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Six Syrian Intelligence Officers Killed In New ISIS Attack In Southern Deir Ezzor

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Six Syrian Intelligence Officers Killed In New ISIS Attack In Southern Deir Ezzor

Illustrative image.

On August 28, ISIS terrorists ambushed several vehicles of the Military Intelligence Directorate (MID) on the Deir Ezzor-al-Mayadin highway.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), at least six officers of the MID were killed by the terrorists.

Government forces have been engaged in clashes with ISIS terrorists in southern and western Deir Ezzor for the last two days. The clashes broke out when the National Defense Forces (NDF) had launched a new combing operation in the region.

The clashes have so far claimed the lives of 14 pro-government fighters and five ISIS terrorists, as reported by the SOHR.

ISIS terrorists are apparently attempting to expand their influence from the Homs Desert to Deir Ezzor. The terrorists are reportedly receiving support from U.S.-backed fighters in the area of al-Tanaf. Many of the fighters of al-Tanaf are natives of Deir Ezzor countryside.

More forces are need in Deir Ezzor in order to confront the growing threat of ISIS there. The Syrian military and its allies are yet to send reinforcements, however.


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Lux et Veritas

These are not ISIS or anything, the CIA is targeting the SAA and now even bringing in Saudi military in eastern Euphrates to create mayhem. The real problem that Russia will have to deal with is the US illegal occupation of Syria.


You can only lick Russian ass if you disinfect your Iranian snake tongue and ask them very politely to lick it !


Find Grinder yet? homosexual idiot.


How’s your Shia Islamic revolution lately? Everything all right the way you wanted? Have you ever heard about Sunni Muslims and their rights? Do you know that they are total majority in Syria and Shia Alevit sect tiny minority? What makes your Iranian position is Syria so strong?! Assad? But he is atheist, that is visible even to the blind ! He is SECULAR President of ALL Syrians not only of some tiny miority

Rafik Chauhan

shut the hell up you whabhi zionist scum. the day iran will leave syria . sunni of syria will kill each other . your isil and Alqaeda will destroy syria and will be shaking hands with israel and US. Sunni will be masscared on daily basis. your women will be rape by this brother of yours on daily basis and will be sold in sex slave market openly. it hink thats what you want. you whabhi cunt


Why would I want that?!! If all you say is truth …..(it can’t possibly be the truth) Lets say HYPOTHETICALLY you say the truth than in that case Syria is already totally destroyed country! No point for Russians to fight for country that is Iranian colony!! (that is how you present Syrians) Why fighting for the country whose Sunni population depends on Shia protection??!!?? (I think you are LIAR by saying that !)

Syrians must have referendum and if they vote for Iran to stay they should stay and if not than they should LEAVE ! See? Very simple ! Iran is NOT FIGHTING IN IDLIB so there is no real excuse for them to stay. I doubt very much that Syrian Sunni will kill all other Syrian Sunni when Iran leaves


What does that mean? the guy is right the US terrorists in Syria ARE the fucking problem,those Jihadi Apes wouldn’t last a week without the US.


I will not argue now about that. I will tell you only this and you try to meditate about the core of the problem in Syria :

Assad is President of ALL Syrians and not only president of tiny Shia minority.


If Iran leaves Syria I am sure that Trump would send the troops back home immediately


No it isn’t its the US fucking Reich,and Trump wouldn’t send his troops home if Iran left,and why should the Iranians leave? they are there because they know if Syria goes down they are next.


I was saying LEAVING in the SAME TIME American and them!

“and why should the Iranians leave?” To do HUGE FAVOR to Assad and why not? Maybe Syria can compensate Iran somehow and not only by “military base” but in some other way? I don’t know by giving them sea-port in Syria on Mediterranean or something! How the hell should I know there are many possibilities that country compensates other country…

Otherwise …If this war continues Syria will die as country…that is for sure …die at least for very big period of time.


So you prefer to lick Erdogan ass, mister polite perverse?…


Licking ass is French invention (like everything perverted) you people can’t help it, you like fun so much (not that I care )

I am an Orthodox Christian and as such I am NEVER friend of Turks under no circumstances. But there are some other people in Syria who start to become problem…who create only problems without giving solutions.


Orthodox Christian using so perverted language and homosexuals obsession…Your mind is confused…You’re like the Turkish


I never have said that all Orthodox are like me and I am not “perverted” I have learned in life when one meets rude people is the best to be even more rude than they are. Nothing else helps.

And all in that sense. I am human and I do permit myself to go to extremes only when I meet people of that kind. I am not saint, I’m sinner and I know that so no need to make story out of it. BUT I am not perverted, or pedophile or faggot or anything like that, I don’t do any of extremes. I’m just very violent in words with very violent people.


Maybe, but you’re agressive all the time. Like insecure…


I must be aggressive when I deal with the crooks and cheats of the worst kind that insult Russia all the time (yet pretend to be pro Russian) The same people now celebrate Erdogan and Turkey in total hipocrisy. For me that is unacceptable…

Anyways nobody is perfect my dear Francois not even you. Your comments are absurd and easy labels (that can produce anybody easily). You are trying to tell me that I have weaknesses and who doesn’t? Yours are just different but with weaknesses…Everybody has them and we are all different. This is pointless conversation and you feel self entitled to analyze and question me yet you as person are not reference in anything to anybody.


You are right. As for me I learnt in life that you should be agressive only in case of real danger. Otherwise, you won’t have the energy you need at the right moment. As for me whan I deal with Israëli o Khazar thugs, I me pleased to used precise and calm words so to achieve my goals…


You have point. Being moderate was always wisest of all options and to menage your forces for the right moment the most prudent way… I am at the crash course here and let those people to exchange the blows with me with only one objective in mind: to LEARN. To learn about others and myself also, about human duplicity and treason from all possible angles. And only way to do it is to throw a wrench into the hornet nest and taboo zone. And watch what will happen and who will manifest as friend and who as foe…And why. Only like that we can learn from real life like situations… It is far from pleasant but it is very useful experience


I have suspected for a long time those attacks are not ISIS Apes they are US and Nato special forces,until the pigs are dealt with in their bases expect more of this.

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunts are funding alCIAda with stolen Syrian oil, while the Saudi inbred cunts are funding the PKK. Erdogan needs to wake up, the Saudis entered Syria from Iraqi Kurdistan under Americunt protection.


A Turkey-Iran coalition would be a major progress for the Muslim world, but a Muslim Brotherhood-dominated NATO terrorist cuntry like Turkey can’t be trusted for shit, so that’s a crackpot dream as things are.


Don’t need to be the greatest military strategist or Machiavelli to realise how ISIS grew a major calipahte with oil trade going to Turkey and ISISrael under the US-led “anti-ISIS coalition” before 2015. It’s not like the global Ziocorporate terrorists have been hiding it.

Russia insists on ignoring this for some reason though.


I agree. I even go further. Mossad. Mossad supplies weapons.


America has brought complete disaster to Syria and a misery for its people.

Assad must stay

But the same is happening now for americans, its karma


Our investigative journalists know who is behind all this. Jew Coup who backs U.N. mandates. World domination. Black Panthers, Black Liberation Army, Weather Unground. Obama handprint. Two Jewish factions ate fighting for control. Bought off Ministers, Priests. Coming after Traditional Christians.

Assad must stay

who are you and your investigate journalists?

Servet Köseoğlu

Rest in pieces..avengers the movie is cool…


Sick animal.


Crypto Jew rat

Servet Köseoğlu

crypto armenian..lol

johnny rotten

This guy from Coventry or where the hell he pretends to be rattles off numbers that not even those on the spot know, agree that he is a spokesperson for MI666 but he should show a little more foresight in telling lies in a continuous cycle, he never goes on vacation ?


Fuck you Daesh no proof

Porc Halal

It’s ISIS aka islamic state…


‘Islamic State’ is a lame term. It has no meaning. Where is their state? They are NOT a ‘state and they have no ‘state’. Oh and ‘Isis’ was the Egyptian Goddess of magic, fertility, healing and rebirth.


Hahah what is ISIS you tell me and where it is, Daesh is how they called the long time now gone ISIL or ISIS on Arabic.

If you just google you will find what is what:

Daesh is used by many Muslims, who believe it better separates the group from their faith. While “Daesh” has no other meaning in Arabic, it is very similar to the Arabic word دعس‎ (Daes), meaning “one who crushes (or tramples down) something underfoot”.

For that matter there is no more Islamic State in Iraq or Syria, done gone destroyed, they are scum of dog shit called Daesh Terrorist cells. Noting more much less.

Lone Ranger

Time to bring out the Mi-24s and the TOS-1 again…

Zionism = EVIL

The Saudi cunts entered Syria from Iraqi Kurdistan and should have been hit by drones.


There is one thing that i never understood from day one of this war,first thing the Jihadis did was take control of all the border crossings from Turkey,that meant they could pour terrorists in convoys over the border and take oil and looted factories back to Turkey from Allepo,why the hell were those border crossings NOT targeted 24/7? and as far as i know after all these years some of those border crossings from Turkey Iraq and Jordan are still fucking open.


Daraa, between the Zicocorporate globalist invader terrorists of the US in Tanf and of the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine in the Golan invasion zone.

Russia and Iran can’t really expect Syria to be able to deal with US/ISISraeli Zioterrorist cover ops under the guise of ISIS by itself, Mossad and CIA alone have a bigger budget than the Damascus govt. per year. Hope those Russian cargo planes delivered useful gear to deal with this US/ISIS/Ziojew bullshit soon.


Only tiny minority in Syria are Shia Alevit sect

No other Shia exist there. So only they prefer Iranian presence in Syria. But nobody else really In other words, nobody really wants Iran to stay forever in Syria. Iranians are not helping SAA any more. Time for them to maybe go back home?

They can continue their Shia “revolution” back home. Persistent Iranian presence only creates bigger Sunni resistance.


From an Assadist https://mobile.twitter.com/AndrewBritani/status/1299320239281319937

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is where Iran has most of it’s men and equipment and Isis seems to be able to strike with impunity whenever they like, mmm, Iran can’t have anywhere near the numbers of fighters it says it does, not even half of them, because if they did this couldn’t be happening here. Come on Russia put an end to this BS, spill the beans on the reasons why the Iranians can’t stop Isis in their tracks, 150,000 fighters my arse, 50,000 more likely. When they say NDF do they mean the Sunni NDF or one of the Shia NDF, I’d like to know. And yes some of the US backed fighters from al-Tanaf are natives from Deir ez Zor but they didn’t help Isis when they were there, they actually killed Isis fighters, that’s what the Ghost’s of the Desert did, they hunted and killed Isis fighters, but who knows what they do now, they sell drugs and slaves, steal humanitarian aid from refugees, and defect back to Assad when the US try to arrest them for illegal activities, so maybe they do help Isis now, instead of killing them like they used too.

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