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Situation On Frontline In Second Half Of June 6, 2023. Russian Defense Minister Reveals Losses Of Sides

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Situation On Frontline In Second Half Of June 6, 2023. Russian Defense Minister Reveals Losses Of Sides

Kyiv’s equipment in sight of Lancet loitering munition

On June 6, Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu made an official statement on the situation on the frontline amid the ongoing ‘counter-offensive’ of the Kyiv regime.

According to the defense minister, during the 3 days of fighting in all directions, the losses of the Kyivb regime reached 3,715 troops, 52 battle tanks, 207 armoured fighting vehicles, 134 motor vehicles, 5 aircraft, 2 helicopters, 48 pieces of field artillery and 53 unmanned aerial vehicles. At the same time, a total of 71 servicemen died and 210 were wounded in repelling the Kyiv offensive. The Russian losses in military equipment were 15 battle tanks, 9 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 motor vehicles and 9 guns.

Russian Lancet loitering munition in action:

The full statement of Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu on the situation (emphasize was added by SF):

Over three days, the Ukrainian regime launched a long-promised offensive in different areas of the front, concentrating large quantities of hardware and manpower for this purpose.

On 4 June 2023, the 23rd and 31st mechanised brigades of the AFU attempted an offensive in five directions.

The enemy did not succeed in any of them and suffered significant losses: 300 servicemen, 16 tanks, 26 armoured fighting vehicles, and 14 motor vehicles.

On 5 June 2023, the Kiev regime attempted an offensive in seven directions with five brigades. The enemy was stopped and suffered even greater losses: more than 1,600 troops, 28 tanks, including 8 Leopard tanks and 3 AMX-10 wheeled tanks, 136 other military vehicles, including 79 foreign-manufactured ones.

The attempted offensive was thwarted, the enemy was stopped, and Russian troops showed courage and heroism in the fighting.

I repeat that the enemy failed to achieve its goals, and suffered considerable and incomparable losses.

The units of the 433rd Motorised Rifle Regiment of the 127th Motorised Rifle Division, the 37th and 60th motorised rifle brigades distinguished themselves in battles, displaying persistence and fortitude.

The 3rd Company of the 37th Motorised Rifle Brigade under the command of Junior Lieutenant Yury Zhelanov and the commander of the 1st Battalion of the same brigade Major Vladimir Polozhentsev showed special heroism.

The divisions, having appeared on a direction of the main attack, steadfastly defended the occupied positions and have caused considerable losses to superior forces of the enemy’s 37th Marine Infantry Brigade. Under the threat of being surrounded, Junior Lieutenant Zhelanov, being wounded, led his company to previously equipped defensive positions, where he successfully stopped the advancing enemy units.

The skillful actions of our Operational-Tactical, Ground-Attack and Army aviation should be especially noted. They employed 50 anti-tank guided missiles. As a result, 5 tanks and 29 other armoured fighting vehicles were destroyed.

All in all during 3 days of fighting in all directions, the losses of the AFU amounted to 3,715 troops, 52 tanks, 207 armoured fighting vehicles, 134 motor vehicles, 5 aircraft, 2 helicopters, 48 pieces of field artillery, and 53 unmanned aerial vehicles.

Unfortunately, we have some losses too. A total of 71 servicemen died and 210 were wounded in repelling the enemy offensive by the combined group of forces. Fifteen tanks, 9 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 motor vehicles, and 9 guns were hit.

Tonight, the Kiev regime committed another terrorist crime: the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Station facilities were blown up, flooding a large area. The purpose of these actions is reportedly as follows.

Having failed to succeed in the offensive operations, the enemy intends to redeploy the units and hardware from Kherson direction to its offensive area in order to strengthen its potential, significantly weakening its position in Kherson direction. The enemy has begun building defensive positions on the right bank of the Dnepr River, which indicates the intention to turn to defence there.

In order to prevent Russia’s offensive actions in this section of the front, the Kiev regime has carried out a sabotage, essentially a terrorist act, which has resulted in the flooding of significant areas and will have serious and long-lasting environmental consequences.

In addition, the release of water from the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station, according to available data, has been significantly increased, leading to even greater flooding of areas.

This fact proves that the large-scale diversion was planned in advance by the Kiev regime.

At the same time, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that the  Russian Aerospace Forces launched a long-range air-based high-precision weapons attack on one of the decision-making centers of the armed forces of the Kyiv regime.

“The assigned target has been neutralised. The goal of the attack has been reached,” the defense ministry said in the statement.

Artillery strikes on Kyiv’s armoured vehicles (the source claim that MaxxPro MRAP was among targets. This is yet to be confirmed):

The Russian side confirms fierce clashes between the Russian military and the advancing Kyiv regime forces in several directions:

Close to Artyomovsk [Bakhmut], four offensive attempts by the AFU 5th Mountain Assault Brigade towards Kleshcheyevka and the 77th Airmobile Brigade near Berkhovka (Donetsk People’s Republic) have been successfully repelled by the active actions of the Yug Group of Forces. The enemy was not allowed to bypass and cut into our defences.

The enemy losses were over 260 Ukrainian servicemen, 5 tanks, 4 armoured fighting vehicles, 4 pickup trucks, 2 Grad MLRS systems, 3 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems, 1 French-manufactured Cezar self-propelled artillery system, 1 U.S.-manufactured M777 artillery system, and D-30 and Msta-B howitzers.

In Kupyansk direction, the attacks, launched by aviation and artillery of the Zapad Group of Forces, have resulted in the neutralisation of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) near Novomlynsk, Kislovka (Kharkov region) and Rozovka (Lugansk People’s Republic).

In addition, the activities of four Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups have been disrupted. The enemy losses were 40 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 armoured fighting vehicle, 3 motor vehicles and 3 Grad MLRS.

In Krasny Liman direction, the attacks, launched by Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, as well as artillery of the Tsentr Group of Forces, have resulted in the neutralisation of the AFU units close to Kuzmino (Lugansk People’s Republic), Torskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were over 60 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armoured fighting vehicles, 2 pickup trucks, 1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, as well as Msta-B and D-30 howitzers.

In Kherson direction, the enemy losses were over 25 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 pickup trucks and 1 Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system.

Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have neutralised 84 artillery units of the AFU at their firing positions, manpower and military hardware at 114 areas.

Ammunition depots of the AFU 57th and 72nd mechanised brigades and the AFU 108th Territorial Defence Brigade have been destroyed close to Bogdanovka, Dobrovolye (Donetsk People’s Republic) and Shcherbaki (Zaporozhye region).

Footage by the Russian Defense Ministry showing the destruction of not-identified armoured vehicles:

The Russian military added that its air defense forces have shot down:

  • 2 Su-25 warplanes close to Babino (Kherson region) and Nikolskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic);
  • 1 Su-27 warplane close to Andreevka (Donetsk People’s Republic);
  • 2 Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters close to Novodovarovka (Zaporozhye region) and Vodyanskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).
  • As well as intercepted a Storm Shadow cruise missile, a HARM anti-radar missile, and 12 HIMARS and Uragan multiple-launch rocket system projectiles.
  • 19 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been eliminated close to Opytnoye (Donetsk People’s Republic), Kremennaya (Lugansk People’s Republic), Urozhaynoye, Tokmak and Pshenichnoye (Zaporozhye region).

It should be noted that Zaporozhye region remains among the hottest points of the frontline right now. The Kyiv offensive attempts are mostly focused on the sectors of Olgovskoe-Rovnopol, Novopol-Novodarovka, Velikaya Novoselovka-Urojainoe as well as in the areas of Novodonetskoe and Neskuchnoe. However, so far, all what Kyiv’s forces have not been able to achieve any notable success. The Russians keep all their key positions in the areas.

The situation was also stabilized in the Russian border region of Belgorod. The village of Novaya Tovoljanka, briefly attacked by Ukrainian raid groups, was secured, according to Belgorod Governor. It is possible that the recent attacks on Belgorod were an attempt of the Kyiv regime to distract attention of the Russian military from other parts of the frontline.

As of the second half of June 6, the fighting between Kyiv’s forces and the Russian Armed Forces continues in most of the aforementioned sectors. The first attempts of the Kyiv regime to advance have been repelled. Nonetheless, it still has enough manpower and military equipment to continue attempts to break the Russian defense. Kyiv and its foreign sponsors have been accumulating military equipment and preparing troops for this advance for a long time. Western diplomats openly send signals that they put a large stake on this large-scale offensive.


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threadly reminder that the sbu troll farm received a new directive to pretend like there is no offensive going on, but they will not address why there is suddenly hundreds of smoldering nato vehicles out in the fields. in their pathetic attempt to do damage control, they’re now actively manipulating the likes on the website as if it will revive their dead infantrymen 😂😂😂. the cope has not been this strong since the ghost of kiev days


how many dead ukrainian military personnel since the 2014 us coup in kiev?

Romanian yankee kurwa

around 186.000 kia. only. if we add the other looses kukrainii yankee colony nazi shithole have more than half a million casualties and the numbers are growing accelerated with every stupid attempts of those suicide monkeys to achieve something……


you are full of hate speech and insults that have no place in a civilized discussion. yu are clearly ignorant and prejudiced against the people of ukraine and their allies. stop making up numbers and facts that have no basis in reality. it is you the one who is suicidal and delusional to think that russia can win a war with lies and propaganda. stop spewing venom and nonsense and learn some respect and decency.


when we get respect? once we respect other ppl first only then you get other ppl respect you.


i suggest, maria, that you start to do what you are preaching.

Romanian yankee kurwa

i have no respect for the neonazi scumbags, killers of the russian ethnics of kukrainii colony shithole…..only because they vote always contrary to them; we can shit on your remark, and on your murican atlantic oral fuckers; and btw, i told some time ago, i have a relative in the romanian hq staff who knows exactly the real numbers of the kiev reich junta….so, fuck off hohol kurwa !!!

Florian Geyer

not enough rabid ukies have been transported to hell yet. :)


how can you call the 2014 revolution a coup, when it was a peaceful and democratic movement of the ukrainian people against a corrupt and oppressive regime? how can you ignore the fact that russia invaded and annexed crimea, and supported armed separatists in eastern ukraine, violating international law and human rights?


>a peaceful and democratic movement

except of course the hundreds of people who were burnt alive by molotov cocktails or shot, by the us sponsored pro kiev radicals 🤡🤡

>russia invaded and annexed crimea

oddly enough the people who actually live there seem to be of a different opinion. the only people who feel crimea is annexed just all happen to live in the west 🤡🤡

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
M from Romania

because if they say they were annexed in crimea, they suddenly jump out of a 4th story window :) just like the covid doctors … in soviet russia , jumping windows is a national sport


oh so the people’s referendum doesn’t actually count then. here’s an idea, why don’t we(america and it’s puppet states) instead decide on behalf of the entire rest of the world what’s good for them? oh wait, we’re already doing that. when we decided to invade vietnam, serbia, iraq, afghanistan, libya, syria and now also ukraine 🤡🤡🤡.

im sure the people of crimea are happy some deluded lunatics 10000 miles away are deciding on their behalf.


time after time it surprises me how ignorant people are about real events…

all real events can be found on these pages as videos by civilians. look at crimea: 90% ethnic russians who speak russian and the culture is russian. ukraine has no right to the area because no ukrainians have ever lived there.


the same applies to dontesk and luhansk regions. when the regions declared independence after the 2014 takeover, ukrainian artillery and air force began bombing the region. ethnic russians. what did you expect to happen?

when you look at the evidence: 14,000 dead in ukraine bombings before russian intervention – who violated human rights?


2014 coup: on these pages you can find plenty of material on how the usa armed militants. there is a documented debate on the matter in the us senate. videos filmed by civilians show how orders are given in english during a coup.

Peter Sembol

maria, you have it all wrong. the 2014 maidan coup was anything but peaceful and democratic movement. are you really that blind and indoctrinated? you obviously ignore the fact that cia agents who organized the coup were randomly shooting at people in the square, you ignore the fact that ukrainian nationalists burned alive over 40 people in odessa after chasing and clobbering them in the streets.

Peter Sembol

crimea was never part of ukraine, it was gifted to ukrainian ssr by nikita khrushchev strictly as administrative move, while retaining autonomy. donbas was gifted to ukraine by comrade lenin in 1922, disregarding the fact that great majority of its population were of russian heritage.

Peter Sembol

your ‘peaceful and democratic’ leader poroshenko vowed to kill all russian children in donetsk and luhansk after they were taking refuge in the basements of their homes from shelling by ‘peaceful’ ukrainian artillery.

Peter Sembol

poroshenko specifically proclaimed that russian children will be killed in their basements, while ukrainian children will go to school and live. i guess you also do not want to remember the fact that ‘yats was our man’ as declared by vicky ‘f-ck the europe’ nudelman. that’s democracy to you? puhleese!!!


i don’t like the diffamatory language used either; however, you can call it a coup because it was one. orchestrated by the us (and uk+). the regime now is more oppressive, i think. yes, there were people who thought they were fighting for sth. good. they have been deceived. the neo-nazi groups touted they were the ones who so it through.


it was neither peaceful, nor democratic, you slippery cunt.


back to respect which you mentioned earlier. where you should put you respect on that event.


putting unarmed police officers on fire is somehow peaceful demonstrations for you? it is very weird. can you tell me how you call burning people alive in odessa? picknick???


your comment is full of baseless accusations and false claims that have no evidence to support them. you are clearly biased and trying to spread misinformation and propaganda. there is no such thing as a “sbu troll farm” or a “new directive” to pretend anything. you is the one who is pretending and coping with your own failures and losses.

Last edited 1 year ago by Maria

we are all waiting patiently for you to provide the wonderful evidence that supports your true claims. please maria, take the time to enlighten us all.


there is no proof of any “smoldering nato vehicles” or “dead infantrymen” in the fields. sf is the one who is manipulating the likes on the website to make their lies seem more credible. sf is the one who is living in the past and ignoring the reality of the situation. sf should stop spreading hate and lies and face the truth.


yeah indeed there’s no proof of smoldering nato vehicles, except videos and photos of course but those don’t count🤡🤡😂😂

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

couple grainy and old videos shot by the phone from the computer screen. wow, it is so believable!


just another retard eh marti ? …. or is that wanna be smarti ? or maybe m&m’s.


no se si saben que se esta acumulando material y mano de obra, no se ataca con todo para destruirlas.


what is this? some pig gypsy diarrhea?


no small wonder that the “l0$er” in this 9 year war will continue to throw it’s men, women and children as fodder into the mix, even if it means sabotaging it’s own nuclear power facility!…

when all of this is over whether it ends in a nuclear all out brawl or not…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

… and if the human race manages to survive the very definition of “l0ser” will have the picture busts of biden, zelensky and the rest of g7 titular heads in every dictionary in the world for posterity!…

and by the way… “loser” with from here on out be spelled with a numeral “0” instead of the letter o and a “$” instead of the letter s for the rest of eternity in deference to who made it necessary for the change!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Igor Shiptarovic

if these numbers are correct then ukraine is doomed. its unheard of in military statistics 50:1 causalities. ukraine should crawl to the peace table at once. now when they have destroyed the dam, it would be appropriate for russia to make an offensive to the west – odessa and trap all the troops.


they now publish some losses, to keep some credibility. the russian losses in all likely much higher. i’d say 3:1… at times up to 10:1 perhaps. russian losses were pretty high initially. i’m interested in the real nature of the conflict. i’m devastated by any losses. i understand that ukrainians fight to defend their country, but also to controll what isn’t their’s really.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave

however, they’re ultimately fighting for the wrong people, the nato milliardaire’s mafia. i also understand russia’s reasons for invading. the war must end. it must end by negotiations. russia will not loose nor should they. this would be the bigger catastrophe. cede what has seceded, make peace.


with the 3 new hi-tech satellites the russians launched this year, they now see everything. as nato likes to call every new weapon, these satellites are the real ” game changers.”


yes, they are.

OTAN Drag Queen Hour

dying for the western satanic pedo trannies is a total waste of life


the russian defense minister general of the army sergei shoigu is an incompetent. he lets himself be ridiculed by an actor like zelensky.

Last edited 1 year ago by Caesar
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