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MARCH 2025

Shots Fired, Fist Fights Resume At Chinese-Indian Border (Videos, Maps)

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Shots Fired, Fist Fights Resume At Chinese-Indian Border (Videos, Maps)

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Tensions are once again growing at the Chinese-Indian border.

In the start of the week, India and China accused each others of firing shots across the contact line in the region of Ladakh. China accused India of a “severe military provocation” claiming that Indian troops breached the Line of Actual Control and entered the Chinese-controlled area. These Indian troops allegedly “opened fire to threaten the Chinese border defense patrol officers”.

Meanwhile, new footage showing a large fist fight between Chinese and Indian troops in the area appeared online. The undated video contributed to the developing tensions between the sides with both pro-Chinese and pro-Indian sources claiming to take revenge for provocations of the opponent. The de-escalation of tensions in the region apparently failed.


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Where is Paul?:)))


I’m here.We Indians never run away.We strike back and fight till death .We aren’t like other coward people like the Arabs and Pakistanis and Chinese as well.China only has a technological edge over us.

Zionism = EVIL

Stupid kid, the PLA would be Delhi in a week. You idiots have no military knowledge and think that war is a video game. India is plagued with Pimpeovirus, its economy or the lack of it is in the shithole and its military is geared for WW1, as even the Times of India pointed out, the military is so inadequately prepared that most soldiers will freeze to death as they have winter clothing. The PLA is a first world modern military with some of the best equipment money can buy. No rational person wants the destruction of India, as its people are already living in a shithole. The Chinese have moved some of their best mountain troops from the Xinjiang military zone and the most lethal fighters. India would lose most of its military in days. I don’t think even the cunt Modi is that stupid to leave that as his pathetic “legacy” as Asia Times pointed out. You are stupid punk who would not know your stinking arse from a rifle butt.


STFU you don’t know India’s capabilities.Live in your Shia shithole.


He is in Europe

Idiots in UK took care to collect filth like him !


That’s why I hate these Shia bastards


He is SECULAR Muslim son of whore. Only objective of his is Muslim supremacy (Sunni or Shia is all the same to him as long as they dominate ALL non Muslim countries, he is for that !) That is why he pretends to be PRO-China or PRO-Russia when that suits Muslim interests only…But in fact he doesn’t give fuck about non Muslims…He most probably hates all non Muslims, just doesn’t show that.

Zionism = EVIL



Your Hassan was fucked by Omar worry about that idiot Shia motherfucker mutah product

Rafik Chauhan

As i told you you are going to far . i will remove your tongue from your throat. and remove your nuts and put in your mouth you filthy zionist scum . you sold your sister and mother to this israeli. and you dont even know how many father you have. cowrds . Aids ki paidaish


Pehle train mein iran nikal bhadve

Rafik Chauhan

Tera baap pimp tha isliye teri Aukat pig aur gutter mein rehne like hai. Aur india there baap pimp ki jagir nahi hai. tu pehle plane pakad Aur tera baap pimp jo israel me hai whaha nikal. Aids ki paidais. Teri maa udhar miligi pimp ka entertainemtn karte hue.


Wait for the surprise you Shia bastards.China is gonna get destroyed soon and all the Chinese will be our slaves ;)Probably I’ll fuck some Iranian girls too as israel is going to whack your Shia ass

Zionism = EVIL

https://media4.giphy.com/media/tzrafHg2fR6Xm/giphy.gif https://media4.giphy.com/media/tzrafHg2fR6Xm/giphy.gif


Hussain cried like that when he was killed lol

Rafik Chauhan

You are going to far regarding shia comment . and i told you last time dont mess them otherwise we will put whole bamboo in you and your slave mother from front till behind. if i get you even i will crush your hand with my bar hand. you filthy zionist . your master israel is pissing daily in your pants and posting thousand of soldier just for one reply of hezbollah. dumb ass cowrds IDF.


Paul is not a Zionist, I am so leave him alone. If you have a problem then talk to me. So, when your Hezbollah going to respond? I am waiting for you. P.S, rest assured Lebanon won’t remain a counry after the war, it will cease to exist after we execute our plans against you.


Again he is SECULAR Muslim and he supports any Muslim domination (Shia or Sunni) against anybody it is all the same to him.

He supports Iran and Turkey equally.

He supports China because Pakistan is close allay of China

Zionism = EVIL

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/135c5e29e1c827051ace38c3dc1a7619cb801397c2e5cd93a326b9971dab165f.jpg Stupid PUNK, you have never even seen a gun, you arsehole. India is a shithole.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass Arabs and Persians ruled over India for 1000 years ROFLMAO!

James R

Not sure but his head is firmly lodged up his rear echelon.

Zionism = EVIL

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/972610d4ee462f1193c837b35682c462eccf09350bdc508acf6c802963505671.jpg Shameless cowardly Indians smiling and grateful to the PLA for feeding them.


Modi just needs to give a green light and those Chinese assholes would be barbequed beyond recognition.Chinese assholes love their comfy life while we Indians are used to wars and killings.Just give the green light God dammit Modi.

James R

What was the result of all previous armed conflicts between India and China?


We lost in 1962 while india won in 1967


You actually seem to believe India are right in this? Well as someone with a knowledge of this subject, I’m telling you that India are wrong, and they know they’re wrong. China also know that India know they’re wrong. As we all should know Tibet is China? The disputed borderlines were made by the British and Tibetan government. Yet the Tibet government never had any right to make any agreement with the British, as Tibet is Chinese land. So would have needed to be agreed between the British and Chinese.

No matter how hard people try to deny that, they’ll always lose the argument for one reason? If you know the history? You’d know Treaties signed by Britain and Russia in the early years of the 20th century, and others signed by Nepal and India in the 1950s, recognized Tibet’s political subordination to China. The United States presented a similar viewpoint in 1943. Goldstein also says that a 1943 British official letter “reconfirmed that Britain considered Tibet as part of China.”

The United States government maintains that no country recognizes Tibet as a sovereign state, and German scholar Thomas Heberer wrote: “No country in the world has ever recognized the independence of Tibet or declared that Tibet is an ‘occupied country’. For all countries in the world, Tibet is Chinese territory.” And this alone shows you that India have no right and no claim on that Tibetan land, as Tibet is a part of China and always was.

But read yourself you little pathetic boy? Grow up and start to understand this world we live in. In this world we all live in today, India is nothing but an irrelevant country, in the big picture of things? India has been claiming it could become a superpower for so long now? Nobody even pays any attention any more!

India has the world’s largest or second largest amount of people living in absolute poverty. Yet with a GDP that should see nothing like that? And it’s not getting any better in any significant way, because India is ruled by criminals, and always has been since the British left.

Every year since the British left India, India has killed more of its own people per year (mostly females) than ever died in a year under British rule. Clearly showing that the actual Indian people themselves, were far safer under British rule, than they are even today, under their own rule. As for your childlike take on your situation with China? Hilarious you idiot. Get real. China today could swat you down like a bug. Know your place.

Paul Sauron • 2 hours ago I’m here.We Indians never run away.We strike back and fight till death .We aren’t like other coward people like the Arabs and Pakistanis and Chinese as well.China only has a technological edge over us.

They have everything over you including the moral high ground. Get an education.

Zionism = EVIL

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b22c5f1c331a4898aaabd2f0ba6455f6c4ba9532106f96dc5367ebf1ba6871b4.jpg This dothead punk needs to be slapped. The Indians will be wiped out and the PLA has been very decent so far as not to whup them like in 1962.


You Erdogan loving terrorist cunt !!! The way you cheer for this war you might as well work fro CIA ! You filthy son of whore !


You Shia bastards will be barbequed too along with the Chinese assholes.Just wait for the surprise.Your Chinese media is already crying.We just snipped a Chinese soldier yesterday because he fired first.Hope your Chinese media at Least accepts dead soldiers unlike the pakistani assholes who hide their casualties.


Indians are very talkative people and can’t be taken seriously.

Zionism = EVIL

https://media1.giphy.com/media/LnsaeNMVklY4w/giphy.gif https://media1.giphy.com/media/LnsaeNMVklY4w/giphy.gif


What? there was no war in 1967 of any kind, perhaps the Arab-Israeli conflict.


Let’s say India came out second best.


Modi is too intelligent to do that. There is no alternative to peace between India and China.


Wait for the surprise my friend.Why do you think the Chinese media is crying?You seem to be a decent guy.


I was always decent because I am NOT for Western-Zionist neocolonialist to win but you are sometimes helping them with your atitude Paul. There is NO alternative to peace because China and India are the biggest nations with common border condemned to live TOGETHER next to each other! Both countries have HUGE POTENTIAL to be Super Powers of the future and the West is dreaming about starting the war between them to preserve their global neocolonialist dominance!

And you let yourself being manipulated with these snakes provocations… Cunts like Zionism=EVIL & guest (both Muslims!) There is not single Chinese here it is always Muslims working as Western bots that pushing for the war and want to humiliate India ! They do the same against Russia!


We are not going to suffer humiliation.We were always ready for this war.I have some internal intel but can’t share here.The thing is war is about to happen.The only culprit here is China.But Indian army will make them pay for their aggression.The Chinese defence minister requested our DM for the meeting.The Chinese are scared as they have 0 combat experience.


Paul you are being patriotic (nothing wrong with that of course) I doubt that you are the most objective person on that subject now,……. You are not really capable to talk on the subject objectively enough. Even on the paper China is by all standards considered to be 3rd world power and that only because Russia has so many nukes. In reality Chinese ground forces are second to none in the world. Nobody else can come out as winner of that war, except US, UK and neocolonialist West.


He is right, do you remember Iran-Irak war in the 80s? They sold arms to both so they could kill each others in huge numbers. That is what they want, they don’t care about you and your country. Don’t be foolish to fall in their trap

Potato Man

LMFAO Indian guy: “Fuk me bitch”

Zionism = EVIL

The poor Indians who surrendered whole divisions in less than 16 hours were treated by Chinese doctors and medics and were fed for days as most were in such pathetic condition. The Chinese just felt sorry for the filthy grovelling cunts https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ca84f351aad661f14db94e10c981a0dd5bcab65f188203c6df7ffbd2bace459d.jpg

Lazy Gamer

Capture the flag with no rules. lol


I am for peace between China and India ! If serious war starts between China and India, we will all end up being Zionist slaves an the end.


Hahaha don’t be so dumb. If India carry on with their provocation of China. China will simply overwhelm India with military threats on every border crossing. Seeing India capitulate in front of the world. If you had any knowledge of the Jewish attempt at global control? You’d know what you’ve said is ridiculous? As this has nothing at all to do with them? Their own attempts are going on much closer to home.


Go away you self pleasing dumb cunt !

Your comment is not even good enough to wipe my ass with ! If you think that US-UK would not jump on the occasion to arm Indina with most modern weapons they have ;Only to prolong that war to the maximum and make China bleed her strength and resources, than you just total idiot, just like you sound that you are!

I do not why I must be so unlucky to often attract total morons like you to make comments on my comments!


You actually seem to believe India are right in this? Well as someone with a knowledge of this subject. I’m not asking you for your opinion?, as your opinion is backward, ridiculous, and embarrassingly naive. Goodness me, get an education lad, then come chat… I’m telling you that India are wrong, and they know they’re wrong. China also know that India know they’re wrong. As we all should know Tibet is China? The disputed borderlines were made by the British and Tibetan government. Yet the Tibet government never had any right or autonomy to make any agreement with the British, as Tibet is Chinese land. So would have needed to be agreed between the British and Chinese.

No matter how hard people try to deny that? They’ll always lose the argument for one reason? If you know the history? As I do, and you do not. You’d know Treaties signed by Britain and Russia in the early years of the 20th century, and others signed by Nepal and India in the 1950s, recognized Tibet’s political subordination to China. The United States presented a similar viewpoint in 1943. Goldstein also says that a 1943 British official letter “reconfirmed that Britain considered Tibet as part of China.”

The United States government maintains that no country recognizes Tibet as a sovereign state, and German scholar Thomas Heberer wrote: “No country in the world has ever recognized the independence of Tibet or declared that Tibet is an ‘occupied country’. For all countries in the world, Tibet is Chinese territory.” And this alone shows you that India have no right and no claim on that Tibetan land, as Tibet is a part of China and always was.

But read yourself? You pathetic little boy? Grow up, and start to understand this world we live in. In this world we all live in today, India is nothing but an irrelevant country, in the big picture of things? India has been claiming it could become a superpower for so long now? Nobody even pays any attention any more!

India has the world’s largest or second largest amount of people living in absolute poverty. Yet with a GDP that should see nothing like that? And it’s not getting any better in any significant way? Because India is ruled by criminals, and always has been since the British left.

Every year since the British left India, India has killed more of its own people per year (mostly females) than ever died in a year under British rule. Clearly showing that the actual Indian people themselves, were far safer under British rule, than they are even today, under their own rule. As for your childlike take on your situation with China? Hilarious you idiot. Get real. China today could swat you down like a bug. Know your place.

“HiaNd PopAlong • 14 hours ago • edited Go away you self pleasing dumb cunt !

Your comment is not even good enough to wipe my ass with ! If you think that US-UK would not jump on the occasion to arm Indina with most modern weapons they have ;Only to prolong that war to the maximum and make China bleed her strength and resources, than you just total idiot, just like you sound that you are! China would be set back lot, while India would hardly ever recover. Only US-UK and other neocolonialist gangster would be a winners!”

China have everything over you, including the moral high ground. Get an education. And LOL @ this?

“HiaNd PopAlong • 14 hours ago • The US-UK would not jump on the occasion to arm India with most modern weapons they have?”

Can you inform me of all these modern weapons you must think we have? Because today? We’ve not got any? LOL Idiot.


I want you to know that I do not read your comments but still I’ll try to explain myself in the case of mutual misunderstanding.

This situation has all to do with the fact that only way for neocolonialist BANKRUPTED, deindustrialized West to stay on the top of the world dominance is to find country stupid enough to start war against China. And prevent China and Russia from removing US and other western gangsters from their position of dominating a planet! For the moment China is still on the road of becoming the strongest Super Power that world ever had.

And only country stupid enough to try to prevent them from that and fall in that

US-Western trap of declaring war to China is India ! They are very close to make historic mistake.

If they start war against China , that will save the bankrupted West to stay in dominating planet and ruin future of the China and India and everybody else who is against neocolonialist West ! Some of you retarded Muslims who hate India do not understand that that war, would be a catastrophe for Islamic world as well.


We always read Indian people claiming Britain invaded their country and took over with oppression? Only again, when you know the history? As I do, and seemingly none of you Indian people know your own country’s history? As if you did, you’d know how and why the British came to your country? We have letters from the Mughal Emperor who ruled India. Asking our king to travel to their lands and help them get rid of/banish the Portuguese and Dutch? Those letters actually prove just what a bunch of uneducated Idiots you actually are? Read your own ruler?

The Great Moghul Jahangir: Letter to James I, King of England, 1617 A.D.

When your Majesty shall open this letter let your royal heart be as fresh as a sweet garden. Let all people make reverence at your gate; let your throne be advanced higher; amongst the greatness of the kings of the prophet Jesus, let your Majesty be the greatest, and all monarchies derive their counsel and wisdom from your breast as from a fountain, that the law of the majesty of Jesus may revive and flourish under your protection.

The letter of love and friendship which you sent and the presents, tokens of your good affections toward me, I have received by the hands of your ambassador, Sir Thomas Roe (who well deserves to be your trusted servant), delivered to me in an acceptable and happy hour; upon which mine eyes were so fixed that I could not easily remove them to any other object, and have accepted them with great joy and delight.

Upon which assurance of your royal love I have given my general command to all the kingdoms and ports of my dominions to receive all the merchants of the English nation as the subjects of my friend; that in what place soever they choose to live, they may have free liberty without any restraint; and at what port soever they shall arrive, that neither Portugal nor any other shall dare to molest their quiet; and in what city soever they shall have residence, I have commanded all my governors and captains to give them freedom answerable to their own desires; to sell, buy, and to transport into their country at their pleasure.

For confirmation of our love and friendship, I desire your Majesty to command your merchants to bring in their ships of all sorts of rarities and rich goods fit for my palace; and that you be pleased to send me your royal letters by every opportunity, that I may rejoice in your health and prosperous affairs; that our friendship may be interchanged and eternal. Your Majesty is learned and quick-sighted as a prophet, and can conceive so much by few words that I need to write no more. The God of heaven give you and us increase of honour.”

The truth about the British being in India. Nothing at all like you’ll ever hear from these Indian liars today.? They say we sailed in and attacked them, stole their country? All lies, all propaganda, and all made up, only as a way to rubbish British history while hoping for some payment in reprisals, they quite rightly never got.


I am not Indian, I am from eastern Europe ! And I am not interested in comments of another Muslim, who wants to start the war because he hates India! The last thing world needs now is that two biggest countries start the war and ruin each others future ! Because that is what neocolonialist West is hopping for; that India stops the Chinese fast progress and drains the strength of China. So that bankrupted Western (Anglo-Saxon) world can continue dominate the planet and continue to be the parasite of the planet with crappy world currency – dollar – backed by nothing and printed infinitely ! That is all I have to say to you.

Zionism = EVIL

China would wipe Indian northern command in NEFA, Aksai Chin and Ladakh in less than a week and Pakistan would take advantage and annex large parts of Kashmir. This stupid Indian punk is a kid and knows nothing about military as the idiots have conscription and just Bollywood bullshit.


Fuck your mother you Bangladeshi peace of SHIT ! You whoring Erdogan and Turk lover !!! Get out of Europe you FILTH !


Who are you to tell anyone to get out of Europe? Being English therefore responsible for saving Europe many times through history. I’m telling you to get lost and get out of Europe.

I return you many thanks for the honour you have done me, but Europe is not to be saved by any single man. England has saved herself by her exertions, and will, as I trust, save Europe by her example ~ Prime Minister William Pitt the younger ~ 1799.

“Where Napoleon failed, I shall succeed. I shall land on the shores of Britain” ~ Adolf Hitler 1940.

I am, myself, full of confidence that if all do their duty? If nothing is neglected? And if the best arrangements are made? (as they are being made). We shall prove ourselves once again, able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, If necessary alone!

At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty’s Government (every man of them). That is the will of Parliament and of the nation. The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength.

Even though large tracts of Europe, and many old and famous States have fallen, or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule. We shall not flag nor fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and on the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender. ~ Sir Winston Churchill ~ July 1940.

Probably the only reason India exists today? And is not simply a state under Nazi Tyranny? Or would have been taken by the Soviet Union or China? If not under British protection?


Can’t you read?!

I was not talking to you at all. I was talking to that warmongering shithead Zionism=EVIL ! Therefore I will not read your comment since it is based on your misunderstanding.

Lone Ranger

Pimpeos handrubbing intensifies…

Zionism = EVIL

The Indian military is literally crapping as they sent both their Defence Minister and FM to Iran and Russia to influence China to back off. I think the Chinese will use India as an example of their military power. It will be a short sharp slap and then India will bark for another 50 years.


Iran has NO influence over China as second rate regional power. China HAS BOUGHT IRAN for 400 BILLON and any war is not in China’s intrest

But it is in interest of ERDOGAN LOVING BAGLADESHI CUNT LIKE YOU because you hat India !


China’s hasn’t bought Iran at all. The agreement they have can be rescinded in every 5 year interval. When it comes to Iran, Indians are just upset that they lost Charbahar port to China. That port was a fast gateway into central Asia, the middle east, Russia and EU. However, because Indians have a deep rooted inferiority complex towards Europeans and especially whites, they gave it up without saying so much as a word. Why do you think India was colonized for 300 years but Iran was never colonized by the Europeans ? Why do you think India and China were on par economically in the 90’s but now India has lagged badly behind ? The Chinese are playing the game to win and they don’t think that anyone is better than them. Indians unfortunately don’t have the same outlook and will therefore always be second rate.

Rafik Chauhan

he has problem that Iran is supporting oppressed people in ME by this zionist whabhi scum. he is jealous of iran works specially with shia defending the oppressed people bcuz he support his master in israel and GCC whabhi cunt. who is getting kicked .

Rafik Chauhan

i think you are far from reality of indian army work. chinese are the biggest liars they work where they benfit more. Till now Chinese has not reported thier loss of last fist fight. Even they have not given miltry honor to thier dead soldier. Family even complaint but with no vail. and this footage is old not new. Recent tension was indian soldier warn chinese if they move near with Spear and sword they will fire at them. so chinese turn back firing in the air. Chinese knows very well any big casulties will create problem for them. Indian army is ver well prepared to kill every chinese they are just waiting for chinese to attack them.

Fog of War

” Chinese will use India as an example of their military power. ” It would be nicer if they did that in Syria. Although, I suspect they’re scared of going against ZioAmerica.


This conflict is being fanned by US and UK in particular and will be devastating for India gripped with the pandemic. Let’s hope there are rational people on both sides.


And why it will not be “devastating” for China if US and UK give most modern weapons to them?


Indians are willing cannon fodder for the Empire; they are so used to being sodomized that they keep coming back for extra serves. China is the rational one.

Fog of War

” gripped with the pandemic ” What pandemic ? The one in everyone’s mind ?


That video was taken in June 2020 and the Indians use crow bars which are hidden; the Indians lost that fight. Chinese used pick handles with nails at one end.

Fog of War

Chinese and Indian logic : Killing each other with bullets bad. Killing each other with melee weapons good. Is this a clown show ?

Icarus Tanović

Toxic gypsies. Fuck me bitch. Mar mar mar.

Luke Hemmming

Everybody’s kung fu fighting! If Bruce Lee was alive he would be there kickin’ some curry muncher azz. Woooohaaaaaaa

Luke Hemmming

Slaughter a cow and eat it in front of them watch the curry munchers rage.

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