve affected you this way Bob. Help is out there for you if you just seek it out


They most certainly DO look German, I’m German and I use to live there. I would not see them as anything other than. LOL

Puss in boots

He was discovered to live in a Bulgarian gypsy ghetto, so he is a gypsy, although our media several years ago stopped reporting gypsy crime as such by the pressure and corruption of the EU.


Do you actually live in a western city? They are dressed in the arab/ muslim urban uniform – you can spot them a mile away – and no, they cannot handle alcohol.


actually, it came out that attackers are eastern european !


Bulgaria has quite a few muslims, so it is still possible.


His name is Stanislav Stoykov so he is a full blown Bulgarian and likely “Christian”. Stanislav Stoykov Stanislav Stoykov

Morgan Kanae

References please. I can’t find that story in German news.

Puss in boots

He is a full-blown gypsy and he was discovered to live in a gypsy ghetto. Some Bulgarian gypsies have slavic names, just like some american negroes have anglosaxon names.


Good to know that bigotry in this case is not specific to only Arab muslims, but Roma and Black people as well! I really feel sorry for anyone harboring such hate.

Puss in boots

Not sure what you understand by bigotry. But the facts are undeniable: 1) the perpetrator is a gypsy 2) he is a recidivist, that is, a recurrent criminal. Hiding the ethnicity of a criminal is against the interests of society to be informed. It is, to say the least, immoral.

Morgan Kanae



‘…a lager lout.’ Seriously, are you living in 1985? Let’s get something straight, even ‘lager louts’ don’t randomly kick women down stairs from behind in obvious subway camera zones – they fight other dudes. This a new behavioral problem, that is entirely muslim related, and is all about muslim attitudes to western women.


Nope, they also beat up their wives, and they’ll assault any women who rejects their advances.

Gabriel Hollows

This may seem horrifying to us sane people, but europeans are extremely self hating and masochistic. They enjoy being conquered and genocided, which is why they have not revolted and will not revolt. Dune-coons rape children on public pools and no one does crap, the perp goes free or with extremely light sentences.

Russia will have to deal with this eventually, Europe can’t become a strongpoint for ISIS. Finally Eurabia will be cleansed of cucks, whores and muslim degenerates in a storm of nuclear fire, hopefully to be inherited by Holy Russia in a distant future.


Wow mister I’ve seen some shit on internet but this…….enough internet for today.

Gabriel Hollows

Forgive me if I hurt your feelings. But you can’t help people who don’t want to be helped.

J Rob

Well said. Can’t believe the moronic comments on here. Hate breeding hate. Even if the guy is a migrant, saying all migrants would do this is up there with saying all Germans are Nazis. Absolute stupidity.


well what you say might sting a few, but its correct! 100% Germany, Europe they have not a chance. They simply roll over for this crap and as many have said deserve it. They will do nothing but sit there and take it. So let the beatings rape and assaults continue.


Actually that makes sense – Belgium, France, Netherlands, Norway, (Britain was saved by water) all capitulated to Nazi’s in days and it was left to the then Soviets to deal with the shit-storm. They did.


Merkel love this and who are WE or who is anybody to complaine if she brought them all to GERMANY????

They are not religious, they are racist. Muslims is not the problem, Arab-surpremisist are the problem.

shirley versace

no. Islamic supremacism is the problem and pretty much every muslim supports that

Jim Stoughton

Shirley. Have you personally interviewed every muslim?? Because all the ones I know certainly don’t support it. Maybe my friends are just special

shirley versace

you don’t understand group dynamics. Of course many mulsims don’t overtly support radicals who preach supremacy… that’s not how it works…but ask yourself where is the loud and clear Islamic condemnation of what happened in France in July or Berlin a few days ago. Where are the representatives of the muslim community? Why are they not distancing themselves publicly from all this? Why have they not taken to the streets in protest. You did notice didn’t you that almost no muslims attended the commemoration of the slain priest in France – and those few who did were the despised Ahmahdi minority. The truth is that the majority are quiescent.. for reasons of expedience or belief… but quiescent they are.

Jim Stoughton

I’m sorry Shirley, but the only reason I can come up with to explain your lack of awareness that Muslims all over the world are decrying these attacks as they have always done, is that you go out of your way to ignore it. There were muslims down at the marketplace holding vigil for the victims. Not that it ever does any good. People will blame them all and use it as an excuse to abuse innocent people. That is also an aspect of group dynamics. I also notice that you didn’t bother to include the attack on a Muslim centre in Zurich on the same day, but I guess it doesn’t matter because only Muslims were shot.

shirley versace

good points. And points well taken.

Jim Stoughton

I think you better go find a reasonably intelligent teenager and have them help you figure it out then, because you sound lost to me.You take the actions of the minority and decide for yourself that it’s the attitude of the majority, simply because they don’t yell loud enough for you. And while yes, the Saudi style system would be a nightmare for the rest of us, a system that operates based solely on the fear of what MIGHT happen down the road, and refuses to befriend an entire faith simply because of that fear, would be no better. I have listened to this stuff my whole life. It was the same when Canada opened it’s doors to India and Pakistan. Followed by Vietnamese boat people, followed by South Americans. “they are going to destroy us” was the cry and yet somehow they have not only assimilated, they have thrived and greatly contributed.

shirley versace

My goodness, you don’t understand islam at all. Read F.W. Burleigh’s “It’s all about Mohammad”… You simply don’t understand the basis of that “religion”. That you can point to this or that moderate muslim, indeed even a preponderance of moderate muslims simply misses the point. You need to address your attention to the nature of the ideology called islam. Until you do that, you won’t even begin to understand what you are dealing with. A propos Saudi style culture – it exactly that which we are on the receiving end of – it is the Saudis who are financing the Mosque building spree and who are staffing those mosques with Salafist hate preachers. Again, something you seem to be blissfully unaware of. I would point out again that there have been no public denunciations from the leaders of the Islamic community re the Berlin attack – likewise the Nice attack. Where are the thousands marching in the streets saying “not in my name”? Where are the unequivocal condemnations? Nothing but silence. Sure one or two of your friends might say how they ‘abhor and deplore’ etc but from the Imams and Mosques – not a whisper. Nothing. And in Europe these communities are growing exponentially, while native communities shrink… again any teenager can tell you what that means for the culture in just a decade or so. In my opinion, you have your head in the sand re islam. Read Burleigh – educate yourself.

Jim Stoughton

Ahhhh, I see. So you read this guys take on Islam and have decided you understand it better than anyone else. I’ve seen his writings and I see why they would appeal to your already cemented beliefs on the subject. Islam has been around for 1500 years and yet somehow it’s only been in the last couple of decades, when a few madmen gained prominence that it has become this system that people like you fear so much. Funny part is that these madmen victimize Muslims more than anyone else but that’s probably okay with you. You speak like an educated person. But some educated people have twisted and narrow beliefs and you appear to be one of them. As for the muslim community leadership response, they are probably too busy shielding their larger community from the ignorant attacks on them that invariably follow the criminal actions of the few. And it’s funny that whenever Christian white supremacists like those guys in Kansas two months ago plot a terrorist act you never hear anyone calling for all white Christians to take to the streets decrying these acts. Or the fact that the Christian religion seems determined to force it’s beliefs ( gay marriage, abortion etc) on people around the world but that’s okay with you. Try reading something other than Burleigh and educate yourself

shirley versace

wow, you are a full blown MSM Marxist troll, lol. So you acknowledge that the muslim leadership has been silent on all this and that doesn’t bother you? Like all Marxists you have masochistically low levels of self esteem. Two things you don’t understand. Christianity is a pacific religion – a religion that preaches peace. islam is not – it preaches war. Educate youself. Secondly, Islam has been a violent ideology right from its inception. Mohammad was a warlord (unlike Jesus). How could you not know this? Oh wait, I forgot, as a Marxist it is your chief talent to ignore obvious facts. Look at the 400 year history of islam in India – it was only (partially) solved by separation into a two state solution with the creation od Pakistan in 1948. Every single country that Islam has expanded into it has subjugated violently and then immiserated through application of that hellish doctrine. Again, how could you not know this? Or rather, why would you choose to ignore this? The entire middle east was a culturally rich and fertile region until the 10th Century (by which time islam had fully taken hold over the broad base of the population) and it was at this point that the society collapsed intellectually – the burning of the library of Alexandria being merely one very symbolic incident in this process. You every post merely demonstrates your pathetic ignorance of the nature and history of islam, and its legacy in each country that it has set foot. look at Constantinople – the centre of the intellectual and cultural world of its day… now it is just a kebab shop called Istanbul – hallelujah. And you wish to regard all this with equanimity and call it good? Brains of clay my friend, even a hippy would do better than that.

Jim Stoughton

Well, you did sound educated for a while, but now it seems like your opinions are simply you parroting the narrow minded opinions of others who hate just like you. I acknowledge that they have Mohammed was a warlord in the last ten years of his life, not his entire life. For every passage in the Quran that someone has used to prove Islam is a religion of violence, I have found an almost identical passage in the Bible. Christianity is a pacific religion??? Even if that was true,it sure never stopped Christianity from being forced, by violence if necessary, on many different civilizations over the centuries. And it doesn’t seem to have stopped the many violent acts perpetrated or attempted in it’s name even in the last year. Of course only a fool would dare blame an entire faith for the acts of the few. Oh wait!!! Speaking of what every post demonstrates. Your every post demonstrates your adherence to your own pathetically narrow mind on the subject. I’m fairly confident you don’t actually know a single muslim . By the way your claim that they never decried the attacks in Nice are turning out to be bullshit, just like everything else you said. What it proves is that it doesn’t matter what they do, you will deny it and spread hate against them because that’s all you’ve got. http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/arab-and-muslim-leaders-condemn-vile-terrorist-attack-nice-860788171

shirley versace

you inhabit a bubble my friend. My world view is not based on emotion (hate) as you suggest… I’m simply too lazy for that! And as it happens i do know some muslims – two to be precise… we don’t have many where I live. Both are very nice people actually. But that is unfortunately beside the point. Your misunderstanding of Christian history (and violence) is your choice but I would urge you to look at that anew – Hilaire Belloc is a great place to start. Your focussing on emotions is quite telling – you seem to be obsessed with hatred and with imputing that emotion’motive to anyone who doesn’t share what I would regard to be your naive, rose tinted view of islam and of what is happening to Europe

Jim Stoughton

You say I’m the one who is obsessed with hate?? When it’s you who keeps claiming that war is the entire basis for the Islamic faith?? Nice try. Will reading Hilaire Belloc undo all the decades of rape and abuse heaped on Indigenous people around the world by representatives of the Christian faith?? It has become apparent that you are some sort of Christian fanatic that believes your faith is above reproach and better than others. Well that has not been my first hand experience, but as you say that is your choice It’s kind of funny you say that the only two muslims you know are both nice people but that is besides the point because you would rather beliefs about their entire faith on what you read than your own first hand experience. I have no plans to visit Europe any time soon so I keep in touch with friends in the UK, France, Greece and Dubai. When they start freaking out like you are, then I will begin to worry. That rose tinted view comment was kind of cute. Your view may not be rose colored but it is definitely narrow and out of focus. Might be time to step outside and actually see what is really going on

shirley versace

Berlin Truck attack is what is really going on… smell the coffee my friend. And it’ll only get worse as the demographics slip further and further inthat direction. By mid century France will be majority islamic… I’m guessing you are relaxed about that. Well, ask yourself…why do you not move to Dubai or Saudi plan your family’s future there? Yup, that’s why.

Anyway, happy Christmas to you… have an enjoyable day :)

Jim Stoughton

Shirley your gift for exaggeration is pretty entertaining. You honestly believe the will multiply their ratio by five times??? Is no one else having children?? and yes the Berlin truck attack is really going on. And there will most certainly be others. Because Islam has just as many psychos perverting it’s religion as any other faith. In the meantime stories of Christian pastors participating in human trafficking go unnoticed. You seem to have forgotten that this whole conversation started out with your certainty that the man who kicked a woman down the stairs was Muslim from Turkey, and yet it turns out that he is Bulgarian. BTW my friends, a white Canadian couple, lived and worked in Dubai for several years and have returned there many times. I asked him how concerned he was about the refugees that were coming to Canada. On a scale of one to ten he said “one” I hope you have a very Merry Christmas

shirley versace

there are two types of people in the world those who understand demographics and those who dont… France will be majority muslim within my lifetime if current trénds persist and there is no sign of them abating. That is a simple mathematical idea. But to answer your question… yes European birth rates have collapsed and muslim birth rates are sky high. Again, just simple observable fact. A European woman with one kid, who in turn has one kid will be grandmother to one. A muslim who has 5 who in turn have 5 will be grandmother to 25. 3 Generations of this and it is game over. Again, simple maths … Apparently the guy who kicked the girl down the stairs was a gypsy from Bulgaria..the truck killer was a muslim, as were all the other jihadists during 2016… whats your point_

Jim Stoughton

There are many types of people in this world so it always makes me laugh when anyone tries to use the “two types of people” analogy. Nice deflection though, trying to avoid the fact that you were wrong in your identification of him from the start. You said that this man was a muslim form Turkey. And even if he is a gypsy, although that has yet to be proven, it doesn’t make him a muslim and he is most certainly not from Turkey The three guys who got caught planning a bombing in Kansas couple of months ago were Christians. Two of the men caught in a sex trafficking ring in Tennessee were both Christian pastors. So your holier than thou attitude is pretty ridiculous. I would like to wish you a happy life, but living in fear as you do, I imagine that your happy life could only come at the expense of an entire religion

shirley versace

sigh… you don’t get it do you… whether he was a muslim or a gypsy or a muslim gypsy… who cares? The point is that there is now a wave of violent jihad attacks being carried out all over Europe. The open borders and fake-refugee welcoming policy. This is just another example of a criminal illegal immigrant, like the rest of those jihadists, doing what they do… hurting people. Who has a holier than thou attitude? I’m merely pointing out facts. Oh, and take a look at European demographic trends… study it. What you will see is Bat Yeor’s Eurabia coming into being.

Jim Stoughton

Well, your sigh at least tells me you might be as bored with this ridiculous conversation as I am. On one hand you say who cares if he was a muslim or a gypsy but then you describe a “wave” of “jihad attacks”. Correct me if I’m wrong but wouldn’t being muslim be a prerequisite for calling them jihad attacks?? What this man did was the actions of an asshole, but you are attaching a political agenda to it. You implied earlier that this was typical dress and behavior of a Turkish muslim, but now say that it’s irrelevant that he is Bulgarian and possibly not even muslim. You may be pointing out SOME facts to further your anti-Islam agenda, but you are ignoring other facts so that you can support your earlier claim that Christianity would never be involved in behavior like this. You know, hurting people. http://www.loonwatch.com/2009/09/anti-muslim-loon-with-a-crazy-conspiracy-theory-named-eurabia/

shirley versace

nope… you are being obtuse – i merely said that who cares if he is muslim or not – he is a product of the sick open borders policy… and quibbling about whether this particular instance is muslim related or not completely misses the point and proves nothing about muslims in general as anyone who cares to look can see that there is a wave of violent jihad engulfing Europe – no one feels safe anymore.. heck they have taken to drivinglorries onto crowds now on a regular basis – nice 6 months ago, now berlin.. and where will be next because there will be a next and it will be a muslim… or can your mind not stretch to that. We didn’t use to have regular truck attacks in Europe you know… that’s new ..and it’s islamic jihad…you do know that don’t you? Or have you missed that. And the daily attacks and rapes and the property crime wave? Have you missed that too or are you just choosing not to look ? Hey it’s a free world – you believe whatever you want, meantime, back on planet earth….

Jim Stoughton

Your comment about “muslims in general” says everything that needs to be said about you and your bigoted attitude. You are so far off from planet Earth you should be using the Hubble.. And now you are speaking for all Europeans, while my friends in Europe tell me they aren’t any more afraid now than they have ever been. I suppose the next incident could be a muslim, unless it’s not, seeing as how you clearly ignore all the incidents happening regularly that don’t involve muslims. Two lorry incidents is a “regular basis”?? “Daily attacks and rapes and crime wave”??? Jesus take it easy on the koolaid, will you?? You make it sound like Europe was crime free until a couple of years ago. Speaking of stratching the mind, it sounds like yours has stretched to the point that it has snapped. I’ll humor you this much. Some incidents may even be part of a “jihad” on the part of a SMALL minority of the worldwide muslim population. But people like you would use that as an excuse to persecute the entire faith and that makes you a joke. BTW this is an example of “muslims in general” http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/mosque-shelter-1.3912655

shirley versace

uhuh… demographics my friend , d.e.m.o.g.r.a.p.h.i.c.s. Look at Malmo – that used to be Sweden … now literally half the city is a no go zone. – a dung hole in thrall to gangsters – mostly of your pet favourite variety – muslims. They will simply breed on welfare and then take over. It’s basically Saudi Arabian colonialism – financial, cultural, demographic and military. Look at the french banlieus… look at Birmingham in the UK… smell the coffee… demographics is what you need to understand

Jim Stoughton

This got boring a long time ago. Your paranoia is actually getting pitiful now. Not the dreaded “no go” zones !!! I take it you watch a lot of Fox News?? I’ve checked with my friends, some of whom work in law enforcement, both in the UK and in Paris, and the old no go zone fantasy always gets a laugh. I don’t know anything about Malmo but what I could find shows that they had a bad summer of gang violence. But there has always been gang violence in Malmo. For more than 25 years. And what a surprise, you seem to be the only one to have decided that the gangs are mostly muslims. Funny thing that Vancouver had a bad year of gang violence too. With none of it involving your pet whipping boys, the muslims. Let’s definitely look at the French Banlieus. They sound like the ghettos in Chicago or Flint, Michigan. Poor services. poor education system, poor job prospects. but of course you choose to blame it on their religion. You sound like you would have really enjoyed living in Apartheid South Africa. I know I’ll never be able to change your mind, and since everything you have said has simply solidified it in my mind that you are certainly delusional, and possibly pathological, you might as well accept that you will never convince me to live in fear and bigotry like you do

shirley versace

you are just a leftist troll – there have always been gangs in Malmo…? haha. That is just a lie. Which you yourself more or less admit as it was precisely 25 years ago that Sweden’s multi-kulti experiment took off in earnest. Sweden’s new experience of lawlessness is immigrant related. Everyone knows about the French no go zones – Ive seen them myself even in smaller French cities (Bordeaux and the town of Cadillac). You should get out more – see the world and experience things for yourself. I notice the way you love to turn to ad hominem when you run out of facts. If anyones perspectives are delusional it is yours. You will notice that as Socrates points out, at the end of an argument, the first person to resort to ad hominem is the loser – that would be you then :) You are still living in the multi kulti fantasy lala utopia. Pick up a newspaper my friend. Open your eyes. Read more and learn to think – all you seem capable of doing is regurgitating the pabulum with which your mind has been stuffed in lieu of a balance of factual information. There seems to be nought within you that the spoon hasn’t put in. Tell me, how many truck attacks will it take to cut the fog of propaganda? 5? 15? Or is it only when a someone you personally know (God forbid) has been injured or killed that the penny will finally drop? Indeed in the case of the Maria Ladenberger – even after she was raped and murdered by a muslim migrant, her parents continued to support a charity that opposed deportation of failed asylum seekers… So perhaps it is a suicidal condition, who knows

Jim Stoughton

Lady, the only one who needs to learn to think is you. You are simply a sheep following the herd. That is just about as lazy as it gets. You found a group to hate even though they make up 25% of the worlds population and yet only the tiniest minority of them are involved in any kind of criminal or terrorist behavior. If you scroll up to the beginning of this discussion you “might” be able to see that the ad hominems started with you.You’ve seen no go zones?? Or you’ve seen areas that made you afraid?? Someone tried to tell me how racist and dangerous an area of Vancouver was, that I regularly visit. I soon realized that it was simply that person’s fear of people of color in large numbers. And as far as trucks go, it is simply a tool that allows one evil person to do a lot of damage. This is a new phenomenon and the fact that non muslims haven’t chosen to use that tool yet doesn’t change the fact that you have identified two people out of 1.6 billion. Of course most non muslim terrorists want to survive the attack so that is one deterrent to it’s popularity. I’m certainly a leftist but the troll is you. This was a story about a crime, but you used it to further your anti muslim agenda. You live in denial that there are any members of any other groups doing crime or terrorism anywhere else in the world. The factual information you have supplied is only useful in that if you twist it enough you can use it to justify for fear and hate. It doesn’t even come close to supporting your conclusions. It certainly sounds like Maria Ladenbergers parents are wonderful, sensible, decent people. You should try opening your heart and emulating them for a change. I’m sure that even with the loss of their daughter they are generally much happier people than you are

shirley versace

history 101: every country that islam has taken over has degenerated into a regressive dung hole – look it up – you are evidently historically totally illiterate

current affairs? http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/747942/Rampaging-Syrian-migrants-KICK-BABY-bus-attack-paramedics

Jim Stoughton

You get your news from The Express??? That’s even lower than Fox News. But it certainly does explain a lot. They are a financial backer of UKIP so their bias doesn’t come as much of a surprise. The funny thing is that the only coverage of this event seems to be this one story by Rehema Figueredo. Nobody else has even bothered to independently report it. The usual blogs simply cut and paste her story as fact. I’ve looked at some of the places you refer to as “dung hole” or “kebab shop”. They seem enjoy great tourism so obviously not everyone seems to agree with your description. Illiteracy comes in many forms, and in your case, it is clearly in regards to the human condition. You have suggested that a negative result is guaranteed simply by the presence of Muslims in society, without ever considering the roles that segregation, poverty and lack of education or opportunity play in these less successful integrations which are actually in the minority of Muslim interactions around the world. You are obviously a person with a great vocabulary and you seem well read, but you are also clearly narrow minded and twist facts to suit your agenda. You have suggested that I read many people. I would suggest you read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.”Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth” The problem for you is that it would require you to consider other possibilities. And you prefer to choose the simplest ones to be your “truth” or “facts” I’m sure you are happy living with such a narrow simplistic view of human beings and the world in general. It would make sick

shirley versace

re-read my post – every country that Islam has taken over has regressed… simple as that… The Arabian peninsula was a centre of learning and innovation until it was pervaded to its roots by Islam, a process that was completed by the 11th Century – the same century that Arabia became a backward, regressive dung hole… coincidence? Only in your world! look at india and Pakistan’s experience – 400 years of mayhem followed by a two state solution… those who don’t understand history are condemned to repeat it.


I am Muslim, while i never practiced in my life. My brother is practicing, best human being that anyone can meet. I met many religious people, none of them are like these sick bastards.

Radicals are dangers to everyone. Also to Muslims themselves.

People, whoever thinking the way you do just pushing the sick minds to Terror’s lap (ie ISIS) and saying ” everybody hates us”.

I am sick and tired about the mentalities like yours. To me, there is no difference btwn ppl like you and that radical islamic terrorists. .

Both have hate and prejudice without even reading, searching, so ready to hate. World is getting a worse place because of these two types. Same shit. there is absolutely no difference at all, same attitude different subject. Jim was patient and kind enough to reply to your comments but i will not, yet i couldn’t help myself not to express my feelings.

Losers like you is a waste in the earth, just like these terrorists.

Unless, u fell off somewhere and bumped your head, lost your logic.


shirley versace

until relatively recently I too was confused like Jim… I have no problem with the view that the majority of muslims just want to live their lives quietly. The difficulty is that the majority of muslims in Europe who want this, also favour conservative muslim attitudes being enshrined in our laws and, moreover, have a deeply ambivalent attitude to Sharia law and Sharia courts. Muslims in Europe, whether through fear or by virtue of quiescence are also notably silent after each and every jihadist outrage. The only ones to speak up are the despised Ahmadi minority – who often times fall victim to intra Islamic violence, due to their being deemed not radical and decisive enough. It seems to me that with Islam in Europe, the tail is very much going to be wagging the dog for a long time to come, as the energy, finance and violence from the Salafist element continues to carry the day and characterise the communities. This, coupled with the fact that they have lower average IQ’s, many more children and clannish, tribal allegiances, means that Islam in Europe can only properly be regarded as a problem and a prospective source of unending strife

shirley versace

haha… most of the middle east is a truck bomb disaster… and ‘moderate’ islam won’t condemn these attacks in the west. Typical lefty loopy logic

Jim Stoughton

Shouldn’t you be cowering in your bunker?? What a sad pathetic life you must lead to keep coming back to this conversation. You simply can’t handle the fact that I will never fear and hate the way you do. You keep referring to various places as “dung hole” and “kebab shop” while people that I know personally, as well as millions of others from around the world, continue to travel to those places for work and pleasure. Having someone as narrow minded as yourself use the words “typical lefty loopy logic” only further confirms that I must be right. You were correct about one thing you said a long time ago. You are obviously “too lazy” to do anything but follow the sheep along the right wing trail of hate and fear

shirley versace

uhuh… there you are back to your emotions… like all leftists…it’s all about “hate” isn’t it… I personally don’t give a fiddlers how you choose to live… it’s your life. I’m merely pointing out a few facts for people to ponder. You could ponder them too…

Jim Stoughton

Still deflecting I see. Those are your emotions not mine, because it is clearly all about hate and fear for you. I have pondered everything you’ve said, and dismissed most, if not all of it, because you’ve obviously confused your personal opinions with facts. Perhaps I was wrong about the bunker though. Back under your bridge, you troll


Hey self-hating German liberals and neo-con tools, remember this next time you think of holding up your infantile ‘Refugees Welcome’ sign. These people do not like you, and they are often some of the worst examples of their people imaginable. Wake the hell up and stop voting for that evil fat sow Merkel.


This guy was not a refugee or from the middle east. He is a Bulgarian, most probably christian. Does not mean all Europeans or all Christians are violent, does it?


This is what MERKEL has done to Germany. Merkel kicked Germany down the stairs.


Actually, praise the ziocons’ policies in the Middle East. Recall the illegal war in Iraq (hi, pious Tony Blair!), the illegal bombing of Libya (hi, gargoyle Sarkozy and despicable Clinton) and the ongoing war in Syria (the US redoubles on helping the Al Qaeda by passing this: https://www.rt.com/usa/369702-obama-waiver-military-aid-syria-forces/).

Jay Kim

Let’s speak out. Muslim culture can not be torerated in civilized conturies.

Marek Pejović

well i’ll be the first to call it: everyone might be surprised what you might find when that same “tame” europe comes biting back. indoctrination or not, there’s only so much a human being can take. humans behave in mostly the same way then under same situation. make the social situation unsafe and humans WILL start behaving accordingly, seek protection. and speaking of “poo poo” bad “extreme” right, well: if they get elected, it’s because the rest of political spectrum was so deranged and essentinally nationally homicidal that THOSE guys are a nation’s last chance.

Mahmoud Larfi

Now calling every arab/turkish/afghan/paki descent thug in Europe a “migrant” isn’t fair toward truth. Please southfront stop spreading far right hate propaganda.


Hate propaganda really? So all the germans who see this and believe its their fault and that they deserve this because they simply didnt take in more or did not assimilate them better this is what you worry about? No mahmoud, I think not. I think you believe that in some way someone in Germany would see it and maybe, just maybe mahmoud would have to worry about some sort of retaliation? Relax as they are to weak and cowardly to do anything to you. So save that bs for some social liberal bullshit site where you can garner yourself some sort of attention for being a second gen migrant whos life is made unfair by they system Europe has forced upon you. Maybe there you can whine about the “spread of far right propaganda”

Mahmoud Larfi

This was already happening before waves of migrants knocked at Germany’s door. When someone does such a thing we don’t say “he’s acting like a migrant”, we call him a thug, a bully… an asshole…


and a criminal! Deport them all! They do NOT belong in civilized societies!!!


really? what makes you think you belong to that Society with all hatred, racist and close minded comments? What makes you different that than “them” with the way you talk?


Someday, when you let your piercings heal shut and tattoo laser removal has brought you slightly closer to a ‘woman’ look, you will be ashamed of your naive and outright stupid former beliefs. Trust me, I too used to think no farther than how cool my new tats would look this summer, but now, I have turned into a realist


i am ashamed to share the earth with the people thinking racist, hatred and close minded. By the way, i am pretty much “woman” looking :))))

Mahmoud Larfi


Now I was right to point out to the dangers of hate propaganda and stigmatisation, people should never fall into this trap. The man was indeed a thug… a white Bulgarian who was in vacation in Germany.


I hope they finds these thugs. This is attempted murder. Horrible.

Пламень За Свободу

Europe is now become a rat’s den. Thanks to Pope Francis.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Pope Francis didn’t do this to Europe. It began long before him. The Jews did this.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Kill them. Kill them because they are Muslims.

Igor Dano

germans are stupid lost nation, they deserve it.


Why even report this crap? Pretty much happens every day, funny thing is there are hundreds of these videos, lefties think its the right trying to make them look bad. Either way who cares, Germans wont do shit about it, even the so called right wing will only make a video and cry on the internet. Lost cause.


Disgusting! Afganistan is the worst country for women. Women have no rights and are brutalized, raped, beaten, and oppressed daily. This is normal and acceptable there. Afghans and many other Muslim migrants bring this primitive mentality with them and continue these abusive practices in Europe. They don’t belong to civilized societies!!! Deport them all! Back with controlled borders and mandatory army service in Europe! It makes me so sad for the European people and the continent of Europe. I grew up there and it was not like that 30 years ago. Europe was clean, and very safe for women.


Ermm. This was 5 days ago. Have they actually identified the guy? Or is everyone jumping to conclusions


The real migrant is actually the poor girl who clearly have a black hair and the guys who are drinking beers and smoking looks like a footballs fans and some kind of Nazis.

Walter Paisley

Where is the proof that he was a refugee? Is there another news article that identifies the attacker?


Being they have not caught the guy how is it people “Know” it is a migrant? That is WHY there is so much BS racism and hatred going around. Sorry but you can see their faces, they look German to me, they do not look like they are from anywhere BUT Germany. People are just assuming that they are migrants and Merkle has nothing to answer to except maybe they need to start punishing German men when they are obnoxious. I use to live there and yes they do have some really obnoxious men in the German culture.


get the animals out of europe

طه زهير

Excuse me, but it looks like the woman might be from a minority and the guys Germans. They’re holding bottles of alcohol, certainly not migrants.


I just wanted to tell that, it came out The ATTACKERS are BULGARIANs !!

So whoever blamed on Muslims or Turks , obviously you can see this is not about freaking religion or Nation! this is about ATTITUDE !

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