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MARCH 2025

Shooting In New York Subway (Video, Photos)

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Shooting In New York Subway (Video, Photos)

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A shooting took place in the New York subway in the Brooklyn area, at least 13 people were injured. The New York Times reported, citing the local fire service.

“In connection with the investigation, avoid the area of 36th Street and 4th Avenue in Brooklyn. Wait for the arrival of emergency vehicles, there may be delays in traffic,” the police said in a statement.

Smoke inside the station was also reported. Shots were heard around 8:30 a.m. local time at the 36th Street metro station. The police are working on the spot and a bomb squad was deployed. The police are looking for the shooter, who was identified as a man in a gas mask and an orange builder’s suit.

Shooting In New York Subway (Video, Photos)

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Shooting In New York Subway (Video, Photos)

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According to the ABC TV channel, there were several incidents at different metro stations.

April 3, a crowd was shot in Sacramento: 6 people were killed, 12 were wounded.


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Another false flag so Biden(government) can implement more gun restrictions.

Ghost of Trust

Biden and Democrats are predicted to tank in mid term elections – the US (Democrat heavy) Deep State needs a distraction from his ongoing list of failures and obvious senility. Cue the “shocking” mass shooting event to divert US MSM reports and “comment” in a manageable and predictable (read Democrat friendly/anti-gun/second amendment) direction.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Trust
S Balu

IMHO Absolutely correct

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

I know right, its way too much of a coincidence

Ashok Varma

US is the real banana republic that spends trillions on wars and funding terrorism and can’t control daily mayhem at home.


100,000 Americans die annually from drug overdoses, around two million are incarcerated in jails and prisons, 25,000 murders per year, one percent of Americans own 40 percent of the country’s wealth, 12.2 million undocumented immigrants living in the country, all the while spending around 800 billion on the country’s military budget each year. Contrary to being a failed state, the United States government is a violent neo-fascist and warmongering regime controlled by a few oligarchs that have completely brainwashed the population. They use the country’s bloated military to invade, pillage, and rape the poorest countries on the planet to keep the corporate profits rolling. The country’s infrastructure, healthcare system, educational institutions, government, and society in general have all decayed to a point of no return. As the petrodollar becomes irrelevant these massive fissures in society will topple the economy and corrupt regime. When will Americans wake up from this nightmare and take control of their society again? The whole world sends Putin their thanks for accelerating this process!

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

also Americunts are 100% assholes too!


It is funny tho, The US is only 244 years old and Zion-isis is 72 – both are fuked. Zion-isis is leeching off The US and US is leeching off nothing really (petrodollar – they just print money out of their ass).

The maharaja

You should apply for a tourist board job! You have a way with making the place seem so attractive as they say a shoe in! you would think it would keep all those ass holes from climbing the fence or swimming the river to get in but they just keep coming!

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Its the ghost of the soviet union, getting revenge on US from beyond the grave hahaha


Does this look real? Just looked at war footage in Ukraine and blood just doesn’t look the same.

Do these people look way calm to be trapped in subway with finite exits and active shooter still on the loose?

Also why is the “citizen fone cam” so focused on an American military flag patch velcro-ed to military style backpack for a long lingering minute, what is subliminal message being communicated with this?

All looks kinda weird.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Looks real fresh blood to me. I don’t know what happened exactly but it looks like very real blood, fresh blood.

S Balu

Maju True but you can buy blood and spill it


I can also be “conspiranoic” (for example 9-11) but give me a reason to think so first. So far I’ve seen nothing that suggests conspiracy of the kind you imply and it’s not even being treated as “terrorism” (although maybe it should).


Crisis actors? It has been done many times in the past. It would be easy to shut down a subway station and use it for the purposes of creating this anti-gun propaganda piece.

S Balu

BabylonGarden Whole thing is designed to remove focus from Issues facing the Government ie rising fuel prices ,inflation,etc


Good Game :) More shooting please! Kill each other until last man standing

Last edited 2 years ago by Carlo

Spoken like a true christian! You are a christian, right…?


But they are not, they are owned by USAtan.


USAtan is under christian leadership. According to the Pew Research Center, of the 531 members of congress 468 of them are christians. You christians keep making up excuses as you go…

Chris Gr

This is not Christian but Pharisaic.

S Balu

Chris Gr One thing for sure despite of you claiming to be Greek you 100% Turkish you confirmed it

Chris Gr

Turkic means Central Asian. Ottoman Turks are in fact Anatolians and descendants of Hittites and Lydians.


You’re just another lying christian backstabber…telling people that black is white, up is down.

Chris Gr

This is the job of the basement dwellers here.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

the stupid violent Americunts don’t need invasion, they are killing themselves with guns LOL

Ghost of Trust

Your handle name is actually quite funny. Guess like Homer Simpson said, “It’s funny ‘coz its true.”


…cried the jew!!

Karl Wolfe

It seems MSM sure went through a lot of trouble to conceal for years *psteins island and the fact that one particular American president flew there MORE THAN 25 times and they still kept completely SILENT about it. These are the same people who follow orders from the Network who controlled Mr. Epstein that you’re believing by the way. You really willing to bet your LIFE they’re telling you the truth THIS TIME. Oh, Please


a man in a gas mask and an orange builder’s suit … a black man, 5′ 5″ tall, 175-185 lbs.


Was the orange builders suit a wardrobe left over from the fake Psych-Ops ISIS beheading videos??!!

S Balu

MCHammer Time Right observations ,analysis and absolutely correct


Mate you reckon it was an African pygmy pissed off at Jew pharma injecting Pfizer death jabs to Abo kids?

S Balu

SteveK9 So what?


Another staged mass shooting. Noting is real in this country any more. No real elections, no real pandemic, no real virus, no rel mass shootings. It’s all a hoax.

The maharaja

was it a battle with Muskets? seems like a lot of smoke …….

jens holm

Your observation is correct. In Our latest news it was told a smoke grenade might have used to. Might…Your eyes are fine.

hunter bidé lab pork !

another lgbt false flag w guns but they never kill the real psicopats ohhhh why ???

CNN Comedy News Network

Keep calm And Blame Putin


Russian Passport “found” on the rails to be shown in the Prime Time newscast of all TV Channels this evening….

S Balu

Operetta You mean intact clean Russian passport found Wow this is big miracle Gunmen traced to Russia wow Bomb Russia wow Miracles only happen in USA where false flag are staged


Looks like NYC is getting its “ghost gun” shootings. Making sure that legislation goes through.


Usually when something like this happens it’s to cover up Zionist mess, wonder what they’re trying to hide this time.

Chris Gr

This is liberal mess not zionist.


Black shooter. Mostly Asian victims?

S Balu

Paul Yes correct

Adam Adamczeski

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Smolensk in 2010 shows that he is smiling. President Komorowski laughs at the airport as the plane with the corpse arrives behind the presidential plane. What am I going to. The Warsaw-Smolensk coup gave the green light for Americans to enter Poland. We know that the entire operation was carried out here in Poland, murdering people in the hangar in Okęcie. My question is what Putin was playing or playing. The fact that Ukraine is Banderist and should be plowed, I agree. That the Americans are also true right away. But what do you think was played on April 10, 2010? What does Jewry want to do here? The Polish government is not our government, but the Jewish occupier. We know that Jews murdered in Katyn in the same way as a million Russians were murdered by Jews from the NKVD. Only sheep watching TV support PiS and PO- puppets on German and American Jewish strings.


I thought I saw a naked woman entering the subway? it seems that she sees the doormat.

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