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Sleeping With The Third Reich: America’s Unspoken “Alliance” with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union

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Written by Prof Michel Chossudovsky; Originally appeared at Global Research

Sleeping With The Third Reich: America’s Unspoken “Alliance” with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union

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Prescott Bush was a partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co and director of Union Banking Corporation which had close relations with German corporate interests including Thyssen Steel, a major company involved in the Third Reich’s weapons industry. 

“…[N]ew documents, declassified [in 2003], show that even after America had entered the war [December 8, 1941] and when there was already significant information about the Nazis’ plans and policies, he [Prescott Bush] worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler’s rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty” (The Guardian, September 25, 2004)


Without US support to Nazi Germany, the Third Reich would not have been able to wage war on the Soviet Union. Germany’s oil production was insufficient to wage a major military campaign. Throughout the war, the Third Reich relied on regular shipments of crude oil  from US Standard Oil owned by the Rockefeller family.

The main producing countries in the early 1940s were: the United States (50% of global oil production), the Soviet Union, Venezuela, Iran, Indonesia, and Romania.

Without a steady supply of oil, Germany would not have been able to conduct Operation Barbarossa which was launched on June 22, 1941. The invasion of the Soviet Union was intent upon reaching and taking control of the oil resources of the Soviet Union in the Caucasus and Caspian sea regions: the oil of Baku.

The Unspoken Question. Where did Germany get its oil from?

Prior the December 1941, Texas oil was shipped on a regular to Nazi Germany.

While Germany was able  to transform coal into fuel, this synthetic production was insufficient. Moreover, Romania’s Ploesti oil resources (under Nazi control until 1944) were minimal. Nazi Germany largely depended on oil shipments from US Standard Oil.

The Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) occurred barely six months after the launching of Operation Barbarossa (July 1941). The United States enters World War II, declaring  war on Japan and the axis countries.

Trading with the Enemy legislation (1917) officially implemented Sleeping With The Third Reich: America’s Unspoken “Alliance” with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Unionfollowing America’s entry into World War II did not  prevent Standard Oil of New Jersey from selling oil to Nazi Germany. This despite the Senate 1942 investigation of US Standard Oil.

While direct US oil shipments were curtailed, Standard Oil would sell US oil through third countries. US oil was shipped to occupied France through Switzerland, and from France it was shipped to Germany:

“… for the duration of the Second World War, Standard Oil, under deals Teagle had overseen, continued to supply Nazi Germany with oil. The shipments went through Spain, Vichy France’s colonies in the West Indies, and Switzerland.”

It should be noted that a large share of Nazi Germany’s oil requirements was met by shipments out of Venezuela which at the time was a de facto US colony.

Venezuela’s US sponsored (War-time) president General Isaías Medina Angarita (May 1941 – October 1945) was there to protect US oil interests as well as “trade with the enemy” from the onset of America’s entry into World War II in December 1941:

John D. Rockefeller Jr. owned a controlling interest in the Standard Oil corporation, but the next largest stockholder was the German chemical company I. G. Farben, through which the firm sold $20 million worth of gasoline and lubricants to the Nazis. And the Venezuelan branch of that company sent 13,000 tons of crude oil to Germany each month, which the Third Reich’s robust chemical industry immediately converted into gasoline.

While Medina Angarita’s government pressured by Washington in the immediate wake of Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) remained officially neutral (de facto aligned with the US, while breaking its relations with Nazi Germany), oil shipments out of Venezuela to Germany were not discontinued. In a rather unusual twist (bordering on ridicule) Venezuela declared war on Germany in February 1945, when the war was almost over.

Without those oil shipments instrumented by Standard Oil and the Rockefellers, Nazi Germany would not have been able to implement its military agenda. Without fuel, the Third Reich’s eastern front under Operation Barbarossa would most probably not have taken place, saving millions of lives. The Western front including the military occupation of France, Belgium and The Netherlands would no doubt also have been affected.

The Franklin D. Roosevelt administration could have taken adopted severe sanctions against Standard Oil with a firm decision to enforce a blockade against Nazi Germany.

The US was not committed to peace: Washington’s unspoken objective was not only to destroy the Soviet Union, it also consisted in undermining Britain’s role  as an imperial power.

Let us be under no illusions. Without the oil shipments instrumented by US Standard Oil and its subsidiaries, Nazi Germany’s imperial design could not have been undertaken.

You cannot wage a war without fuel.

America had been “sleeping with the enemy” throughout World War II.

America’s objective was to destroy the Soviet Union.

Flash Forward to 2019

The European Union has recently adopted a resolution  entitled “Importance of European Remembrance Day for the Future of Europe which reinforces an earlier declaration (September 23, 2008),

The resolution contends that the Second World War:

“was started as an immediate result of the notorious Nazi-Soviet Treaty on Non-Aggression of 23 August 1939, … and its secret protocols, whereby two totalitarian regimes that shared the goal of world conquest divided Europe into two zones of influence”

This is an absurd statement which distorts history. It intimates that Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were allies.

It denies the fact that the Soviet Union was the object of Nazi aggression resulting in more than 25 million people killed (more than 10 percent of the population).

The resolution turns the realities of history upside down. The Soviet Union played a central role in defeating both Nazi Germany and Japan, Moreover, there is ample evidence that the US was sleeping with the enemy largely with a view to destroying the USSR and killing its population.

US oil shipments to Nazi Germany (until 1944) were intended to support Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa resulting in millions of deaths. In this regard, the US was complicit is extensive war crimes by supporting Nazi Germany’s military endeavors.

The broader picture of US-Nazi Cooperation

Selling fuel to Nazi Germany was one among several strategies envisaged by the US.

American business interests continued to cooperate with Nazi corporations after Pearl Harbor.

No attempt was made to prevent Ford from retaining its interests for the Germans in Occupied France, nor were the Chase Bank or the Morgan Bank expressly forbidden to keep open their branches in Occupied Paris. It is indicated that the Reichsbank and Nazi Ministry of Economics made promises to certain U.S. corporate leaders that their properties would not be injured after the Führer was victorious. Thus, the bosses of the multinationals as we know them today had a six-spot on every side of the dice cube. Whichever side won the war, the powers that really ran nations would not be adversely affected.

“Wiping the Soviet Union of the Map”

As early as 1942 (at the height of World War II), a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union had been envisaged. According to a secret document (declassified) released on September 15, 1945 (5 weeks after Hiroshima):

the Pentagon had envisaged blowing up the Soviet Union  with a coordinated nuclear attack directed against major urban areas. … The Pentagon estimated that a total of 204 atomic bombs would be required to “Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map”. The targets for a nuclear attack consisted of sixty-six major cities. (For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 10, 2017)

Sleeping With The Third Reich: America’s Unspoken “Alliance” with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union

A single atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 resulted in the immediate death of more that 100,000 people.

Imagine what would would happen if 204 atomic bombs had been dropped on all major urban areas of the Soviet Union. This diabolical project formulated while the US and the Soviet Union were allies was tantamount to genocide.

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Probably the only reason Stalin stopped conquering Europe etc.


Stalin did not have such plans


The Bolsheviks did, and Stalin was partners with them.


Trockists did, Stalin and Bolshewiks did not have such plan.


One of the Soviet ministries was the spread of Bolshevik Jew ideology with it’s genocidal practices that you shill for to Europe and beyond.


I was born in a communistic country, but there was no terror. There was more freedom, more social justice and more love between people than now in capitalism.


Stalin and the Jews, including Trotsky, were trying to export the red terror and communism to Europe before you were born and were blocked by Hitler who crushed their evil plans. Hitler had his own issues. But he prevented the Soviets from doing to Europe what they did to the USSR.


The Russians purged Russia of 95% of the Jews after what they did. That’s one of the reasons that eastern Europe was spared the Jew terror after the war.

Toronto Tonto

Russia and Germany together started WWII , Russia is a terrorist Nazi state .


No, western Hitler and poland did when they have invaded Czechoslovakia.


This is the only major crack in the integrity of SouthFront. The constant dribble of Bolshevik & zionist propaganda from ages ago. Hitler and Assad had the same problem, the world banking system. Both will be vilified by history because of who writes it. Sure the German Miracle had businessmen from around the world hoping to invest (much of the world was in a depression). But it was the US who sent money to Russia to modernize their military to fight the Germans. It was Uncle Joe, & the closet commie FDR that sat together plotting. How do you expect others to see past the lies if you continue to peddle the past lies of your enemies?


Hitlers support form the west is accurate and well known. West did want to direct hitlers agresion towards east, that is why west betrayed Poland and Czechoslovakia and gave them to Hitler. Hitler was a project of global oligarchy with the intention of destroying the idea of a just society. Of course both coups in Russia in 1917 were organized from abroad and lenin was a puppet of global oligarchy just like Marx, that had the task of leading the idea of a just society in a wrong way, which would later help to defeat and discredit the idea, but Stalin was not a puppet. He took USSR out of global oligarchy control and that is why they had to send Hitler. Hitler as a project went out of control when he attacked France. The rest is known….


Stalin was by far the greater evil. And the genocide that he wrought on the Russian and Soviet people was far worse than what Hitler did to the Jews, to the extent that it even happened. Hitler, despite his faults, prevented the Jews from doing the same thing to Europe.


I do not agree at all. During Stalins era 642 000 people were sentenced to death. The 60+ milions death in Gulags were made up by traitors such as Solzhenicin and others. Even what is called Stalins purge was not really a Stalins purge……


You’re irrational. Mass murdering millions of innocent people is a crime against humanity. Stalin and his Jews were very evil criminals.


Nope. Its you that dont have enough information on this subject to make an objective conclussion, thats why you fall for the primitive wesztern anti Stlin propaganda. There is many good books about the real Stalin and his fight against the global oligarchy and trockists. Why dont you read some?


The Russian and Ukrainian governments and dozens of governments worldwide from across the political spectrum disagree with your disinfo. This is just the tip of the iceberg. When you add in the mass starvations and other killings it’s far higher.

“After the Soviet Union dissolved, evidence from the Soviet archives became available, containing official records of the execution of approximately 800,000 prisoners under Stalin for either political or criminal offenses, around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulags and some 390,000 deaths during kulak forced resettlement—for a total of about 3 million officially recorded victims in these categories.[al] However, official Soviet documentation of Gulag deaths is widely considered inadequate.”

– Mass killings under communist regimes –


Stalin and his Jews were brutal mass murderers. Almost none of these people would have been killed in almost any other country on the planet at the time. Or in Russia and the USSR if the government had been run by more humane people.


Its no suprise that ex soviet republic, that found them self to be US vassals from 1991 on issued anti soviet statement. However no mass murders under Stalin took place. Stalin was tough and he sent many traitors and criminals to death or to gulags. But all of them happened becuase of the fight between Stalins socialism and agents of global oligarchy infiltrated into soviet politics and command structure. Stalin eventualy managed to send to gulags those who opened gulags with the intention of killing russian people. Do you really want to relly on wikiCIApedia for such a critical historical events?

Regarding the hlodomor in western Russia, Belarus and Ukraine in 1933 it was not intenional. Why would Stalin intentionaly kill milions of people when he knew Hitler is going to attack him and killing people will make USSR to have less soldiers and much less loyalty to USSR? That was coincidence of bad planning, bad weather and western sanctions on USSR. NikolaJ Starikov published very good analysis of the situation, look it up.

Regarding the restlement of Crimean tatars Stalin actualy saved that nation by doing that and yet you acuse him of punishing them? How strange. Let me explain. Crieamn tatars were traitors that colaborated with nazis. They cause many civilain causalties while red army fought elsewhere and nazis occupied Crimea. After Red army reached Berlin and ended the war its soldiers would return home. Those who would return home to Crimea would find their women and children killed and tortured by crimean tatars colaborating with nazis. How would they take it? They would definatelly get mad about it and blody revenge on crimean tatars would happen. Therefore Stalinactualy saved them from that revenge by relocating them into Siberia.

Please read more before making conclusion next time. You are not going to get to tohe truth without rading both sides of the story. You need to read Russian authors and even the pro soviet ones to find the truth. In terms of social statehood USSR is the highest point of civilizational evolution mankind has ever achieved.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written or posted with credible evidence. Whereas I’ve clearly disproven what you’ve posted.


how? by posting wikipedia? Are you serious?


There are hundreds of original sourced reference documents that are linked to and footnoted. Many of them Russian. You haven’t disproven any of them, Russian or otherwise.


hunderds of sources saying the same. Those who dont say the same lies are left out of wikipedia.


If they’re all so wrong you shouldn’t have any trouble disproving them. You haven’t even tried. Because they’re true and you can’t.


the fact that you dont believe my points is given by your ideological opinion that was forming for years. No matter what i say you will not believe me, cos one of the hardest thing is to give up your own opinion and find it to be untrue in the face of new information available to person. Therefore you will not believe the truth even if tell you how it really was. I used to have the same opinion as you on the USSR before i done my own research. I actualy wrote a book about it.


I go by the evidence. You haven’t provided any.


The Russian government disagrees with you. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/08/05/article-0-0228C5D500000578-204_468x401.jpg http://static.kremlin.ru/media/events/photos/big/CbeAUkDQVMPfv5PwXzeBuoYtAeCALumo.jpg http://static.kremlin.ru/media/events/photos/big2x/SbJ6GmWVKgXKAOoA11WPjpSaiX3Ua0i8.jpg


Putin does not have free hands in this matter. But he said also that the USSR colapse was a tragedy. He would have not said that if it was the evil empire would he? Why dont you rovide some information reacting to the facts i presented to you instead of some pictures?


The USSR changed after Stalin.

Dejudification 1945 to 2010



The kulaks were farmers not Tarters.

The USSR was exporting food throughout the famine while it starved it’s people to death:

“The “liquidation of the kulaks as a class” was announced by Stalin on December 27, 1929.[8] The decision was formalized in a resolution, “On measures for the elimination of kulak households in districts of comprehensive collectivization”, on January 30, 1930. The kulaks were divided into three categories: those to be shot or imprisoned as decided by the local secret political police; those to be sent to Siberia, North, the Urals, or Kazakhstan, after confiscation of their property; and those to be evicted from their houses and used in labour colonies within their own districts.[8]

The combination of the elimination of kulaks, collectivization, and other repressive policies contributed to mass starvation in many parts of the Soviet Ukraine and the death of at least 7 to 10 million peasants in 1930–1937.[8] …

Export of grain and other food …

Cereals (in tonnes):

1930 – 4,846,024 1931 – 5,182,835 1932 – 1,819,114 (~750,000 during the first half of 1932; from late April ~157,000 tonnes of grain was also imported) 1933 – 1,771,364 (~220,000 during the first half of 1933;[52] from late March grain was also imported)[53] Only wheat (in tonnes):

1930 – 2,530,953 1931 – 2,498,958 1932 – 550,917 1933 – 748,248″

– Causes of the Holodomor –



another wikipedia article? Are you serious? Who do you think control wiipedia? People? Get real. USSR during the hlodomor urgently needed machinery and technology to prepare for Hitlers attack. USSR wanted to pay with gold and resources. But th west put sanctions on USSRs export of glod and resources and said he would only buy grain from USSR. This was done precisely to cause famine in USSR and to turn population against the soviets. That forced Stalin to agree to export grain and just wish the harvest would not be bad that year. Unfortunaltely harvest turned out to be extremely poor that year, which together with kulaks refusing to join forces with the state and help feed the people who are preparing for Hitlers attack resulted to the hlodomor. Kulaks would rather burn thousands of tonnes of food than to help the state.


You don’t even know a Tarter from a kulak. And have provided ZERO proof to support any of your claims or to disprove anything that I’ve posted. All of the material that Wikipedia cites is open source public record. You’ve disproven none of it.


of course i know. But when you mentioned resetlement for the first time you did not say who do you mean so i assumed you mean the tatars, which is the more famous resetlement case. Any serious researcher or history profesor will tell you DON NOT USE wikipedia. I actualy have university degree in history so your propaganda lies (i am not saying you are lying, you just believe those lies) based on wikipedia do not bother me much. I am a little shocked though that someone visiting fortruss media actualy uses wiki for info…..


The comment that you replied to clearly states 390,000 KULAKs.

Hitler wasn’t even in office when the famine occurred.


sorry i did not see the kulaks part. Hitrler was in the office from january 1933 few month before the hlodomor (main part of) took place. Hitler wrote about attacking USSR all the way back in 1925 in Mein kampf.


So you admit that Stalin and the Jews deliberately starved millions to death by exporting food. Rather than feeding the starving.


It was obvious that the west is puting Hitler in the office or that they will find someone else to attack USSR. Therefore Stalin and USSR had to prepare. Which part of me saiyng they had to rely on a good harvest did you not understand? Which part of “kulaks were burning food rather than to help feed the people” did you not understand? How is that deliberate?


Stalin and the Jews were exporting food throughout the famine while they starved millions to death rather than feeding them.


i am giving up on you. Just dont die dumb.


Your a shill for mass murder.


Yes, Hitler was a bulwark against the Jew’s genocide of Russians and Soviets led by Stalin that they were trying to force on Germany and the rest of western Europe and Hitler and the Nazis prevented it.


“Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Stalinist-era Gulags, or concentration camps, including the camp system directors Matvei Berman and Hershel Jehuda.”

– Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union –



You are an idiot, the reason why there were so many deaths in Russia is bacause there was a revolution followed by a civiel war and both were supported by the west. The western jews like Rothchild had their hand in it too, imho. After the revolution western elites were scared that their own people would throw them off like the russians did in Russia and that’s why they have acted like they did against the soviets. The greatest evil here are the western elites.


You’re a truth hater. It’s a simple historical fact that Stalin and his Jews were brutal mass murderers. And they would of done, and were trying to do the same thing in Germany if Hitler and the Nazis hadn’t prevented it.

“”there is very little in the record of human experience to match the violence unleashed between 1917, when the Bolsheviks took power, and 1953, when Joseph Stalin died and the Soviet Union moved to adopt a more restrained and largely non-murderous domestic policy”. ”

– Mass killings under communist regimes –



BS uparalleled mass murder, nonsense, two sides have fought each other and the winner had to do everything to stay in power and also make sure that no other revolution backad by the west would become a reality, all of that has happended in 1917 ia westerns doing, they habve used everything to weaken Russia, after supporting the bolsheviks they have supported other groups to wreck havok in Russia, personally i am not a fan of what happened after 1917 but the fact that the ruling party before that were no saints either is a FACT and they have brought that on themselves with their stupidity. Communism has got nothing to do with it, if the whites that were supported by the west would have done thatsame thing would have happened to the reds,. In any case the west deserves retribution, it should be taken appart and burned for what it has done.


Read my comments to Nosferatu on this thread. The numbers speak for themselves.

“the Russian Empire which started with the abolishment of monarchy in 1917 and concluded in 1923 after the Bolshevik establishment of the Soviet Union”

– Russian Revolution –


The vast majority of the deaths from political repression occurred after the revolution and civil war was long over. And the Jews were up to their eyeballs in it. What Stalin and the Jews did was far worse than the Russian Empire. And wouldn’t have happened if the Russian Empire hadn’t been overthrown. It would have modernized without the genocide that happened instead. You’re a shill for mass murder just like Nosferatu.


You really do not know what you are talking about, citing some shitty wikipedia page , that is mostly filled with bias and half truth, you are just another western garbage liar that is trying to rewrite the history, like those fuckers at EU parlement with their resolution about blaming the WW2 on Stalin and HItler when in fact it’s them who armed hitler and sent off to fight SU.


Writting an obnoxious false accusation rather than providing credible evidence disproving anything that I’ve posted shows that it is you not I who is the truth hater and liar.

If what I’ve posted is as false as you claim. You shouldn’t have any trouble disproving it. You haven’t even tried. Because it’s true and you can’t. So you vent your frustration with lies and vulgarity. You’re a liar and a loser.


Lol, thew only looser here is the west and make no mistake you are still going to pay for all of your mistakes and crimes commited against the russians.


The Russians got rid of 95% of their Jews because of the genocide that they committed against them. Your blame shifting attempt doesn’t change that. Judaism needs to be abolished and the US and the rest of the planet dejudified to correct the Jew problem that is the root cause of many of the planet’s problems.


What lies is Southfront peddling? Chomsky’s article is accurate as far as it goes, which isn’t far enough. Because he doesn’t address why the West was supporting Hitler. Which was as a counter measure to the genocide of 20 million plus Russians and Soviets by Stalin and the Bolshevik Jews. Who were trying to do the same thing in Europe. But Hitler wouldn’t let them and crushed them instead.


The writer of the article (Chossudovsky) is the son of a Russian Jewish émigré, the career United Nations diplomat. I wonder if he has a bias towards the Bolsheviks, Communist USSR, & the zionist lies of WWII? It’s hard to fight the Greater israel Plan if you post it’s agents on your website. End ZOG, Free Syria!


Hitler was a project. Global politics can not be explained by the “jews do everything” theory. learn more….


Jews don’t do everything. But they do alot and have collaborators.


Sionism is of course a big problem worldwide, but it is not the root of all problems….


You’re changing the subject. The problem is the Jew criminal’s crimes. Not socialism.


The European’s had watched what the Bolshevik Jews and Stalin did to Russia and the Soviet Union for decades. A genocide, one of the worst in history, that far surpassed the holocaust, to the extent that it even occurred. The Nazis prevented Europe from falling to the same Jew menace. Which they were actively trying to implement until the Germans crushed it.

Judaism is an evil gangster cult that needs to be abolished for the betterment of humanity.

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