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Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

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Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

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More and more shocking facts that show the essence of the criminal Ukrainian regime are being revealed.

The whole world must see this footage so they realize that this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, which is supported by the NATO countries, but the war between good and evil. In this video, Ukrainian soldiers shoot Russian prisoners of war in their legs and afterwards give them a severe beating.

At the beginning of the video, it is possible to see Russian POWs lying on the ground with bullet wounds in their legs. Some of them have got their leg broken. Some may claim that Russian servicemembers were captured already wounded. However, this is untrue. In the end of the video, we can see Ukrainian soldiers shooting all the newly arrived prisoners through their legs. Many of them are dying from shock due to the pain right on camera.

All of this is being filmed by Ukrainian soldiers themselves. They have been treating the captured warriors of self-defense forces of the Donbass the same way throughout the previous eight years.

This is not a separate case of war crimes and terrorist actions of the Ukrainian regime.

Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

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In a separate case, Russian-led forces captured the base of the 8th regiment of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine and found a torture chamber created there. Chains, electric torture devices and the Right Sector-kind flag (a well-known Ukrainian Neo-Nazi organization) were found there.

Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

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Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

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Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

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Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

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Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

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Shocking Evidence Of Ukrainian Regime’s Essence (Video 21+) (Updated)

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This is the real face of supporters of the current Ukrainian regime. For years, MSM and NATO propaganda have tried to suppress the truth. Nonetheless, facts speak for themselves.

The Russian society is boiling over the terrorist behavior of Kyiv’s forces, but public voices emphasize that the Russian side will never go down to this inhuman posture. The Russians have come to put an end to the terrorist regime in Ukraine and put these war criminals to justice.


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Hayate kirino

Can you translate what they re saying?


they are saying that all ukros are war criminals and that soon bombs will vaporize them all to hell


They are saying: not in the peepee please, I’m still a virgin


Dude you have the wright to not support a russian side in this war, but what you are duing right now is openly supporting war crimes and mistreatment of POW’s (which not only is a crime acording to the 1 geniva convention on humanitárias international law) but is also conterproductive to the ukranian war effords, since people will see this and start to criticise the ukranian lidership for allowing that to happen. Not mention that is completely irresponsible bc since the russian side has a bigger number of ukranian POW’s, you give them motivation to also perpetrates inhumane and criminal acts against those ukranian soldiers.


There will be no condemnation from this treatment in the west, will dismissed as fake Russian propaganda news. Could you believe Ukraine Army is so desperate to shoot Russian POWs to not allowed them to fight again (disabled) also to send a message to Russian Army Serviceman. Ukraine already lost it this is War. Lets hope light will come after all this madness.


Be thankful that @Putinbot is here and not doing this to prisoners among the psychopaths he supports and wants to emulate. It is disgusting but let him talk. No one condemns the pedophile cult USSD installed junta in Kiev better than creatures like @Putinbot.

He should be thankful that he is cozy at home lying and spreading hate in return for Thirty Shekels. But… dossiers are being compiled by Russia on people like him. He will be caught in the end once all the larger fish are fried.


We were sure you ukrops and nato faggots were shit, but your post confirms it 1000 times over.


I think it is time to call the West what it is: Evil.


He said that the Russian solidier must stop thinking of Ukrops as “brothers” and realize they are an vicious enemy and deserve no mercy


Do they? The media says so, but I’ve seen no evidence of it.


Not quite.


The pictures speak for themselves

Warrior Nation

The guy in the very last video basically said as much as the paragraph above him. That Russians will never go down that path of Ukrainian inhumanity.


The photos are from Putin & Shoygu bunker. Nips are ichy.



Deez nuts

Is this why they started the war? Y’all lucky big daddy NATO hasn’t stepped in. Y’all ain’t gonna do shit, y’all would nuke yourself with that terrible aim and half assed Russian army (2nd best more like 2nd to last) Let ‘em shoot those bastards they’ e been killing the Ukrainians while you brainwashed Russians allow it.

Here’s a truthful TikTok for you to watch



That is a war crime. Deez nuts, you’re not an American. I served in every war since 1989 and am the one who carried Stevens body out of the compound in Benghazi, Real American Soldiers don’t shoot defenseless unarmed men. That is done by cowards.


Literal translation: “We watched a video with our whole large team, in which Ukrainian bastards mock prisoners. I will not show this video, the point is that prisoners are shot in the legs, they watch them die bleeding, mocked… There is something to say.. In response to this, a Russian soldier will never do the same thing, to reach such a degree of bestiality – it needs to try. It is necessary to have no soul, no conscience, no honor. And of course this will not happen, but in battle, you lads, no one will feel sorry for you. And you have only one way out – to run.. as far away as possible… while you still can!”


Wow! Your translation is better than mine and I am a professional. Please volunteer to this site of Podoljak or RusVesna and help get the word (logos) out.


Seriously Anne. Who are you? That was really good.


This behaviour will backfire for the Ukrainian side. Most Russian soldiers still think Ukrainians are their brothers and don’t find meaning being there. With this brutalization they will respond in the same way and suddenly we’ll have the same hate like in the Bosnian war and a completely different way of fighting the war. The longer the war last the worse it will get, really hope for an end of the war soon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dane

Putin’s men have been torturing and killing ukrainians since 2014. Now you know why they hate Putin.

But warcrime should never be countered with warcrime.


Ko muči Ukrajinu od 2014,ćuti pseto bomardujete donbas sistematski ubijate djecu ustaše ste vi


Bravo Mrki. Mnogo se pascadi nakotilo. I ja sam imao isto misljenje da su Ukrajinci braca sa Rusima i Srbima lai izgleda da je “inzenjering mozga Ukrajinaca” poslednjih 20 godina ucinio da su to dvije krajnosti. Nesto kao Srbi i Hrvati.

Hungary Guy

…reported by CIA- NN?


Wolf Blitzkrieg is too busy sucking the blood of Slavic babies.


Liar, you do realise that when russians are done with ukr nazis they will come for those who raised those nazis :)

Michel LeBlanc

Bwahha bullshit, its not putin that started this anti russia project in Kiev.

The warcrimes is at the hands of Obama and his administration, for starters.

It is a shame its.come to this. But the warmongering americans and the bloodthirsty diasporas within demanded it!


I do not think you are a good person, probably mentally disturbed.


Freetothink is what happen when one accepts thirty shekels in exchange for their soul. All that is left is lies and revenge.


You’re lying and you know it. Russia never attacked civilians, while Ukronazis did all the time.


Azovisis men have been torturing and killing ukrainians and russians since 2014. Now you know why they hate hohols

But warcrime should never be countered with warcrime.


Have they?of course you can show us some evidence you Nazi creature.

Warrior Nation

STFU asswiper!


If you are free to think, why don’t you?


“Putin’s men have been torturing and killing ukrainians since 2014.” Liar.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher

bullshit faggot, but they will now


Sadly perhaps, what the officer said is that Russians will not stoop that low.


Fkffsshle. What else can I say?

opet ja

That is why Russia went in cleaning the area of garbage. Slavic people on Slavic people….


That’s called ‘Panslavism’


You are so lucky that the SF algorithm lets you stay here. Where else would you pick up your Thirty Shekels these days?

Icarus Tanović

You are very naive.


I have been in the army for the past 28 years, officer … I do not see surrender to the opponent as an option because I do not intend to leave my head at someone’s mercy or disfavor. I fight to the end. Stalin was absolutely right that he treated Soviet soldiers who surrendered in a very rude way. Of all the Soviet generals who were prisoners of war, only a few were returned to service, with merit and respect, because at the time of their capture they were wounded and disabled for further combat. Never surrender, never give up!

Hungary Guy

Russia is now Nuclear Power No.I- in contrast with pre- 1949 Sovietunion Not surrendering and trying to bleed them out will result in a Tactical Nuke- at least… Ukrainian population should also be aware

Last edited 2 years ago by Hungary Guy

ukrainians should grow a pair and kill the clown hiding in Warsaw

sadly, as a historian said, ukrainians are sheeps, accustomed to be abused by everyone wanting to torture them

I thought that by being slavs they were hot blooded, but they are submissive like sheeps.

Hungary Guy

To be fair and honest: CONvaids showed that 60% of all populations are SHEEP. And 30% (3x Vaxxed) believe anything they see on TV.


It depends, if your dealing with psychopathic Nazi’s then I would rather put a bullet in my head than be captured. Regular troops is a different story as they know an exchange will eventually happen.

BTW Stalin was ruthless, but at the same time he was cunning enough to deal with The Globalists and bring them to their knees.


Not everyone on the Ukranian side wants to fight a NATO war and are basically forced to the frontlines. I understand then that they would surrender when it comes to it, especially since Russians do treath their prisoners with dignity. However, as a Russian I would indeed fight till the end, instead of falling prisoner of psychopaths.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Agree with you. If they had not surrendered, they could have won the battle.

Last edited 2 years ago by Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

I think that is an asshole opinion. Prove me wrong.


These war crimes need to be well documented.

I have seen Russians torturing and killing ukrainians since 2014. Because of veto -rights in UN, nothing is done.

But hopefully one day.

Anyone able to geolocate or identify any of those criminals?




Good to see he is doing what I pay him for.

Michel LeBlanc

Lol no one listens to higgins. A 40 year old virgin that regurgitates what mi5 tells him to say.


Eliot Higgins?! BWAH-HA-HA-HA- That moron still around huh.


These war crimes need to be well documented.

I have seen Ukrobots torturing and killing ukrainians and russians since 2014. Because of US veto -rights in UN, nothing is done.

But hopefully one day.

Anyone able to geolocate or identify any of those criminals?


proove that you butthurt reddit incel

Attila the Hun

The Russian side should stop taking prisoners, every Ukrop who surrenders should be shot on the spot. Let’s imagine, you are a Ukrop, you kill civilians, you kill Russian soldiers, and then when you run out of ammunition, you hoist a white flag, and after that the Russian army has to feed you, give you drink, who knows maybe even some pussy, it’s a plain nonsense. Every war is brutal job, one who is not ready for brutality, he should stay home and play video games. War is won by killing enemy soldiers and by showing zero compassion to opponents who want to surrender. Every Russian soldier who surrenders to the Ukrops is not worth a penny. Whatever the Ukrainians do to him, whether they beat him, shoot him or F him in the ass, I don’t care, he is a disgrace, to all those Russians who have died in battle or become crippled.


Well said. No mercy. I would actually slaughter the ukranians instead of shooting them.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, I know, because you are svage serb, tchetnik that only can take on defenseless ones and slaughter baby, in Srebrenica “because it cries too loud”. I’m proud of you, true of your kind.


I wouldn’t say all the Russians that were captured have been treated this way. There will probably be some sort of exchange. The Ukrops that did this will be found, probably even if they go somewhere else.


As of March 30 Russia states special forces were sent and captured some of the murderous UKROS.


You never respond war crimes with war crimes dude.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Here are two pages. If you can not take prisoners with you, kill them. If you can deliver them, they will live on for questioning.


No. Prisoners should be treated in accordance with all customs. You want to encourage surrender.

But put your energy into actually conquering Ukraine. Why do they have electricity? Communications? A government? Putin’s “gentleman’s war” is a mistake. Either fight the war to conquer or never fight it at all.

Everything can be rebuilt later, to include the psyche of the conquered.


Who cares dead russian?A good chance,blow to russian breeding factory.Well done,kill more russians,they were poluuting air nothing more nothing less.

Hungary Guy

Wow, u must be an iraq/ afghanistan “hero veteran”. Shooting at women and children and fighting barefoot insurgents with max AKs & RPGs.


Wow,you must be from Russian prisons whose anus cracked by Gangs. There is no place for you in this new world Sugar boy.You have to ability to leave this planet and start your pathetic life elsewhere.

Hungary Guy

in english please… Get ur 5th booster sheep and check the f*ck out!


English? This is what happens when you want to play ball.


Enjoy the trolling while you can.

Last edited 2 years ago by SBU are FAGS

Wow what a nice exemple of a human we have here


Koljite Ukrajince redom,to su psi majku im jebem u usta, živjela Rusija,dajte ih čečenima na obradu,nemajte milosti.

Icarus Tanović

It is better to give them to savage serbs tchetniks, isn’t it?

Hungary Guy

Tactical Nuke incoming…


If they are in the same state as the rest of the army, Ok :)


As a Serb this makes my blood boil. What a gang of scum. Dear Russians, start slaughtering these nazis today. Remove their heads.


Serbs are massacers and fascist suporters, so, everything you say is futile

Hungary Guy

“Free to learn History’ would be a better start, 4x jabbed CONVAids believer


You spelled hohol nazis wrong tho ukrotrash.


Go f yourself, liar. Keep your sick mind for yourself.


As a serb you should know similar scum…they are called kosovars/albanians.

Arzt Injektion

Once we are done with Ukraine it is on to Kosovo!

Icarus Tanović

Just yesterday Ukrainians were your ‘slavic-ortodox-brothers’. Now, of the blue, savage tchetnick would do what it does the best-beheading headchopping, heartearing savage animal known as “The serb”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Icarus Tanović

I don’t think that russians will go easy on ukros after this


They never did.

Michel LeBlanc

I would hope russian leadership does not fall for provocations like this.

It is infuriating though.


Ukraine has a big population and while it will take a while to filter them through, eventually all the perpetrators since 2014 will be discovered and placed in detention for a public trial. It will be as big as post-WW2.


Putin will commit suicide in a bunker before the trial.


Just take a look at Putin’s hands, in interviews, public appearences etc: his life line is very very long, strong and double after the middle age, so in these times. He has a strong destiny and will live a long life. I don’t say happy as he is not interested in happiness he is a men in a mission and he will accomplish that mission there is no doubt about this. He is the only president capable of having hours long interviews with rude American journalists, I am watching one now, President Putin is amazingly intelligent and balanced, calm, he knows exactly what he is doing. And again: don’t compare him with leaders that cannot say a few decent words if they are not scripted, he speack freely, one of the most intelligent men on the Planet. Brilliant inteview: NBS News: Exclusive: Full Interview With Russian President Vladimir Putin Brilliant!

Last edited 2 years ago by Elena

Well said, and I agree.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Yes, they will find them. In military papers, you know where the individual units are and there is always someone who wants to talk about episodes they have seen or experienced.


A strong provocation for Russia to escalate and fall further into a globalist trap. The world must see the Satanic forces of Biden at work here.


Justice is coming for the hohol nazis. They will wish they would get away with a legshot.


Indeed. Their punishment should be made public, no matter how gory it gets. Any other NATO countries that want to start a war need to be shown how they’ll be doubt with once their rounded-up. That should at least deter some of them.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Shocking evidence of Russia’s essence of all the civilians Putin has massacred in urban residential buldings with the help of Mikhael Mizintsev the white haired general faggot. Video +21 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4921745597894156&id=604241389644620&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline

L du Plessis



Ukropisstan will end very soon. Nazis will be exterminated. Nobody can do anything about it. So brace yourselves hohols. Vengeance is coming for you.


Cool story mate


I hope the brave Russian troops find and execute every single one of those nazi pigs. Their existence is unacceptable


They are already doing it. For propaganda.

John wood

If true and not a mock up then truly horrific They have hid their faces but with voice recognition they could find them and the location of who is based there


They say everything is spoken in Russian and in Russian accent. Strange if true.


You’re f****** liar! Those ukro terrorists are speaking with a strong HOHLO accent!

Isabel Dunrossil

𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤-𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦-𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞…𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝟏𝟑,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐭𝐨 𝟏𝟗,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡…𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬…𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬…𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲…𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞…….http://Cryptobiz9.tk/

Last edited 2 years ago by Isabel Dunrossil

Wow, these nazis are already dead


ITs time Russia should behave same way or worst to this Ukraine nazi . Russia has behave very peacefully towards Ukraine civilian and soldier. but its time annihalte this Ukraine Nazi soldier they are cowards.


These are Biden and NATO forces. Still Biden and NATO regimes will preach humanity. If they use tones of soaps still they cannot clean themselves. Biden is ISIS leader.


No NATO in Ukraine yet. Sadly.


Washington and NATO regimes are a big threat to global humanity.


how can i share this Video of social media?? i wish nothing but Death to those filthy UKROPS!!!

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

If you use the Opera browser, you can right-click and download the movie.


https://youtu.be/aWKgEXhQw2g Here it is on YouTube. Please, everyone, share as much as you can!!! Everyone has to know what evil the West is supporting in Ukraine!!!

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