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MARCH 2025

Sober or Not Sober – German TV and Poroshenko’s Reputation

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German media is so unbiased that they are ready to defend Poroshenko in any case

Sober or Not Sober - German TV and Poroshenko's Reputation

Originally appeared at Vineyardsaker.de, translated by Dagmar Henn for SotuhFront

Mr. chocolate king will be very grateful – German public tv channel WDR really shouldered the effort and wrote a protest note to the Russian embassy, because a Russian tv-channel (not Russian government) had reported Poroshenko had been drunk on a flight to Moscow, referring to a WDR-employee.

Let´s ignore that this image of Russian media is quite weird; it seems to be WDR´s conviction that they are completely controlled by the Kremlin (but where would they get their propagandistic nonsense then, for which they always refer to Echo Moscow and such), and let´s do as if it is plain truth that this employee never said anything alike (what I can´t check anyway).

That still leaves two questions unanswered: first, why does WDR consider it so important, whether Porko is a barfly or not, that they actually employ diplomatic channels, and does it do the same everytime, who ever the barfly in question, or is it some kind of a special Poroshenko honour guard? And second, does WDR honestly believe to convince world public with such a senseless and embarassing action that Poroshenko isn´t a barfly, even though not just his famous video with „our children will go to school, their children will be in the cellars“ is quite a strong indication for it, even the video of his speech in the UN general assembly raises doubts how much of his daily time he passes sober?

Or is the protest due to the fact that WDR doesn´t want to be put in connection with this really shocking and explosive revelation?

Or is it some kind of subversive strategy to inform German politicians, who still court Mr. Poroshenko,  in an innocent way that his accountability is submitted to certain limitations Just, if they missed this first, discrete hint for the completely clueless by an obviously relatively small Russian tv station

What ever may be the truth, I´m sure the Russian embassy enjoyed reading this letter of protest as much as I enjoyed reading this article. Great that tv doesn´t transmit smells. Otherwise we would have missed all that fun.

(And, yes, all the corporate media dived into this story with fervor; because it proves how evil Russian propaganda is… just check German news for Poroschenko…)

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