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MARCH 2025

Shootings At Two Mosques In New Zealand Leave Tens People Dead (Photos)

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UPDATE: According to reports, the death toll gew to 49 people. Authorities say that 4 people were detained in connection with the attack. At least one of them is suspected of being involved in shooting.


Shootings At Two Mosques In New Zealand Leave Tens People Dead (Photos)

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On March 15th, a man who identified himself as Brenton Tarrant, 28 filmed himself and his movements right before live streaming a mass shooting at a mosque leaving approximately 30 people dead in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Shootings At Two Mosques In New Zealand Leave Tens People Dead (Photos)

Brenton Tarrent in the video he shared before the shooting. Click to see full-size image

Later on reports surfaced of a shooting at another mosque in the city.

The Twitter account allegedly owned by the shooter was opened in February 2019 and contained links to news articles and links to white supremacy blogs as well as photographs of the weapons used in the attack showed on the live stream.

The account believed to be of Brenton Tarrant has since been taken off Twitter. The video, originally streamed on Facebook was also removed but partial footage can be seen in a video posted by The Australian.

“Police are aware there is extremely distressing footage relating to the incident in Christchurch circulating online,” a police statement said. “We would strongly urge that the link not be shared. We are working to have any footage removed.”

The video shows disturbing footage.

In the video, he described his reasons for the attack as to “show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands, our homelands are our own and that, as long as a white man still lives, they will NEVER conquer our lands and they will never replace our people.”

Tarrant revealed he had been planning an attack for up to two years, noting he decided on Christchurch three months ago.

He said New Zealand was not the “original choice for attack”, but described it as “target rich of an environment as anywhere else in the West”.

“An attack in New Zealand would bring to attention the truth of the assault on our civilisation, that no where (sic) in the world was safe, the invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world and that tehre was no where (sic) left to go that was safe and free from mass immigration.”

Claiming to represent “millions of European and other ethno-nationalist peoples”, he said “we must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children”.

The gunman described the attack as an act of “revenge on the invaders for the hundreds of thousands of death caused by foreign invaders in European lands throughout history … for the enslavement of millions of Europeans taken from their lands by the Islamic slavers … (and) for the thousands of European lives lost to terror attacks throughout European lands.”

He also said it was to take revenge for Ebba Akerlund, the 11-year-old child who was killed in a 2017 terror attack in Stockholm.

In the video the suspect also called people to “Subscribe to PewDiePie,” a popular Swedish YouTube personality.

Leading up to the attack, Tarrant also posted a manifesto. In it he answers questions regarding who he is and why he did what he did. He mentions warnings such as “Minorities are never treated well. Do NOT become one.”

He said he supported U.S. President Donald Trump “as a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose,” but not as a policymaker.

He chose to use firearms because of the effects they would have on “social discourse.”

New Zealand commissioner announced that 4 people had been arrested in connection to the shootings. One is the man who identified himself as Brenton Tarrant, and two other men and a woman.

Police confirmed a second shooting occurred at the Linwood mosque during Friday prayers in the South Island city, but no details were immediately available.

Police warned worshippers not to visit mosques “anywhere in New Zealand”. A lockdown imposed throughout Christchurch was called off at about 05:00 GMT.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that the shooting was “one of New Zealand’s darkest days.”

“Whilst I cannot give any confirmation at this stage around fatalities and casualties, what I can say is that it is clear that this is one of New Zealand’s darkest days.

Clearly, what has happened here is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence.

Many of those who will have been directly affected by this shooting may be migrants to New Zealand, they may even be refugees here. They have chosen to make New Zealand their home, and it is their home.

They are us. The person who has perpetuated this violence against us is not. They have no place in New Zealand. There is no place in New Zealand for such acts of extreme and unprecedented violence, which it is clear this act was.

For now, my thoughts, and I’m sure the thoughts of all New Zealanders, are with those who have been affected, and also with their families.

My thoughts also to those in Christchurch, who are still dealing with an unfolding situation. The advice from police continues to be that people remain indoors. I acknowledge that that may mean that some families are separated, but please continue to listen out for information as it comes to light that’s been directly provided by the New Zealand Police with further information.

But as I say, please remain in lockdown. We are potentially still dealing with an evolving situation. And again, as I say, across multiple sites. Please be assured, though, the police are actively managing the situation. Christchurch Hospital is dedicated to treating those who are arriving at the hospital as we speak as well.

As soon as I leave here, I will be returning directly on a flight to Wellington. Agencies are already convening in Wellington. I will be looking to meet with them as soon as I land. It’s my expectation that once I arrive and have been briefed, I intend to speak again publicly after that point. I’m happy to take questions.”

Shootings At Two Mosques In New Zealand Leave Tens People Dead (Photos)

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Shootings At Two Mosques In New Zealand Leave Tens People Dead (Photos)

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Shootings At Two Mosques In New Zealand Leave Tens People Dead (Photos)

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Shootings At Two Mosques In New Zealand Leave Tens People Dead (Photos)

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Shootings At Two Mosques In New Zealand Leave Tens People Dead (Photos)

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Harry Smith

On the twitter image with the vest there is a symbol used by neo-pagans, nazzis and satanists – symbol of black sun: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sun_(symbol) Also on the image with magazines at the middle magazine there are written some names (1st names and 2nd names) in Cyrillic: Марко, Миланов, Попов, Стефан and Лазар. On the first magazine there are some inscriptions on Georgian, or maybe Armenian and Russian/Ukrainian name Dmitry Senyavin.

The Farney Fontenoy

Sounds like a straight-up false flag, when these happen in Europe/USA, the narrative quickly falls apart since those places are heavily monitored & debunking evidence is readily available, NZ is very far away from independent eyes, how come only 1 suspect has been named?? How come no details are available on the second attack site??

Allan Greedspoon

As a resident of Christchurch for many years, I can assure you that this was not a false flag. This is not another Sandy Hook, or Las Vegas shooting. It was pure, unadulterated hatred and violence. My only worry right now is that New Zealand will start tightening up already tight gun laws, which won’t affect the deranged killers, but will affect law-abiding gun lovers like myself . .


Dark days for NZ whichever way you look at it


Yes and the problem can be fully placed on the shoulders of the Libtards who sanctioned an influx of people with a religion that has been at odds with Christianity for over a thousand years.

Oil and water do not mix and thare has always been an unwritten rule on polite society , not do discuss religion in a social context , due to the arguments between different Christian Factions.

Out stupid leaders then think is ok to parachute in people of a completely alien religion , and expect no push back.

I am sure that the majority of Muslims are peaceful as are the majority of Christians BUT religious cults NEVER coexist very well anywhere , as religions are a tool of control.

The Farney Fontenoy

No, the problem can be fully placed on the shoulders of (((you know who)))


Libtards and the You Know Who’s are all involved in promoting destructive Identity Politics , in order to divide and rule.I think.

The Farney Fontenoy

Libtards are the indoctrinated robots of (((They Who Must Not Be Named))). They are used & abused by the financial masters to serve as their ground forces-I know as I used to be one & I won’t tolerate any Shekelburger saying different.


i will bet every dollar i have that this guy has connections to intellegence you are probably not aware of the survalience they have on EVERYONE let alone someone like him think about it just when jihadists are losing steam this happens to reignite the fire of jihad

Allan Greedspoon

Good point buddy. There is something weird about the whole thing. I know the mosque well as I used to drive past it every day on the way to my workplace. I may even know some of the dead because we organised a pro-Palestine march in the Christchurch CBD (when Israel was bombing Gaza ) with many of the mosque members attending. Makes you wonder how a guy from another country, with no criminal record can just come out and do something like this . .

Asia Tatler

What are they hiding now ??One should ask,these are all connected ,planned events ,CIA.MI6/Mossad ,know it all even weeks before it happens,after all we have the most advanced SPY systems ever !Israel is no.1,in remote electromagnetic attacks ,and spying in these kind of events ,Ciber attacks worldwide ,from miles away .It will come up soon ..

The Farney Fontenoy

That sounded a lot like “Dear fellow white people” didn’t it?? No coincidence that Sandy Hook was also in the news the same day? No coincidence that Netanyahu promised war on NZ if they supported Palestine? No coincidence that NZ (with already VERY restrictive gun laws) demands a tyrannical gun grab? No-one is asking how this guy managed to get a highly restricted gun licence, or the fact that John Podesta-yes him-was in NZ just days before & called NZ a “big juicy target”… if youre the best Hasbara has, theyre in trouble.

Allan Greedspoon

I’m not saying that the powers that be will not take advantage of this incident to push their agenda. Already they are pushing for more tighter gun laws. Are you a Kiwi? You seem to know a lot about NZ laws etc. Unfortunately, your information is skewed. NZ gun laws are far more relaxed than Australian gun laws. But then again, they could be construed as being restrictive when compared to US gun laws. The “A” class licence is easy to get here, just apply and you’ll usually get it. And semi auto rifles are allowed under the “A” licence. Better you know your facts before spouting off in future buddy. .


False Flag means that the act was executed with the ulterior motive of the effect on the public opinion (in this case, tightening of NZ gun laws). Sandy Hook and others were fake events (not to say they also aimed at a certain effect).

I think those maintaining this was a fake event are sources of misinformation. But this is definitely a False Flag, and the shooter was not a ‘lone wolf’.

Allan Greedspoon

Well said


you seem to be from NZ can you really buy the type of weapon that guy used in the shooting legally because it looked a bit like a military assault rifle to me

Allan Greedspoon

It is legal currently to buy an AR15 on a basic class A firearms licence in NZ. That is about to change. You cannot, however, as in Australia, buy a firearm for the purpose of self defense, home defense or defense of loved ones . .


i feel sorry for you guys in NZ now you you guys are going to be in the same boat as us completely unarmed and believe me in 10 or 15 years EVERYONE will be wishing they had a gun but what raises my hopes for you guys is that alot of your guns are unregistered so people will have to volunterely hand them in my advice is DONT

Tommy Jensen

Passports were found near the mosque that confirms the official story of a white supremacy killer BRENTON.

As another white supremacy killer BREIVIK in Norway said: “We are many in a secret society out there and there will be more attack on those who dont like usury loans”. Then he did the The Lords of the Temple´s sign…………………………….LOL.

That means nobody in the Western world can feel safe because these white supremacy guys are hidden EVERYWHERE and the police cant do a shet about it, other than step up the Smart and 5G grid and gun controle of civilian families……………………….………LOL.


Were the passports undamaged and on top of piles if rubbish Tommy? :)

Allan Greedspoon



NZ is heavily monitored as part of the Five Eyes. Some view NZ as a test-bed for various neo-Marxist ideas. The NZ government has very rapidly sealed up the evidence of the massacre, except for second-hand reporting of the incident in the MSM. Like the commenter below, I predict some new assault on civil liberties. The tragedy is that each time one of these atrocities is perpetrated – often by hidden actors – real people are maimed or killed.

Allan Greedspoon

New Zealand has always been a testing ground for new ideas, by the global manipulators, a sort of miniature test tube for NWO agendas . .

Harry Smith

Guys, is that AR with SVD-styled stock?


That stock style is used (or was) in NZ to get around bans on “military style” firearms. I believe it was chosen specifically to engender a public backlash against such “military style” firearms. And now the government is using that backlash to clamp down on semi-audo weapons in NZ, quelle surprise. And the sheeple buy it 100%. The “culprit” was also more than happy to flash a 666 sign – shown in MSM – while in handcuffs. The whole thing stinks, especially the government clamp-down on any and all information, making it impossible for citizens to make an informed decision about what happened for themselves.

Harry Smith

10x bro. He also had a “Black Sun” patch on his backpack. The sign is used by neopagans and satanists. Also it was at the first logo of Azov battalion. So it was clear from the start the guy is anti-Christian.

Real Anti-Racist Action

When the original ISIS-Muslims genocided the inhabitants of Constantinople, and slaughtered Christian children while smiling just as the original Zionist they were, always forcing yourselves on other peoples and other villages. Throughout the ME you have genocided those who are not Sunni. Invaded indigenous Japetic lands while calling yourselves the Caliphate of the Moors, did they never think for one moment that their victims would not ever eventually rise against them just as the Aragon’s of Spain did? We know the Koran says to make us slaves, just as the other Shemitic peoples book the Talmud says. We know you aim to conquer us. We are locked in a war for our survival. If you are going to invade, you can expect to meet the resistance every step of the way. It is a God given right. It is also an international right to resist against replacement. Invaders from the ME are the exact same as invaders squatting in the Golan and in Palestine. Oh occupiers! The resistance will meet you. All Arabs are Shemites just as their Jewish 1st cousins equally are, many are tired of all your Sunni bigoted anti-Japetic crap and car bombs and lying. Few see any difference between Hamas/Jews/Caliphate/Sunni/ISIS/Zionist/Moors/Saudi. All Different fingers of the same body. This is a resistance for survival, and you will find that your intended victims will not kneel to your hatred invasion to replace other groups. No the world will not be turning to Sunni/Zionism this century. I wonder how many ISIS supporters died in this battle… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HahVcBoyGzk


I’m sorry, there are a few errors in your statement, I try to address a couple of them.

ISIS is a new phenomenon, derived from Wahhabi ideology invented by the British. The ones you are referring to are the Ottomans. Religion used by them as a tool but they invaded, looted and murdered everybody who didn’t submit to them and was defeated, including Sunnis.

So you know Koran says we have to make you slaves? Would you please be kind enough to address me where in Quran I can find such a verse?

Not to nitpick, but if we are going to talk about history, how about start from the Crusades, reminding everybody that the “faithful” looted and murdered everybody in the “Christian” Constantinople, and then in the next one, Jerusalem, and sold to slavery the young Christian boys in the next one? Big bad Muslims didn’t kill anybody upon retaking Jerusalem, did they? My friend, one of differences between us is that we know Christianity and religion were not and are not the cause of attacks, horrors and genocides but used as a tool by rulers who wished the riches of the east or the west. Religion is very powerful and motivating and therefore, dangerous in the hands of the ones willing to use it for their gain. I sincerely hope you can see it too.

Real Anti-Racist Action

ISIS lives by this book through the Sunni interpretation. It is an old book. Shia are not at fault for the Sunni version of the Koran. https://pics.me.me/a-religion-of-peace-koran-2-191-slay-the-unbelievers-wherever-20590611.png


Nothing beats reading from the source, specially twisted little factoids handpicked some parts and ignoring the others, like this little one:

And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out…

I present to you the real Qor’an with 5 different English translations:

Full Qur’an 2:191:


You can find the other verses if you are interested in truth. It has a very good search feature. I can assure you all of the verses in the pic you posted are twisted and half sentences.

Real Anti-Racist Action

You just posted “drive them out from whence they drove you out” So explain the Caliphate’s military expansion into Spain? Sunni did not come from Spain. Your faults defense of the Korans blood-lust failed. Selling millions of Spanish into slavery was the Sunni attempt to ethnically cleanse the indigneois people off the Earth. https://thegeneralreport.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/scene-from-a-jewish-muslim-slave-market-of-white-women2-otto-pilny.png https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/field/image/white-slaves.jpg https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/barbary-slave-trade.jpg


I didn’t add anything, I posted the link to the whole verse which talks about defence against an invading force. Apparently you didn’t even bother to have a look but that’s alright. The offer stands indefinitely, as soon as you feel ready for the truth you’ll get your answers. I know it takes courage to have an open mind.

Re. Spain and invading Moors. No, Moors were not originally from Spain, just as Romans were not from north Africa or Levant or Britain or Germania, but invaded them anyway because they could and needed the loot and took slaves. Christian Brits sold Christian Irish into slavery, massacred the Christian Spanish, killed their own people in Catholic-Protestant feuds. Were the British, French and Dutch originally from India and the whole of south Asia, southeast Asia and all of Africa and Americas? Entire nations and populations wiped out in those wars, genocides and artificial famines. The history is full of them, the strong attacked and attacks the weak for the riches and profit and as I said before, they used and still use religion as one of the tools in their arsenal. The absolute most number of ISIS victims were Sunni Muslims, and Shi’as, Christians, Yezidis and others come after that.

That’s divide and conquer, putting you and me against each other and make us blame each other’s religion for the result of their work. By the looks of it they are quite successful.

Real Anti-Racist Action

You spelled it out well. Any group living in another groups land is just plain wrong. Hey, “Stop The Hate, Separate” https://tightroperecords.com/catalog/images/separate-bkhoodie.jpg


A minor correction and we are in full agreement: Any group living in other groups’ lands and do not assimilate or honour the host’s law and traditions is wrong.

Please have a look at the site I introduced ( http://www.parsquran.com/eng/ ) whenever you had the time. Specifically search for the chapters and verses mentioned in the pic you posted.

Take care.

Ishyrion Av

I agree with that: “Any group living in other groups’ lands and do not assimilate or honour the host’s law and traditions is wrong.”


Very wise words! Good of you to remind us, western-Europeans, that nobody is without blame in his history!

Lazy Gamer

I read the verse with all translations from the link and from the sentence construction, it really does promote fighting against unbelievers. I think both Koran and Bible/Torah have enough verses to massacre each other. So when can we all start moving past religion? There are enough fanatics on both sides and it is fueled by this expansionist system. All religions have blood on their hands.


Followers of Abraham’s god have a lot of blood on their hands

Real Anti-Racist Action

Arabs are descended from Abraham’s other son. The son who was cast to the desert. He became the great father of the Arab people. The whole region descends from Abraham lol. No wonder it is so crappy.Abraham had two sons, each with a different women.


Yes it does indeed, but clearly states to do it when and if the enemy attacks first, and let them be if they stopped and they’re forgiven

It’s not that hard to choose a part of a sentence from any book and reach to any conclusion we desire. Qur’an is like any other book in this regard which means the sentences are connected. One verse before this one (2:180) instructs the followers to fight, but when there’s a fight against them and warns the followers not to be the aggressors and do not start hostilities.

It’s a good advice you give, we are not defined by our religions (or lack of it) alone.and should not evaluate and judge each other based on it alone. Specially since the majority of followers of any religion do not understand their own religion. Fanatics are everywhere and make an already hard life even harder for others. The same thing I wrote a few comments below.

Lazy Gamer

Qarib: Fight against them until there is no dissension, and the religion is for Allah. But if they desist, there shall be no aggression except against the harmdoers. Sarwar: Fight them so that there will be no disbelief in God and God’s religion will become dominant. If they change their behavior, there would be no hostility against anyone except the unjust. Shakir: And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors Pickthall: And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers. Yusufali: And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.


Quran chapter 5 verse 32 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5027e03abec4005452e7f6cdcf9786a83bae2d0b1a0d3256edd916fb344261e6.jpg

Ishyrion Av

Yes, is true, “and drive them out from whence they drove you out…”. But Islam has a right to dominate wherever a muslim arrives. In this light, the verse gets a new meaning. And you know, the meanings in islam can be very different, depending on the teacher.

Real Anti-Racist Action

trying to understand then how 70% of Sunni do not understand what the Qur’an was saying then. Seems they have done the opposite of the Qur’an. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rOdgfsVVhdE/UlKDVIW9shI/AAAAAAAAIuY/BjMa7H6mA-4/s1600/caliphs.jpg


Chapter# 5 verses#32




Sura #5 verse 32

Ishyrion Av

About Quaran he is right, the verse is 191 in the Surat al Baqara (2: 191). There are other references as well, but you must know them better (than me). About crusades, they were wars carried by West against the East. Catolic armies killed and robbed first the Orthodox Christians in Constantinople then they reached to Jerusalem and did the same. And killed the muslims and jews in the way too. Fame, power and glory, that was it. Religion was just an excuse. West assisted Turks in conquering Constantinople, actively and passively. But Constantinople fell only because its inhabitants became Christians only with the name and that is another discussion. Islam says wherever it places a foot, it becomes a land who has to be conquered. Simply, you just have to reach somewhere to claim that land. Or to pretend you did, like your prophet did. Mohammed never was in Jerusalem, but because he said he was taken there by the Archangel Michail, muslims made the city a holy place and a target. Obviously, it was a geopolitical problem, but islam choses to insert it in the dogma. As an Ortodox, I am aware that your prophet didn’t saw the Archangel but the devil. But again, that is my belief against yours. Islam is a danger because it is a political system rather than a religion. It punishes people who leave it, can be twisted (a verse can be explain, officially, in many contradicting ways) and it aims to conquer the world and submit everybody. By force. From my (religious) point of view it is wrong because it takes away the freedom from people and therefore makes them puppets and then there is no distinction between us, humans and animals. A Christian can choose whatever he wants to choose, even denying God. I am not entitled to judge him, only God is. I know God commandments, but if I follow them or not is my choice for which I will be judged. I have to fight the sin but be understanding with the sinner. Sorry for the long words, but today there is a fight against Christianity and I need to take a stance. I also appreciate you and I believe we have more in common than you might think.


If nothing else the comments section highlights the common ground we share, muslims and christians, against a common enemy who seeks to manipulate us against each other.


as far as i can tell isis is just an isreali proxy force why argue about their insane ideology


Looks and smells like a false flag. I guess the guy will be killed in Jail due to accident or violence of jailed inmates.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I provide the link to see the full live stream video. https://dailystormer.name/wp-content/uploads/Christchurch%20Shooting.torrent

You can call me Al

I shall watch it later thanks. What Nationality was he, above it states Australian, but he bangs on about the US a lot.


It’s being reported he was a Serb. So indirectly the US is responsible, they were the ones that turned Yugoslavia into a killing field and created these deranged people.

You can call me Al


Promitheas Apollonious

yes but on his gun allegedly he used write on TURKOFAGOS if you notice that means eating turks literally but you use it when you say you kill turks. is also spelled the way a man knowing the greek language using latin characters.

Promitheas Apollonious


Tommy Jensen

Breivik was also a Deep State/MSM fake. See Youtube.

Promitheas Apollonious

“My parents are of Scottish, Irish and English stock. I had a regular childhood, without any great issues. I had little interest in education during my schooling, barely achieving a passing grade.”

Real Anti-Racist Action

Here is the link to the full writing so everyone can read it for themselves and decide instead of the fake-ZOG median telling everyone what really to believe. chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/https://download2261.mediafire.com/fbdb2fyf4kqg/u153u4aqviafb3y/The+Great+Replacement.pdf


If real, this is appalling, and my heart goes out to any of the real victims. But I’ve already seen a few laughing crisis actor types. The NZ government is all over this to make sure we don’t get to independently view the video. It 100% fits the “lone wolf racist” trope that the MSM loves so well. Murdering people is reprehensible, and normal people don’t do it, but governments do – hired assassins or soldiers. As someone else has commented, Muslims die in thousands every day in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Sudan, you name it – but this will be exploited for maximum MSM effect. Seems we have the “people in paramilitary dress with semi-auto weapons” thing too. I expect some sort of repressive clamp-down on civil liberties in NZ soon.


And whaddaya know, right on cue Jacinda Arderne is taking all the guns away. From the law-abiding citizens – the police and crims still have their guns.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Normally one has to join either the U.S. or Israeli military to achieve such a mass level of Muslim murders in one go.


Yeah, it had to come, this is an text book copy of the bonkers rat Breivik, an nationalist, really, where, and the sole reason for mme not to bother to watch the tial, was due to the fact I knew this rats from before, what never came up in the MSM was the sole reason for the attack, on an youth camp by the labour party, was to legitimise the state of Palestina, they where to voute that day/s. To them, nationalism was an obscure mixture of an mentality witch is insane, an perspetion of reality where they flat out denie the other side of their shining armors of reasons, witch to me shows that they indeed are twisted, but then again, why. Islam, why, more muslims are killed every day than anyone else, we had articles about an baby, more about that child than about the 80 000 + killed in Yemen, the wars instigated because of one man whom was to be taken as an vitness, not an suspect, in the first place, instead we got deacdes of wars, all in muslim countrys, and somehow, its their fault, like Venezuela, witch is something weisdly enough most of this so called nationalsts suport of robbing another mans land. Yeah, nationalists my ass.

This, ladys and gentlemen, is was an wet dream come thru, it cntains the whole nine yard, for the MSM and we all know the drill by now, this time, its no doubt, right, even live and kicking, and I asure you, I will not see anything, as I never see it anywhere else I have seen what I need to see, and that alone have cut deep enough, and of course, Islam. This will be draged out of proportions in an hart beat, await the fall out of weeks to come regarding any possible angle, regarding anything attached to nationalism, of course, the defintions will be stretched as rubber strings, and the lince lises will have their field day, everything, will come, due to some scums actions, and the resons, why there is so much muslims is due to your own god dammed Gov, do something about that, first,end the wars, then I bet the resons for stay is gone but no, no f…. way, this scums attacks an mosk, to me, you can sink any lower as an human begin.

Hunt em down and hang em high. I am also interested in the coming seach, what, and he was not alone, what are the threads, how deep will we be alowed to see into the fore play, events stretched over years as its claimed, I belive nothing, nothing the rat/s drool/s, nor the media at all, as an starting point, this was an act of terror, hapens all over the Arab world, even with hyper modern air plains and state of the art uh…. bombs, but hey, we cal em colateral damage, dont speak about moral, like Jesus, be those that is without sin, be the first one to throw an stone. Be carefull.

Thats it. Blessed be the peacmakers. Evil provails because Good men do nothing. Be the light.


Joe Kerr

Where did he get his arsenal from? Cui bono… no great surprise that this fool’s role model bends over for Netanyahu whenever Adelson serves him the menu.

R PLobo

More mossad occultist nonsense. The MSM and the sheeple never get tired of this propaganda. Fear is the ultimate weapon of the oligarchy. Fear – loathing – hatred is all the same. The important element is that the fear deflects and obfuscates the crimes of the zionists and their police state vassal tools. The west and the msm have hit the propaganda cul de suc – all media has become an echo chamber of white noise – the only next logical step is for the zionists to fully impose a black out and shut down all discussion.

Gabriel Hollows

This was not a false flag, read his manifesto; if you can find it. The guy was fully redpilled, and was applying the accelerationist tactics outlined in James Mason’s SIEGE.

Joe Kerr

Sure, but 6 months before writing that, he wrote this while travelling through Pakistan:


Seems like he metamorphosed into an opposite polarity in 6 months. MK Ultra?

Jebus Slaves


Joe Kerr

https://twitter.com/search?q=brenton%20tarrant&src=tyah&lang=en https://twitter.com/rishibagree/status/1106480084867837952

Jebus Slaves

He also states in the video that he was in a “firefight”, he was the only one shooting, or was he “seeing” other shooters, MK Ultra?

Asia Tatler



His bogus “manifesto” is as scripted as they come. Now anyone concerned about similar issues can be tarnished with the Tarrant brush. It is an attempt to stop any rational discussion of these issues. UN Immigration Pact just took away our right to decide who lives in our house. Lovely world the UN is building – NOT.

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