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MARCH 2025

Smerch Heavy Rockets Were Used In Recent Strike On Oil Traffickers In Northern Syria (Photos)

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Smerch Heavy Rockets Were Used In Recent Strike On Oil Traffickers In Northern Syria (Photos)

Illustrative image of the BM-30 MRL from Algeria.

BM-30 Smerch rockets were used in the recent strike on oil traffickers in Turkish-occupied areas in the northern countryside of Syria’s Aleppo.

The strike, which took place on March 5, targeted facilities and equipment of oil traffickers in the towns of Tarhin and al-Himran. Four people were killed and more than 200 oil tankers were destroyed.

On March 7, the White Helmets shared new photos from Tarhin. One of the photos shows the booster of a BM-30 300 mm rocket, most likely from the 9M55K-series which is armed with a cluster warhead.

The BM-30 heavy multiple launch rocket system (MLRS), which is known to be in service with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), can fire rockets with ranges up to 90 km.

Smerch Heavy Rockets Were Used In Recent Strike On Oil Traffickers In Northern Syria (Photos)

Click to see full-size image

The large-scale strike was conducted by the SAA and Russian forces. Several OTR-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles were used in the strike. According to some sources, at least one 9K720 tactical ballistic missile was also employed.

The missile strike was the most recent in a series of operations meant to hinder the smuggling of illegally produced oil between northeastern and northern Syria. Both Turkish-backed militants and the Syrian Democratic Forces benefit from this trade.


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johnny rotten

A damn heavy artillery that can hit up to 70km, with 300mm caliber can do very well without balistic missiles.

Arthur Deodat Jr.

Interestingly we see white helmets at oil theft hub. They are allways immaculate dressed and never dirty of work. Every one ready! Camera rolling…

Jens Holm

They dont have the same traditions as You.

Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect. A 155 mm good one can hardly hit a football field in the range of 20 kilomter.

It would be nice Your comment at least was supported by at least one link.

Shooting that far is possible, but You also has to include dont bring little explosion.

So if You really want to hit, You instead has to send dousins of relative expensive grenades.

Give us a link, where We and I am wrong…

Supreme Blyat

Teach’em, Jens!

Jens Holm

I hate and love this site.

Supreme Blyat

I spend lots of time on Tinder and other similar sites while at work and when girls don’t like me I jump immediately here to meet other sad people. the Depressives Anonymous for me :)

Jens Holm

People sometimes write their memoires and no one read them.

5 years ago I was very ill and for some months had to stay more or less home.

But I found Youtube and its music. Suddenly I remembered a lot because of the music. Its very strange so much can be zipfiled in Your brain.

I even remembered bad things and some shame on me.

I can recommend that. You get a lot of old music, You thought You had forgotten. Its much better then memoires made for people remebering back, when they are grey and need oxygen upstairs.

I even was at discoteqe in Berlin, where the pop group named doors was played firt time there. It was “just show me the way to the next whisky bar” and by Ourteachers asking the people at the entrence we were allowed to have two beers – And I got a kind of drunk after the first one.

I will look up Tinder. Maybee I can get a new wife having cleaning as a hobby.

Ole Johansen

The Chinaman is making a mistake here, not letting his arms gain some realshit experience.

A little bit of everything they have, that are not the latest and greatest can be thrown at the oilthiefs and terrorists.

Harry Smith

Chinese are traders not warriors. Why fight if you can buy the winner in the end.

John Brown

Yes well the Chinese thought that way before in the 1800s, which led to their great humiliation and total defeat and conquest by Jews “the Sassoons” in the Zio opium war. China went from a first world country to a third world country as racist supremacist Jews enslaved the Chinese population and looted China’s wealth with their Zio opium slave trade.


won’t happen again.


china isnt strong still unfortunally they still are way to mercantile

John Brown

China is strong economically and on their way to becoming strong in military terms but still rely on Russia for military protection from a Zio nuclear first strike. Once the have at least 600 nuclear warheads deployed on SLBMs and around 400 intercontinental land based ICBMs they will be the military equal. of the USSA slaves of the Zio empire.

Mercantile economics is why China has a strong economy instead of following Zio globalist economics to become slaves of the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship .

Jens Holm

Another brownie from the behind of John Brown. Ha ha.

Mercantile economics is why China has a strong economy instead of following Zio globalist economics to become slaves of the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship .

I feel fine about. Give me a link for something better :)


if china and iran had their position changed than way before modern age rome would have won and east asia would be the resistance in history up until this point and palestine wouldnt have existed long time anymore

Jens Holm

It makes no sense at all. Arabs took Persia. Mongolians took Persia too.

You also forget the volume seize was a big problem for Romans and they partly collapsed themself.

Your fanatisme about Iran is devastaing for the area around it. Yesterday You even wrote the Pakistanis should speak Farsi. What a joke. More people there speak Pashtun then any speak Farsi.

It by that would make more sense all in Iran started to learn Pashtun.

The same fgoes for Arabic. Why dont Your kind all speak arabic. By that Ypu also would learn better, that so many m,illions of them dont like Your kind at all.


still gaza of today is the same resisting gaza which already in the past many times resisted against the usual suspects also rome having been one among those

Jens Holm

Its exact the same for all the small coastal states, which were there. Syria had no coast at all.

Jens Holm

Its a very one eyed version. China already was very weak all over, when others came and made most things even worse.

I think You also should see fx how Britts and others treated their own people. It wasnt better. Potato na dIreland is a very visible example.

And we see the results today. So many went to north and south america. So many went to south africa, Australia, new zealand. You also has to add the many from non western countries as well as fx Caucasus.

Of course its important to write about it, but only very few became rich where I live. We were por and many were not even allowed to leave thir villages.

Supreme Blyat

Which one, the first or the second?

John Brown

Do you know about the Sassons?

Supreme Blyat

Heard a thing or two about them, sup?

Harry Smith

Great humiliation of China was not because of underestimating of enemies but because of weak central power.

Jens Holm

The chinese devellop themself and mainly has succes with it.

By that they – if needed – can build military forces and do.

Thats what mainly is wrong with many countries. They attack each other and forget to take well care of its citicens. Some not even create simple jobs to help themself.

China makes the cake to share for all in the world bigger. Here we see most are in Muhammed and Communist mode, where its more important to steal from each other.

Supreme Blyat

A bigger cake =/= a tastyer cake, some people doesn’t like slavery.

Servet-i Funun Literature

Ultimate Assad regime areospace/cosmic forces once again itchy to get rected.Releasing Control Art Restriction Systems 3…2…1. Approval of situation A recognized; commencing the Tomahawk Invocation. Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent.


sure how many industrial cities will turkey lose in near future is the question and how many hits does it take for turkey to collapse like a house of cards because you should know by now that it takes more hits on syria than you could deliver for it to be defeated by the likes of you


Turks and their proxies are ignorant of the ground based concentrated firepower Russia and SAA can unleash against them with pinpoint accuracy using EW and a variety of artillery, SPG, long range MLRS ant tactical surface to surface missiles.

Jens Holm

The difference between them is, that Turkey is in KEEP mode.

Assad must stay

totally correct


The 9M55K cargo rocket with 72X 9N235 fragmentation submunitions is designed to engage concentrations of infantry and light vehicles in open terrain or light cover. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d6ef55b8b56de6052d61966f4eade592172064cb5c69d7c75ad11a464040fccf.jpg


how is the precision nowadays?


Some better than others? This is an area coverage weapon with unguided submunitions released at some altitude above the target hopefully. It was reported that 200 oil trucks where taken out by a mix of rockets, this Smerch rocket would be good at that. There is also a version with semi guided anti tank munitions for top down attack with parachutes.:)


an order of our leader is that our weapons have to have pinpointed precision so i guess the aim of iran is different from russia because unguided non precision rocketry is kind of hard to get into iranian doctrine


Does every sentence of your reply have to be on a separate post? Just asking. :) Not every target is an exact GPS location or hard target. Iran has a different military doctrine, it’s main priority is not land combat on it’s land borders.

Jens Holm

agree in both.


the entire priority of the army is exactly that and training for exactly such an event btw land sea and air combat on irans own borders is what the army is about


iam just saying that artillery rockets against tank formations for example are more useful if you can guide them while unguided are kind of depending on lucky shots probably e/o seeker head would be useless but gps and laser guided ones would be quite effective

Jens Holm

I think all try to optimize. Russia use many heavy conventional bombs, becayuse they ar ebest to the price.

Itan are rather small in the military world and the target often are far away. So they have chosen what You say.

But Im sure the Iranian infantery is supported by many many of the ordinary old ones. They need heavy support in attack as well as defence.


its the same with unguided bombs and unguided artillery they either have to be upgraded or they are sold and replaced

Jens Holm

Yes, many of them. Its about distance as welkl as some have no other choise

You still can makes barrages


60 meters precision is even to much error for ballistic missiles when it comes to irans doctrine nowadays


100 meters 10 meter 5 meters 1 meter?


around 60 meters precision?


Turkish backed oil thieves are more disappointed. :DD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a63dc2481a97bf07af91e9cf5eaf3f95e3d293dd4f49142b7f6b4db65e1063c.jpg


i just checked out the calibre iran has fajr 5 and its unguided therefore only the navy was allowed to use it but there is work on seeker heads aswell as there is already a gps guided version


cant disagree that the calibre is interesting


If the Syrians can’t have access to their own oil, this is the next best thing.


Submunitions steel rain, you sow these submunitions bomblets over a large area.

Oliver Eitel

its just artillerie not a crusemissile! for that it is very accurate…compaired to western counterparts…I read 850KM range….wow if the NATOships come to close and get a salvo of that they are toast as well….they aren’t able to intercept them….


There’s a satcom guidance upgrade available to hit armor and vehicles in motion.


In this instance – for the targeting of truck-tankers fully loaded up with extremely flammable/ highly volatile crude oil – around 60 metres is probably more than good enough for accuracy, as any white-hot pieces of high velocity shrapnel will do the trick!


maybe they should try a few of those on the yankee-twats in the north east of syria and if they happen to strike a few sdf:s, never mind, they are of no use to anyone.

Jens Holm

And a horse with 8 legs are double as fast as one with two legs.

Supreme Blyat

They, who?


Have you ever seen such a clean civil defense officer, like this White Helmet guy on this photos? Pure staged propaganda. It seems that the White Helmets are back now after the Demonrats took power again. What a surprise.


I’m surprised they were even brought back after being exposed as doubling as terrorists. I guess they need their faces rubbed in the evidence again.

Jens Holm

The world is full of surprices. Biden actally promised to support Qaidas a little more again.


The US-NATO axis political leaderships; a.) assume their public are both very gullible and/ or easily confused on foreign policy issues: b.) however, when public does prove skeptical about aggressive interventions those same leaderships will simply resort to doubling down and bashing public over head with same old trite propaganda tropes ad naseum (‘butcher-dictator!’ / ‘mad dog of middle east!’ / ‘chemical attacks!’): c.) and the leaderships know they control the MSM who will rinse and repeat it all in mass media, largely unquestioned, and any real questioning dissent will have few avenues for mass exposure (this is why US has pursued Wikileaks so hard for so long to shut this paradigm development down). Sad but true – and despite avalanche of evidence that White Helmets are simply a UK intelligence psych-operation, for promoting and stage-managing anti-Syrian sentiment in western media, many in west who should know far better by now still took it at face value.

Jens Holm

Haha. Washing Yourself and Your equipment is not propaganda, where I come from.

They dont care about someone like You. Whatever they do You will write something is wrong with them. You max count as fertilizer but only after You are ded. Today You are nothing.


Hope you don’t get paid for this level of trolling – it is very lame – and very bad value.

Icarus Tanović

Oh, they did them really good.


So, concludes soviet weapons are indeed far more accute than assumed by the cia/purists,no?

Good work,stop theft of syrians,lest not fk ass about wait for fake allie messiahs to save syria! Then?

Repeat hit incident in iraq on usa convoy (fake)of course cia hired fake messiahs say we hit,ha,ha

usa will then lbomb syria for sure,wipe out a few of them,but hey they are cia,martyres stay tuned!

Harry Smith

What CIA assumes and what it publicly says are two different things, at my point.


Soviet design weapons are more accurate because upgraded by Russia. There are even guided rockets (more precision) option used by Smerch. ….White helmets looking for fried kebab.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Apart from the 200 destroyed trucks they now have to replace, which will cost them a pretty penny, I think they’ll also have to have to pay their drivers even more now, because I’m pretty sure there won’t be as many drivers willing to play chicken with the Russians if this sort of thing keeps happening. :] 200 X 50,000 US dollars comes to 10 million US dollars, but finding another 200 replacement trucks and willing drivers will be their biggest problem. :]


Syria having to shoot itself in the crotch, to get rid of the fleas. Most unpleasant. Trail of destruction.

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