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Shusha Remains Out Of Reach But Azerbaijan Keeps Pushing From All Sides

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Shusha Remains Out Of Reach But Azerbaijan Keeps Pushing From All Sides

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On November 9th, the Armenian forces reportedly struck and “destroyed” an Azerbaijani group near the village of Karin-Tak.

The Azeri side suffered heavy losses, according to Representative of the MoD of Armenia, Artsrun Hovhannisyan. A video would presumably be available at some point.

“In addition to Shushi, battles are held in other areas. Artsakh Defense Army threw back the opponent during their attempt to attack in the directions of Martuni, Martakert and Tagavard. Heavy battles are happening in all directions,” Hovhannisyan said.

A video was released showing the attitude of Azerbaijan’s forces towards the local population in Nagorno-Karabakh and the attitude towards the Orthodox Christians.

On the video below, Azerbaijani soldiers break the bell from the cross and say:

“I will hang it on the chest of your (Armenian) mother. If mom is dead, then I will hang it on your wife, on your daughter. “

On November 8th, Azerbaijan pushed Shusha heavily, but were reportedly unable to make any progress on the city.

Backed by heavy artillery and attack drones, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces stormed the positions of the Artsakh Defense Army at the southwestern part of Shusha, in an attempt to crack the defense line.

Regardless, Azerbaijan released videos of Armenian equipment being destroyed in the area around Shusha.

On the night of November 8-9, a mortar crew of the 10th mountain rifle division of the Armenian armed forces deployed to the firing point in Ulu Garabey (formerly Metshen) settlement of the Terter region fired at the positions of the Azerbaijan Army. Our units destroyed the mortar and its crew at that firing point with a precise strike.

Shusha may be uncaptured, but some other positions were withdrawn from by Armenia.

These include positions and villages near Khojavend.

A high-ranking Armenian official was also presumably killed in an Azerbaijani strike in the Khojavend area.

To likely coordinate future actions, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev the received Turkish Foreign Minister and Minister of National Defense.

“As you know, it is a very important day for our people today, it is a historic day. Today is the day of the liberation of Shusha. It is particularly important that you are with us on such a day. This is yet another example of brotherhood, yet another manifestation of brotherhood. As always, we are together in both good days and difficult times. This event once again shows how close our peoples are to each other, how close Turkey and Azerbaijan are to each other,” he greeted them entirely falsely, since Shusha hasn’t been captured.

The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was also quite vocal in supporting Azerbaijan’s efforts, not that it was any secret, to begin with.

“Thank you very much for receiving us, Mr. President. We are always very pleased to be in Baku and to meet with you. But we are particularly pleased today because the heroic Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of its Commander-in-Chief, Your Excellency, has recaptured the ancient city of Shusha from Armenian occupiers. Thus, we heartily congratulate the heroic Azerbaijani Army, you as the Commander-in-Chief and the fraternal people of Azerbaijan, who stand behind the Commander-in-Chief and his heroic army on these difficult days, especially in the face of the missiles fired by Armenia.”

On November 9th, more announcements were made.

The operation to destroy the surrounded enemy forces in the Shusha direction continued. On November 9, our attack UAVs destroyed one tank and one IFV (infantry fighting vehicle) of the Armenian armed forces, which attempted to attack our units in order to break out of the encirclement near the village of Zarisli on the Lachin-Shusha road. We present video footage reflecting these moments.

President Aliyev also published a list of new villages that were reportedly captured.

There is also a version in English:

Shusha Remains Out Of Reach But Azerbaijan Keeps Pushing From All Sides

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Random Dude

He speaks Russian they must be Chechen mercenaries. Oh his accent is good, then he is from Khabarovsk opposition:))))))) So whatsup with the promised air defense? How long will those poor soldiers be left to fly from drone strikes. Either help them or recall them back. Young Armenian boys, want to live, have a family.


Armenia has taken back new and better positions around Shushi as Azeris retreated backwards. Battles continue

Random Dude

Early in the morning I visited combat positions defending Stepanakert, talked on ground with Defense Army soldiers and militia forces, who have been repelling the enemy’s attempts to attack Stepanakert from the direction of Shoushi for more than a day. Araik Arutinyan (President of Karabakh Separatists) https://www.facebook.com/ArayikHarutyunian If your source is better, you are welcome to post.


I wrote exactly Battles continue which means NOTHING IS OVER…

The spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Artsakh, Artsrun Ovannissian, said in a statement that in the city of Sushi, in the surrounding areas, on the roads leading to Sushi, several fierce battles took place during the day, and now the fighting continues, if and the volume has been significantly reduced. “It was difficult in the direction of Burjor. “The enemy tried several times to cross into Berndzor, but with significant losses it fled,” Ovannesian said. In general, the situation can be assessed positively, but the fighting continues, he said, recalling that for the third and fourth day the fighting continues day and night.


Random Dude

Thank you for editing your original comment, however I would suggest more neutral sources to refer to. It is absolutely necessary to read both sides to come to a conclusion, but would refrain to refer to one side only. If you want to get to the truth of course.


It is certain that each side says its own. But anyone who has logic can find out exactly what is happening. the only sure and FACT is that the battle is NOT OVER.

Random Dude

Very true. Battle is far from over. Could even go through winter, if Armenia manages to secure back the supply lines. Lets watch and see what happens.


Winter will be a good ally for the Armenians … so they will save time … so that the rest of us can do what we have to do. They have to save time … that’s all I can say in public ..

Random Dude

Doubt that. Lachin corridor is not operational. Kalbadzhar corridor is too long and on visible artillery reach from Murov mountain range. To survive the winter, supply is critical.


Secure women and children, old and sick, in a safe place and get organized … there is a lot you can do with the right people in the right places.

Random Dude

There certainly are possibilities, even for example Afghanistan style supply caravans on donkeys (very sturdy animals actually) through mountains and forests on north west of Karabakh. Civilians I doubt will remain too long, judging by Armenian reports evacuation speed. Military will need more than just food. MALE Drones on high cloud days would hunt even better than in summer given the fact that in winter people tend to gather around heat sources to survive the cold and emit heat signature for drones to pick up. Actual move of troops however indeed will be limited on both sides.


” Military will need more than just food” STOLE from the enemy what you need

Random Dude

Can Armenian small special units steal from Azerbaijani supply line? Yes. Can they carry it to their base in winter? I don’t know. Because if they can move, so Azerbaijani forces can move to take more positions.


Heat-seeking drones ‘hunting’ civilians trying to stay warm? Genocide from the air.

Random Dude

I never used the word civilians, you assumed. But I will not be surprised if you assume Genocide as well. Doesn’t matter though. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8d2d12f1765050b05ddbf8b8647de7aa4a59a3910428827fd6c2e02425c851b1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85dfc3304fcb23280581e42cb1992d26cbf18416404396dd0a74261f033c5c78.jpg


Turkic genocide doesn’t use the word civilians either, it just slaughters them.

Random Dude

sure thing https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5d09ba2e24fd8633222ecc9662db2ca3820db7383a560ad79b26cce36515d053.jpg

Random Dude

Heloooo!!!! How is capitulating feels?


France will already ask for the termination of the EU-Turkey customs connection …. and with the change of government in Germany … this can be realized. Thus, the Turkish economy will be hit and it will not be able to spend money and materials for Azerbaijan. France has held the EU presidency since January 2022. An anti-Turkish axis is being prepared …. with the tacit approval of Russia as well. You need to hold on a little longer.

Random Dude

EU burocratic incapability will not allow to make any decision on almost any foreign policy topic. Turkish economy is irrelevant in this battles as Azerbaijan has its GDP size of foreign currency reserves, and additional liquidity if needed. And most arms are purchased by their own money or perhaps barter. Russia has already given its approval for Azerbaijani operation given the future opportunities. Compare the value of Armenia vs Azerbaijan for Russia, it will be crystal clear. Hence that explains the Russian relative silence in this situation.


Turkey’s actions go far beyond the borders of the NKR and Transcaucasia – successful attacks by Azerbaijani troops open up wide opportunities for the Turks to expand their sphere of influence to other regions, creating threats directly for Russia. Turkey’s actions go far beyond the borders of the NKR and Transcaucasia – successful attacks by Azerbaijani troops open up wide opportunities for the Turks to expand their sphere of influence to other regions, creating threats directly for Russia.

Random Dude

That is true, but that is non of EU’s concern. As far as EU is concerned, worse the Russian-Turkish relations are, the better. Indeed Turkish influence in the region can be a threat in future for Russia. What Kremlin is planning to do with it, what countermeasures they have taken, I do not know unfortunately.


Believe me, no one wants a strong Turkey … neither the EU nor Russia nor America. Developments in Turkey have already begun and are “popping up” …. yesterday Erdogan’s son-in-law resigned … the mice leave the ship before it sinks.

Random Dude

I believe you dude. I will even add that no one wants anyone strong except for itself. No matter what the distance, or if there is any direct threat. Strong country is someone you can’t push around, dictate what o buy or what to produce. (example Huawei) If I may assume that you might be Greek. For example EU doesn’t want strong Greek shipbuilding industry, because then Italian market will be killed due to high quality and low price Greek ships. But that is what geopolitics is. You act based on your own national interest. I am pretty sure EU wants Turkey strong enough to act like a buffer between asia south and itself, but not strong enough to threaten its own interest. Thats how things are.

Brother Ma

The Eu would love Turkey to be strong as you say even if it swallows Grreece . Tur is as you say a buffer state for the Eu and a large market for its industries. Greece must act accordingly ,noone is their friend in the Eu and certainly not in the US. Unless Greece is prepared to act unilaterally for its own interests it is finished. Some patriots must hang a few politicians of all parties to get the message across. Be afraid of your Greek brothers more than your EU overlords. That is what Kolokotronis did to a few in the 1820s to make them all sing from the right songbook. Nenekas Incident.


Check the lastest post in the main page.

Brother Ma

Another one for the memory bank when the free world neutralises Turkey. Then I will laugh when minarets come tumbling down. Let’s see how the Turks and Azeris laugh then. As always ,Uncle Sam lets his Turk dogs do all the dirty work. The sooner the US is neutralised in world affairs the better .

Arman Melkonyan

You know that Putin and the Russians are COMPLICIT in this savage war on the side of the Azeris against the Armenians?

The Russians could have employed their electronic warfare (EW) assets and disabled the Turkish and Jewish terror drones without risking the lives of any Russian soldiers. But the Russians betrayed their ally Armenia (again) for Azeri dollars.

Russia=USA Turkey=Israel


Right, the ‘Christian’ Russians could certainly have disabled the Terminator-terror drones easily enough, but like the bandits they are, they sit and watch neo-Ottoman-jihadis massacre Armenians yet again while their trolls demand a coup in Yerevan at the point of Turko-Arab-Afghan guns as the price of maybe giving some help, but like true bandits when you give in on one thing, you can just expect another demand, then another, til there is nothing left…

‘Koba’ would be proud…

Arman Melkonyan

You’re saying, because you believe that Armenians would demand more help if the Russians disabled the Turkish and Jewish drones, Russians ought not disable the drones that are killing their allies, the Armenians.



Huh? NO. Read it again. The Russians are making the demands, like bandits.

How could you misunderstand that?

Arman Melkonyan

I can read English.


Well you misread my comment. Still left your downvote also.

Brother Ma

Coyld be friend. That nikol pasginyan is to Armenia and Artsakh ,whatthe Colonels were to Greece in1974, a lackey ,used by the Natoists like the foo

Arman Melkonyan

Pashinyan is nothing.

What matters is that Russians betrayed Armenia.

You Russians can all go to hell.

Armenians will never forget your betrayal and will never forgive you.

Armenia will be RUSSIAN FREE land from now on.

Go suck filthy Muslim Turkish cock.

Your Natashas love it.

Brother Ma

How stupid are you Hothead .I’m not Russian and I have supported you and Armenia the whole time. Do you think armenia will win without allies? Did you believe that nato would help you ? Are you a Pashinyan supporter?

Armenia ,like Greece ,needs to have allies but never fully trust them. Look what the idiot Greek colonels in1974 ,let happen!

Brother Ma

What is the use of going to war when they can kill you with drones. Every tank and army will be afraid to move an inch.

Genghis Gobi

Freinds and infidels!

I am going to telling you now of top and also bottom secret plan by which we planning to capture city Shushabad!

Why I telling you this? Is because by time you read this planning will already be operation! Yes we doing surgery strike on Shushabad!

Now I gnaw what you thinking. You thinking, but, Genghis, you at bottom of cliff and town on top, how you planning to get up to make surgery strike, fly?

Yes! You understanding righteous! We fly!

Plan told by Sultan Erdogan al Turki, who call us personification over app Zoom. Of coarse he wear mask but we gnawing who he is because of Ottoman turban and robe he wearing, and because he keep stick pins in effigy of Abu Gülen al Amriki while ranting!

Anyweigh, here plan: you gnaw how drone aeroplane Bayraktar TB 2 being given by Sultan Erdogan to Abu Aliyev al Azeri, righteous? And how drone aeroplane Bayraktar TB 2 very successfully to bombing Armenistani? Now it new roll!

Now each drone carry under each wing one jihadi who holding gun in hand and headchopper knife between teeth, and fly up to Shushabad. Once above town small rocket fix to jihadi belt fired, projectioning jihadi on to Armenistani position! As soon as landed, jihadis can starting shooting and headchoppering anybody they find!

It brilliantly! With blessing of Shaykh Muhaysini, secure by app WhatsApp, it not possible to failure.

Soon I be back from mission and then I telling you how success it wented.

Takebeer! Muhaysinihu Akbar! Thank.

Brother Ma



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/90982d73c742bf9b5050d1c7cce45145486fc48c271776c7a3bbb892ea92cc33.png https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martakert


From the article:

“On the night of November 8-9, a mortar crew of the 10th mountain rifle division of the Armenian armed forces deployed to the firing point in Ulu Garabey (formerly Metshen) settlement of the Terter region fired at the positions of the Azerbaijan Army. Our units destroyed the mortar and its crew at that firing point with a precise strike.”

Does this mean that ground forces of the Armenian army are deployed in Artsahk in support of the Artsahks?

Random Dude

2options to find it out, 1st is now, 2nd is perhaps later. 1. Look at the admitted losses of Armenia and the place of birth. There you will see the ratio of Armenia vs Karabakh Armenians on the battlefield. 2. Whether those were active military servicemen of Armenian Armed Forces or volunteers, you either need a confession from Armenian side, or documents from corpses presented by Azerbaijani side.


“On the night of November 8-9, a mortar crew of the 10th mountain rifle division of the Armenian armed forces deployed to the firing point in Ulu Garabey (formerly Metshen) settlement of the Terter region fired at the positions of the Azerbaijan Army.”

This is the quote. Where SF got this information is unclear.

The paragraph containing this information is preceded by this quote:

“The Azeri side suffered heavy losses, according to Representative of the MoD of Armenia, Artsrun Hovhannisyan.”

Where is SF getting the information that the 10th Mountain Rifle Division of the Armenian Armed Forces is evidently fighting in NE Artsahk?

Random Dude

Good question. Ask them. info@southfront.org

Rhodium 10

I wtached yesterday a video posted by NK army…some AZ corpses and I noticed NK soldiers around them were Dragunov sniper rifles with Thermal sights…

Random Dude

Night clashes are quiet common in this war. Specially on the mountains and air support with thermal vision

Ishyrion Av

Dirty muslim invader. First think they do when they reach a Christian land is to tear apart crosses and churches and monasteries. Then they threaten the women: mothers, wive and sisters. Like strong men they are. May the dogs to swim in their blood and eat their flesh!

Random Dude

Are you talking about colonization, or perhaps crusades, or maybe Russian expansion to far east?

James Adams

Death to Islam !!!

Random Dude

He died already in 2016. Great president of Uzbekistan.


Islam attacked first, before all those.

Random Dude

Islamic native Americans attacked colonizer countries in Europe?:))))


Islamic hordes attacked Europe and elsewhere already from the 7th-8th century, one of the causes of later European attempts to sail west, as well as the crusades.

Random Dude

yeah but whatsup with colonization?


Arabs and Turks did it before the West..

Random Dude

Not really. the proof is very simple. they got their religion much later.


Rofl that’s why Stalin sent the Tatars from Crimea to Siberia, everyone back to his place :)

Random Dude

Stalin was a barman. He was making cocktails from everyone.


Hitler too. Hookhas and bongs with juice

Random Dude

imagine them all partying together:)))


I think I’ve seen a gif with that :)

Random Dude

maaaan. If you come across it, tag me please.

Ishyrion Av

I’m talking invasions. About crusades you know nothing, it seems, since you bring them in an Orthodox world (like Armenia or Russia). As for the Russian expansion, wait to see it in the south direction…

Random Dude



A lot of Greeeks weeping https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b19fb9fa2c1af7e9a341e9f4bd0fbab2cc0444769b3433ccff00c9ccb83a1006.jpg

James Adams




Random Dude

Fresh from Shusha. For stupid people who can’t understand facts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So7e9mRblfY


Historical background:




Ataturk-Hitler-Stalin – Who remembers the Armenians?

Erdogan-NAZIO-RuSSia – Who remembers Artsakh?

God-Justice-Truth – We do, and we won’t forget those who betrayed, crucified, and genocided

the Armenians, ever, the First Christian Nation.


The orc reminds me of Shan Yu https://youtu.be/yz38PkCWxqU

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