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Slovakia Is Ready For Talks To Hand Over MiG-29 Fighter Jets To Ukraine: PM

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Slovakia Is Ready For Talks To Hand Over MiG-29 Fighter Jets To Ukraine: PM

MiG-29AS ‘0921’ at Kecskeméti Nemzetközi Repülőnap 2010, flown by Lt. Col Marian ‘Buker’ Bukovsky, 7 August 2010. By Wikimedia user KGyST.

Slovakia is ready to start talks on delivering its MiG-29s to Ukraine once Kiev has officially asked for the fighter jets, Prime Minister Eduard Heger said on February 10.

The Eastern European country has been providing military support to Kiev forces since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine last year. Last April, the country sent its only S-300PMU long-range air-defense system to Kiev.

“The Ukrainian president asked me to deliver the MIGs. Now, because this official request has come, the process of negotiations can be started,” Heger said.

According to the PM, negotiations will be both internal and also with the European Commission, because Slovakia could have the delivery reimbursed.

The Slovak Air Force operates nine MiG-29AS fighter jets and a single MiG-29UBS trainer which it inherited from the Czechoslovak Air Force. The fighter jets were upgraded by Russia’s RAC MiG and Western firms.

The MiG-29s were equipped with navigation and communications systems from Rockwell Collins, an identification friend or foe system from BAE Systems, new glass cockpit features multi-function LC displays and digital processors and also fitted to be integrated with Western equipment in the future. However, the armaments of the fighter jets remain unchanged.

Slovakia’s defense minister Jaroslav Nad said the country no longer needed the jets and it could either sell them somewhere else, or give them to Ukraine where the planes could help. The minister noted that no decision had been taken yet.

The country ordered 14 F-16V fighter jets from the United States in 2018 to replace its MiG-29s. The first planes are expected to arrive some time in 2024.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said earlier this week that he had heard from several European Union leaders at a summit that they were ready to provide Kiev with fighter jets. The move will likely keep the Ukrainian Air Force operational and provoke Russia. However, it will not change much on the battlefield.



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Cuban Mike

Easy prey for Russian air defenses.

Vitamin Protein

Putin should “Ora, Ora, Ora” Zelensky lol


US installed government doing everything it can to ruin Slovakia as a viable state. An instant public lynch of Soros´puppets, majority of them Jews, is needed to remove threat for population the majority of which supports Russia.


Yes.Most people suport rusia but we have some braindead people in slovakia.Nonstop propaganda in tv,radio on internet.Its sad


Its that way just about every where. Problem is not the woke jokes running the show the problem is us…the worthless wonder fucks who allow it….


When a plane from a NATO country enters the territory sky off Ukraine, Russia can shoot it down and it is an act of war against Russia. Nato can not complain because they are taking the risk helping the criminals in Kiev.


On one hand all the western weapons kill russian troops, on the other hand trickles of mlrs, patriots, tanks and if they get to it f16s allows russia to face every western system in battle. With no real threat to Russia over all. It would be valuable to learn from. It will cost NATO dearly if there is ever a fight. If Russia continues to pussy foot with Ukraine thats on Putin. At this point he needs to man up and get it done. Make the air force go to work use your advantages in helos and vdv and start the large scale bombing of cities , industrial sites and all infrastructure…. failure to send message to NATO now is blood in the water for sharks.



Sorry, but you are laughable, yes utterly ridiculous. As you obvoiusly still haven t realized that Putin and USA are working together. USA and Russia are controlled by the same hook-nosed ZOGs arseholes as Europe is. These disgusting demons, called jews, want to eradicate the atlantic white civilization in a whole. That’s why the want to make the christians fight christians , the muslims fight muslims, the christians fight muslims and vice versa. The whole etnic white folks are their target. The hook-nosed demons stir up all the wars. They are behind it. Merkel, Zelensky, Pootin, Zhirinoswsky (real name: Vladimir Wolfowitz Eidelstein), Duda (Feigenbaum), Kissinger (real name Avraham ben Elazar), Lagarde (EZB), Sarkozy they are all jews or devoted puppets of their jewish masters (and Macron likely too is a jew). USA was in cahoots with Russia in WW1 and in WW2. They do not fight each other, they just play this game – to rob other nations more easily. Winning war is not the aim. The aim is killing as much as possibly white christians from USA to Europe to Ukraine and Russia. By war, by mRNA death jab injections, by globo-homo lgbtq-agenda, by poverty, poisonous food, mass-immigration etc. etc.

Get it nearly all the today so-called world-leaders are part of the NWO.

Likely Taliban are the only ones who are not. If you realize that everything becomes clear to you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
Chris Gr

You are confusing Illuminati capitalists with Jews.


I do not think they work together i think it’s different branches or familys having some kind of civil war using gentiles which they both do not give a damn about.

Chris Gr

Israelis and Jews in general are kind of strange. They supported Serbians against Bosniaks but they also supported Azeris against Armenians.


It is interesting to seee that the bosnian muslims back then were advised by the french jew BHL while at the same time having bin ladens al quaida and the iranian revolutionary guard fighting for them.

But since the bosnian serb president dodik today has a jewish adviser and good conections to isreal i think it went all within the interests of isreal.

Chris Gr

Probably it was because the Serbs helped the Jews during the Holocaust. On the other hand, some Jews consider Armenians as Amalekites.


Demilitarizácia Slovenska pokračuje v plnom prúde. Po skončení besnenia a šafárenia tejto liberálno-fašistickej vlády bude Slovensko úplne bezbranné. Dobrá práca, idioti!!! A toto si dokázali ľudia na Slovensku zvoliť. Smutné!!!


Slovakian government and president are NAZI corrupted pro EU and US politicians. Most of Slovakian people do not want a war, but they do not know how or do not have enough power to broke this NAZI circle.


If 10% of these planes are functional I would be shocked.


Well it is slovakia not germany. Or do the slovaks share the trait to let their military rot with the germans?


If you want laugh more, we are going to buy MANTIS Air Defence System to replace that S-300…


I’m getting slightly frightened. When not if Russia destroys all of the NATO systems East of the Elba in the next month or two then NATO really is dependent upon Russian magnanimity for her future agai.


Old tech, they probably believed that a Tom Cat could destroy 5th Gen planes after watching top gun maverick and thought these old planes could do the job.

Christian Chuba

In other words, ‘U.S. mafia shakes down Slovakia. to avoid using their own money’


Slovakia is Central European country not Eastern European. So is Poland and Czechia. Name ‘Eastern Block’ was used in reference to soviet Warsaw Pact – it is gone. Central Europe is the place of future prosperity and decision making of the EU. Slavs: Mono-ethnic, hard working people already created best places to live in the EU. Once Ukraine and Belorussia join the EU, it will become the United States of Europe – most prosperous place on Earth. There was always place for Russians to join us – Slavs, for some reason Russians choose Germans rather than Slavic brothers for cooperation… if Nord Stream was connected to Poland this would be a different story… Sorry guys – you were betrayed by Germans – exactly like during ww2…

Chris Gr

I believe most Germans are supportive of Russia because they are both emerging powers.


I am sorry you may be a western slav but you are not a westerner in the sence that western rulers see it. It is interesting that the warshav pact / nato borders resembled the historic slavic borders in europe minus romania and hungary. The question is if this had a purpose or just coincidence but it basically destroyed the pan slavic idea and drove the other slavs into the arms of the germanic countries (germany, france, belgium, luxemburg, netherlands, austria, denmark, sweden, norway) the so called “EU-Core” or “orignial Nato-countries”. And this conflict now destroys what is left of the orthodox world. In the end all slavs and orthodox people will “understand” that they were wrong to not want to be ruled by the germanics/ westerners. Somewhere somebody is eating caviar and say “i love it when a plan comes together”.

Chris Gr

Germans are not westerners but central northerners.


Yes they were a central power thats why the sowjets, usa, brits and french decided together to cut its east off and give it to poland and russia while in the same process moving poland further west and giving parts of it to ukraine and belarus. It is no longer a connection between the west and the east it was cut off the east and subordinated to the west. It’s leaders are all groomed by the usa to lead in their interests and not develope a independent central european position ever again. Now another nation who could serve as a conection is transformed into a wall build by hatred and forged in war … ukraine. There must be no bridge between east and west it seems.

Nato was created from the first moment on to reach this goal let me quote former general secretary Ismay Hastings “to keep the russians out, the americans in and the germans down”.

Chris Gr

In the end of the age, Germany will rise on the European front and Iran will rise on the Islamic front. And these two will fight.


What kind of germany would rise a arab muslim one? Cause the germans i know do not want to fight for anything. Well the greens want to fight to get us back to mediaval times but thats all.

Chris Gr

The new elite that is rising in Germany. After all, Alexander the Great had only 35.000 soldiers in the beginning and look at what he did.

Captain Hohol

Slovakia is in talks to throw away their jets that they cannot afford to replace because Ukraine.


How they can get spare parts for Mig 29?


All equipment send to ukraine is a waste of effort and effectie disarmment of the nations who are giving it away. Russia will neutralize ukrnazi airfields with long range missiles once these planes arrive. Most of them will be destroyed on the ground.before ever being able to take off

Big Ted

More real live pilots to be slaughtered by Russia’s air defense systems. The live action feeds quality data for future Russian AI.


Congratulations on the lobyists and managers of the us military industiral complex. Far to long have those pesky eastern europeans refused to give up their sowjet stuff and buy good american products. Now one by one they are pressured to send their sowjet stock to ukraine and buy american products.

Respect to the poles to buy south korean tanks (with production in poland) instead of american or german ones! Whenever they can ignore their hatred and fear of russia for one moment they make sane descisions just like when they denied the push to lgbt and arab and african migration.

If poles act smart and are not dragged into the war they might leave the declining europian-nato/ eu unscathed and be the center of a new central european faction with the vishegrad group + romania and the baltics and what ever configuration ukraine will have after it. So they could grant protection to ukraine without the latter beeing part of nato or eu.

Chris Gr

Poles dislike Germans, Ukrainians and Belarusians also, not only Russians.


Ukrania has not for now enough pilots for those plane, and must trained them a long time

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