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Situation On Frontline In Evening Of June 8, 2023. Another Day – Another Fierce Attack In Zaporozhye

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Situation On Frontline In Evening Of June 8, 2023. Another Day - Another Fierce Attack In Zaporozhye

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As of the evening of June 8, the Kyiv regime continues its attempts to break the Russian defense in South Donetsk sector and Zaporozhye region. In a fierce attempt to change the tide of the battle, Kyiv has thrown a large batch of NATO-supplied equipment, including Leopard battle tanks, M113 armored personnel carriers and other ‘Western Wunderwaffe’, into the attack.

The most intense clashes took place in the area of Orehov as well as in the areas west of Ugledar in South Donetsk sector. Intense fighting took place near Nesteryanka, Novodanilovka, Novopokrovka.

German battle tanks with painted crosses and other mighty foreign equipment were burnt into ashes by Russians in the Donbass. In their irrational attempts to imitate the armed forces of Nazi Germany, the modern neo-Nazis funded by Washington and its EU puppets prepared a full cosplay of World War 2 at the frontline. The thing is that the Kyiv regime has forgotten the lessons of history and how the push to the East ended for the Nazis.

Despite heavy losses, the Kyiv regime has been fiercely trying to develop its tactical gains achieved in the previous days into something more real.

The situation also remains tense in the sector of Krasny Liman according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Report by Press Centre Chief of Tsentr Group of Forces

In Krasny Liman direction close to Nevskoye and Chervonopopovka, the units of the Tsentr Group of Forces disrupted the rotation of personnel of the 66th Mechanised Brigade and the 25th Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Fire from an artillery battery led by the unit commander with the call sign ‘Storm’ hit the positions of the 67th Mechanised Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Serebryansky forestry.

Anti-aircraft defence systems intercepted two HIMARS-type projectiles near Lisichansk, as well as AFU drones near Kremennaya.

Kyiv’s forces carried out multiple attacks in the area around Velikaya Novoselovka and Ugledar. Various sources report that Kyiv is actively concentrating forces in this direction.

Captured battle tanks of Kyiv’s forces:

The situation also remained tense in the Bakhmut area direction, Kyiv’s forces continued active offensive operations in the direction of the E40 highway. In previous days, the armed forces of the Kyiv regime unsuccessfully tried to break through the defense of the Russians near Berhovka. On June 7, these attempts continued.

An official statement by Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu on the recent attacks of the Kyiv regime:

Today at 1.30 a.m. in Zaporozhye direction, the enemy made an attempt to break through Russia’s defence by forces of the 47th Mechanised Brigade numbering up to 1,500 men and 150 armoured vehicles.

The enemy was timely detected by the reconnaissance means and a preventive strike was launched by artillery, aviation, and anti-tank weapons.

In all four directions the enemy was stopped and driven back with heavy losses.

As a result of two-hour combat the enemy lost 30 tanks, 11 infantry fighting vehicles, up to 350 troops. Thus the specially prepared reserve forces of the enemy for this breakthrough failed to fulfill their mission.

Yesterday on  7 June 2023, the enemy lost 945 troops, 33 tanks, 28 infantry fighting vehicles, 38 armoured fighting vehicles, three Krab self-propelled artillery systems, and other armament.

Summing up developments of the last days, the Kyiv regime has not been able to achieve any breakthrough in its long-awaited ‘counter-offensive’ at any chosen directions. Despite this Kyiv still has an apparent advantage in the number of manpower mobilized for the conflict. So, it will continue to try to use it sending more and more waves of infantry and equipment in attempts to create a foothold to develop the advance deeper into the Russian defense at least at some parts of the frontline.


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such nice country side, nice day for a war i’d say.


oh my goodness. i did not think it was possible for an offensive to go this wrong. its like a video game where the ukrainians are ai set to easy difficulty. this is truly a slaughter of massive proportions.

Romanian yankee kurwa

the only gains all along the frontlines is on lobkovoe village where russians retreated into the second line of defense; same scenario like 3 days previously novadonetskaya: let enemy concentrate its armors into small space and let ka 52 to do the usual business. and artillery too. the rest will be done by the minefields. finally ukra kurwas will go back with huge losses.

Romanian yankee kurwa

also to be noted the professionalism of our pma which long ago predicted with 100% accuracy where the ukro fascist trash will throw the offensive: tokmak – melitopol axis with plenty of diversions !!!!! just rewind the messages here on sf 2 months ago and you will see that. tokmak is the first goal of the neohitlerist cocalanski junta.

Sunak the Stupid thinks UK can take on Russia

today anything big in the open is obsolete; warship, warplane, tank, armoured vehicle. replaced by submarine, drone/ missile and artillery + anti tank infantry.

but at the same time, you can’t do offensives without the big machines.

Last edited 1 year ago by Karl
Tommy Lee

how did you get your own avatar?

Joseph Day

what nato tactics. there only tactic is carpet bombing, and they can’t do that


so it would seem. the ukrainians are all just stacking their tanks in close proximity and all get slaughtered within mere seconds of each other. why america would sign off on this is beyond me but hey im glad they are making it easy for the russians.

Romanian yankee kurwa

do not underestimate the idiot ukroshits ! they will try again and again no matter how many thousands of dumbfuck hohol slaves will be buried next days ! ukropizdan have enough space to accommodate all bandera imbeciles in its soil. same was in artiomovsk, a useless waste of lives to please the masters from murican hellhole. satanism in it’s core.

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian yankee kurwa
Sunak the Stupid thinks UK can take on Russia

it’s sales. each old tank etc destroyed is a new one the nato taxpayers pays for to replace it. greed on the back of death and destruction; pure evil.

Erik Nielsen

try to face it. no matter what russia do, afu will forever be shelling civilians in donetsk in donbass.


nato ukrainians who dare crawl across the steppes to fight the righteous defenders of the russian way of life will only meet the ghosts of nazis of the past .

Romanian yankee kurwa

ukroslaves act like defect robots: for some hundred meters gains today and lost tomorrow ukroshit idiots canon fodder keep feeding the meat grinders in zapo lands. and many mercenaries mostly polish punk will remain forever in kukrainii reich, land of an imbecile people, to feed the next sunflower and wheat crops which will be sold as cheap toxic oil and flour in eu shithole.

Sunak the Stupid thinks UK can take on Russia

true. to take out the russia defenses would take months of patient planning, targetting with step by step advances. instead the ukros want to give the nato tv stations a spectacular blitzkreig offensive. result? a turkey shoot.


russia has made its choice. russia is imperialist and in the story it creates, others must recognize the country’s “great power status” and the right to place itself above the jointly agreed rules. but again we are faced with many options: how can russia lose the war and what will result if russia breaks up.


if you’re looking for proof that paid ukro trolls are posting here, refer to the article “nato equipment burning in steppe” where this dumb fuck accidentally posted with the wrong name attached to his profile picture and blew his cover. this retard has multiple personas on this website with which he spreads his propaganda.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
Ultrafart the Brave

elgar, elgar, elgar (if that’s who you really are)…

… a very intellectual contribution, you must be getting paid at least two pennies per post for your efforts.

of course, all the thinking people with any integrity out there (that’s not you, “elgar”, btw) understand that the “jointly agreed rules” are just the “rules based international order” where the american regime makes up whatever shit it wants to suit whatever games its playing at any particular time.

just saying.

V Molotov

hololistan now 2/3 size of former ukraine—all amereikan hillbilly and anxious terrified nazi retired janitors begging for prozac from taliban therapist


i love the smell of burning ukro-nazis in the morning!


they need to drop some guide bombs on some of these formations, if for no other reason than scaring the shit out of the afu. can you imagine being the guy behind the vehicle that got hit….


was that a leopard 2 they captured?

Florian Geyer

i certainly hope it was a leopard, lol.

God Is All Mighty

russian man dies after being mauled by shark off egyptian red sea resort. authorities close off 46-mile stretch of coastline after man attacked by tiger shark near hurghada.


is noone afraid of a fullscale war? ukraine gets more and more nato support. now we have reached the point of f16 fighters.

poland even wants to send its ground troops to ukraine if in vilnius there are no nato garantees for a full nato membership or security assurence of nato for the ukraine state. next step ww iii!

russia is fighting more and more the nato alliance not ukraine.


ukraine is the best america has to throw at russia. nato armies consist of effeminate men, gays, women and what have you. if they get anywhere near russian artillery and attack helicopters they’ll mass rebel and make all sorts of excuses why this is suddenly no longer their war. “it’s immoral for us to fight ukraine’s battle”, “we have to attend pride this month” etc etc.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

i also think nato is fighting actually against russia with the weapon named ukraine. however it’s maximum they can and are willing to do. to weaken russia as much as possible. and then as usual , announce victory and go home. i can’t imagine they would start the ww3 , not in these years with russian superior missile technology.


getting crushed and to the last ukrainian. hearing now words of nato boots on the ground. this would be insane for and directly involve attacks to the countries with men on the ground. a group of polish mercenaries on russian ground is a sign from the neocons and nato pshycos want to keep pushing. russia isn’t running out of missiles or munitions.


russia still has 500,000 to go on offensive after this turkey shoot. russia has now a trained army of reserves and combat army and these ukrainians for the better part didn’t think they were going to be thrown into a meat grinder so fast. us keeps hounding china again in taiwan straight and could see china having to do something preemptive very soon.


i have little military knowledge but why would you send your tanks in a column down a road with a hedge on one side? one, the artillery would surely be locked into those co-ordinates and two, you ability to manouvere is severely restricted or am i am i missing something?


1. desperation? 2. brainwashed megalomania of the commanders? , who are victims of their own propaganda ( like “russian scrap military can’t work properly”) 3. drug abuse in the ukrainian army? 4. maybe they know they have no chance , but the goal is not to win anything but only make a big noise.

Last edited 1 year ago by Darius

they know the western media would invert everything into victory. they believe , nato will finally have mercy with their ukrainians and fight the russians themselves , in the coming ww3 , as the nazi hohols pray for. they must only hold on , till the west starts this war.


30 tanks wow!!! so good russians


and that’s how natostan ends…not with a whimper but multiple bangs. please send all the shit you have natostan this is like clubbing pigs in a hole.


lo que se ve en los videos son columnas largas de veículos y tanques, bajo una rtillería que de a veces le atina a uno de los veículos, pero muchos de ellos simplemente huyen. por otro lado, se ve tan escasa la artillería que pare com si tuvieran solo 2 ó 3 cañones. ¿ qué no habría manera de poner 100 cañones ?

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